Current Search: Cooling (x)
Sleiti, Ahmad Khalaf, Kapat, Jay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study attempts to understand one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in fluid flow and heat transfer for rotating machines. The study focuses on gas turbines and electric generators for high temperature and high energy density applications, respectively, both which employ rotating cooling channels so that materials do not fail under high temperature and high stress environment.Prediction of fluid flow and heat transfer inside internal cooling channels that rotate at high...
Show moreThis study attempts to understand one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in fluid flow and heat transfer for rotating machines. The study focuses on gas turbines and electric generators for high temperature and high energy density applications, respectively, both which employ rotating cooling channels so that materials do not fail under high temperature and high stress environment.Prediction of fluid flow and heat transfer inside internal cooling channels that rotate at high rotation number and high density ratio similar to those that are existing in turbine blades and generator rotors is the main focus of this study. Both smooth-wall and rib-roughened channels are considered here. Rotation, buoyancy, bends, ribs and boundary conditions affect the flow inside theses channels. Introducing ribs inside internal cooling channel can enhance the heat transfer rate. As the introduction of ribs approach causes rapid increase in the severely limited pressure drop and requires high cost, other means of achieving high heat transfer rate are desired. Another approach to increase heat transfer rate to a values that are comparable to those achieved by introduction of ribs is to increase rotation number. One objective of this research is to study and compare theses two approaches in order to decide the optimum range of application and a possible replacement of the high-cost and complex ribs by increasing rotation number.A fully computational approach is employed in this study. On the basis of comparison between two-equation (k-e and k-w) and RSM turbulence models, it is concluded that the two-equation turbulence models cannot predict the flow field and heat transfer correctly, while RSM showed improved prediction. For the near wall region, two approaches with standard wall functions and enhanced near wall treatment were investigated. The enhanced near wall approach showed superior results to the standard wall functions approach. Thus RSM with enhanced near wall treatment is validated against available experimental data (which are primarily at low rotation and buoyancy numbers). The model was then used for cases with high rotation numbers (as much as 1.29) and high-density ratios (up to 0.4). Particular attention is given to how turbulence intensity, Reynolds stresses and transport are affected by Coriolis and buoyancy/centrifugal forces caused by high levels of rotation and density ratio. The results obtained are explained in view of physical interpretation of Coriolis and centrifugal forces. Investigation of channels with smooth and with rib-roughened walls that are rotating about an orthogonal axis showed that increasing rotation number always enhances turbulence and the heat transfer rate, while at high rotation numbers, increasing density ratio although causes higher turbulence activity but dose not increase Nu and in some locations even decreases Nu. The increasing thermal boundary layer thickness near walls is the possible reason for this behavior of Nu. The heat transfer enhancement correlates linearly with rotation number and hence it is possible to derive linear correlation for the increase in Nu as a function of Ro. Investigation of channels with rib-roughened walls that rotate about orthogonal axis showed that 4-side-average Nur correlates with Ro linearly, where a linear correlation for Nur/Nus as a function of rotation number is derived. It is also observed that the heat transfer rate on smooth-wall channel can be enhanced rapidly by increasing Ro to values that are comparable to the enhancement due to the introduction of ribs inside internal cooling channels. This observation suggests that ribs may be unnecessary in high-speed machines, and has tremendous implications for possible cost savings in these turbines.In square channels that are rotating about parallel axis, the heat transfer rate enhances by increasing Ro on three surfaces of the square channel and decreases on the fourth surface. Th
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Date Issued
CFE0000014, ucf:52854
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Heat Transfer in a Coupled Impingement-Effusion Cooling System.
Miller, Mark, Kapat, Jayanta, Deng, Weiwei, Gordon, Ali, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The efficiency of air-breathing gas turbine engines improves as the combustion temperature increases. Therefore, modern gas turbines operate at temperatures greater than the melting temperature of hot-gas-path components, and cooling must be introduced in order to maintain mechanical integrity of those components. Two highly effective techniques used in modern designs for this purpose are impingement cooling and use of coolant film on hot-gas-path surface introduced through discrete film or...
Show moreThe efficiency of air-breathing gas turbine engines improves as the combustion temperature increases. Therefore, modern gas turbines operate at temperatures greater than the melting temperature of hot-gas-path components, and cooling must be introduced in order to maintain mechanical integrity of those components. Two highly effective techniques used in modern designs for this purpose are impingement cooling and use of coolant film on hot-gas-path surface introduced through discrete film or effusion holes. In this study, these two mechanisms are coupled into a single prototype cooling system. The heat transfer capability of this system is experimentally determined for a variety of different geometries and coolant flow rates.This study utilizes Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) in order to measure temperature distribution over a surface, which allowed for local impingement Nusselt number, film cooling effectiveness, and film cooling heat transfer enhancement profiles to be obtained. In addition to providing quantitative heat transfer data, this method allowed for qualitative investigation of the flow behavior near the test surface. Impinging jet-to-target-plate spacing was varied over a large range, including several tall impingement scenarios outside the published limits. Additionally, both in-line and staggered effusion arrangements were studied, and results for normal injection were compared to full coverage film cooling with inclined- and compound-angle injection. Effects of impingement and effusion cooling were combined to determine the overall cooling effectiveness of the system.It is shown that low impingement heights produce the highest Nusselt number, and that large jet-to-jet spacing reduces coolant flow rate while maintaining moderate to high heat transfer rates. Staggered effusion configurations exhibit superior performance to in-line configurations, as jet interference is reduced and surface area coverage is improved. Coolant to mainstream flow mass flux ratios greater than unity result in jet blow-off and reduced effectiveness. The convective heat transfer coefficient on the film cooled surface is higher than a similar surface without coolant injection due to the generation of turbulence associated with jet-cross flow interaction.
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Date Issued
CFE0004140, ucf:49042
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Heat Transfer and Pressure Measurements from Jet Array Impingement onto a Large Radius Curved Surface.
Harrington, John, Kapat, Jayanta, Ahmed, Kareem, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigates the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of jet array impingement in two distinct parts. In the first part, the performance of a uniform array of jets on both a flat and a large radius curved target surface are compared. This comparison was done at average jet Reynolds number ranging from 55,000 to 125,000. In the second part, the characteristics of a non-uniform array of jets, more typical of geometries used in actual gas turbine combustors, are...
