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Use of Integrated Training Environments to Sustain Army Warfighting Proficiency in an Era of Constrained Resources: Understanding What's Required to Win the First Battle of the Next Conflict
The Relationship Between DNA's Physical Properties and the DNA Molecule's Harmonic Signature, and Related Motion in Water--A Computational Investigation
Analysis of Alternative Convoy Route Patrol Procedures for Countering Improvised Explosive Devices Deployed During Asymmetric Warfare in Afghanistan-like Rural Settings
Live Versus Virtual: Cost Benefit Analysis for Applying Simulation Towards Army Aviator Flight Minimums
Limitations of Micro and Macro Solutions to the Simulation Interoperability Challenge: An EASE Case Study
Modeling Learner Mood in Realtime through Biosensors for Intelligent Tutoring Improvements
Human Factor Effects of Simulating Battlefield Malodors in Field Training
Homologous Pairing Through DNA Driven Harmonics - A Simulation Investigation
Harmony: An Architecture for Network Centric Heterogeneous Terrain Database Re-Generation
Understanding the Capabilities and Limitations of Advanced Interactive M(&)S: A Cricothyroidotomy Simulation Case Study
GPU Ray Traced Rendering And Image Fusion Based Visualization Of Urban Terrain For Enhanced Situation Awareness
An SoS Conceptual Model, LVC Simulation Framework, and a Prototypical Implementation of Unmanned System Interventions for Nuclear Power Plant Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Mitigation
Examining Emotional Responses to Effective Versus Ineffective Virtual Buddies
The effect of Curriculum Organization on the acquisition of Abstract Declarative Knowledge in Computer Based Instructions.
Complementary Layered Learning
