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- Title
- Creator
Williams, Franklyn, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between racial identity development and career thoughts for Black seniors at an urban high school. The available population was 557 Black senior students at a high school in Orange County, Florida. With respect to this population, socioeconomic status, influences on career interest, parental level of education, parental occupations, post-secondary intentions, and plans to take the SAT or ACT were some of the specific demographic...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between racial identity development and career thoughts for Black seniors at an urban high school. The available population was 557 Black senior students at a high school in Orange County, Florida. With respect to this population, socioeconomic status, influences on career interest, parental level of education, parental occupations, post-secondary intentions, and plans to take the SAT or ACT were some of the specific demographic variables that were analyzed. Results from a variety of simple regression analyses revealed significant positive relationships between Black seniors' perceptions of their racial identity development and their career thoughts. By way of simple regression analysis, the five variables (domains) of the Black Racial Identity Attitude Scale were analyzed in relation to the three variables (domains) of the Career Thoughts Inventory and demographic variables. With the exception of the internalization stage of Black racial identity development, statistically significant relationships were found between each of the stages of Black racial identity development (preencounter, encounter, and immersion /emersion) and the measures of the Career Thoughts Inventory (decision making confusion, external conflict, commitment anxiety). Results of the data suggest that individuals in the preencounter, encounter, and immersion /emersion stages of Black racial identity development will have moderate to high scores with respect to decision making confusion, external conflict, commitment anxiety, and negative career thoughts overall. In other words, the less developed one's racial identity, the greater the likelihood of a higher degree of negative thoughts about career and career choice. As well, the results, for the most part, supported the proposed hypotheses. This initial investigation should be replicated using a large sample size and other statistical analyses in order to ascertain more and in order to more accurately determine the nature of the relationship between racial identity development and career development for Blacks.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000320, ucf:46301
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Johnson, Nicola, Hayes, B. Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between Black and White 9th grade suburban students in regard to career indecision and certainty, and to determine what relationship exists between career indecision/certainty, motivational level, locus of control, and attributional style. The sample size of this study was 95 ninth grade students from a Seminole County high school in the state of Florida. Some of the demographic variables taken into account for this study were...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between Black and White 9th grade suburban students in regard to career indecision and certainty, and to determine what relationship exists between career indecision/certainty, motivational level, locus of control, and attributional style. The sample size of this study was 95 ninth grade students from a Seminole County high school in the state of Florida. Some of the demographic variables taken into account for this study were student socioeconomic status, involvement in special programming at school (i.e. Exceptional Education, or Advanced Placement), parental education level, and parental occupation. The data in this study was collected through the use of the Career Decision Scale (CDS), Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire-Revised (CASQ-R), Children's Nowicki-Strickland Internal External Locus of Control Scale (CNISE), and the Five Item Polarized Motivation Scale. The results of this study came as a result of the use of an ANOVA and Mann Whitney test, as well as a series of simple linear regression analyses. The ANOVA and Mann Whitney test determined if there was a difference in career indecision/ certainty level based on race. The linear regression analysis compared the variables of career indecision/certainty, motivation level, attributional style, and locus of control to uncover any predictive relationships. Post hoc analyses were also conducted to determine if the variables of motivational level, locus of control, attributional style, and career indecision/certainty are predictors for race. The results of the data indicate that there is no statistical significance between race and career indecision between Black and White students. Also the results uncovered the only predictive relationships among the variables existed between career certainty and motivation, career indecision and attributional style, and locus of control and attributional style. The post hoc analyses uncovered that race cannot be predicted by any of the variables in this study. This study is exploratory in nature and should be replicated with the use of a larger sample size to further explore this phenomenon.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001632, ucf:47191
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Mejia, Ximena Elizabeth, Grant Hayes, B., University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study investigated the impact that sandplay therapy sessions had on Mexican farmworker women's mental health status and resilience attitudes. The participants of this study were 40 women who were born in various states in Mexico and presently reside in rural Central Florida. Twenty women participated in the control group and twenty women participated in the treatment group. The impact sandplay therapy has on participants' mental health status was measured by Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45)...
Show moreThis study investigated the impact that sandplay therapy sessions had on Mexican farmworker women's mental health status and resilience attitudes. The participants of this study were 40 women who were born in various states in Mexico and presently reside in rural Central Florida. Twenty women participated in the control group and twenty women participated in the treatment group. The impact sandplay therapy has on participants' mental health status was measured by Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45), which assesses progress in therapy; and Resiliency Attitudes Scale (R.A.S.), which determines resiliency attitudes. The study also includes twenty participants' transcriptions of their individual sessions to illustrate the experiences of Mexican farmworker women with sandplay therapy. Pre and post-tests revealed a significant impact on mental health status and resiliency attitudes on the treatment group. In addition, participants also reported their own conceptualization of resilience that points to the integration of social networks, community resilience, solidarity, and hope.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000037, ucf:46139
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Misconceptions About Educational Psychology Among Pre-Service Teachers.
