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The relationship between first generation college students' levels of public and personal stigma, social support, perceived discrimination, and help-seeking attitudes
The Helping Professional Wellness Discrepancy Scale (HPWDS): Development and Validation
The Impact of a Neurofeedback Training Intervention on College Students' Levels of Anxiety, Stress, Depression, and Cortisol
Aging Well: How Subjective Age, Playfulness, and Depression Influence Quality of Life Among Older Adults
An Investigation of College Student-Athletes' Mental Health Stigma, Help-Seeking Attitudes, Depression, Anxiety, and Life Stress Scores Using Structural Equation Modeling
The Client Assessment of Multicultural Competent Behavior (CAMCB): Development and Validation.
A Trauma-informed School-based Mental Health Counseling Intervention to Promote the Academic and Social-emotional Functionality of Children Living in Poverty
Bridging the Gap Between Hospital and School: Addressing the Academic and Social-Emotional Needs of Students with Chronic Illness
The Influence of Online Dating on Emerging Adults' Levels of Empathy, Objectification of Others, and Quality of Romantic Relationships
The Effect of Virtual Simulation on the Development of Basic Counseling Skills, Self-Reported Immersion Experience, Self-Reported Counselor Self-Efficacy, and Self-Reported Anxiety of Counselors-in-Training
Predicting Undergraduate Retention in STEM Majors Based on Demographics, Math Ability, and Career Development Factors
The contribution of educators' levels of inspiration and compassion for others to their degree of burnout
Exploring Relationship Quality as a Dyadic Mediator of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health for Economically Disadvantaged Couples
Multicultural Counseling Competence of School Counselors: Relationship to Multicultural Behaviors and Perceived School Climate
An Analysis of the Representation of Hispanic Students in Gifted Programs in Florida's K-12 Public Schools