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- Title
- Creator
Nabors, Erin, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study examines relationship violence among college students, focusing on the predictive roles of their sociodemographic characteristics and domestic violence beliefs. College students experience an extremely high level of abuse among intimate partners, with prevalence rates ranging between 20 and 50%. Since relationship violence among college students is such a widespread problem, it is important to understand what lies at the foundation of this type of abuse. Findings from previous...
Show moreThis study examines relationship violence among college students, focusing on the predictive roles of their sociodemographic characteristics and domestic violence beliefs. College students experience an extremely high level of abuse among intimate partners, with prevalence rates ranging between 20 and 50%. Since relationship violence among college students is such a widespread problem, it is important to understand what lies at the foundation of this type of abuse. Findings from previous studies demonstrate correlations between sociodemographic characteristics and perpetration of relationship violence as well as correlations between beliefs supportive of abuse among intimate partners and perpetration of relationship violence. However, research to date fails to fully explore the potential interactions between these variables. In an attempt to fill this void, the current study uses data from the Relationship Characteristics Study conducted in 2001, which includes a sample of 1,938 college students, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of relationship violence among college students. This study examines the associations between students' (1) sociodemographic characteristics, including race and ethnicity, university year, parents' education, family income, parents' marital status, and students' relationship status as well as additional risk factors, consisting of alcohol consumption, drug use, and witnessing interparental violence, (2) domestic violence beliefs, including empirically-based and myth-based domestic violence causation endorsements as well as physical and sexual abuse, stalking, and verbal abuse definitions, and (3) relationship violence perpetration, including negotiation, psychological aggression, physical assault, sexual coercion, and injury. Separate analyses are conducted for male and female college students. Based on previous research and theoretical foundations, it was expected that both college students' sociodemographic characteristics and their domestic violence beliefs would be predictive of relationship violence perpetration. It was further hypothesized that students' sociodemographic characteristics would impact their domestic violence beliefs. Findings generally support these expectations. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0000951, ucf:46757
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- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Schreck, Sarah, Dodd, Melissa, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research is to identify best practices for public relations professionals when engaging with a Millennial performing arts audience, focusing on Hon and Grunig's relationship management theory (1999) and Kent and Taylor's theory of dialogic communication (2014) to build interactivity in a digital space. Performing arts organizations have successfully engaged with previous generations, but are facing new challenges when communicating with millennial audiences. Changing...
Show moreThe purpose of this research is to identify best practices for public relations professionals when engaging with a Millennial performing arts audience, focusing on Hon and Grunig's relationship management theory (1999) and Kent and Taylor's theory of dialogic communication (2014) to build interactivity in a digital space. Performing arts organizations have successfully engaged with previous generations, but are facing new challenges when communicating with millennial audiences. Changing demographics have led to a stagnation and decline of performing arts attendance as the millennial generation has come of age. This massive population has new priorities for spending and consumption of entertainment, and social media is their preferred channel of communication as opposed to print and broadcast media. The researcher distributed a survey to patrons of the Orlando Shakespeare theatre to identify their perspectives of current public relations practices. Results from 148 respondents indicated that the Orlando Shakespeare Theatre maintains strong relationships with Millennials (N=6) and non-Millennials alike, as made evident by their practice of Baumgarth's cultural consumer behaviors (2014). However, a larger sample of Millennial patrons is necessary to determine best practices for the specific population. The primary product of this research is the creation of a theory-driven survey that can be used to effectively measure the depth of a performing arts organization's relationship with its patrons, and a case study exemplifying a successful organization.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFH2000309, ucf:45725
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Leontyeva, Alyona, White, Grace, Jentsch, Florian, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
With the introduction of technology, our existence became different. Today we use technology for every aspect of our lives. We can study, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. We find it very convenient to communicate via e-mail, text messaging, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace, and Snapchat to connect with people in work, school, social and familial networks. Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed that Facebook's new mission is to "bring the world closer together" (Zuckerberg, 2017)...
