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Resource Optimization in Visible Light Communication using Internet of Things
Joint Optimization of Illumination and Communication for a Multi-Element VLC Architecture
A Game-theoretic Model for Regulating Freeriding in Subsidy-Based Pervasive Spectrum Sharing Markets
Value-of-Information based Data Collection in Underwater Sensor Networks
Approximate In-memory computing on RERAMs
Reliability and Robustness Enhancement of Cooperative Vehicular Systems: A Bayesian Machine Learning Perspective
Rethinking Routing and Peering in the era of Vertical Integration of Network Functions
Autonomous Discovery and Maintenance of Mobile Frees-Space-Optical Links
Scalable Map Information Dissemination for Connected and Automated Vehicle Systems
Load-Balancing in Local and Metro-Area networks with MPTCP and OpenFlow
Energy Efficient and Secure Wireless Sensor Networks Design