- Creator
McAfee, Morgan, Boote, David, Hayes, Grant, Vitale, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Misconceptions are widespread or commonly held beliefs explicitly contradicted by empirical evidence. When teachers harbor misconceptions or unjustified beliefs about teaching, learning, and human motivation, the potential pedagogical consequences are profound, and these inaccurate beliefs may be instilled into future students through ineffective teaching strategies and gross misinterpretations of learning science. While existing research has examined misconceptions about general psychology...
Show moreMisconceptions are widespread or commonly held beliefs explicitly contradicted by empirical evidence. When teachers harbor misconceptions or unjustified beliefs about teaching, learning, and human motivation, the potential pedagogical consequences are profound, and these inaccurate beliefs may be instilled into future students through ineffective teaching strategies and gross misinterpretations of learning science. While existing research has examined misconceptions about general psychology and neuroscience among various populations, no prior work has evaluated pre-service teachers' misconceptions about topics of educational psychology, comprising inaccurate beliefs about teaching, learning, and human motivation. The purpose of this research is to describe the development and validation of a scale to measure misconceptions about educational psychology among pre-service teachers. Employing an experimental 2 (scale: true/false, six-point Likert-type) x 2 (valence: positive, mixed) x 2 (order: true/false presented first, Likert-type presented first) factorial, repeated measures design, a randomized experiment was performed to systematically evaluate the conditions under which the proposed scale for misconceptions of educational psychology performed best. As expected, the Likert-type scale was more sensitive to detecting misconceptions relative to the true/false scale. However, contrary to extant research on the valence effect, mixed-valence scales outperformed the positively-valenced scales across conditions indicating that misconceptions are best measured with a Likert-type response format using a heterogeneous mix of positively- and negatively-valenced items rather than a homogeneous set of positively-valenced items. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007051, ucf:51969
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Lewis, Sally, Robinson, III and B. Grant Hayes, E.H., University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study elaborated on the development of school counselor's feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs and how self-efficacy affects school counselor's roles with students with special needs. More specifically, this study addressed a number of topics in researching the impact of pre-service training, experience and in-service training for Professional School Counselors (PSCs) on their feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs....
Show moreThis study elaborated on the development of school counselor's feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs and how self-efficacy affects school counselor's roles with students with special needs. More specifically, this study addressed a number of topics in researching the impact of pre-service training, experience and in-service training for Professional School Counselors (PSCs) on their feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs. This study will present a historical review of the development of Professional School Counselor roles. In addition, an analysis of the development of comprehensive developmental guidance programs in schools and suggested frameworks was conducted including students with special needs. Also, conducted were reviews of studies conducted with Professional School Counselors (PSCs) regarding their roles with students with special needs, their feelings of preparedness, and their training; and reviews of several studies of counselor education programs in the area of special needs training and experiential opportunities offered. Lastly, the pragmatic and theory base for self-efficacy found in the literature was explored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between experience with special needs, pre-service education and in-service training regarding students with special needs and counselor's self-efficacy and roles they perform with students with special needs. The research for this study was conducted by survey at the Georgia School Counselor Association's fall conference in Atlanta, Georgia; the South Carolina School CounselorAssociation'sfall conference in Columbia, South Carolina; the North Carolina School Counselor Association's fall conference in Greensboro, North Carolina; and Florida School Counselors on Survey Monkey. The participating states counselors also had access to the survey via the internet based survey service Survey Monkey. 410 PSCs from Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida completed the survey. 372 of the surveys met completion criteria and were included in the survey results (N = 372). Results of a factor analysis, a descriptive statistical analysis and a multi-step regression indicated the relationship between the five of the ratings and their combinations of self-efficacy and time spent in performing roles with students with special needs had a statistically significant relationship as measured on the survey. The two types of experience and in-service quality had a statistically significant relationship with the combination rating of self-efficacy as measured on the survey. The research question is: Does pre-service training, in-service training and experience have an impact on professional school counselor's self-efficacy and whether or not they perform a role with children and adolescents with special needs. The following statements are the hypotheses for this research: There is a relationship between the two types of experience as measured by rating on the survey, pre-service training and in-service training as measured by quality and quantity on the survey, their self-efficacy in working with students with special needs as measured on the survey, and the roles that PSCs perform as measured by the frequency that they perform roles on the survey.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003160, ucf:48613
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Closing the Gaps in Professional Development: A Tool for School-based Leadership Teams.