Show moreWith the introduction of technology, our existence became different. Today we use technology for every aspect of our lives. We can study, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. We find it very convenient to communicate via e-mail, text messaging, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace, and Snapchat to connect with people in work, school, social and familial networks. Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed that Facebook's new mission is to "bring the world closer together" (Zuckerberg, 2017). The means of accomplishing that is through technological communication. According to research on close relationships and the use of technology as a way of communication, "mobile phone-based channels had stronger associations with friendship closeness" (Liu and Yang, 2016). However, it is also possible that something essential is lost in these electronic interactions. It is possible that both the value and meaning of the interaction changes when using technology rather than human communication. The primary purpose of this research was a) to examine whether technology use makes people feel more connected to others or lonelier, b) to discover how relationships are affected by online communication, particularly as it relates to satisfaction or closeness, and c) to see if people's personalities play a role in their technology use. It is essential to continue to expand and explore this research. Technology continues to develop and change at an increasingly fast rate. The impact of how we use and interact with this dynamic product can only be fully understood through continued examination and research.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFH2000463, ucf:45767
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Chen, Michelle, Azimi, Cyrus, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
As one of the most important emotional goals pertaining to humankind, achieving happiness has been the central focus of scientists, philosophers, and the general population alike since the beginning of recorded history. This study strove to examine the association of body image satisfaction and relationship quality as it relates to happiness. Four hundred college-age participants completed the Subjective Happiness Scale, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (Appearance...
Show moreAs one of the most important emotional goals pertaining to humankind, achieving happiness has been the central focus of scientists, philosophers, and the general population alike since the beginning of recorded history. This study strove to examine the association of body image satisfaction and relationship quality as it relates to happiness. Four hundred college-age participants completed the Subjective Happiness Scale, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (Appearance Scales), and the Network of Relationships Inventory (Relationships Quality Version) for close friendships of the same-sex and opposite-sex. Statistical analysis indicated that while body image satisfaction was significantly correlated with happiness, quality of interpersonal relationships was not. The results of this study emphasize the importance of one's satisfaction with one's body in the cultivation and maintenance of subjective well-being and the need to examine other potential predictors of happiness.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFH0004880, ucf:45430
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Chapman, Rachel, Bartkevicius, Jocelyn, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
"Gridlocks and Padlocks" is a collection of short fiction and personal essays whose goal is to create characters with depth in both real-world and not-entirely-real-world situations. The strength of nonfiction is the capacity to observe the writer's thinking and motivation. "Ashes to Ashes, Trust to Dust" is a personal essay that explores my struggle with the faith I was raised in, with an emphasis on how friendships and relationships have shaped my perceptions. "The List of Unacceptable...
Show more"Gridlocks and Padlocks" is a collection of short fiction and personal essays whose goal is to create characters with depth in both real-world and not-entirely-real-world situations. The strength of nonfiction is the capacity to observe the writer's thinking and motivation. "Ashes to Ashes, Trust to Dust" is a personal essay that explores my struggle with the faith I was raised in, with an emphasis on how friendships and relationships have shaped my perceptions. "The List of Unacceptable Faults" is a personal essay about unwanted interactions with the opposite sex; it is an examination of men and boys through the lens of naive dissatisfaction. "Sing Me Rebecca" is a personal essay that delves into my relationship with my mentally handicapped sister. While the nonfiction writer focuses on his or her own development and struggles, a fiction writer can investigate the human condition by exploring the depth found in imagined people who face everyday situations and what characteristics and behaviors make them believable and absorbing. "Object of Study" is a short story about a girl named Taylor, who in her formative years stumbles upon a friendship between her sister and a boy she does not trust. This story examines Taylor's quirky, multi-faceted character through the actions she takes to investigate and ultimately end the friendship between a boy and her younger sister. "Crossing Fault Lines" is a work of short short fiction that focuses on three characters-a mother and her two sons-and their strained relationship. Whether writing personal essays or fiction, my goal is to create overarching conflicts that reflect people's struggle with being "stuck" in some situation in life.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFH0004351, ucf:44976
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Havill, Amanda, Renk, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Previous research indicated that childhood abuse experiences are important factors in determining the length and achievement of individuals' academic careers (Braver, Bumberry, Green, & Rawson, 1992). Several additional studies suggested that there is a relationship between childhood abuse experiences and social support (i.e., parental, peer, and teacher; Ezzell, Swenson, & Brondino, 2000; Goebbels, Nichols, Walsh, & De Vries, 2008). Although these relationships were documented, few studies...