Show moreThis study investigates the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of jet array impingement in two distinct parts. In the first part, the performance of a uniform array of jets on both a flat and a large radius curved target surface are compared. This comparison was done at average jet Reynolds number ranging from 55,000 to 125,000. In the second part, the characteristics of a non-uniform array of jets, more typical of geometries used in actual gas turbine combustors, are investigated, including the effects of the removal of downstream rows and the placement of rib features onto the target surface. The non-uniform configurations studied have varying hole diameters and geometric spacing for spatial tuning of the heat transfer behavior. First row jet Reynolds numbers ranging from 50,000 to 160,000 are reported. For all configurations, spent air is drawn out in a single direction which is tangential to the target plate curvature. A steady-state measurement technique utilizing temperature sensitive paint (TSP) was used on the target surface to obtain heat transfer coefficients, while pressure taps placed on the sidewall and jet plate were used to evaluate the pressure and flow distribution in the impingement channel. Alongside the experimental work, CFD simulations were performed utilizing the v^2-f eddy viscosity turbulence model. The results from the uniform array impingement onto a curved surface comparison show that the large radius curvature of the current geometry has little to no effect on the flow distribution and heat transfer of the array.The non-uniform array results illustrate the applicability of tuning a jet impingement array using varying jet diameters and spacing. However, there are some difficulties in obtaining streamwise pitch resolved heat transfer predictions for non-uniform arrays as current open literature correlations for uniform arrays are shown to be not applicable. The computational results from this study show that simulations can be used to obtain initial predictions, with streamwise pitch averaged Nu values found to be within 20% of experimental results. The use of ribs downstream in place of several jet rows was shown to yield similar heat transfer results at lower pressure drop levels.
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Date Issued
CFE0006317, ucf:51547
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Hydrodynamic Measurements of the Flow Structure Emanating From A Multi-Row Film Cooling Configuration.
Voet, Michael, Kapat, Jayanta, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, Ahmed, Kareem, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The demand for more power is rapidly increasing worldwide. Attention is turned to increasingthe efficiency of modern methods for power generation. Gas turbines provide 35% of the powerdemands within the United States. Efficiency of gas turbines is defined in an ideal sense by thethermal efficiency of the Brayton Cycle. The overall efficiency of a gas turbine can be increased while simultaneously maximizing specific work output, by increasing the turbine inlet temperature. However, even with...
Show moreThe demand for more power is rapidly increasing worldwide. Attention is turned to increasingthe efficiency of modern methods for power generation. Gas turbines provide 35% of the powerdemands within the United States. Efficiency of gas turbines is defined in an ideal sense by thethermal efficiency of the Brayton Cycle. The overall efficiency of a gas turbine can be increased while simultaneously maximizing specific work output, by increasing the turbine inlet temperature. However, even with the advancements in modern materials in terms of maximum operatingtemperature, various components are already subjected to temperatures higher than their melting temperatures. An increase in inlet temperature would subject various components to even higher temperatures, such that more effective cooling would be necessary, whilst ideally using the same (or less) amount of cooling air bled from compressor. Improvements in the performance of these cooling techniques is thus required. The focus of this thesis is on one such advanced cooling technique, namely film cooling.The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of coolant density on the jet structure for different multi-row film cooling configurations. As research is performed on improving the performance of film cooling, the available conditions during testing may not reflect actual engine-like conditions. Typical operating density ratio at engine conditions are between 1.5 and 2, while it is observed that a majority of the density ratios tested in literature are between 1 and 1.5. While thesetests may be executed outside of engine-like conditions, it is important to understand how density ratio effects the flow physics and film cooling performance. The density ratio within this study is varied between 1.0 and 1.5 by alternating the injecting fluid between air and Carbon Dioxide, respectively.Both a simple cylindrical and fan-shape multi-row film cooling configuration are tested in the present study. In order to compare the results collected from these geometries, lateral and spanwise hole-to-hole spacing, metering hole diameter, hole length, and inclination angle are held constant between all testing configurations. The effect of fluid density upon injection is examined by independently holding either blowing, momentum flux, or velocity ratio constant whilst varying density ratio. Comparisons between both of the film cooling configurations are also made as similar ratios are tested between geometries. This allows the variation in flow structure and performance to be observed from alternating the film cooling hole shape.Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is implemented to obtain both streamwise and wall normal velocitymeasurements for the array centerline plane. This data is used to examine the interactionof the jet as it leaves the film cooling hole and the structure produced when the jet mixes with theboundary layer.Similarities in jet to jet interactions and surface attachment between density ratios are seen for the cylindrical configuration when momentum flux ratio is held constant. When observing constant blowing ratio comparisons of the cylindrical configurations, the lower density ratio is seen to begin detaching from the wall at M = 0.72 with little evidence of coolant in the near wall region. However, the higher density cylindrical injection retains its surface attachment at M = 0.74 with noticeably more coolant near the wall, because of significantly lower momentum flux ratio and lower (")jetting(") effect. The fan-shape film cooling configuration demonstrates improved performance, in terms of surface attachment, over a larger range of all ratios than that of the cylindrical cases. Additionally, the fan-shape configuration is shown to constantly retain a thicker layer of low velocity fluid in the near wall region when injected with the higher density coolant, suggesting improved performance at the higher density ratio.When tracking the jet trajectory, it is shown that the injection of CO2 through the cylindricalconfiguration yields a higher centerline wall normal height per downstream location than that of the lower density fluid. Comparing the results of the centerline tracking produced by the third and fifth rows for both the injection of air and CO2, it is confirmed that the fifth row of injection interacts with the boundary layer at a great wall normal height than that of the third row. Additionally, when observing the change in downstream trajectory between the fifth and seventh row of injection, a significant decrease in wall normal height is seen for the coolant produced by the seventh row. It is believed that the lack of a ninth row of injection allows the coolant from the seventh row of injection to remain closer to the target surface. This is further supported by the observation of the derived pressure gradient field and the path streamlines take while interacting with the recirculatory region produced by the injection of coolant into the boundary layer.Further conclusions are drawn by investigating the interaction between momentum thickness andthe influence of blowing ratio. Relatively constant downstream momentum thickness is observedfor the injection of lower density fluid for the blowing ratio range of M= 0.4 to 0.8 for the cylindrical configuration. It is suggested that a correlation exists between momentum thickness and film cooling performance, however further studies are needed to validate this hypothesis.
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Date Issued
CFE0006817, ucf:51791
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Durham, Michael Glenn, Kapat, Jay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Film cooling is a method used to protect surfaces exposed to high-temperature flows such as those that exist in gas turbines. It involves the injection of secondary fluid (at a lower temperature than that of the main flow) that covers the surface to be protected. This injection is through holes that can have various shapes; simple shapes such as those with a straight circular (by drilling) or straight square (by EDM) cross-section are relatively easy and inexpensive to create. Immediately...