- Creator
Sampayo, Sandra, Boote, David, Hayes, Grant, Vitale, Thomas, Flanigan, Jacquelyn, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The field of professional learning in education has been studied and added to extensively in the last few decades. Because the importance of learning in authentic contexts through professional dialogue has become so important, high quality, school-based professional learning is vital to building capacity at the school level. Unfortunately, the literature on professional development (PD) does not provide much guidance on how to bridge theory and practice at the school level, creating a gap....
Show moreThe field of professional learning in education has been studied and added to extensively in the last few decades. Because the importance of learning in authentic contexts through professional dialogue has become so important, high quality, school-based professional learning is vital to building capacity at the school level. Unfortunately, the literature on professional development (PD) does not provide much guidance on how to bridge theory and practice at the school level, creating a gap. With the goal of PD ultimately being to improve teacher performance and student learning, the problem with this gap is that school-level professional development is arbitrarily planned, resulting in variable outcomes. I propose the reason for this is schools lack a comprehensive framework or tool that guides the design of a quality professional learning plan. This problem was identified in Orange County Public School and this dissertation in practice aims at developing a solution that accounts for the district's specific contextual needs. My proposed solution is the design of an integrative tool that school leaders can use to guide them through the professional development planning process. The School-based Professional Learning Design Tool incorporates the professional development standards in planning, learning, implementing, and evaluating outlined in the Florida Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol. It also guides leaders in taking an inventory of the culture and context of their school in order to plan PD that will be viable given those considerations. The components of the Tool guide teams through assessing school teacher performance and student achievement data to help identify focus groups; determining gaps in learning through root cause analysis; creating goals aligned to gaps in performance; and selecting strategies for professional learning, follow-up support, and evaluation. The development of the Tool was informed by the extant literature on professional development, organizational theory, state and national standards for professional development, and principles of design. The Tool is to be completed in four phases. Phases one and two, the focus of this paper, include the literature review, organizational assessment, design specifications, and the first iteration of the Tool. In the next phases, the goals are to solicit feedback from an expert panel review, create a complete version of the Tool, and pilot it in elementary schools. Although the development of the Tool through its final phases will refine it considerably, there are limitations that will transcend all iterations. While the Tool incorporates best practices in professional development, the lack of empirical evidence on the effectiveness of specific PD elements in the literature renders this Tool only a best guess in helping schools plan effective professional development. Another limitation is that the Tool is not prescriptive and cannot use school data to make decisions for what strategies to implement. Taking these limitations into consideration, the use of this Tool can significantly impact the quality and effectiveness of professional development in schools.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005883, ucf:50889
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Understanding and Mitigating Sources of Teacher Dissatisfaction.
- Creator
Howard, Carl, Boote, David, Hopp, Carolyn, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation in practice focuses on a review of literature to answer the guiding question, what can teachers and other educational stakeholders do to help address their sources of dissatisfaction in order to build a positive school climate? The author used a modified frame analysis from Bolman and Deal, other published literature, and personal experience to identify seven different, but sometimes related, domains that affect teachers and school climate. These seven domains include...
Show moreThis dissertation in practice focuses on a review of literature to answer the guiding question, what can teachers and other educational stakeholders do to help address their sources of dissatisfaction in order to build a positive school climate? The author used a modified frame analysis from Bolman and Deal, other published literature, and personal experience to identify seven different, but sometimes related, domains that affect teachers and school climate. These seven domains include operations/management, contract application, professional development, classroom management, interpersonal, financial, and unanticipated events. The modified frame analysis was used to help empower teachers to solve problems that affect their performance and motivation, to prevent burnout, attrition, as well as help build and maintain a positive school climate. This dissertation promotes the notion that school climate is composed of and constructed from these seven domains as constituent parts that combine to create the school climate. The author-created tool, Tools for Teachers to Address Domains of Dissatisfaction, enables teachers to quickly reference potential solutions to problems faced. The tool is a prototype, created based on professional literature sources focusing on research-based strategies to identify problems and methods a teacher can use to solve a problem, thus preventing a negative school environment for the students, staff as well as other stakeholders. The domains of dissatisfaction were tested against real-life issues submitted to a Faculty Advisory Committee in order to provide veracity and justification of the domains.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005956, ucf:50796
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Jones, Tracy, Boote, David, Hayes, Grant, Little, Mary, Vitale, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation presents a case study in user-centered design completed at the University of Central Florida. Leadership in the College of Graduate Studies at UCF realized the need for an advisement tool to assist advisors in the academic colleges to track the success of their students.After an advisement product was selected, the user-centered design approach started to be implemented. End-users were shown the basic functionality and known benefits of the product. Then they were asked how...
