Current Search: secondary (x)
Moorehead, Tanya, Dieker, Lisa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study focused on identifying the components that contribute to instructional delivery in co-taught secondary classrooms in hopes of enhancing the understanding in the field of co-teaching in various secondary content areas. Employing a non-experimental mixed method research design, the study integrated qualitative and quantitative methods to gain insight into general education teachersÃÂ' roles in solo-taught and co-taught classrooms and special educatorsÃ&...
Show moreThis study focused on identifying the components that contribute to instructional delivery in co-taught secondary classrooms in hopes of enhancing the understanding in the field of co-teaching in various secondary content areas. Employing a non-experimental mixed method research design, the study integrated qualitative and quantitative methods to gain insight into general education teachersÃÂ' roles in solo-taught and co-taught classrooms and special educatorsÃÂ' roles in co-taught classrooms. Instrumentation included the use of the Teacher Roles Observation Schedule (TROS), the Colorado Assessment of Co-Teaching (CO-ACT), interview questions, and field notes. The quantitative portion of the study consisted of event recordings of teacher interactions (TROS), co-teacher perception rating scale scores (CO-ACT), and class seating charts to monitor the occurrence of one-on-one interactions with students in both settings. The qualitative portion of the research study consisted of the researcher gathering ongoing field notes and teacher interviews. The researcher sought to identify the interaction behaviors of secondary co-teaching teams. The most and least successful co-teaching teams were identified based on the findings. The findings indicate teacher preparation programs need to prepare all teachers to first consider the diverse learning needs of all students and second, to effectively collaborate in inclusive settings. Special education preparation programs need to include more secondary content teaching courses. Likewise, general education preparation programs need to prepare future secondary general educators to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students with disabilities. In addition to improvements in teacher preparation programs, school leaders need to provide ongoing support for co-teachers via planning time and professional development, so they can maximize the collaborative potential embedded within the co-teaching model.
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Date Issued
CFE0003318, ucf:48496
Document (PDF)
Grillo, Kelly, Dieker, Lisa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The field of science education, specifically biology, is becoming more challenging due to richer and more rigorous content demands. Along with new demands is the emergence of National Common Core Standards and End of Course Exams. Despite these changes, one factor remains consistent: As content knowledge increases, language demands also increase. For students with learning disabilities (LD), specifically those with language-based disabilities, the increasing vocabulary demand can lead to...
Show moreThe field of science education, specifically biology, is becoming more challenging due to richer and more rigorous content demands. Along with new demands is the emergence of National Common Core Standards and End of Course Exams. Despite these changes, one factor remains consistent: As content knowledge increases, language demands also increase. For students with learning disabilities (LD), specifically those with language-based disabilities, the increasing vocabulary demand can lead to failure due not to a lack of understanding biology but the vocabulary associated with the content. In an attempt to impact high school students with learning disabilities'success in biology, a vocabulary intervention was investigated. Research suggests as more and more content is compressed into science courses, teachers are looking toward technology to assist with vocabulary mastery. The current research study examined the effects of a digital flash card intervention, Study Stack, versus a paper flash card intervention in biology for students with LD by measuring students'word knowledge and overall biology course achievement. Findings from repeated measures ANOVA showed a statistically significant increase on both the vocabulary assessment as well as the course grades in biology over time. However, the test of between effects considering card type yielded no differential change on vocabulary assessment and course grades in biology. Based on qualitative data, students interviewed liked the tool and found it to be helpful in learning biology terminology.
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Date Issued
CFE0003972, ucf:48662
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Practicing Teachers' Beliefs Regarding Racially, Culturally, Ethnically, And Linguistically Diverse (RCELD) Students In A Title I Secondary-School Environment.
Sabino, Lisa, Gill, Michele, Kaplan, Jeffrey, Boote, David, Lue, Martha, Oldham, Lucile, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Based on school-level data that included disparities in discipline rates, Title I status, teacher attrition, and teachers' statements, I designed a dissertation in practice to understand practicing teachers' personal and professional diversity beliefs regarding racially, culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse (RCELD) students in a Title I, secondary-school setting. Four hypotheses concerning type of secondary degree, years of experience, subjects taught, and racial or ethnic...
Show moreBased on school-level data that included disparities in discipline rates, Title I status, teacher attrition, and teachers' statements, I designed a dissertation in practice to understand practicing teachers' personal and professional diversity beliefs regarding racially, culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse (RCELD) students in a Title I, secondary-school setting. Four hypotheses concerning type of secondary degree, years of experience, subjects taught, and racial or ethnic background were tested. Pohan and Aguilar's (2001a) Teachers' Belief Survey was administered to 59% of the GHS staff in order to measure the personal and professional beliefs of practicing teachers. I used descriptive and parametric tests to analyze the survey's data. Based on the parametric and non-parametric tests no statistically significant differences were found for the four hypotheses tested. Although no statistically significant differences were noted in the data, this dissertation in practice starts a conversation about diversity issues at GHS. The initial school-level data were indicative of a problem of practice at GHS, and practicing teachers did self-report high levels of diversity beliefs. I recommend that further research build upon this study and include a qualitative component. I conclude that further research is necessary in order to investigate why practicing teachers' self-report diversity beliefs were high, yet school-level data indicated discriminatory practices.