Show moreFilm cooling is a method used to protect surfaces exposed to high-temperature flows such as those that exist in gas turbines. It involves the injection of secondary fluid (at a lower temperature than that of the main flow) that covers the surface to be protected. This injection is through holes that can have various shapes; simple shapes such as those with a straight circular (by drilling) or straight square (by EDM) cross-section are relatively easy and inexpensive to create. Immediately downstream of the exit of a film cooling hole, a so-called horseshoe vortex structure consisting of a pair of counter-rotating vortices is formed. This vortex formation has an effect on the distribution of film coolant over the surface being protected. The fluid dynamics of these vortices is dependent upon the shape of the film cooling holes, and therefore so is the film coolant coverage which determines the film cooling effectiveness distribution and also has an effect on the heat transfer coefficient distribution. Differences in horseshoe vortex structures and in resultant effectiveness distributions are shown for circular and square hole cases for blowing ratios of 0.33, 0.50, 0.67, 1.00, and 1.33. The film cooling effectiveness values obtained are compared with experimental and computational data of Yuen and Martinez-Botas (2003a) and Walters and Leylek (1997). It was found that in the main flow portion of the domain immediately downstream of the cooling hole exit, there is greater lateral separation between the vortices in the horseshoe vortex pair for the case of the square hole. This was found to result in the square hole providing greater centerline film cooling effectiveness immediately downstream of the hole and better lateral film coolant coverage far downstream of the hole.
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Date Issued
CFE0000044, ucf:46080
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Johnson, Perry, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis describes the numerical predictions of turbine film cooling interactions using Large Eddy Simulations. In most engineering industrial applications, the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, usually paired with two-equation models such as k-[epsilon] or k-[omega], are utilized as an inexpensive method for modeling complex turbulent flows. By resolving the larger, more influential scale of turbulent eddies, the Large Eddy Simulation has been shown to yield a significant...
Show moreThis thesis describes the numerical predictions of turbine film cooling interactions using Large Eddy Simulations. In most engineering industrial applications, the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, usually paired with two-equation models such as k-[epsilon] or k-[omega], are utilized as an inexpensive method for modeling complex turbulent flows. By resolving the larger, more influential scale of turbulent eddies, the Large Eddy Simulation has been shown to yield a significant increase in accuracy over traditional two-equation RANS models for many engineering flows. In addition, Large Eddy Simulations provide insight into the unsteady characteristics and coherent vortex structures of turbulent flows. Discrete hole film cooling is a jet-in-cross-flow phenomenon, which is known to produce complex turbulent interactions and vortex structures. For this reason, the present study investigates the influence of these jet-crossflow interactions in a time-resolved unsteady simulation. Because of the broad spectrum of length scales present in moderate and high Reynolds number flows, such as the present topic, the high computational cost of Direct Numerical Simulation was excluded from possibility.
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Date Issued
CFH0004086, ucf:44798
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Zuniga, Humberto, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Film cooling is a technique whereby air from the compressor stage of a gas turbine engine is diverted for cooling purposes to parts, such as the turbine stage, that operate at very high temperatures. Cooling arrangements include impingement jets, finned, ribbed and turbulated channels, and rows of film cooling holes, all of which over the years have become progressively more complex. This costly, but necessary complexity is a result of the industry's push to run engines at increasingly higher...
Show moreFilm cooling is a technique whereby air from the compressor stage of a gas turbine engine is diverted for cooling purposes to parts, such as the turbine stage, that operate at very high temperatures. Cooling arrangements include impingement jets, finned, ribbed and turbulated channels, and rows of film cooling holes, all of which over the years have become progressively more complex. This costly, but necessary complexity is a result of the industry's push to run engines at increasingly higher turbine inlet temperatures. Higher temperatures mean higher efficiency, but they also mean that the turbine first stage operates hundreds of degrees Kelvin above the melting point of the metal core of the vanes and blades. Existing cooling technology and materials make it possible to protect these parts and allow them to function for extended periods of time--but this comes at a price: the compressed air that is used for cooling represents a considerable penalty in overall turbine efficiency. The aim of current cooling research is threefold: to improve the protection of components from extreme fluxes in order to extend the life of the parts; to increase the inlet turbine operating temperature; and to reduce the amount of air that is diverted from the compressor for cooling. Current film cooling schemes consist of forcing air through carefully machined holes on a part and ejecting it at an angle with the intent of cooling that part by blanketing the surface downstream of the point of ejection. The last major development in the field has been the use of expanded hole exits, which reduce coolant momentum and allow for greater surface coverage. Researchers and designers are continuously looking for novel geometries and arrangements that would increase the level of protection or maintain it while using less coolant. This dissertation investigates such novel methods which one day may include combinations of cylindrical and fan-shaped holes embedded inside trenches, conical holes, or even rows of asymmetric fan-shaped holes. The review of current literature reveals that very few investigations have been done on film cooling effectiveness for uniformly diffusing conical holes. They have been treated as a sort of side novelty since industrial partners often say they are hard to manufacture. To extend our understanding of effectiveness of conical holes, the present study investigates the effect of increasing diffusion angle, as well as the effect of adding a cylindrical entrance length to a conical hole. The measurements were made in the form of film cooling effectiveness and the technique used was temperature sensitive paint. Eight different conical geometries were tested in the form of coupons with rows of holes. The geometry of the holes changed from pure cylindrical holes, a 0° cylindrical baseline, to an 8° pure cone. The coupons were tested in a closed loop wind tunnel at blowing ratios varying from 0.5 to 1.5, and the coolant employed was nitrogen gas. Results indicate that the larger conical holes do, in fact offer appropriate protection and that the holes with the higher expansion angles perform similar to fan-shaped baseline holes, even at the higher blower ratios. The study was also extended to two other plates in which the conical hole was preceded by a cylindrical entry length. The performance of the conical holes improves as a result of the entry length and this is seen at the higher blowing ratios in the form of a delay in the onset of jet detachment. The results of this study show that conical expanding holes are a viable geometry and that their manufacturing can be made easier with a cylindrical entry length, at the same time improving the performance of these holes. Trench cooling consists of having film cooling holes embedded inside a gap, commonly called a trench. The walls of this gap are commonly vertical with respect to the direction of the main flow and are directly in the path of the coolant. The coolant hits the downstream trench wall which forces it to spread laterally, resulting in more even film coverage downstream than that of regular holes flush with the surface. Recent literature has focused on the effect that trenching has on cylindrical cooling holes only. While the results indicate that trenches are an exciting, promising new geometry derived from the refurbishing process of thermal barrier ceramic coatings, not all the parameters affecting film cooling have been investigated relating to trenched holes. For example, nothing has been said about how far apart holes inside the trench will need to be placed for them to stop interacting. Nothing has been said about shaped holes inside a trench, either. This dissertation explores the extent to which trenching is useful by expanding the PI/D from 4 to 12 for rows of round and fan holes. In addition the effect that trenching has on fan-shaped holes is studied by systematically increasing the trench depth. Values of local, laterally-averaged and spatially-averaged film cooling effectiveness are reported. It is found that placing the cylinders inside the trench and doubling the distance between the holes provides better performance than the cylindrical, non-trenched baseline, especially at the higher blowing ratios, M > 1.0. At these higher coolant flow rates, the regular cylindrical jets show detachment, while those in the trench do not. They, in fact perform very well. The importance of this finding implies that the number of holes, and coolant, can be cut