Show moreThis dissertation presents a case study in user-centered design completed at the University of Central Florida. Leadership in the College of Graduate Studies at UCF realized the need for an advisement tool to assist advisors in the academic colleges to track the success of their students.After an advisement product was selected, the user-centered design approach started to be implemented. End-users were shown the basic functionality and known benefits of the product. Then they were asked how they could make it standardized across programs. The users selected the order in which information and degree requirements should display. The users asked for additional information to be shown on the new advising report called the Graduate Plan of Study (GPS). This information would assist them in advising students and certifying that the students' had met requirements to earn their degree.With the help of the end-users, a prototype was developed and delivered to computer services. End users assisted with the testing of current and additional functionality. After attending focus groups, the end-users had a better understanding of the need for testing. They assisted in providing ideas for training and a deployment plan to the university. The use of the user-centered design approach helped to keep our end-users engaged in the project. They were the central cause of the successful implementation of a new advisement module for graduate students at UCF.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005637, ucf:50230
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Building Educator Capacity in Support of Student Achievement on Florida's United States History End-of-Course Assessment.
- Creator
Skinner, Stacy, Hopp, Carolyn, Robinson, Edward, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Florida's United States History End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment performance outcomes are scheduled to impact student course grades, educator evaluation scores, and school grades. A professional learning plan to improve teaching and learning in support of student achievement on the Assessment does not exist. Neither Florida Statute nor the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) facilitate or fund professional learning in support of these influences. This dissertation in practice proposes the...
Show moreFlorida's United States History End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment performance outcomes are scheduled to impact student course grades, educator evaluation scores, and school grades. A professional learning plan to improve teaching and learning in support of student achievement on the Assessment does not exist. Neither Florida Statute nor the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) facilitate or fund professional learning in support of these influences. This dissertation in practice proposes the use of the U.S. History EOC Assessment Professional Learning Series to build educator capacity in support of student achievement on the Assessment. Implementation of professional learning could address the disparity between the legislated Assessment and its potential impacts. Tyler's (1949) curriculum development rationale and Shulman's (1986) notion of pedagogical content knowledge provided a conceptual framework for the proposed professional learning. Professional learning experiences were designed to include (1) an assessment simulation, (2) a correlation of simulated assessment items to item specifications, (3) a test item writing practicum, and (4) model lessons. The series was designed to support pedagogical content knowledge growth in planning, teaching, and assessing United States History; and improve instructional and professional efficacy. The ultimate purpose of the series is to improve teaching and learning to support student achievement on U.S. History EOC Assessment.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005417, ucf:50419
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Closing the reading achievement gap between African American students and their peers at a suburban middle school: The impact of school improvement plans.
- Creator
Hutchins, Jason, Hopp, Carolyn, Robinson, Edward, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The goal of this Dissertation in Practice was to design a School Improvement Plan focused on improving reading performance of African American students at Suburban Middle School (SMS). The problem of practice was that African American students at Suburban Middle School have performed significantly lower than their White peers over the course of the 2009-2013 school years in reading performance. The reading deficiencies of African American students needed to be directly addressed in a new...
Show moreThe goal of this Dissertation in Practice was to design a School Improvement Plan focused on improving reading performance of African American students at Suburban Middle School (SMS). The problem of practice was that African American students at Suburban Middle School have performed significantly lower than their White peers over the course of the 2009-2013 school years in reading performance. The reading deficiencies of African American students needed to be directly addressed in a new School Improvement Plan (SIP). The literature review of this study found that there are many different components that influence the reading performance of African American students. For this Dissertation in Practice, a new School Improvement Plan focused primarily on 6 different areas will be the end result. The components that will be examined are: 1) school climate, 2) utilization of data, 3) parental involvement, 4) professional development, 5) instructional strategies, and 6) collaboration. While these are the 6 key elements of successful models, there were also additional sub groupings within each element that also had an influence on student achievement levels.In addition to examining previous School Improvement Plans at SMS, the end result and final deliverable was a School Improvement Plan designed to close the existing achievement gap in reading between African American students and their peers at SMS. Suggested use for the new model of the School Improvement Plan was to focus specifically on the 6 key elements to address the reading performance of African American students.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005351, ucf:50478
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Evaluation of the Iowa State University Ecosystem.
- Creator
Mazer, Cherie, Gunter, Glenda, Hayes, Grant, Vitale, Thomas, Cavanagh, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Purpose (-) This dissertation in practice is an evaluation study conducted at Iowa State University, entitled, Learning Ecosystem Assessment Review of Needs (LEARN). The evaluation posed these questions: (a) What educational technologies are currently used and what technologies will be needed in the future? (b) What are the attitudes and practices of faculty and students toward online and blended learning? (c) What academic technology support services are used? What are the perceptions of the...