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Date Issued
CFE0006174, ucf:51123
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A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Impact of Explicit Instruction of Science Text Structures on Eighth-Grade English Learners' and Non-English Learners' Content Learning and Reading Comprehension in Three Inclusive Science Classrooms.
Rivera, Jelitza, Zygouris-Coe, Vassiliki, Nutta, Joyce, Witta, Eleanor, Ehren, Barbara, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The focus of this quasi-experimental study was to examine the impact of explicit instruction of science comparison and contrast macro text structures plus micro text structures on the content learning, sentence comprehension, and reading comprehension of eighth-grade English Learners (ELs) and non-English Learners (non-ELs) in three inclusive science classrooms. Although the results of this study did not show significant differences between groups in sentence comprehension, reading...
Show moreThe focus of this quasi-experimental study was to examine the impact of explicit instruction of science comparison and contrast macro text structures plus micro text structures on the content learning, sentence comprehension, and reading comprehension of eighth-grade English Learners (ELs) and non-English Learners (non-ELs) in three inclusive science classrooms. Although the results of this study did not show significant differences between groups in sentence comprehension, reading comprehension, or science content learning, the treatment group increased and maintained their science content learning scores over time, while the scores of the comparison group declined from post-test to delayed post-test. In addition, the researcher sought to determine whether sentence combination scores were a predictor of reading comprehension scores. The results showed that sentence combination scores were good predictors for reading comprehension.
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Date Issued
CFE0005875, ucf:50864
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Prehabilitation (Prehab): Prevention in Motion.
Russell, Billie, Sole, Mary Lou, Chase, Susan, Damato-Kubiet, Leslee, Gammonley, Denise, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACTCardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for U.S. adults. It adds greater than $100 billion to U.S. health care costs annually. Rates of morbidity, mortality, and economic burden of the disease could be dramatically reduced with improvements in sedentary behaviors among adults with coronary artery disease (CAD). A regular commitment to moderate physical activity can reduce ischemic heart events up to 50%. Although the benefits of physical activity are well-known for...
Show moreABSTRACTCardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for U.S. adults. It adds greater than $100 billion to U.S. health care costs annually. Rates of morbidity, mortality, and economic burden of the disease could be dramatically reduced with improvements in sedentary behaviors among adults with coronary artery disease (CAD). A regular commitment to moderate physical activity can reduce ischemic heart events up to 50%. Although the benefits of physical activity are well-known for individuals with coronary artery disease, an estimated 70% of this population remains relatively sedentary. Hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation programs are the single secondary prevention option offered to improve physical activity habits in persons with CAD. Although effective, cardiac rehabilitation is inaccessible for the majority of CAD sufferers and is offered only after an acute cardiac event. Different from rehabilitation, prehabilitation (prehab) programs use physical activity as a means to deter a worsening condition or prevent injury before an acute event occurs. These programs have proved successful in other areas of medicine but there are currently no such secondary prevention programs available for stable persons with CAD in the U.S. A home-based prehab program could help adults with CAD establish improved physical activity habits and circumvent many of the barriers associated with admission and attendance of a hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation program. Researchers have indicated that self-efficacy is key to initiation and sustentation of a regular physical activity habit, regardless of the physical activity program that one attends. These habits are more likely to last when participants receive self-efficacy based support for an average of 66 days. The purpose of this study was to determine if a nurse-practitioner-led, home-based, prehab program could assist adults with CAD to improve and maintain increased physical activity habits and levels of self-efficacy for physical activity. The five primary facilitators of self-efficacy were used to devise a 10-week prehab program. A convenience sample of 54 adults with diagnosed CAD was recruited from cardiology practices in St. Johns County, Florida. The research population was 68.5% (n=37) male, 88.9% (n=48) Caucasian, and 74% (n=40) married with a mean age of 68.57 years. Participants attended a 90-minute prehab class which offered health education and group discussion of barriers and goals for regular physical activity. Following the class, participants were contacted weekly for 10-weeks to discuss goal progress, assist in circumventing barriers, and revise physical activity goals as needed. After the 10-week call period, participants were contacted 30-days later to assess for physical activity habit maintenance and any sustained benefit in self-efficacy for physical activity. Self-efficacy for exercise was measured before the prehab class, after the prehab class, and after the 10-week intervention period using the Short Self-Efficacy Expectations scale (SSEE), Multidimensional Outcomes Expectations for Exercise Scale (MOEES), and the Barriers Self-Efficacy Scale (BARSE). All baseline measures of self-efficacy (MOEES, BARSE, SSEE) improved significantly immediately following the prehab class. Baseline physical outcome expectations of the MOEES (m=21.87, sd=4.67), self-evaluative outcome expectations of the MOEES (m=16.70, sd=4.15) and SSEE (m=12.75, sd=4.02) remained significantly improved after the 10-week intervention period (p(<).05). At the 10-week assessment, mean significant self-efficacy scores were 24.39 (sd=1.26, p(<).01) for physical outcome expectations, 18.39 (sd=2.27, p(<).02) for self-evaluative outcome expectations, and 15.06, (sd=3.25, p(<).001) for SSEE. The SSEE was reassessed 30-days after the study and remained significantly improved compared to baseline (m=15.65, sd=3.42, p(<).01). Qualitative data collection coincided with the quantitative self-efficacy findings. Participants reported satisfaction with physical activity goal attainment and increased confidence to continue with a regular physical activity plan. The Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ) was used to assess activity