in half while still improving performance over regular holes. The trenched cylindrical holes did not, however, perform like the fan shaped holes. It was found that the performance of fan-shaped holes inside trenches is actually diminished by the presence of the trench. It is obvious, since the fan diffuses the flow, reducing the momentum of the coolant; the addition of the trench further slows the flow down. This, in turn, leads to the quicker ingestion of the main flow by the jets resulting in lower effectiveness. The next part of the study consisted of systematically increasing the depth of the trench for the fan-shaped holes. The purpose of this was to quantify the effect of the trench on the film cooling effectiveness. It was found that the presence of the trench significantly reduces the film effectiveness, especially for the deeper cases. At the higher blowing ratios, the overall performance of the fans collapses to the same value signifying insensitivity to the blowing ratio. A recent study suggests that having a compound angle could reduce the protective effect of the film due to the elevated interaction between the non-co-flowing coolant jet and the mainstream. Although it has been suggested that a non-symmetric lateral diffusion could mitigate the ill effects of having a compound angle, little has been understood on the effect this non-symmetry has on film cooling effectiveness. The last part of this study investigates the effect of non-symmetric lateral diffusion on film cooling effectiveness by systematically varying one side of a fan-shaped hole. For this part of the study, one of the lateral angles of diffusion of a fan-shaped hole was changed from 5° to 13°, while the other side was kept at 7°. It was found that a lower angle of diffusion hurts performance, while a larger diffusion angle improves it. However, the more significant result was that the jet seemed to be slightly turning. This suggests that the jets actually have two regions: one region with reduced momentum, ideal for protecting a large area downstream of the point of injection; and another region with more integrity which could withstand more aggressive main flow conditions. A further study should be conducted for this geometry at compound angles with the main flow to test this theory. The studies conducted show that the temperature sensitive paint technique can be used to study the performance of film cooling holes for various geometries. The studies also show the film cooling performance of novel geometries and explain why, in some cases, such new arrangements are desirable, and in others, how they can hurt performance. The studies also point in the direction of further investigations in order to advance cooling technology to more effective applications and reduced coolant consumption, the main goal of applied turbine cooling research.
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Date Issued
CFE0002831, ucf:48082
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Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement Within a Concentric Annulus.
Hanhold, Alexander, Kapat, Jayanta, Ahmed, Kareem, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Effective heat exchange is key for many energy applications including heat exchangers, heat extraction from heat source, and heat rejection to ambient thermal sink. This study focuses on the investigation for a specific heat exchange configuration, namely heat removal within a concentric annular passage using helical turbulators and jet impingement. Numerical testing was used to see how the different geometric parameters affect the heat transfer and pressure drop within the annulus by using...
Show moreEffective heat exchange is key for many energy applications including heat exchangers, heat extraction from heat source, and heat rejection to ambient thermal sink. This study focuses on the investigation for a specific heat exchange configuration, namely heat removal within a concentric annular passage using helical turbulators and jet impingement. Numerical testing was used to see how the different geometric parameters affect the heat transfer and pressure drop within the annulus by using helicoil turbulators. A vast range of designs were studied by changing the turbulator shape, pitch, and blockage ratio while maintaining a constant Reynolds number of 25,000. CFD was performed in STARCCM+ using the realizable ?-? turbulence model. Results show that turbulence and heat transfer increase with a higher blockage ratio and smaller pitch but the pressure drop is subsequently increased as well. The square turbulator promoted higher heat transfer compared to the circle turbulator but the pressure drop was significantly increased when the helix angle was greater than 20(&)deg; and blockage ratio greater than 0.48.Experimental and numerical efforts were used to find the heat transfer due to impingement jets on the target surface. Multiple flows as a function of jet Reynolds number ranging from 16,000-33,000 were tested for two geometries. Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) was utilized to observe local heat transfer. It was observed that jet degradation occurs after the 6th row of stream-wise impingement jets for both cases experimentally and it was difficult to numerically capture the effect of the cross flow from previous jets but managed to follow the same trend. The numerical results showed that they can be used with good agreement to predict the surface averaged Nusselt number to be within the 12% uncertainty found from experimental efforts. Geometry B was determined to perform better in terms of heat transfer as opposed to Geometry A with the same pressure loss.
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Date Issued
CFE0007286, ucf:52155
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Nagaiah, Narasimha, Geiger, Christopher, Nazzal, Dima, Reilly, Charles, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In the design of mechanical components, numerical simulations and experimental methods are commonly used for design creation (or modification) and design optimization. However, a major challenge of using simulation and experimental methods is that they are time-consuming and often cost-prohibitive for the designer. In addition, the simultaneous interactions between aerodynamic, thermodynamic and mechanical integrity objectives for a particular component or set of components are difficult to...
Show moreIn the design of mechanical components, numerical simulations and experimental methods are commonly used for design creation (or modification) and design optimization. However, a major challenge of using simulation and experimental methods is that they are time-consuming and often cost-prohibitive for the designer. In addition, the simultaneous interactions between aerodynamic, thermodynamic and mechanical integrity objectives for a particular component or set of components are difficult to accurately characterize, even with the existing simulation tools and experimental methods. The current research and practice of using numerical simulations and experimental methods do little to address the simultaneous (")satisficing(") of multiple and often conflicting design objectives that influence the performance and geometry of a component. This is particularly the case for gas turbine systems that involve a large number of complex components with complicated geometries.Numerous experimental and numerical studies have demonstrated success in generating effective designs for mechanical components; however, their focus has been primarily on optimizing a single design objective based on a limited set of design variables and associated values. In this research, a multiobjective design optimization framework to solve a set of user-specified design objective functions for mechanical components is proposed. The framework integrates a numerical simulation and a nature-inspired optimization procedure that iteratively perturbs a set of design variables eventually converging to a set of tradeoff design solutions. In this research, a gas turbine engine system is used as the test application for the proposed framework. More specifically, the optimization of the gas turbine blade internal cooling channel configuration is performed. This test application is quite relevant as gas turbine engines serve a critical role in the design of the next-generation power generation facilities around the world. Furthermore, turbine blades require better cooling techniques to increase their cooling effectiveness to cope with the increase in engine operating temperatures extending the useful life of the blades.The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated via a computational study, where a set of common, real-world design objectives and a set of design variables that directly influence the set of objectives are considered. Specifically, three objectives are considered in this study: (1) cooling channel heat transfer coefficient, which measures the rate of heat transfer and the goal is to maximize this value; (2) cooling channel air pressure drop, where the goal is to minimize this value; and (3) cooling channel geometry, specifically the cooling channel cavity area, where the goal is to maximize this value. These objectives, which are conflicting, directly influence the cooling effectiveness of a gas turbine blade and the material usage in its design. The computational results show the proposed optimization framework is able to generate, evaluate and identify thousands of competitive tradeoff designs in a fraction of the time that it would take designers using the traditional simulation tools and experimental methods commonly used for mechanical component design generation. This is a significant step beyond the current research and applications of design optimization to gas turbine blades, specifically, and to mechanical components, in general.