Show morePrevious research indicated that childhood abuse experiences are important factors in determining the length and achievement of individuals' academic careers (Braver, Bumberry, Green, & Rawson, 1992). Several additional studies suggested that there is a relationship between childhood abuse experiences and social support (i.e., parental, peer, and teacher; Ezzell, Swenson, & Brondino, 2000; Goebbels, Nichols, Walsh, & De Vries, 2008). Although these relationships were documented, few studies examined the relationships between childhood abuse experiences, social support, and academic success in one comprehensive analysis. As a result, the current study examined the relationships among childhood abuse experiences, social support, and academic success. More specifically, the current study examined the mediational role of social support in the relationship between childhood abuse experiences and academic success. Participants completed four empirically validated questionnaires online. These questionnaires included a demographics questionnaire, the Student Perceived Availability of Social Support Questionnaire (SPASSQ; Vedder, Boekaerts, & Seegers, 2005), the Motivation to Achieve Academically Questionnaire (MAAQ; Waugh, 2002), and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ; Bernstein & Fink, 1998)). Using correlational analyses and regression analyses, results of the current study indicated that those individuals who reported childhood abuse experiences are more likely to have reported lower levels of parental support and that those who received a higher level of teachers' support are more likely to endorse academic success. Finally, childhood abuse experiences and social support generally were not significant predictors of academic success, and social support did not serve as a mediator in the relationship between childhood abuse experiences and academic success. Nonetheless, understanding the childhood experiences that individuals bring with them into their later lives still may be important in fostering the best possible academic outcomes.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0003786, ucf:44715
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Meeting planner loyalty to convention service managers: An investigation of convention service manager emotional and functional competence in the business-to-business exchange.
- Creator
Holm, Michelle, Dickson, Duncan, Muller, Christopher, Severt, Denver, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The current state of literature surrounding the business-to-business (BTB) exchange in the meetings, incentives, conventions, and events (MICE) industry is limited. Likewise, the manner in which meeting planners forge their intentions to repurchase was unknown until the present study was conducted. The following research focused on the role of the hotel convention service manager (CSM) in the BTB exchange with the meeting planner to understand the role they play in the meeting planner's...
Show moreThe current state of literature surrounding the business-to-business (BTB) exchange in the meetings, incentives, conventions, and events (MICE) industry is limited. Likewise, the manner in which meeting planners forge their intentions to repurchase was unknown until the present study was conducted. The following research focused on the role of the hotel convention service manager (CSM) in the BTB exchange with the meeting planner to understand the role they play in the meeting planner's decision to repurchase. Since hotel CSMs have not been assessed in previous literature, one of the major contributions of this study was that it established a set of functional competencies on which to evaluate hotel CSM performance in on-the-job tasks. The current study also introduced an emotional competence evaluation by means of asking meeting planners to evaluate hotel CSMs on well-being, emotionality, self control and sociability, in the face of client interaction. It was found that both forms of competency performance significantly contribute to the planner's perceptions of relationship quality. The current state of the literature was also ambiguous surrounding relationship quality in the BTB exchange. It was well established that relationship quality was most commonly composed of at least two dimensions: trust and commitment. However, because this study investigated the BTB exchange in an individual-individual context, likability was added as a new dimension of relationship quality. The second order factor structure of relationship quality was confirmed, and post-hoc tests revealed that a meeting planner's perceptions of emotional and functional competence in the exchange, appears to hinge on the quality of that relationship, when the meeting planner is evaluating their intentions to repurchase with the property and the hotel CSM. In fact, repeat purchase intentions with the hotel CSM were found to supersede intentions with the property, thereby establishing hotel CSMs as directors of repeat business for their respective employer (property). To accomplish this study's objectives, a mixed-mode methodology was employed. Qualitative analysis was conducted after collecting data via semi-structured interviews and focus groups to establish the functional competencies of hotel CSMs and create a generic scale for assessing those competencies. Quantitative analysis was preceded by a survey composed of five sections: functional competence, emotional competence, relationship quality, repeat purchase intention, and demographics. Data was collected from meeting planners, which resulted in a usable sample of 324 responses. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted on functional competence to understand its underlying latent structure. A robust reliability analysis and a priori testing was employed prior to conducing confirmatory factor analyses, which were followed by structural equation modeling to test the proposed theoretical model. The results showed the following. Functional and emotional competence were positively related to relationship quality, respectively. The second order factor structure of relationship quality was established, composed of the following first order factors: trust, commitment, and likability. Finally, perceived relationship quality is positively related to repeat purchase intention with the property and with the hotel CSM. The study offered a number of theoretical and practical implications, and limitations and directions for future research were also discussed in the final chapter.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006688, ucf:51925
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Adams, Daniel, Hubbard, Susan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In Ernest Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea, the narrator speaks of the healing power of the Gulf in a literal manner: the waters of the Gulf of Mexico heal the wounded hands of the fisherman. The seventeen stories in the following collection examine Hemingway's concept on other levels, focusing on the human ability--or lack thereof--to bridge psychological gulfs, and to find emotional healing. Three major currents run through the lives of the characters in Gulf: difficulties...