Show morePurpose (-) This dissertation in practice is an evaluation study conducted at Iowa State University, entitled, Learning Ecosystem Assessment Review of Needs (LEARN). The evaluation posed these questions: (a) What educational technologies are currently used and what technologies will be needed in the future? (b) What are the attitudes and practices of faculty and students toward online and blended learning? (c) What academic technology support services are used? What are the perceptions of the support provided for the application of academic technologies? Methodology/design (-) The study was a mixed-methods design employing interviews with deans and focus groups and surveys of faculty and students. Findings (-) Iowa State University faculty and students use a wide array of academic technologies both in physical and virtual classrooms. The prevailing sentiment regarding the need for future academic technologies is not for new offerings and new features but for easier to use, more reliable technologies, and more timely support. Although Iowa State University has formally adopted online learning by offering numerous programs and courses, the university is in the early stages of adopting blended learning.Implications (-) The results and implications of the study inform the university on next steps to ready the institution for leveraging technology and preparing for the transformation toward strategic adoption of online and blended learning. The author outlines an organizational learning approach to manage change and promote adoption of blended learning.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005379, ucf:50445
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Examination of the Practice of Instructional Design and the Use of Instructional Design Models.
- Creator
Twilley, Jennifer, Gunter, Glenda, Robinson, Edward, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation in practice utilized a sequential mixed methods research design to investigate the performance or exclusion of instructional design activities commonly prescribed by instructional design models during a typical instructional design project. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of instructional design activities by practicing instructional designers with the performance of an experienced instructional designer to determine if instructional design models...
Show moreThis dissertation in practice utilized a sequential mixed methods research design to investigate the performance or exclusion of instructional design activities commonly prescribed by instructional design models during a typical instructional design project. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of instructional design activities by practicing instructional designers with the performance of an experienced instructional designer to determine if instructional design models are being used to guide the practice of instructional design. In this study, quantitative data was collected from a sample of 224 instructional designers to determine the activities routinely performed and excluded from typical projects. Qualitative data was collected from a single case study of an instructional design project to assess whether or not the performance or exclusion of the same instructional design activities were identified in the work of an experienced instructional designer. Analysis of the data revealed the activities that are not routinely performed by instructional designers, reasons for the exclusion of activities, and possible factors for the decisions to exclude activities.The findings of this study indicate instructional designers may be sacrificing the quality and effectiveness of instruction in an attempt to increase the pace and reduce the cost of the instructional design process. The study concluded that instructional designers are not following the prescriptions of instructional design models during the practice of instructional design by routinely eliminating the fundamental activities involving the development of learner assessments, the performance of formative evaluations during the instructional design process, and summative evaluations after the implementation of the instruction.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005432, ucf:50438
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Organizational Factors that influence the Retention of Special Education Teachers in Osceola County.
- Creator
Keenum, Carla, Boote, David, Little, Mary, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The loss of special education teachers is a problem for all school districts. The effects of special education teacher attrition are felt in the classrooms and by all school district personnel. The impact on student achievement can be profound, especially if the teacher leaves in the middle of a school year. This study examines the organizational factors that influenced the attrition of special education teachers in one Central Florida school district.Participation in the anonymous survey was...
Show moreThe loss of special education teachers is a problem for all school districts. The effects of special education teacher attrition are felt in the classrooms and by all school district personnel. The impact on student achievement can be profound, especially if the teacher leaves in the middle of a school year. This study examines the organizational factors that influenced the attrition of special education teachers in one Central Florida school district.Participation in the anonymous survey was voluntary. Invitations to participate were sent directly to 385 special education instructional personnel and distributed to all district personnel using an e-mail forum. After removing participants who did not meet the inclusion criteria, 250 completed surveys were included in the analysis. In addition to quantitative items, the survey also included open(-)ended items at the end of the survey. While special education instructional personnel were the focus of the study, data from general education instructional personnel were also collected for comparison. The findings indicated that the major organizational causes of attrition among exceptional education teachers were in the areas of the human resources, political and structural frames. Human resource factors included the emotional, physical, and mental toll of daily classroom responsibilities and the perceived lack of district administration support. The main structural frame factor was the lack of compensation for the extra duties that special education teachers must perform. The main political factor was the lack of time needed by the special education staff to complete assigned duties during an average school day. In addition, the symbolic frame factors suggested a lack of perceived support from the general education staff; however, respondents did not indicate that this was major factor affecting in the attrition of special education teachers in this district. The school district has implemented strategies to support teachers to meet State certification requirements, Federal mandates of being highly qualified, and with monthly district level support visits. However, based on these data, the school district needs to recognize organizational factors affecting attrition. The district should pinpoint and alleviate the daily factors that cause undue stress on the special education staff. It should also reallocate resources and personnel to provide more frequent district and school level administrative support. Additional monetary or non-monetary compensation for the extra duties or reducing the workload on the special education teachers may also reduce attrition.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005816, ucf:50035
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- "Build Your Own Adventure" ACT Prep Manual: Beating the Odds of High-Stakes Standardized Assessments.