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Date Issued
CFE0004495, ucf:49282
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Slabaugh, Carson, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Establishing a clean and renewable energy supply is the preeminent engineering challenge of our time. Turbines, in some form, are responsible for more than 98 percent of all electricity generated in the United State and 100 percent of commercial and military air transport. The operation of these engines is clearly responsible for significant consumption of hydrocarbon fuels and, in turn, emission of green house gases into the atmosphere. With such wide-scale implementation, it is understood...
Show moreEstablishing a clean and renewable energy supply is the preeminent engineering challenge of our time. Turbines, in some form, are responsible for more than 98 percent of all electricity generated in the United State and 100 percent of commercial and military air transport. The operation of these engines is clearly responsible for significant consumption of hydrocarbon fuels and, in turn, emission of green house gases into the atmosphere. With such wide-scale implementation, it is understood that even the smallest increase in the operating efficiency of these machines can lead to enormous improvements over the current energy situation. These effects can extend from a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases to lessening the nationÃÂ's dependence of foreign energy sources to lower energy prices for the consumer. The prominent means of increasing engine efficiency is by raising the ÃÂ'Turbine Inlet TemperatureÃÂ' ÃÂ the temperature of the mainstream flow after combustion, entering the first stage of the turbine section. The challenge is presented when these temperatures are forced beyond the allowable limits of the materials inside the machine. In order to protect these components, active cooling and protection methods are employed. The focus of this work is the development of more efficient means of cooling ÃÂ'hotÃÂ' turbine components. In doing so, the goal is to maximize the amount of heat removed by the coolant while minimizing the coolant mass flow rate: by removing a greater amount of heat with a lower coolant mass flow rate, more compressed air is left in the mainstream gas flow for combustion and power generation. This study is an investigation of the heat transfer augmentation through the fully-developed portion of a narrow rectangular duct (AR=2) characterized by the application of dimples to the bottom wall of the channel. Experimental testing and numerical modeling is performed for full support and validation of presented findings. The geometries are studied at channel Reynolds numbers of 20000, 30000, and 40000. The purpose is to understand the contribution of dimple geometries in the formation of flow structures that improve the advection of heat away from the channel walls. Experimental data reported includes the local and Nusselt number augmentation of the channel walls and the overall friction augmentation throughout the length of the duct. Computational results validate local Nusselt number results from experiments, in addition to providing further insight to local flow physics causing the observed surface phenomena. By contributing to a clearer understanding of the effects produced by these geometries, the development of more effective channel-cooling designs can be achieved.
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Date Issued
CFE0003223, ucf:48511
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Statistical Analysis of Multi-Row Film Cooling Flowfields.
Fernandes, Craig, Kapat, Jayanta, Ahmed, Kareem, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A huge part of modern day power generation research and development strives to achievehigher thermal efficiencies and specific work outputs for both gas turbine Brayton and combinedcycles. Advances in cooling technologies, both internal to turbine blades and external, provide the easiest way to accomplish this by raising the turbine inlet temperature far beyond the super-alloy's allowable temperature. Discrete film cooling injection, an external cooling technique, ensures a cool blanket of...
Show moreA huge part of modern day power generation research and development strives to achievehigher thermal efficiencies and specific work outputs for both gas turbine Brayton and combinedcycles. Advances in cooling technologies, both internal to turbine blades and external, provide the easiest way to accomplish this by raising the turbine inlet temperature far beyond the super-alloy's allowable temperature. Discrete film cooling injection, an external cooling technique, ensures a cool blanket of compressed air protects the blade surface from the harsh mainstream gas. To optimize the coverage and effectiveness of the film, a thorough understanding of the behavior andflow physics is necessary.The objective of the current study is to use hotwire anemometry as a tool to conduct 1D timeresolved turbulent measurements on the flow field of staggered multi-row film cooling arrays withcylindrical and diffuser shaped holes inclined at 20 degrees to the freestream. The study aims toinvestigate the flowfield to determine why the performance of diffuser shaped jets is enhanced even at comparatively high blowing ratios. In addition, blowing ratio effects and flowfield discrepanciesat set downstream locations in the array centerline plane are also investigated.The experiments are conducted on an open-loop wind tunnel for blowing ratios in the rangeof 0.3 to 1.5 at a density ratio of 1. Boundary layer measurements were taken at 12 locations atthe array centerline to obtain mean velocity, turbulence level, turbulence intensity, and integral length scales. Measurements were also taken at a location upstream of the array to characterize the incoming boundary layer and estimate the wall normal position of the probe in comparison with the logarithmic law of the wall.Mean effective velocity profiles were found to scale with blowing ratio for both geometries.A strong dependence of turbulence levels on velocity gradients between jets and the local fluid was also noticed. For cylindrical jets, attached cases displayed lower integral length scales in the nearwall region compared with higher blowing ratio cases. This was found to be due to entrainmentof mainstream fluid showing increased momentum transport below the jets. Diffuser cases atall blowing ratios tested do not show increased length scales near the wall demonstrating theirenhanced surface coverage. Row-to-row discrepancies in mean velocity and turbulence level are only evident at extremely high blowing cases for cylindrical, but show significant deviations for diffuser cases at all blowing ratios.Unlike the cylindrical cases, jets from diffuser shaped holes, due to their extremely low injecting velocities, dragged the boundary layer with each row of blowing. Increased velocity gradients create a rise in peak turbulence levels at downstream locations. At high blowing ratios however, faster moving fluid, due to injection, at lower elevations acts as a shield for downstream jets allowing significantly further propagation downstream. Near the wall low magnitude integral length scales are noticed for diffuser jets indicating low momentum transport in this region.The results show good agreement with effectiveness measurements of a previous study at a higher density ratio. However, to accurately draw the comparison, effectiveness measurements should be conducted at a density ratio of 1. Recommendations were made to further the study of multi-row film cooled boundary layers. The scope includes a CFD component, other flowfield measurement techniques, and surface effectiveness studies using Nitrogen as the coolant for a much broader picture of this flowfield.
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Date Issued
CFE0006738, ucf:51863
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Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness of a Transpiration-Cooled Leading Edge Fabricated by Laser Additive Manufacturing.
Calderon, Luisana, Kapat, Jayanta, Raghavan, Seetha, Mingareev, Ilya, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Laser additive manufacturing (LAM) is an emerging technology capable of fabricating complex geometries not possibly made by investment casting methods for gas turbine applications. LAM techniques consist of building parts in a layer-by-layer process by selectively melting metal powders. In the present study, a mock leading edge segment of a turbine blade fabricated by LAM of Inconel 718 powders is investigated. For this particular design, the traditional showerhead film cooling holes have...