Show moreIn Ernest Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea, the narrator speaks of the healing power of the Gulf in a literal manner: the waters of the Gulf of Mexico heal the wounded hands of the fisherman. The seventeen stories in the following collection examine Hemingway's concept on other levels, focusing on the human ability--or lack thereof--to bridge psychological gulfs, and to find emotional healing. Three major currents run through the lives of the characters in Gulf: difficulties in relationships, struggles with identity, and a sense of being haunted by the unexplained. As the stories progress, the healing waters of the Gulf move the characters away from chaos and toward contentment. In early stories, characters are often appalled by the discovery of their true identities; the later stories feature heroes who've found happiness and peace. Scattered throughout the book are the haunted stories, those that question the boundaries between what is real and what is imagined, what is known and what can never be understood. Gulf is informed by the landscape of the south, yet some stories venture around the world, from the Gulf of Mexico to the heather-dotted hills of Scotland, exploring themes as dark and mysterious as the Gulf itself.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002023, ucf:47619
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Nuss, Patricia, Poindexter, Carla, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The research investigated the artistic and photographic processes corresponding with two studies motivated by the artist's personal history and focused on the role, affect, and history of various female idols represented in art, religion, and modern American popular media. The first part of the study documented female models as they were simultaneously asked by the artist to think of a range of personal but nonspecific moments from her life, the women were asked not to share their thoughts,...
Show moreThe research investigated the artistic and photographic processes corresponding with two studies motivated by the artist's personal history and focused on the role, affect, and history of various female idols represented in art, religion, and modern American popular media. The first part of the study documented female models as they were simultaneously asked by the artist to think of a range of personal but nonspecific moments from her life, the women were asked not to share their thoughts, only the moment spent thinking, with the artist. The second part of the study documented aspiring models as they awoke during sunrise in the nightwear they slept in. This study incorporated landscapes near the models home. A similar notion is exemplified between the two studies as the models are asked to procure an intimacy with the photographer and in consequence with the viewer. The written part of the study gathered information regarding the female idols presence in a variety of cultures and eras, which transitioned to question the female idols current role in western culture. Findings showed that all idols stress an approved appearance, behavior and morality; furthermore research shows that the modern female idol stresses an importance on appearance more than any other factor. The research continued by breaking down the importance of a viewer-subject relationship in iconography and other artworks. A focus was made on what factors might create this viewer-subject relationship, and furthermore what do the subtleties of the subject tell the viewer. Reference of the artist's memories of an inconsistent female role model in her own life combined with the idols that were constantly solicited by the media resulted in this investigation. A positive relationship was found between the photographic process and the study of models in personal moments.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003662, ucf:48809
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Waiving Miranda.
- Creator
Voyles, Vance, Bartkevicius, Jocelyn, Roney, Lisa, Rushin, Patrick, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Waiving Miranda is a nonfiction collection that explores my career in law enforcement with a special emphasis on how the day-to-day association with others can lure a person into self-observation. The essays include my experiences as a road-patrol deputy, sex-crimes detective, and homicide detective in one of the largest county law enforcement agencies in the nation. Instead of the TV version of law enforcement(-)anecdotes of police chases and shoot outs(-)this thesis examines people on both...
Show moreWaiving Miranda is a nonfiction collection that explores my career in law enforcement with a special emphasis on how the day-to-day association with others can lure a person into self-observation. The essays include my experiences as a road-patrol deputy, sex-crimes detective, and homicide detective in one of the largest county law enforcement agencies in the nation. Instead of the TV version of law enforcement(-)anecdotes of police chases and shoot outs(-)this thesis examines people on both sides of the yellow crimes scene tape as they face their own mortality and the gruesome truth of people's unabashed cruelty towards one another.These essays wrestle with such issues as the following: confronting my own perceived inadequacies while encountering the expectations of those whose ideas of police work come from shows such as SWAT, Law and Order, and NYPD Blue; balancing career and parenting in the aftermath of divorce and a loss of purpose; pursuing a career in law enforcement with the idea of serving the community; discovering that policing in real life is a direct contradiction to the celluloid heroes I grew up watching on television; staging an internal war and ultimately resolving to move past resentment and move forward with a new purpose.Unlike most true crime dramas, this collection does not promise a happily ever after. Instead, it's a detailed account of the men and women in the law enforcement community today, and how, as much as they guard the public against criminals at large, so must they guard themselves against the emotional toll that this knowledge carries with it.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0004490, ucf:49277
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Short, James, Taylor, Rosemarye, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The focus of this research was to determine the relationship, if any, between student achievement and the implementation of the Sterling Quality Management System in a southwest Florida school district. A quantitative analysis focused on three sources of data. Two surveys provided by the Florida Sterling Council were used to collect data from school based personnel and student achievement gain scores obtained from the Florida DOE School Accountability Report 2005-2009. In this study, little...
