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The cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida.

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Date Issued:
Author's account of his journey on the Montauk to the West Indies and Florida, which set sail February 21, 1884 and returned May 3, 1884.
Title: The cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida.
Alternative Title: Cruise of the Montauk.
Name(s): McQuade, James
PALMM (Project)
Type of Resource: text
Genre: Text
Issuance: monographic
Copyright Date: 1884
Date Issued: 1885
Publisher: Thomas R. Knox
Place of Publication: New York, N.Y.
Physical Form: electronic resource
Extent: xv, 441 pages, 31 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, music ; 22 cm.
Language(s): English
Summary: Author's account of his journey on the Montauk to the West Indies and Florida, which set sail February 21, 1884 and returned May 3, 1884.
Table of Contents: Ch. I. Outward bound -- Ch. II. Washington's birthday -- Ch. III. The storm -- Ch. IV. A harbor reached -- Ch. V. Bermuda -- Ch. VI. Hospitable Bermuda -- Ch. VII. At sea -- Ch. VIII. Basse Terre -- Ch. IX. St. Kitt's --Ch. X. Among the islands -- Ch. XI. The lone bird -- Ch. XII. St. Pierre -- Ch. XIII. Martinique -- Ch. XIV. Sunday in Martinique - Ch. XV. Musical musings --Ch. XVI. Port of Spain -- Ch. XVII. Trinidad -- Ch. XVIII. Through the Caribbean Sea -- Ch. XIX. Cura¸coa -- Ch. XX. Cura¸coa, continued -- Ch. XXI. Religious services -- Ch. XXII. Port Royal-Kingston -- Ch. XXIII. Jamaica -- Ch. XXIV. Into the Gulf of Mexico -- Ch. XXV. Sunday vs. Sabbath -- Ch. XXVI. Havana -- Ch. XXVII. Cuban customs -- Ch. XXVIII. Mr. Poynings Roggster -- Ch. XXIX. Florida -- Ch. XXX. Home again.
Target Audience: general
Identifier: AAA3228QF00011/15/200108/04/200515803BfamIi D0QF (FCLAZ), 0263303 (FOFT), FHP C CF 2001-11-15 (DNX), FCLA url 20020224xOCLC (snx), 49492078 (oclc), CF00001559 (IID), 2557419 (digitool), ucf:6968 (fedora)
Note(s): Electronic reproduction. [Florida] : State University System of Florida, PALMM Project, 2001. (Florida heritage collection) Mode of access: World Wide Web. System requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software; Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print PDF files. Electronically digitized by the University of Central Florida from a book held in the Main Library at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.
Subject(s): Montauk (Yacht)
West Indies -- Description and travel
Bermuda Islands -- Description and travel
Florida -- Description and travel
Economics and Society: Post-Civil War Florida, 1865-1913 -- Business, Agriculture, and Tourism, 1878-1897
Description and travel
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Host Institution: UCF
Original Title: The cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida.
Is Part of Series: Florida Heritage Collection.
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