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Organizational Legitimacy as Co-Created Value
Gender and Conflict in Long-Term Romantic Relationships
The Religious Classroom: Analyzing the Cross-Application of Instructional Communication Pedagogy to Youth Ministries
Bending the Binary: Effects of Nonbinary Gender Media Representations on Disposition Formation and Media Enjoyment
What #NoWomanEver Wants To Hear: The Social Construction of Corrective Facework After Street Harassment
Coming to a full stop: An investigation of menstrual period stigmas in college students
Style Speaks: Clothing Judgments, Gender Stereotypes, and Expectancy Violations of Professional Women
Framing, Public Relations, and Scientology: An Analysis of News Coverage and a Controversial Organization
Help me be healthy: Perceptions of social support in an online weight loss program
Provider Recommendation of HPV Vaccination: Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap
Transitions in Polyamorous Identity and Intercultural Communication: An Application of Identity Management Theory
Blogging Love After Loss: How Widows Use Facework When Revealing Their New Relationships Online
Women With Influence: Creating A Powerful Woman Leader Identity Through Impression Management
"Sealing the Bond": A Qualitative Study of African American Funeral Rituals
Meme World Syndrome: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the First World Problems and Third World Success Internet Memes
Multiculturalism as Reported by the European Online Press: A Qualitative Study on the Manifestation of Othering Discourses
Layers of Identity (&) Privilege in Legislation: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Senate Bill 744
Changing to a Different Shade of Blue: JetBlue and the Blueprint for Successful Crisis Communication
Provider Perceptions of Ableism and Social Support Networks in the Healthcare Setting