Show moreThe focus of this research was to determine the relationship, if any, between student achievement and the implementation of the Sterling Quality Management System in a southwest Florida school district. A quantitative analysis focused on three sources of data. Two surveys provided by the Florida Sterling Council were used to collect data from school based personnel and student achievement gain scores obtained from the Florida DOE School Accountability Report 2005-2009. In this study, little positive correlation was found between perceived implementation of Sterling practices and student achievement gains. Of a possible score of 5, the total mean implementation score across all groups was found to be 4.14. This meant that the perceived level of Sterling implementation among respondents overall was very high. No significant correlation was found between the total average Sterling implementation mean score and student achievement gains (school points) made between 2005 and 2009. Overall, very few correlations were found to be statistically significant. This suggested the lack of a linear relationship between Sterling implementation and student achievement gains in the schools in the study Following are recommendations for future research. 1. This study could be repeated using a population of multiple school districts in Florida or in different states. 2. This study could be repeated using different measures of student achievement, such as end of course exam results, SAT or ACT scores, or achievement in Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate programs in high schools. 3. This study could be repeated with a population of administrators that includes all school principals and assistant principals. 4. This study could be repeated in a school district that has achieved the Sterling Quality award. 5. This study could be repeated to determine a relationship between Sterling Quality and other school effectiveness measures, such as parent involvement, community support, and teacher retention. 6. Determine the relationship if any that the implementation of Sterling Quality practices at the district level has on student achievement.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003441, ucf:48416
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
McKinney, Cliff, Renk, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study is to examine a multivariate model of parent-adolescent relationship variables, including parenting, family environment, expectations and conflict. These variables are examined simultaneously to investigate their relationships with adolescent adjustment in early adolescence. The sample for the current study consists of 710 culturally diverse participants who range in age from 11- to 14-years and who attend a middle school in a Southeastern state. Of these...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to examine a multivariate model of parent-adolescent relationship variables, including parenting, family environment, expectations and conflict. These variables are examined simultaneously to investigate their relationships with adolescent adjustment in early adolescence. The sample for the current study consists of 710 culturally diverse participants who range in age from 11- to 14-years and who attend a middle school in a Southeastern state. Of these participants, 487 have a mother and father who participated in this study as well. Correlational analyses indicate that parental warmth and overprotection, family cohesion and adaptability, developmental expectations, and conflict are significant predictors of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in early adolescents. Structural equation modeling analyses indicate that fathers‟ parenting behaviors may not predict directly externalizing behavior problems in males and females but instead may act through conflict; more direct relationships exist when examining mothers‟ parenting behaviors. The impact of parenting, family environment, conflict, and sex on early adolescents‟ internalizing and externalizing behavior problems are emphasized.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002598, ucf:48284
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Offender Reentry: A Mixed Model Study of Interorganizational Commitment to Partnership.
- Creator
Humiston, Gail, Langworthy, Robert, Holmes, Stephen, Rosky, Jeffrey, Bryer, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study explores the associations between the independent variables of organizational motivations and culture with the dependent variable of organizational commitment to local jail reentry partnerships. A cross-sectional, mixed methods design was used based primarily on a quantitative survey mailed to organizational informants involved in jail reentry activities within three central Florida counties. Qualitative data was also collected by observing conveniently sampled reentry meetings and...
Show moreThis study explores the associations between the independent variables of organizational motivations and culture with the dependent variable of organizational commitment to local jail reentry partnerships. A cross-sectional, mixed methods design was used based primarily on a quantitative survey mailed to organizational informants involved in jail reentry activities within three central Florida counties. Qualitative data was also collected by observing conveniently sampled reentry meetings and analyzing the content of social artifacts, such as meeting handouts, minutes, e-mails, and other related documents. This study extends the literature by using the theoretical framework of Oliver (1990) to develop measures of organizations' motivations (i.e., reciprocity, stability, efficiency, asymmetry, and legitimacy) to partner with jails in reentry. It also extends the literature of Fletcher, Lehman, Wexler, Melnick, Taxman, and Young (2009) by furthering the development of valid measures of interorganizational relationships. Fletcher and associates found two levels of relationships (i.e., structured and unstructured); whereas this study found that organizations are linked according to elements (i.e., linking clients, services, providers, data, program evaluation and grant funding, and management) within increasing levels of complexity. Bivariate and multivariate analyses indicated positive associations between the predictor and outcome variables, as hypothesized. However, the sample size was not large enough to determine the strength or significance between the variables. The directed content analysis of the qualitative data supported the presence of the theoretical constructs, but also indicated that they were not mutually exclusive or exhaustive. Two of the three counties ended formal reentry meetings, so a case study approach was used to analyze the three counties using the theory of loose coupling (Orton (&) Weick, 1990; Weick, 1976). Although all three counties experienced the same external pressures to begin formal meetings, there were differences in partnership structures, leadership goals, and events which serve to explain why only one county was able to sustain those formal meetings. Results of this study have both research and practical implications. The development of valid measures for moderating variables in reentry will allow researchers to relate those variables to reentry program outcomes. By exploring the associations between organizational motivations and cultures with varying levels of commitment to interorganizational relationships, correctional officials will better understand who will partner, why, and to what degree. As a result, we may better understand the extent to which reforms targeting offender reentry can be successfully planned, implemented, and sustained. There are limitations to this study. Methodological errors associated with surveys, the primary data collection method herein, include the following: measurement, coverage, sampling, and nonresponse (Dillman, Smyth, (&) Christian, 2009). Despite having a relatively large sample size for analysis at the organizational level, the correlation design and small sample size (N = 68) limit the ability to draw causal inferences.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005507, ucf:50361
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Effect of Question-Answer Relationships on Ninth-Grade Students' Ability to Accurately Answer Comprehension Questions.