levels at baseline, during each weekly phone call, at the end of 10-weeks, and 30-days after the study. Repeated-measures ANOVA (F (2,90) = 21.86, p(<).001) revealed that participant's baseline physical activity volume measured by GLTEQ (m=18.39, sd= 16.93) improved significantly after 10 weeks in the prehab study (m=41.10, sd=24.11, p(<).001) and remained significantly improved when re-measured 30-days after the study (m=39.02, sd=21.87, p(<).001). Qualitative data concurred with quantitative data with participants reporting physical activity habit formation and maintenance of self-regulatory skills. Qualitative data also demonstrated that participants in prehab experienced very similar facilitators and barriers compared to other adults with CAD attempting an exercise program. In summary, the prehab study findings coincided with other research findings in this area. Self-efficacy based support can assist individuals with CAD to improve and maintain physical activity habits. The ease of the intervention likely contributed to lower cost and attrition rates (7%) compared to hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation programs. Although more research is needed, study findings suggest that a nurse-practitioner-led, home-based program could be a viable secondary prevention strategy for stable adults with CAD. This should be considered for the future given that even modest improvements in physical activity can substantially reduce all-cause mortality in this population.
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Date Issued
CFE0006384, ucf:51530
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Perceptions of Secondary Education Teachers Working in an Inclusive Setting.
Pacha, Destiny, Hopp, Carolyn, Reyes, Maria, Vitale, Thomas, Pratt Marrett, Caroline, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation in practice addresses the continuous underperformance of students with disabilities (SWD) on standardized assessments when compared to their non-disabled peers. This dissertation on the complex problem of practice investigates secondary education teachers' perceptions of students with disabilities and their ability to be included in the general education classroom. The purpose of this research is to develop a professional development framework to enhance inclusive practices....
Show moreThis dissertation in practice addresses the continuous underperformance of students with disabilities (SWD) on standardized assessments when compared to their non-disabled peers. This dissertation on the complex problem of practice investigates secondary education teachers' perceptions of students with disabilities and their ability to be included in the general education classroom. The purpose of this research is to develop a professional development framework to enhance inclusive practices. Students with disabilities nationwide are increasingly taught in the general education classroom in order to provide them access to their least restrictive environment and instruction of the general education curriculum. The beliefs held by teachers about students with disabilities and their inclusion in the general education classroom is one key variable to the successful inclusion as measured by student outcomes. To provide necessary support, it is imperative to understand teachers' attitude towards students with disabilities and their inclusion in the general education classroom. Based on the survey results and relevant research, the professional development framework to enhance inclusive practices was developed and will focus on three elements: (a) school culture and understanding of inclusion, (b) effective inclusive teaching strategies, and (c) collaboration models and techniques. The goal of the professional development framework is for administrators and other school leaders to provide appropriate learning opportunities for teachers to enhance their understanding of inclusion and to provide them strategies and techniques to improve student outcomes in an effort to close the achievement gap between students with and without disabilities.
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Date Issued
CFE0006368, ucf:51495
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Re-Conceptualizing Compassion Fatigue: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
Marks, Madeline, Bowers, Clint, Beidel, Deborah, Jentsch, Florian, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Those who are not directly in danger themselves can and do experience negative effects, sometimes at higher rates than those directly exposed. These individuals who experience indirect exposure are often those who work in (")helping(") professions. Helping professionals include psychologists, physicians, nurses, social workers, and first responders, among others. Joinson (1992) described a phenomenon unique to helping professionals, which was termed compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue...
Show moreThose who are not directly in danger themselves can and do experience negative effects, sometimes at higher rates than those directly exposed. These individuals who experience indirect exposure are often those who work in (")helping(") professions. Helping professionals include psychologists, physicians, nurses, social workers, and first responders, among others. Joinson (1992) described a phenomenon unique to helping professionals, which was termed compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue describes these negative affects experienced by helping professionals as a cumulative process. These negative changes can be related to mood and/or a transformation in cognitions. Further, these changes are the result of the empathy and emotionally intense contact with people who experienced a traumatic event, which results in maladaptive psychological consequences that influence the ability to perform the role of a (")helper(") (Bride, Robinson, Yegidis, (&) Figley, 2004; Figley, 1995; McCann (&) Pearlman, 1990; McHolm, 2006; Pearlman (&) Saakvitne, 1995; Stamm, 1995). To measure compassion fatigue, the Professional Quality of Life Scale (Stamm, 2005, 2010) has emerged as the most widely used assessment of compassion fatigue. However, not enough theoretical information and psychometric data on the ProQOL exist to support compassion fatigue as the construct to explain the experiences of those in helping professions. The present study examines the most widely used measure of compassion fatigue, the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL-5; Stamm, 2010). Specifically, the current study examines the factor validity of the ProQOL-5 using confirmatory factor analysis. In light of the lack of model fit, the construct of compassion fatigue offers a unique and worthy view of the negative consequences of helping others. As a result, the current study proposes a novel approach to clarify a method for measurement and clear-up conceptual overlaps between related constructs. This novel method uses the framework of the information processing model of Whiting (1969).
