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Talking Back: Mathematics Teachers Supporting Students' Engagement in a Common Core Standard for Mathematical Practice: A Case Study
Predictors of School Engagement for Females with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
Supporting Middle School Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders in Blended Learning: A Fraction Intervention using Virtual Manipulatives
Effects of a Mathematics Graphic Organizer and Virtual Video Modeling on the Word Problem Solving Abilities of Students with Disabilities
Examining the Social Interactions of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Virtual Environment
Implementing Gameplay Skills to Increase Eye Contact and Communication for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorder and Comorbid Disabilities
An Examination of Movement between Preschool and Kindergarten Classrooms for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities
Using Bug in Ear Feedback to Increase the Accuracy of Discrete Trial Teaching Implementation
The effects of the combination of interview practice in a mixed-reality environment and coaching on the interview performance of young adults with intellectual disabilities
Coaching in an Interactive Virtual Reality to Increase Fidelity of Implementation of Discrete Trial Teaching
An examination of inclusive education in schools operated by the Jordan field of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
The Lived Experiences of Elementary Students with Disabilities Self-Advocating Through Speaking and Writing
An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study of Student Awareness in Expressing Emotions and Identifying the Emotions of Others: Through the Mirror Looking Glass
Analysis of Commercial Online Training Videos for Teachers who Instruct Students with Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Impact of Video Modeling Combined with Skillstreaming Teaching Procedures on the Social Interaction Skills of Middle School Aged Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Examining Preservice Teachers' Performances and Pedagogies of Practice in an Urban Classroom Through the Use of a Simulated Learning Environment
Literate Citizenship: The Culture of Literacy in Inclusive Middle School Social Studies Classrooms and Students with Intellectual Disabilities