- Creator
Stafford, Tammy, Zygouris-Coe, Vassiliki, Xu, Lihua, Boote, David, Wilson, Nance, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This experimental research study examined the effects of the Question-Answer Relationships (QAR) taxonomy on ninth-grade students' ability to answer comprehension questions. Participants included 32 incoming ninth-grade students who were required to attend summer school due to poor attendance, grades, and/or standardized test scores. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Experimental group participants received one week of initial strategy instruction...
Show moreThis experimental research study examined the effects of the Question-Answer Relationships (QAR) taxonomy on ninth-grade students' ability to answer comprehension questions. Participants included 32 incoming ninth-grade students who were required to attend summer school due to poor attendance, grades, and/or standardized test scores. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Experimental group participants received one week of initial strategy instruction followed by three weeks of maintenance activities. Results indicated that the strategy had a negative effect on students' question-answering ability and raised questions regarding comprehension instruction, length of interventions, and the role of scaffolded support for a target population of adolescent readers. Discussion of the results revolves around interventions, QAR instruction, reading ability, and motivation of the participants.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004605, ucf:49921
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Contribution of College Students' Attachment Styles and Social Media Practices on their Relationship Development.
- Creator
Sherrell, Renee, Lambie, Glenn, Young, Mark, Barden, Sejal, Carlson, Ryan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research study was to investigate the directional relationship between college students' attachment styles and social media practices with their relationship development. This investigation tested the theoretical model that undergraduate students' (N = 717) attachment styles (as measured by the Experiences in Close Relationships-Short form [ECR-S; Wei et al., 2007]) and social media practices (as measured by the Facebook Intensity Scale [FBI; Ellison et al., 2007] and...
Show moreThe purpose of this research study was to investigate the directional relationship between college students' attachment styles and social media practices with their relationship development. This investigation tested the theoretical model that undergraduate students' (N = 717) attachment styles (as measured by the Experiences in Close Relationships-Short form [ECR-S; Wei et al., 2007]) and social media practices (as measured by the Facebook Intensity Scale [FBI; Ellison et al., 2007] and Motives for Going Facebook Official Scale [MGFBO; Fox (&) Warber, 2013]) contributed to their quality of relationship development (as measured by the Parks Relational Development Scale [PRDS; Parks (&) Roberts, 1998]). Specifically, this investigation tested the hypothesized directional relationship that students scoring in the insecure attachment range (i.e., avoidant or anxious) with higher levels of social media practices would have lower levels of relationship development quality. In addition, this investigation examined the relationship between college students' attachment styles, social media practices, and relationship development quality with their reported demographic information (e.g., age, current school level, and ethnicity). The results of the structural equation model (SEM) analyses identified that college students' attachment style contributed to the relationship development quality (96.04% of the variance explained) and their social media practices (2.56% of the variance explained). Furthermore, the results of the analyses identified that students' social media practices contributed to their relationship development quality (.4% of the variance explained). Implications of the findings from the study include (a) the inclusion of additional psychosocial intake questions for college counselors; (b) identification of current trends in undergraduate students' attachment styles, social media practices, and relationship development functioning for counselor educators to support the development of counselors-in-training; and (c) insight into the instrument development of the ECR-S, FBI, MGFBO, and PRDS.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005256, ucf:50579
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Influence of Stigma on Quality of Life and Relationship Satisfaction for Prostate Cancer Survivors and Their Partners.