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Date Issued
CFE0006475, ucf:51434
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GIS Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts distribution at Holtun from the Preclassic through the Classic Periods.
Guzman Piedrasanta, Melvin, Kovacevich, Brigitte, Callaghan, Michael, Walker, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The nature of social organization at an archaeological site can be interpreted from many types of material remains. Exotic goods are particularly useful for making inferences about social organization because of their scarcity, utilitarian demand, and symbolic characteristics. Obsidian artifacts are some of the most abundant exotic goods among the Lowland Maya. The acquisition of these artifacts was the result of a wide net of commerce from the highlands of Guatemala and central Mexico into...
Show moreThe nature of social organization at an archaeological site can be interpreted from many types of material remains. Exotic goods are particularly useful for making inferences about social organization because of their scarcity, utilitarian demand, and symbolic characteristics. Obsidian artifacts are some of the most abundant exotic goods among the Lowland Maya. The acquisition of these artifacts was the result of a wide net of commerce from the highlands of Guatemala and central Mexico into the Maya lowlands. The patterns of consumption and distribution of obsidian artifacts vary according the time and location. This variation is seen as the result of complex dynamics of trade and social interactions among the ancient Maya. Therefore, I argue that there is variability perceptible in the patterns of consumption and local distribution of obsidian between the elite residential groups at the site of Holtun. This study presents a descriptive and comparative analysis of the patterns of obsidian consumption observed in the samples from the excavations performed by the Holtun Archaeological Project from 2011 through 2016. The analysis contributes to the understanding of local processes in association with regional socioeconomic and political dynamics in the Maya Lowlands.Previous research has suggested that obsidian distribution in some times and places was centralized and controlled by powerful Maya polities. In addition, research performed on obsidian artifacts reveals a change in the consumption of different obsidian sources at other sites in the Yaxh(&)#225; basin, the geographic location of Holtun. The data collected by Holtun Archaeological Project provide information that correlates with the broader trends of obsidian preferences in the area. Our findings suggest that during the Preclassic period (c. 600 BC to AD 250) the frequency of obsidian artifacts from San Martin Jilotepeque was higher than other sources and the artifacts from El Chayal were restricted to households especially associated with the first ritual and monumental construction at the site. Then, during the Classic Period (AD 250 to 950), the frequency of artifacts from San Martin Jilotepeque experienced a decrease in quantity and the artifacts from El Chayal were more accessible across the site. The process of excavation and mapping, and the subsequent laboratory analyses have allowed for the documentation of this variability in accessibility and consumption preferences within different elite residential groups. To facilitate these interpretations, a map of Holtun was created using Geographic Information Systems. It allows the inclusion of layers of information obtained during this research, constituting a point of reference for the understanding of socioeconomic and political changes experienced within the site during the intriguing transition from the Preclassic to the Classic period.
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Date Issued
CFE0006945, ucf:51669
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Understanding the beliefs and attitudes of mid-career secondary school teachers toward teacher evaluation and its effect on their professional practice: A mixed method phenomenological study.
Booth, William, Gill, Michele, Taylor, Rosemarye, Hutchinson, Cynthia, Mullins, Mark, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this mixed-method phenomenological study is to understand the beliefs and attitudes that mid-career secondary school teachers have regarding the teacher evaluation process and its effect on their professional practice. Mid-career secondary school teachers (defined as having between 14-21 years of classroom experience) from Bayview Public Schools were selected to participate. A total of 152 mid-career secondary school teachers completed an electronic survey. Additionally, a...
Show moreThe purpose of this mixed-method phenomenological study is to understand the beliefs and attitudes that mid-career secondary school teachers have regarding the teacher evaluation process and its effect on their professional practice. Mid-career secondary school teachers (defined as having between 14-21 years of classroom experience) from Bayview Public Schools were selected to participate. A total of 152 mid-career secondary school teachers completed an electronic survey. Additionally, a total of 9 participants took part in one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework used to guide the study was the theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1988; 1991) and Bandura's theory of self-efficacy (1977). The quantitative results from the electronic survey were used to augment qualitative data collected from interviews with willing participants.The interviews with study participants were analyzed for emerging themes. In all, a total of nine emerging themes came to light through the analysis of interview data. The data revealed areas of concern regarding the current method of evaluating teachers in Bayview Public Schools. A presentation of the findings with regard to the theoretical framework, literature, and practice were presented. Furthermore, a list of recommendations was provided addressing the specific concerns of participating teachers. In conclusion, recommendations were also made concerning future research that might continue to add to the body of knowledge concerning teacher evaluation.