Show moreLaser additive manufacturing (LAM) is an emerging technology capable of fabricating complex geometries not possibly made by investment casting methods for gas turbine applications. LAM techniques consist of building parts in a layer-by-layer process by selectively melting metal powders. In the present study, a mock leading edge segment of a turbine blade fabricated by LAM of Inconel 718 powders is investigated. For this particular design, the traditional showerhead film cooling holes have been replaced by two strips containing engineered-porous regions with the purpose of simulating the effect of transpiration cooling. Transpiration cooling has been considered a promising external convective cooling method capable of providing a more uniform film and higher adiabatic film cooling effectiveness than conventional discrete film cooling. In addition, many studies have shown that this technique can yield high firing temperatures with much less coolant consumption than discrete film cooling. In this current study, adiabatic film cooling effectiveness is investigated by means of mass transfer using pressure sensitive paint (PSP). The experiments are conducted for blowing ratios ranging between M = 0.03 and M = 0.28 for a nominal density ratio of 1.5. The density ratio is obtained by using air as the mainstream flow and CO2 as the secondary flow (or coolant source). Results indicate higher coverage and film cooling effectiveness when increasing blowing ratio at the expense of higher pressure drop. In addition, the experimental results are compared to numerical analyses performed using steady state Reynolds Average Navier Stokes (RANS) simulations.
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Date Issued
CFE0007315, ucf:52117
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Tran, Nghia, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Advancement in turbine technology has far reaching effects on today's society and environment. With more than 90% of electricity and 100% of commercial air transport being produced by the usage of gas turbine, any advancement in turbine technology can have an impact on fuel used, pollutants and carbon dioxide emitted to the environment. Within the turbine engine, fully understanding film cooling is critical to reliability of a turbine engine. Film cooling is an efficient way to protect...
Show moreAdvancement in turbine technology has far reaching effects on today's society and environment. With more than 90% of electricity and 100% of commercial air transport being produced by the usage of gas turbine, any advancement in turbine technology can have an impact on fuel used, pollutants and carbon dioxide emitted to the environment. Within the turbine engine, fully understanding film cooling is critical to reliability of a turbine engine. Film cooling is an efficient way to protect the engine surface from the extremely hot incoming gas, which is at a temperature much higher than allowable temperature of even the most advanced super alloy used in turbine. Film cooling performance is affected by many factors: geometrical factors and as well as flow conditions. In most of the film cooling literature, film effectiveness has been used as criterion to judge and/or compare between film cooling designs. Film uniformity is also a critical factor, since it determines how well the coolant spread out downstream to protect the hot-gas-path surface of a gas turbine engine. Even after consideration of all geometrical factors and flow conditions, the film effectiveness is still affected by the stator-rotor interaction, in particular by the moving wakes produced by upstream airfoils. A complete analysis of end wall film cooling inside turbine is required to fully understand the phenomena. This full analysis is almost impossible in the academic arena. Therefore, a simplified but critical experimental rig and computational fluid model were designed to capture the effect of wake on film cooling inside an annular test section. The moving wakes are created by rotating a wheel with 12 spokes or rods with a variable speed motor. Thus changing the motor speed will alter the wake passing frequency. This design is an advancement over most previous studies in rectangular duct, which cannot simulate wakes in an annular passage as in an engine. This rig also includes film injection that allows study of impact of moving wakes on film cooling. This wake is a simplified representation of the trailing edge created by an upstream airfoil. An annulus with 30ð pitch test section is considered in this study. This experimental rig is based on an existing flat plate film cooling (BFC) rig that has been validated in the past. Measurement of velocity profiles within the moving wake downstream from the wake generator is used to validate the CFD rotating wake model. The open literature on film cooling and past experiments performed in the laboratory validated the CFD film cooling model. With these validations completed, the full CFD model predicts the wake and film cooling interaction. Nine CFD cases were considered by varying the film cooling blowing ratio and the wake Strouhal number. The results indicated that wakes highly enhance film cooling effectiveness near film cooling holes and degrades the film blanket downstream of the film injection, at the moment of wake passing. However, the time-averaged film cooling effectiveness is more or less the same with or without wake.
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Date Issued
CFE0003483, ucf:48956
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Medina, Marc A, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study focuses on multi-jet impingement for gas turbine geometries in which the objective is to understand the influence of the roughness elements on a target surface to the heat transfer. Current work has proven that implementing roughness elements for multi-jet impingement target surfaces has increased heat transfer ranging anywhere from 10-30%. This study has chosen to investigate three different roughness elements, elliptical in cross-section, to compare to smooth surface geometries...
Show moreThis study focuses on multi-jet impingement for gas turbine geometries in which the objective is to understand the influence of the roughness elements on a target surface to the heat transfer. Current work has proven that implementing roughness elements for multi-jet impingement target surfaces has increased heat transfer ranging anywhere from 10-30%. This study has chosen to investigate three different roughness elements, elliptical in cross-section, to compare to smooth surface geometries for multi-jet impingement. An experimental was taken for this study to extend the current knowledge of multi-jet impingement geometries and to further understand the heat transfer performance. A temperature sensitive paint (TSP) technique was used to measure the heat transfer on the target surface, in which the local temperature was measured to estimate area averaged heat transfer coefficient (HTC) and row averaged HTC. In order stay consistent with literature, non-dimensional parameters were used for geometry locations and boundaries. For this study, the Reynolds number range, based on jet diameter and mass flux, is 10-15k. The X/D (streamwise direction), Y/D (spanwise direction), Z/D (channel height direction), L/D (thickness of the jet plate) constraints for this study are 5, 6, 3, and 1 respectively. From the local heat transfer distributions of the different roughness elements, it is concluded that the inclusion of these elements increases heat transfer by 2-12% as compared to a flat/smooth target plate. It is therefore recommended from this study, that elements, elliptical in shape, provide favorability in heat transfer for gas turbine configurations.
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Date Issued
CFH2000131, ucf:46021
Document (PDF)
Tran, Lucky, kapat, Jay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The heat transfer and friction augmentation in the fully developed portion of a 2:1 aspect ratio rectangular channel with orthogonal ribs at channel Reynolds numbers of 20,000, 30,000, and 40,000 is studied both experimentally and computationally. Ribs are applied to the two opposite wide walls. The rib aspect ratio is varied systematically at 1, 3, and 5, with a constant rib height and constant rib pitch (rib-pitch-to-rib-height ratio of 10). The purpose of the study is to extend the...