- Creator
Wood, Andrew, Barden, Sejal, Daire, Andrew, Lambie, Glenn, Munyon, Matthew, Conley, Abigail, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between stigma, quality of life (QoL), and relationships satisfaction for prostate cancer (PCa) survivors and their intimate and/or romantic partners. The investigator tested a theoretical model that stigma (as measured by the Social Impact Scale [SIS; Fife (&) Wright, 2000]) influenced QoL (as measured by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (-) Prostate [FACT-P; Esper et al., 1997] and the Functional Assessment of Cancer...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between stigma, quality of life (QoL), and relationships satisfaction for prostate cancer (PCa) survivors and their intimate and/or romantic partners. The investigator tested a theoretical model that stigma (as measured by the Social Impact Scale [SIS; Fife (&) Wright, 2000]) influenced QoL (as measured by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (-) Prostate [FACT-P; Esper et al., 1997] and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (-) General Population [FACT-GP; Cella et al., 1993]) and relationship satisfaction (as measured by the Couples Satisfaction Index [CSI; Funk (&) Rogge, 2007]) for both PCa survivors and their partners (N = 72 couples). The investigator hypothesized that stigma would have a negative influence on both QoL and relationship satisfaction. Further, exploratory research questions pertained to the influence of race on stigma, QoL, and relationship satisfaction, as well as examining difference in experiences of stigma based on demographic variables (e.g., age and income).The results of the structural equation model analyses identified that stigma negatively influenced QoL (R2 = .84, p (<) .05) and relationship satisfaction (R2 = .19, p (<) .05) for both PCa survivors and their partners. Race did not have statistically significant (p (>) .05) relationships with stigma, QoL, or relationship satisfaction and stigma was not found to be statistically different (p (>) .05) based on demographic variables. Implications of the results of the study include (a) practical implications for PCa survivors and their partners; (b) strategies for effective individual, group, and couples-based counseling; (c) need for counselor educators to prepare counselors to work with medically ill populations and cancer survivors; (d) PCa stigma instrument development; and (e) the necessity to examine research with couples in a dyadic fashion.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005742, ucf:50112
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Cyr, Betty-Ann, Berman, Dr. Steven, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Text messaging, e-mail, instant messaging, and social networking sites are changing the way people interact with each other. The popularity of these communication technologies among emerging adults in particular has grown exponentially, with little accompanying research to understand their influences on psychosocial development. This study explores the relationship between communication technology usage (text messaging, e-mail, instant messaging, and social networking) and adolescent...
Show moreText messaging, e-mail, instant messaging, and social networking sites are changing the way people interact with each other. The popularity of these communication technologies among emerging adults in particular has grown exponentially, with little accompanying research to understand their influences on psychosocial development. This study explores the relationship between communication technology usage (text messaging, e-mail, instant messaging, and social networking) and adolescent adjustment among 268 high school students. It was hypothesized that use of communication technology would be related to psychological adjustment, including identity development, relationship attachment and peer conflict. Participants were recruited from three public high schools in central Florida (69% female, 81.9% White). Time spent using communication technology was significantly correlated with psychological symptom severity (i.e. anxiety and depression), identity distress, peer aggression, and existential anxiety. It was also significantly but negatively correlated with relationship avoidance. Degree of usage of communication technology for interpersonal communication was significantly correlated with peer aggression, relationship anxiety, and existential anxiety. Those with a preoccupied style (high in relationship anxiety, low in relationship avoidance) spent significantly more time using communication technology than those in the dismissive (high in avoidance, low in anxiety), fearful (high in both), and secure (low in both) styles. Further analyses and their implications for adolescent development will be discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004213, ucf:44908
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Through the Eyes of First-Year College Students: The Importance of Trust in the Development of Effective Advising Relationships.
- Creator
Lemon, Mark, Cintron Delgado, Rosa, Boyd, Tammy, Owens, James, Beverly, Monifa, Laureano Fuentes, Gloria, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research was conducted to better understand how first-year college students make sense of the role of trust in the development of the relationship with their academic advisors and how they characterize the conditions that enhance or hinder trust in this relationship. An extensive literature review was conducted, identifying relevant scholarship concerning trust and academic advising--the history, philosophy, and professionalization of the field. Also, a brief section on distrust was...