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Date Issued
CFE0005765, ucf:50077
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McPherson, Rhonda, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Florida Virtual School (FLVS) was established in 1997 as an online education alternative for the residents of Florida. The purpose of this study was to identify policy changes at the organizational, state, and federal levels that had the propensity to impact student success (as measured by student's final letter grade) at FLVS. In addition, this study identified which type of institutional isomporphic policy (coercive, mimetic, or normative) best classified major policy changes in the...
Show moreFlorida Virtual School (FLVS) was established in 1997 as an online education alternative for the residents of Florida. The purpose of this study was to identify policy changes at the organizational, state, and federal levels that had the propensity to impact student success (as measured by student's final letter grade) at FLVS. In addition, this study identified which type of institutional isomporphic policy (coercive, mimetic, or normative) best classified major policy changes in the organization from 1997-2007. The use of institutional theory as the guiding framework for this study proved to be beneficial and enabled the researcher to conclude which types of policy are the most effective in increasing student success in the secondary online education environment. This study utilized ANOVA and regression analysis to detect whether or not changes in policy at the organizational and federal level have a statistically significant impact on student success in the secondary online education environment. This study reveals that student success at FLVS is consistently decreasing and that the change is statistically significant. Regression analysis found that the policy changes at FLVS in this study explain some of the variance detected in the change in the mean, or GPA, of the school. This study found that both coercive and mimetic policies have a statistically significant impact on student success in the secondary online education environment as identified in the isomorphic mechanisms outlined in institutional theory. This study is important to the field of literature regarding secondary online education in that it opens the discussion regarding types of policy and the potential impact that policy changes have on student success in the secondary online education environment. In addition, this study serves as a framework upon which future studies can be conducted and are recommended in this study.
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Date Issued
CFE0002423, ucf:47741
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A Multiple Case Study Exploring the Relationship Between Engagement in Model-Eliciting Activities and Pre-Service Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Algebra.
Abassian, Aline, Safi, Farshid, Dixon, Juli, Andreasen, Janet, Bush, Sarah, Bostic, Jonathan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The goal of this research study was to explore the nature of the relationship between engagement in model-eliciting activities (MEAs) and pre-service secondary mathematics teachers' (PSMTs') mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) algebra. The data collection took place in an undergraduate mathematics education content course for secondary mathematics education majors. In this multiple case study, PSMTs were given a Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) pre-assessment designed to measure...
Show moreThe goal of this research study was to explore the nature of the relationship between engagement in model-eliciting activities (MEAs) and pre-service secondary mathematics teachers' (PSMTs') mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) algebra. The data collection took place in an undergraduate mathematics education content course for secondary mathematics education majors. In this multiple case study, PSMTs were given a Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) pre-assessment designed to measure their MKT algebra, and based on those results, three participants were selected with varying levels of knowledge. This was done to ensure varied cases were represented in order to be able to examine and describe multiple perspectives. The three examined cases were Oriana, a PSMT with high MKT, Bianca, a PSMT with medium MKT, and Helaine, a PSMT with low MKT. Over the course of five weeks, the three PSMTs were recorded exploring three MEAs, participated in two interviews, and submitted written reflections. The extensive amount of data collected in this study allowed the researcher to deeply explore the PSMTs' MKT algebra in relation to the given MEAs, with a focus on three specific constructs(-)bridging, trimming, and decompressing(-) based on the Knowledge of Algebra for Teaching (KAT) framework. The results of this study suggest that engaging in MEAs could elicit PSMTs' MKT algebra, and in some cases such tasks were beneficial to their trimming, bridging, and decompressing abilities. Exploring MEAs immersed the PSMTs in generating descriptions, explanations, and constructions, that helped reveal how they interpreted mathematical situations that they encountered. The tasks served as useful tools for PSMTs to have deep discussions and productive discourse on various algebra topics, and make many different mathematical connections in the process.
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Date Issued
CFE0007143, ucf:52305
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Experimental and Numerical Study of Endwall Film Cooling.
Mahadevan, Srikrishna, Kapat, Jayanta, Verma, Shashi, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, Ahmed, Kareem, Shivamoggi, Bhimsen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This research work investigates the thermal performance of a film-cooled gas turbine endwall under two different mainstream flow conditions. In the first part of the research investigation, the effect of unsteady passing wakes on a film-cooled pitchwise-curved surface (representing an endwall without airfoils) was experimentally studied for heat transfer characteristics on a time-averaged basis. The temperature sensitive paint technique was used to obtain the local temperatures on the test...