- Creator
Holter, Natalie, Boote, David, Hayes, Grant, Taylor, Rosemarye, Vitale, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Today's focus on high-stakes standardized tests has had a massive impact on education throughout America, and standardized test preparation is one of the ugly, open secrets of education. Ever since 2001 when President Bush signed into law No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a bipartisan reauthorization of Johnson's landmark Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, students have been bombarded with standardized tests from the earliest grades. Politicians believe these measures are the only way...
Show moreToday's focus on high-stakes standardized tests has had a massive impact on education throughout America, and standardized test preparation is one of the ugly, open secrets of education. Ever since 2001 when President Bush signed into law No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a bipartisan reauthorization of Johnson's landmark Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, students have been bombarded with standardized tests from the earliest grades. Politicians believe these measures are the only way to remedy the perceived weaknesses in the education system because (")stringent accountability mandates… [provide] vital levers of change, inclusiveness, and transparency of results(") (Education Week, 2011, para. 15). Yet as time progresses, the quantity and importance of the exams increase to such proportions that, by the time students are in high school, their performance dictates whether they will graduate or attend college. While proponents of such exams say that they only test the skills that students ought to be learning anyway, the reality tends to be that teachers start to focus only on the specific questions the test will cover, and thereby lose the ability to provide full, comprehensive education. "Teaching to the test" is the much-maligned experience of most high schools. In order to combat the pressure students feel to perform and teachers feel to shortchange the learning experience, a (")Build Your Own Adventure(") manual designed around research-based principles demonstrated to improve student learning gains will allow students to focus on the key areas needed to improve test performance, demystify the test itself, and thus help students obtain score improvement. In so doing, students will not only perform better on standardized assessments, but ultimately be able to attend more elite colleges.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005806, ucf:50031
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Systematic Review of Research on Successful African American Students in Mathematics: Implications for Seminole High School.
- Creator
Vong, Trung, Boote, David, Vitale, Thomas, Robinson, Edward, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to synthesize the counter-narratives of mathematically successful African American students. The gap in educational achievement between African American and White students is well documented in the United States, especially in mathematics education. Although Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test scores have increased for both groups at Seminole High School, the gap has remained over 30% for nearly a decade. Most research on this topic has focused on the reasons...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to synthesize the counter-narratives of mathematically successful African American students. The gap in educational achievement between African American and White students is well documented in the United States, especially in mathematics education. Although Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test scores have increased for both groups at Seminole High School, the gap has remained over 30% for nearly a decade. Most research on this topic has focused on the reasons why African American students fail to achieve. Various individual, social, and organizational factors have been suggested. However, a growing body of research has highlighted the stories of mathematically successful African American students.Using best evidence review methods, an exhaustive review of the literature identified 22 research articles published between 2004 and 2013. All studies collected interview data with mathematically successful African American middle school, high school, and higher education students in the United States. Meta-synthesis was used to synthesize findings across studies. Among the 151 participants across 22 studies, six common experiences were identified as contributing to students' mathematical success: supportive teachers, supportive family, supportive peers, a strong mathematics identity, ability to deal with racial stereotype, and supportive organizations. Most importantly, this meta-synthesis highlights the tendency of prior research to focus on de-contextualized factors rather than understanding students holistically within their broader social and community environment. Insights from this study lead to several recommendations for improving mathematics education for African American students at Seminole High School and for suggested future research on this topic.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005438, ucf:50387
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Evaluation of a secure laptop based testing program in an undergraduate nursing program.
- Creator
Tao, Jinyuan, Gunter, Glenda, Robinson, Edward, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This applied dissertation paper introduced a program evaluation of a secure laptop-based testing (SLBT) program, which was implemented from 2009 to 2014 in an undergraduate nursing program at a private institution in the southeastern region of the United States (US). Computerized testing is an old topic in the educational research field, but the instructor-made, laptop-based secure testing that utilizes learning management systems (LMS) for undergraduate nursing programs is a fairly new topic...