Show moreThis research was conducted to better understand how first-year college students make sense of the role of trust in the development of the relationship with their academic advisors and how they characterize the conditions that enhance or hinder trust in this relationship. An extensive literature review was conducted, identifying relevant scholarship concerning trust and academic advising--the history, philosophy, and professionalization of the field. Also, a brief section on distrust was presented to offer balance in the trust literature and to support the Lewicki, McAllister, (&) Bies' (1998) theoretical framework that guided this research endeavor. Moreover, a profile of the traditional, first-year college student was introduced, as this distinct population was asked to participate in this study and to share their unique lived experiences, detailing the relationships they have developed with their academic advisors. A phenomenological research design was employed, collecting participant data via in-depth interviews, an advisor/trust orientation exercise, and member checking. After these data were collected, the Moustakas (1994) four-step approach to data analysis was utilized as a means of data reduction. Eight traditional, first-year college students participated in this research endeavor, and all indicated that the role of trust was important in the development of the relationship with their academic advisors. Also, they isolated four trust characteristics that may enhance trust in their advising relationships: initiative, knowledge/expertise, kindness, and reliability. Likewise, the inverse of these named trust facets may hinder trust in their advising relationships. These new discoveries offer powerful insights for advancing the field of collegiate level academic advising.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0005022, ucf:49984
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- When Social Allergies Flare Up in Close Relationships: A Relational Turbulence Model Explanation.
- Creator
Hochstadt, Naomi, Weger, Harry, Hastings, Sally, Miller, Ann, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Romantic relationships commonly endure rough patches. The relational turbulence model and the social allergy phenomenon may account for such rough transitions. A social allergy is an idiosyncratic social behavior that involuntarily stirs up irritation in an individual, either with or without the intention of the transgressor. As the behavior is repeated, tolerance for the bothersome allergen dwindles. This paper investigates the connections between relational turbulence and social allergies....
Show moreRomantic relationships commonly endure rough patches. The relational turbulence model and the social allergy phenomenon may account for such rough transitions. A social allergy is an idiosyncratic social behavior that involuntarily stirs up irritation in an individual, either with or without the intention of the transgressor. As the behavior is repeated, tolerance for the bothersome allergen dwindles. This paper investigates the connections between relational turbulence and social allergies. The relational turbulence model describes individuals' severe reactions to various turning points in an interpersonal relationship, and combines the effects of increased intimacy, relational uncertainty, and partner interference. Based on the turbulence model, the author predicted curvilinear relationships between intimacy and social allergen occurrence as well as between intimacy and negative emotional impact of social allergens. Based on the social allergen literature, the author predicted social allergen occurrence and repeated arguments about social allergens would both associate positively with relationship turbulence. Partial support was found for each prediction.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004863, ucf:49691
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Hales, Joel McCajah, Van Stryland, Eric W., University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation reports on the investigation of two-photon absorption (2PA) in a series of fluorenyl molecules. Several current and emerging technologies exploit this optical nonlinearity including two-photon fluorescence imaging, three-dimensional microfabrication, site-specific photodynamic cancer therapy and biological caging studies. The two key features of this nonlinearity which make it an ideal candidate for the above applications are its quadratic dependence on the incident...
Show moreThis dissertation reports on the investigation of two-photon absorption (2PA) in a series of fluorenyl molecules. Several current and emerging technologies exploit this optical nonlinearity including two-photon fluorescence imaging, three-dimensional microfabrication, site-specific photodynamic cancer therapy and biological caging studies. The two key features of this nonlinearity which make it an ideal candidate for the above applications are its quadratic dependence on the incident irradiance and the improved penetration into absorbing media that it affords. As a consequence of the burgeoning field which exploits 2PA, it is a goal to find materials that exhibit strong two-photon absorbing capabilities. Organic materials are promising candidates for 2PA applications because their material properties can be tailored through molecular engineering thereby facilitating optimization of their nonlinear optical properties. Fluorene derivatives are particularly interesting since they possess high photochemical stability for organic molecules and are generally strongly fluorescent. By systematically altering the structural properties in a series of fluorenyl molecules, we have determined how these changes affect their two-photon absorbing capabilities. This was accomplished through characterization of both the strength and location of their 2PA spectra. In order to ensure the validity of these results, three separate nonlinear characterization techniques were employed: two-photon fluorescence spectroscopy, white-light continuum pump-probe spectroscopy, and the Z-scan technique. In addition, full linear spectroscopic characterization was performed on these molecules along with supplementary quantum chemical calculations to obtain certain molecular properties that might impact the nonlinearity. Different designs in chemical architecture allowed investigation of the effects of symmetry, solvism, donor-acceptor strengths, conjugation length, and multi-branched geometries on the two-photon absorbing properties of these molecules. In addition, the means to enhance 2PA via intermediate state resonances was investigated. To provide plausible explanations for the experimentally observed trends, a conceptually simple three level model was employed. The subsequent correlations found between chemical structure and the linear and nonlinear optical properties of these molecules provided definitive conclusions on how to properly optimize their two-photon absorbing capabilities. The resulting large nonlinearities found in these molecules have already shown promise in a variety of the aforementioned applications.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000005, ucf:46103
- Format
- Document (PDF)