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A Grounded Theory Survey Study of Teachers Perception Perpetuating the Deficit Narrative About Marginalized Students of Color
Teacher Candidates' Civic Attitudes and Civic Knowledge: A Comparative Study
How do after-school staff use social networks to support at-risk youth? A social capital analysis.
The Impact of 21st Century Community Learning Centers on Middle Schools in Seminole County
Preservice Teachers and Perceived Stress: A Comparative Study
Selecting methods to teach controversial topics: A grounded theory study
A Narrative Research Study of Self-Selected Tracking on Motivation in 10th Grade English Language Arts Classes
Civic Engagement of Community College Students: A Qualitative Research Study On Community College Curriculum and Civic Engagement
The Effect of Civics-Based Video Games on Middle School Students' Civic Engagement
Inclusion: A Question of Practice, Stance, Values and Culture
The Influence of Economics Knowledge on Students' Attitudes Toward Financial Literacy
Designing a Virtual Embedded Scenario-Based Military Simulation Training Program using Educational and Design Instructional Strategies
Ice Hockey Coaches' Beliefs and Perceptions of Coach Education
The Moral Oppression of the Teaching Profession: Learning to Transcend
Teachers' Utilization of Field Trips: A Comparative Study
Global Perspectives of Pre-Service Teachers: A Comparative Study
Promoting Recovery in Trauma Affected Children: Developing a School-Based Professional DevelopmentTool for Teacher Awareness and Intervention
Examining High School Teachers' Technology Acceptation of A Learning Management System in A Large Public School District
A phenomenological study of Black fifth grade students' perceptions of social studies and a discussion with secondary students.
Successful Urban Adolescent Writers: A Study of a Collaborative Model of Teaching Writing