Show moreThe heat transfer and friction augmentation in the fully developed portion of a 2:1 aspect ratio rectangular channel with orthogonal ribs at channel Reynolds numbers of 20,000, 30,000, and 40,000 is studied both experimentally and computationally. Ribs are applied to the two opposite wide walls. The rib aspect ratio is varied systematically at 1, 3, and 5, with a constant rib height and constant rib pitch (rib-pitch-to-rib-height ratio of 10). The purpose of the study is to extend the knowledge of the performance of rectangular channels with ribs to include high aspect ratio ribs. The experimental investigation is performed using transient Thermochromic Liquid Crystals technique to measure the distribution of the local Nusselt numbers on the ribbed walls. Overall channel pressure drop and friction factor augmentation is also obtained with the experimental setup. A numerical simulation is also performed by solving the 3-D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the realizable-k-[episilon] turbulence model for closure. Flow visualization is obtained from the computational results as well as numerical predictions of local distributions of Nusselt numbers and overal channel pressure drop. Results indicate that with increasing rib width, the heat transfer augmentation of the ribbed walls decreases with a corresponding reduction in channel pressure drop.
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Date Issued
CFH0004103, ucf:44890
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Kullberg, James, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In the modern world, gas turbines are widely used in aircraft propulsion and electricity generation. These applications represent a massive use of energy worldwide, so even a very small increase in efficiency would have a significant beneficial economic and environmental impact. There are many ways to optimize the operation of a gas turbine, but a fundamental approach is to increase the turbine inlet temperature to increase the basic thermodynamic efficiency of the turbine. However, these...
Show moreIn the modern world, gas turbines are widely used in aircraft propulsion and electricity generation. These applications represent a massive use of energy worldwide, so even a very small increase in efficiency would have a significant beneficial economic and environmental impact. There are many ways to optimize the operation of a gas turbine, but a fundamental approach is to increase the turbine inlet temperature to increase the basic thermodynamic efficiency of the turbine. However, these temperatures are already well above the melting temperature of the components. A primary cooling methodology, called film cooling, creates a blanket of cool air over the surface and is an effective way to help protect these components from the hot mainstream gasses. This paper focuses on the effect of the film holes upstream of the first row of blades in the turbine because this is the section that experiences the highest thermal stresses. Many factors can determine the effectiveness of the film cooling, so a complete understanding can lead to effective results with the minimum flow rate of coolant air. Many studies have been published on the subject of film cooling, but because of the difficulty and expense of simulating turbine realistic conditions, many authors introduce vast simplifications such as low speed conditions or linear cascades. These simplifications do not adequately represent the behavior of a turbine and therefore their results are of limited use. This study attempts to eliminate many of those simplifications. The test rig used in this research is based on the NASA-GE E3 design, which stands for Energy Efficient Engine. It was introduced into the public domain to provide an advanced platform from which open-literature research could be performed. Experimental tests on a transonic annular rig are time-consuming and expensive, so it is desirable to use experimental results to validate a computational model which can then be used to extract much more information. The purpose of this work is to create a numerical model that can be used to simulate many different scenarios and then to apply these results to experimental data.
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Date Issued
CFH0003772, ucf:44728
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Pent, Jared, Kapat, Jay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examines the local and averaged endwall heat transfer effects of a staggered array of porous pin fins within a rectangular channel. The porous pin fins were made from aluminum and had a pore density of 10 pores per inch (PPI). The pressure drop through the channel was also determined for several flow rates and presented in terms of the friction factor. Local heat transfer coefficients on the endwall were measured using Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC) sheets recorded with a...
Show moreThis study examines the local and averaged endwall heat transfer effects of a staggered array of porous pin fins within a rectangular channel. The porous pin fins were made from aluminum and had a pore density of 10 pores per inch (PPI). The pressure drop through the channel was also determined for several flow rates and presented in terms of the friction factor. Local heat transfer coefficients on the endwall were measured using Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC) sheets recorded with a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. Static and total pressure measurements were taken at the entrance and exit of the test section to determine the overall pressure drop through the channel and explain the heat transfer trends through the channel. Results are presented for Reynolds numbers between 25000 and 130000 and a blockage ratio (blocked channel area divided by open channel area) of 50%. All results were compared to the corresponding results obtained using solid pins. All experiments were carried out in a 150 mm by 500 mm channel with an X/D of 1.72, a Y/D of 2.0, and a Z/D of 1.72 for the porous pins. It was found that for the range of Reynold's numbers tested in this study, the porous pin array consistently resulted in a larger friction factor, and therefore greater losses than a geometrically similar array of solid pins. The friction factors for the solid pin array were between 9.5 and 10.5, similar to the results found in the literature. For the porous pins, however, the friction factors were significantly increased as the Reynold's number increased, reaching as high as 15.3 at the highest Reynold's number tested. The heat transfer enhancement for the porous pins was found to be between 150 and 170% while the solid pins resulted in a heat transfer enhancement between 190 and 230%.
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Date Issued
CFE0002819, ucf:48085
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Analysis of Heat Transfer on Turbulence Generating Ribs using Dynamic Mode Decomposition.
Elmore, Michael, Kapat, Jayanta, Ahmed, Kareem, Bhattacharya, Samik, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Ducts with turbulence-promoting ribs are common in heat transfer applications. This study usesa recent modal extraction technique called Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) to determinemode shapes of the spatially and temporally complex flowfield inside a ribbed duct. One subjectmissing from current literature is a method of directly linking a mode to a certain engineeringquantity of interest. Presented is a generalized methodology for producing such a link utilizing thedata from the DMD...
Show moreDucts with turbulence-promoting ribs are common in heat transfer applications. This study usesa recent modal extraction technique called Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) to determinemode shapes of the spatially and temporally complex flowfield inside a ribbed duct. One subjectmissing from current literature is a method of directly linking a mode to a certain engineeringquantity of interest. Presented is a generalized methodology for producing such a link utilizing thedata from the DMD analysis. Theory suggests exciting the modes which are identified may causethe flow to change in such a way to promote the quantity of interest, in this case, heat transfer. Thistheory is tested by contouring the walls of the duct by the extracted mode shapes.The test procedure is taken from an industrial perspective. An initial, unmodified geometry pro-vides a baseline for comparison to later contoured models. The initial case is run as a steady-stateReynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model. Large-Eddy Simulation generates the necessary datafor the DMD analysis. Several mode shapes extracted from the flow are applied to the duct wallsand run again in the RANS model, then compared to the baseline, and their relative performanceexamined.
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Date Issued
CFE0007328, ucf:52123
Document (PDF)
Silieti, Mahmood, Kassab, Alain, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A methodology is formulated for the solution of the inverse problem concerned with the reconstruction of multi-dimensional heat fluxes for film cooling applications. The motivation for this study is the characterization of complex thermal conditions in industrial applications such as those encountered in film cooled turbomachinery components. The heat conduction problem in the metal endwall/shroud is solved using the boundary element method (bem), and the inverse problem is solved using a...