Show moreThis research work investigates the thermal performance of a film-cooled gas turbine endwall under two different mainstream flow conditions. In the first part of the research investigation, the effect of unsteady passing wakes on a film-cooled pitchwise-curved surface (representing an endwall without airfoils) was experimentally studied for heat transfer characteristics on a time-averaged basis. The temperature sensitive paint technique was used to obtain the local temperatures on the test surface. The required heat flux input was provided using foil heaters. Discrete film injection was implemented on the test surface using cylindrical holes with a streamwise inclination angle of 35? and no compound angle relative to the mean approach velocity vector. The passing wakes increased the heat transfer coefficients at both the wake passing frequencies that were experimented. Due to the increasing film cooling jet turbulence and strong jet-mainstream interaction at higher blowing ratios, the heat transfer coefficients were amplified. A combination of film injection and unsteady passing wakes resulted in a maximum pitch-averaged and centerline heat transfer augmentation of ? 28% and 31.7% relative to the no wake and no film injection case. The second part of the research study involves an experimental and numerical analysis of secondary flow and coolant film interaction in a high subsonic annular cascade with a maximum isentropic throat Mach number of ? 0.68. Endwall (platform) thermal protection is provided using discrete cylindrical holes with a streamwise inclination angle of 30? and no compound angle relative to the mean approach velocity vector. The surface flow visualization on the inner endwall provided the location of the saddle point and the three-dimensional separation lines. Computational predictions showed that the leading-edge horseshoe vortex was confined to approximately 1.5% of the airfoil span for the no film injection case and intensified with low momentum film injection. At the highest blowing ratio, the film cooling jet weakened the horseshoe vortex at the leading-edge plane. The passage vortex was intensified with coolant injection at all blowing ratios. It was seen that increasing average blowing ratio improved the film effectiveness on the endwall. The discharge coefficients calculated for each film cooling hole indicated significant non-uniformity in the coolant discharge at lower blowing ratios and the strong dependence of discharge coefficients on the mainstream static pressure and the location of three-dimensional separation lines. Near the airfoil suction side, a region of coalesced film cooling jets providing close to uniform film coverage was observed, indicative of the mainstream acceleration and the influence of three-dimensional separation lines.
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Date Issued
CFE0005973, ucf:50775
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Applying the Technology Acceptance Model to Predict and Explain Elementary and Secondary Preservice Teachers' Continuance Behavioral Intentions and Pedagogical Usage of Twitter to build Professional Capital: A Structural Equation Modeling Inquiry.
Gurjar, Nandita, Sivo, Stephen, Roberts, Sherron, Xu, Lihua, Vie, Stephanie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research study was to predict and explain elementary and secondary preservice teachers' continuance behavioral intentions and pedagogical usage of Twitter, a web based social networking, microblogging platform, to build professional growth and capital. The objective of the research study was to examine preservice teachers' beliefs associated with the specified constructs that formed the latent variables of the hypothesized research model; these latent variables were then...
Show moreThe purpose of this research study was to predict and explain elementary and secondary preservice teachers' continuance behavioral intentions and pedagogical usage of Twitter, a web based social networking, microblogging platform, to build professional growth and capital. The objective of the research study was to examine preservice teachers' beliefs associated with the specified constructs that formed the latent variables of the hypothesized research model; these latent variables were then measured with their associated indicators or manifest variables, and the relationship between the manifest variables was examined through the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) process. A non-experimental empirical research study was conducted using the survey methodology; purposive, criterion referenced, sampling of elementary and secondary preservice teachers, N=379, was employed using social media platforms and intern listserv at a large Southeastern university. The final sample of N= 250 participants was determined through the process of regression imputation of elementary and secondary preservice teachers' survey responses. The results demonstrated that constructs of the extended Technology Acceptance Model showed significant goodness-of-fit indices and coefficients of determination after analyzing the data from the survey. Implications of this research contribute significantly toward teacher education and training by providing insights into the factors that impact the pedagogical use of Twitter, a web-based social networking and microblogging platform, for building professional capital in preservice teachers.
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Date Issued
CFE0006314, ucf:51551
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Development of Nitrogen Concentration During Cryomilling of Aluminum Composites.
Hofmeister, Clara, Sohn, Yongho, Suryanarayana, Challapalli, Coffey, Kevin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The ideal properties of a structural material are light weight with extensive strength and ductility. A composite with high strength and tailorable ductility was developed consisting of nanocrystalline AA5083, boron carbide and coarser grained AA5083. The microstructure was determined through optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. A technique was developed to determine the nitrogen concentration of an AA5083 composite from secondary ion mass spectrometry utilizing a nitrogen...
Show moreThe ideal properties of a structural material are light weight with extensive strength and ductility. A composite with high strength and tailorable ductility was developed consisting of nanocrystalline AA5083, boron carbide and coarser grained AA5083. The microstructure was determined through optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. A technique was developed to determine the nitrogen concentration of an AA5083 composite from secondary ion mass spectrometry utilizing a nitrogen ion-implanted standard. Aluminum nitride and amorphous nitrogen-rich dispersoids were found in the nanocrystalline aluminum grain boundaries. Nitrogen concentration increased as a function of cryomilling time up to 72hours. A greater nitrogen concentration resulted in an enhanced thermal stability of the nanocrystalline aluminum phase and a resultant increase in hardness. The distribution of the nitrogen-rich dispersoids may be estimated considering their size and the concentration of nitrogen in the composite. Contributions to strength and ductility from the Orowan relation can be more accurately modeled with the quantified nitrogen concentration.