Show moreThis applied dissertation paper introduced a program evaluation of a secure laptop-based testing (SLBT) program, which was implemented from 2009 to 2014 in an undergraduate nursing program at a private institution in the southeastern region of the United States (US). Computerized testing is an old topic in the educational research field, but the instructor-made, laptop-based secure testing that utilizes learning management systems (LMS) for undergraduate nursing programs is a fairly new topic in the US. Traditionally, testing has been administered with paper and pencil in the undergraduate nursing programs in the US for security reasons. Recently, with different robust LMSs, together with availability of affordable laptops, SLBT has become a reality on many campuses. The undergraduate nursing program at the Adventist University of Health Sciences (ADU) began to implement the SLBT program in 2009, which allowed students to use their newly purchased laptops to take secure quizzes and tests in their classrooms. After nearly five years' SLBT program implementation, a formative evaluation was conducted to seek constructive feedback from students, faculty, and technology support personnel to improve the program. Evaluation data show that, overall, students believed the SLBT program help them get hands-on experience of taking exams on the computer and get them prepared for their National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) which is also computerized. Students, however, had a lot of concerns on laptop glitches and campus wireless network glitches they experienced during testing. Faculty and technology support personnel, on the other hand, were very satisfied with the SLBT program. Another goal of this evaluation study was to determine if students' first-time passing rate of NCLEX-RN has been improved significantly after the implementation of the SLBT program. NCLEX-RN first-time passing rate data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test and it revealed that there was no significant association between the two types of testing method (paper-and-pencil testing and the secure laptop-based testing) and whether or not students would pass NCLEX-RN the first time X2(1) = 3.53, p (>) .05. Based on the odds ratio, however, the odds of students passed NCLEX-RN the first time were 1.37 times higher if they were taught with the SLBT testing method than if taught with the traditional paper-and-pencil testing method in nursing school.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005424, ucf:50421
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Game-based Strategies Implementation During Social Skills Training for Non-Elementary Aged Individuals.
- Creator
Fenaughty, Joan, Hopp, Carolyn, Little, Mary, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT The problem of practice that has been identified is the lack of games as a social skills tool. Individuals with Autism may face many daily challenges. One of the known deficits for this population is their challenges related to social skills. One way to provide social skills instruction is through game-based strategies. When thinking about play it is not uncommon to automatically envision young children, but the inclusion of game-based play during social skills instruction can be...
Show moreABSTRACT The problem of practice that has been identified is the lack of games as a social skills tool. Individuals with Autism may face many daily challenges. One of the known deficits for this population is their challenges related to social skills. One way to provide social skills instruction is through game-based strategies. When thinking about play it is not uncommon to automatically envision young children, but the inclusion of game-based play during social skills instruction can be appropriate for all age groups. As children age interventions tend to move away from the inclusion of play. In order to teach social skills the individuals must first be willing to come together as a group and interact with each other. One way to bring resistant individuals together is through play. During the pilot study of social skills training, for middle school aged students with high functioning autism, it was discovered that the inclusion of playing board games became a positive and productive way to bring resistant individuals together for the purpose of social skills training. With the inclusion of game playing as part of the social skills pilot study the results were positive interactions between individuals who initially avoided any interactions, other than negative ones, with each other. The model will be implemented with individuals who have autism and may also have other disabilities who are functioning at a much lower cognitive level. The goals of the pilot program are to increase social interactions and to improve social skills through the inclusion of play during social skills instruction. Social skills instruction requires individuals to be engaged; the inclusion of play is a natural non-threatening way to promote cooperative social interactions as a precursor to social skills instruction.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005330, ucf:50536
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Defining and Building Excellence: A Model for Professional Development at Arete Charter School.
- Creator
Kerness, Shloe, Hopp, Carolyn, Vitale, Thomas, Hayes, Grant, Robinson, Edward, Knight, Monica, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In the U.S., there is increased awareness that what teachers know and are able to do play a significant role in the achievement of their students (Sanders (&) Rivers, 1996). Consequently, there is an unprecedented interest in improving instruction, a job that is normally assumed by the schools and school districts where teachers are employed. However, long-established professional development options provided by school districts usually fail to have any significant positive impact on teachers...