Show moreA methodology is formulated for the solution of the inverse problem concerned with the reconstruction of multi-dimensional heat fluxes for film cooling applications. The motivation for this study is the characterization of complex thermal conditions in industrial applications such as those encountered in film cooled turbomachinery components. The heat conduction problem in the metal endwall/shroud is solved using the boundary element method (bem), and the inverse problem is solved using a genetic algorithm (ga). Thermal conditions are overspecified at exposed surfaces amenable to measurement, while the temperature and surface heat flux distributions are unknown at the film cooling hole/slot walls. The latter are determined in an iterative process by developing two approaches. The first approach, developed for 2d applications, solves an inverse problem whose objective is to adjust the film cooling hole/slot wall temperatures and heat fluxes until the temperature and heat flux at the measurement surfaces are matched in an overall heat conduction solution. The second approach, developed for 2d and 3d applications, is to distribute a set of singularities (sinks) at the vicinity of the cooling slots/holes surface inside a fictitious extension of the physical domain or along cooling hole centerline with a given initial strength distribution. The inverse problem iteratively alters the strength distribution of the singularities (sinks) until the measuring surfaces heat fluxes are matched. The heat flux distributions are determined in a post-processing stage after the inverse problem is solved. The second approach provides a tremendous advantage in solving the inverse problem, particularly in 3d applications, and it is recommended as the method of choice for this class of problems. It can be noted that the ga reconstructed heat flux distributions are robust, yielding accurate results to both exact and error-laden inputs. In all cases in this study, results from experiments are simulated using a full conjugate heat transfer (cht) finite volume models which incorporate the interactions of the external convection in the hot turbulent gas, internal convection within the cooling plena, and the heat conduction in the metal endwall/shroud region. Extensive numerical investigations are undertaken to demonstrate the significant importance of conjugate heat transfer in film cooling applications and to identify the implications of various turbulence models in the prediction of accurate and more realistic surface temperatures and heat fluxes in the cht simulations. These, in turn, are used to provide numerical inputs to the inverse problem. Single and multiple cooling slots, cylindrical cooling holes, and fan-shaped cooling holes are considered in this study. The turbulence closure is modeled using several two-equation approach, the four-equation turbulence model, as well as five and seven moment reynolds stress models. The predicted results, by the different turbulence models, for the cases of adiabatic and conjugate models, are compared to experimental data reported in the open literature. Results show the significant effects of conjugate heat transfer on the temperature field in the film cooling hole region, and the additional heating up of the cooling jet itself. Moreover, results from the detailed numerical studies presented in this study validate the inverse problem approaches and reveal good agreement between the bem/ga reconstructed heat fluxes and the cht simulated heat fluxes along the inaccessible cooling slot/hole walls
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Date Issued
CFE0000166, ucf:52896
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Heat Transfer, Friction, and Turbulent Analysis on Single Ribbed-Wall Square Channel.
Vergos, Christopher, Kapat, Jayanta, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, Ahmed, Kareem, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
An experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction behavior for a fully developed flow in a non-rotating square channel was conducted under a wide range of Reynolds numbers from 6,000 to 180,000. The rig used in this study was a single ribbed wall variant of Ahmed et al.'s [ 1 ] rig from which results of this rig were compared. Ahmed et al.'s rig was a replica of Han et al.'s square channel [ 2 ] used to validate their work, and expand the Reynolds number range for both heat transfer...
Show moreAn experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction behavior for a fully developed flow in a non-rotating square channel was conducted under a wide range of Reynolds numbers from 6,000 to 180,000. The rig used in this study was a single ribbed wall variant of Ahmed et al.'s [ 1 ] rig from which results of this rig were compared. Ahmed et al.'s rig was a replica of Han et al.'s square channel [ 2 ] used to validate their work, and expand the Reynolds number range for both heat transfer and friction data. The test section was 22 hydraulic diameters (Dh) long, and made of four aluminum plates. One rib roughened bottom wall, and three smooth walls bounded the flow. Glued brass ribs oriented at 45(&)deg; to the flow direction, with a ratio of rib height to channel hydraulic diameter (e/Dh) and a ratio of pitch to rib height (p/e) of 0.063 and 10, respectively, lined the bottom wall. A 20Dh long acrylic channel with a continuation of the test section's interior was attached at the inlet of the test section to confirm the fully developed flow. Heat transfer tests were conducted in a Reynolds number range of 20,000 to 150,000. During these tests, the four walls were held under isothermal conditions. Wall-averaged, and module-averaged Nusselt values were calculated from the log-mean temperature differences between the plate surface temperature and calculated, by energy balance, fluid bulk temperature. Streamwise Nusselt values become constant at an x/Dh of 8 within the tested Reynolds number range. Wall averaged Nusselt values were determined after x/Dh=8, and scaled by the Dittus-Boelter correlation, Nuo, for smooth ducts to yield a Nusselt augmentation value (Nu/Nuo). Non-heated friction tests were conducted from a Reynolds number range of 6,000 to 180,000. Pressure drop along the channel was recorded, and channel-averaged Darcy-Weisbach friction factor was calculated within the range of Reynolds number tested. Scaling the friction factor by the smooth-wall Blasius correlation, fo, gave the friction augmentation (f/fo). The thermal performance, a modified ratio of the Nusselt and friction augmentation used by Han et al. [ 2 ], was then calculated to evaluate the bottom-line performance of the rig. It was found that the Nusselt augmentation approached a constant value of 1.4 after a Reynolds number of 60,000 while friction augmentation continued to increase in a linear fashion past that point. This caused the overall thermal performance to decline as Reynolds number increased up to a certain point. Further studies were conducted in an all acrylic, non-heated variant of the rig to study the fluid flow in the streamwise direction on, and between two ribs in the fully developed region of the channel. Single-wire hot-wire anemometry characterized velocity magnitude profiles with great detail, as well as turbulence intensity for Reynolds numbers ranging from 5,000 to 50,000. As the Reynolds number increased the reattachment point between two ribs remained about stationary while the turbulence intensity receded to the trailing surface of the upstream rib, and dissipated as it traveled. At low Reynolds numbers, between 5,000 and 10,000, the velocity and turbulence intensity streamwise profiles seemed to form two distinct flow regions, indicating that the flow over the upstream rib never completely attached between the two ribs. Integral length-scales were also derived from the autocorrelation function using the most turbulent signal acquired at each Reynolds number. It was found that there is a linear trend between Reynolds number and the integral length-scale at the most turbulent points in the flow. For example, at Re=50,000 the most the length scale found just past the first rib was on the order of two times the height of the rib. Rivir et al. [ 30 ] found in a similar case that at Re = 45,000, it was 1.5 times the rib height. Several factors could influence the value of this integral length-scale, but the fact that their scale is on the order of what was obtained in this case gives some level of confidence in the value.
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Date Issued
CFE0007138, ucf:52318
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