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Date Issued
CFE0004864, ucf:49702
Document (PDF)
Middleton, Marissa, Wegmann, Susan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Online schooling is the newest form of education and it is quickly gaining popularity. However, this educational format also comes with one of the challenges that has always been present in schools, which is academic dishonesty. In the English Language Arts content area, academic dishonesty is most often manifested as plagiarism, however, cheating on online quizzes or exams still exists. Although this issue has always been present in English classes, it is becoming more of a concern because...
Show moreOnline schooling is the newest form of education and it is quickly gaining popularity. However, this educational format also comes with one of the challenges that has always been present in schools, which is academic dishonesty. In the English Language Arts content area, academic dishonesty is most often manifested as plagiarism, however, cheating on online quizzes or exams still exists. Although this issue has always been present in English classes, it is becoming more of a concern because of the vast number of technological resources available to students including websites with pre-written papers and the various methods students can now use to instantly communicate with each other. This study combines and synthesizes a literature review and a survey of secondary online English educators at Florida Virtual School to give their perspective on aspects of cheating and plagiarism in online English education including a comparison between online and face to face academic dishonesty, reasons students cheat or plagiarize in online education and attitudes toward academic dishonesty, how students cheat and plagiarize in online classes, how teachers detect academic dishonesty in their online classes, consequences and policies of academic dishonesty in online education, and preventing academic dishonesty in online education. The overall new finding, from comparing both the literature review and the FLVS survey results, was that academic dishonesty in online education is not vastly different from academic dishonesty in face to face classrooms; therefore, academic dishonesty in the online environment is not as much of a mystery as commonly perceived. The survey did, however, expand the knowledge about online academic dishonesty at the secondary level, and specifically in the English Language Arts content area.
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Date Issued
CFH0004158, ucf:44859
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Warskow, Kristen, Brewer, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This paper seeks to further explore stages an artist moves through that can be applied to teaching art, and helping students understand how to access their creativity. This project involved observation and an auto-ethnographic approach in order to best determine stages artists naturally move through when creating art. In order to most effectively suggest a teachable creative process for secondary art students, this paper will further explore cognitive and disciplinary categories in art...
Show moreThis paper seeks to further explore stages an artist moves through that can be applied to teaching art, and helping students understand how to access their creativity. This project involved observation and an auto-ethnographic approach in order to best determine stages artists naturally move through when creating art. In order to most effectively suggest a teachable creative process for secondary art students, this paper will further explore cognitive and disciplinary categories in art education by applying principles and stages to a curricular guide (or lesson plans) for secondary art educators. Topics and studies of design thinking, creative inquiry, studio habits, creative processes, the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP, 2008), and National Core Art Standards will be reviewed and expanded upon in this paper. Using these inputs, a series of 4 recursive, creative stages were observed and applied to teaching art at the secondary (6th-12th grade) levels.
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Date Issued
CFH0004692, ucf:45238
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Dahan Marks, Yaela, Proctor, Michael, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This research examines the nature and level of educational computer-based game techniques adoption by Milken Educator Award winning teachers in achieving success in their classrooms. The focus of the research is on their level of acceptance of educational computer-based games and the nature of game usage to increase student performance in the classroom. With Davis' (1985) Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1985) as the conceptual framework, the research also examines how teachers'...
Show moreThis research examines the nature and level of educational computer-based game techniques adoption by Milken Educator Award winning teachers in achieving success in their classrooms. The focus of the research is on their level of acceptance of educational computer-based games and the nature of game usage to increase student performance in the classroom. With Davis' (1985) Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1985) as the conceptual framework, the research also examines how teachers' perceptions of educational computer-based games influence their willingness to incorporate these teaching methods in their classroom. The approach utilizes a descriptive survey to develop and evaluate responses from exemplar teachers about the level and nature of their use (or lack thereof) of educational computer-based games and implementation in the classroom. Further, this research seeks to identify successful and unsuccessful techniques in the use of educational computer-based games in the classroom. In addition, data collection and analysis will seek to identify the strength of relationships between content-specific educational computer-based games and subject; educational computer-based games and gender; educational computer-based games and age; etc. A teacher who is exemplary as defined by Milken Educator Awards possesses, "exceptional educational talent as evidenced by effective instructional practices and student learning results in the classroom and school". Survey findings are placed within the Technology Acceptance Model framework developed by Davis.
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Date Issued
CFE0003682, ucf:48811
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Theoretical And Experimental Investigation Of The Cascading Nature Of Pressure-Swirl Atomization.
Choudhury, Pretam, Kumar, Ranganathan, Deng, Weiwei, Mansy, Hansen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Pressure swirl atomizers are commonly used in IC, aero-engines, and liquid propellant rocket combustion. Understanding the atomization process is important in order to enhance vaporization, mitigate soot formation, design of combustion chambers, and improve overall combustion efficiency. This work utilizes non-invasive techniques such as ultra -speed imaging, and Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry (PDPA) in order to investigate the cascade atomization process of pressure-swirl atomizers by...