Show moreIn the U.S., there is increased awareness that what teachers know and are able to do play a significant role in the achievement of their students (Sanders (&) Rivers, 1996). Consequently, there is an unprecedented interest in improving instruction, a job that is normally assumed by the schools and school districts where teachers are employed. However, long-established professional development options provided by school districts usually fail to have any significant positive impact on teachers' instructional practices and often have the unintended consequence of making teachers feel more like workers on an assembly line than professionals doing emotionally complicated work (Borko (&) Putnam, Cohen (&) Hill, 1995; Darling-Hammond, 2009. Aret(&)#233; Charter School, a rapidly growing charter school franchise, does not currently have a clearly defined model of professional development that supports its unique instructional model. Results of the Standards Assessment Inventory 2 and higher than average teacher attrition due to both voluntary and involuntary leavers indicate that a change initiative is needed. With little time and limited resources available for professional development, it is of particular importance to develop an unambiguous model for teacher learning at Aret(&)#233; that leads to program choices with a high probability of increasing teacher capacity as well as improving student learning. The purpose of this dissertation in practice is to advance/promote a viable model for professional development at Aret(&)#233; Charter School that will (")alter the professional practices, beliefs, and understanding of school persons toward an articulated end(") (Griffin, 1983, p. 2). A model for professional development utilizing the Partnership Approach (Knight, 2007, 2011) and aligned to Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Development with the goal of humanizing the profession and offering a clearly articulated philosophy and set of actions is presented. Core elements of the model include the principal as a designer, instructional coaching, workshops that make an impact, intensive learning teams, and partnership communication that, when used together, results in humanizing professional learning that is both focused and leveraged to not only sustain school success but propel it forward. This model has implications for other schools struggling with teacher professional learning including how to maximize professional development to enhance teacher repertoires while simultaneously utilizing it to humanize the profession.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005360, ucf:50500
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Meeting the Needs of Students Through a Targeted Professional Development.
- Creator
Copelin, Anthony, Hopp, Carolyn, Vitale, Thomas, Robinson, Edward, Hayes, Grant, Puig, Enrique, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study presents a complex problem of practice occurring at Primrose Elementary school [pseudonym]. A large portion of Primrose Elementary School's population has been unable to meet Florida's state reading proficiency standards over the last twelve years. Students of Primrose Elementary have a poor foundation in language on which to build vital reading skills. Consequently, students cannot overcome this deficiency because teachers lack the content knowledge to meet the students' language...
Show moreThis study presents a complex problem of practice occurring at Primrose Elementary school [pseudonym]. A large portion of Primrose Elementary School's population has been unable to meet Florida's state reading proficiency standards over the last twelve years. Students of Primrose Elementary have a poor foundation in language on which to build vital reading skills. Consequently, students cannot overcome this deficiency because teachers lack the content knowledge to meet the students' language and subsequent reading deficiencies, in spite of 12 years of reading professional development. This dissertation in practice will propose the use of targeted professional development to address below grade level reading performance. The proposed professional development should be delivered through a cyclical model focused on six, sequentially presented key elements: (1) knowledge of language development; (2) knowledge of text complexity; (3) modeling; (4) close reading; (5) collaborative conversations; and (6) independent reading. Delivery is designed to support reading proficiency through language acquisition. Delivery steps will (a) introduce, (b) practice and plan, (c) use, (d) reflect on, and (e) review each element as a skill. A review of school performance and literature correlated impacts of low student socioeconomic status and teacher quality on student reading outcomes
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005475, ucf:50336
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Staffing Practices of Elementary School Principals for Teachers in Primary Grades and Implications for the PreK-3rd Continuum.
- Creator
Albers-Biddle, Laura, Boote, David, Culp, Anne, Levin, Judith, Hayes, Grant, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Principals are considered the educational leaders of their schools and face pressure to improve the quality of education across all levels and disciplines. Principals were interviewed to understand their beliefs, knowledge, and dispositions on staffing teachers in the primary grades. A purposive sample of elementary school principals was drawn from one mid-size suburban district in Florida. Data were analyzed using Bolman and Deal's four-frame organizational theory framework, Cohen's...
Show morePrincipals are considered the educational leaders of their schools and face pressure to improve the quality of education across all levels and disciplines. Principals were interviewed to understand their beliefs, knowledge, and dispositions on staffing teachers in the primary grades. A purposive sample of elementary school principals was drawn from one mid-size suburban district in Florida. Data were analyzed using Bolman and Deal's four-frame organizational theory framework, Cohen's cognitive frame, and Boote's theory of professional discretion.The data strongly suggest that principals do not understand the foundations of early childhood practice. In addition, they do not understand the differences between Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Elementary Education (EE). The principals tend to hire teachers with EE certification as opposed to ECE training. This is partially due to their lack of understanding of ECE and to the perceived advantage of being able to place teachers in a wide range of grade levels. Although all principals stated that primary teaching requires specialized knowledge, most principals consider flexibility to move teachers into the upper grades more important.Three main implications for practice are suggested based on recommendations for advocacy and public education for young children within PreK(-)3rd continuum initiatives. (1) Professional development in ECE should be implemented at the district level for principals to learn and understand the differences in preparation between ECE and EE teacher preparation and to demonstrate the importance of the early years of child development and education. (2) Curriculum enrichment in ECE needs to be added to higher education, graduate teacher leadership programs to demonstrate the importance of the early years of child development and education. (3) The policy for hiring should be centralized at the district level and require teachers with training in ECE for the primary grades. The limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are also discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005294, ucf:50547
- Format
- Document (PDF)