Show morePressure swirl atomizers are commonly used in IC, aero-engines, and liquid propellant rocket combustion. Understanding the atomization process is important in order to enhance vaporization, mitigate soot formation, design of combustion chambers, and improve overall combustion efficiency. This work utilizes non-invasive techniques such as ultra -speed imaging, and Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry (PDPA) in order to investigate the cascade atomization process of pressure-swirl atomizers by examining swirling liquid film dynamics and the localized droplet characteristics of the resulting hollow cone spray. Specifically, experiments were conducted to examine these effects for three different nozzles with orifice diameters .3mm, .5mm, and .97mm. The ultra-speed imaging allowed for both visualization and interface tracking of the swirling conical film which emanated from each nozzle. Moreover, this allowed for the measurement of the radial fluctuations, film length, cone angle and maximum wavelength. Radial fluctuations are found to be maximum near the breakup or rupture of a swirling film. Film length decreases as Reynolds number increases. Cone angle increases until a critical Reynolds number is reached, beyond which it remains constant. A new approach to analyze the temporally unstable waves was developed and compared with the measured maximum wavelengths. The new approach incorporates the attenuation of a film thickness, as the radius of a conical film expands, with the classical dispersion relationship for an inviscid moving liquid film. This approach produces a new long wave solution which accurately matches the measured maximum wavelength swirling conical films generated from nozzles with the smallest orifice diameter. For the nozzle with the largest orifice diameter, the new long wave solution provides the upper bound limit, while the long wave solution for a constant film thickness provides the lower bound limit. These results indicate that temporal instability is the dominating mechanism which generates long Kelvin Helmholtz waves on the surface of a swirling liquid film. The PDPA was used to measure droplet size and velocity in both the near field and far field of the spray. For a constant Reynolds number, an increase in orifice diameter is shown to increase the overall diameter distribution of the spray. In addition, it was found that the probability of breakup, near the axis, decreases for the largest orifice diameter. This is in agreement with the cascading nature of atomization.
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Date Issued
CFE0006030, ucf:51012
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Resource Allocation and Pricing in Secondary Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks.
Khairullah, Enas, Chatterjee, Mainak, Zou, Changchun, Lang, Sheau-Dong, Catbas, Necati, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The paradigm shift from static spectrum allocation to a dynamic one has opened many challenges that need to be addressed for the true vision of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) to materialize. This dissertation proposes novel solutions that include: spectrum allocation, routing, and scheduling in DSA networks. First, we propose an auction-based spectrum allocation scheme in a multi-channel environment where secondary users (SUs) bid to buy channels from primary users (PUs) based on the signal to...
Show moreThe paradigm shift from static spectrum allocation to a dynamic one has opened many challenges that need to be addressed for the true vision of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) to materialize. This dissertation proposes novel solutions that include: spectrum allocation, routing, and scheduling in DSA networks. First, we propose an auction-based spectrum allocation scheme in a multi-channel environment where secondary users (SUs) bid to buy channels from primary users (PUs) based on the signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR). The channels are allocated such that i) the SUs get their preferred channels, ii) channels are re-used, and iii) there is no interference. Then, we propose a double auction-based spectrum allocation technique by considering multiple bids from SUs and heterogeneity of channels. We use virtual grouping of conflict-free buyers to transform multi-unit bids to single-unit bids. For routing, we propose a market-based model where the PUs determine the optimal price based on the demand for bandwidth by the SUs. Routes are determined through a series of price evaluations between message senders and forwarders. Also, we consider auction-based routing for two cases where buyers can bid for only one channel or they could bid for a combination of non-substitutable channels. For a centralized DSA, we propose two scheduling algorithms-- the first one focuses on maximizing the throughput and the second one focuses on fairness. We extend the scheduling algorithms to multi-channel environment. Expected throughput for every channel is computed by modelling channel state transitions using a discrete-time Markov chain. The state transition probabilities are calculated which occur at the frame/slot boundaries. All proposed algorithms are validated using simulation experiments with different network settings and their performance are studied.
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Date Issued
CFE0006890, ucf:51723
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Finding Consensus Energy Folding Landscapes Between RNA Sequences.
Burbridge, Joshua, Zhang, Shaojie, Hu, Haiyan, Jha, Sumit, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In molecular biology, the secondary structure of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule is closely related to its biological function. One problem in structural bioinformatics is to determine the two- and three-dimensional structure of RNA using only sequencing information, which can be obtained at low cost. This entails designing sophisticated algorithms to simulate the process of RNA folding using detailed sets of thermodynamic parameters. The set of all chemically feasible structures an RNA...
Show moreIn molecular biology, the secondary structure of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule is closely related to its biological function. One problem in structural bioinformatics is to determine the two- and three-dimensional structure of RNA using only sequencing information, which can be obtained at low cost. This entails designing sophisticated algorithms to simulate the process of RNA folding using detailed sets of thermodynamic parameters. The set of all chemically feasible structures an RNA molecule can assume, as well as the energy associated with each structure, is called its energy folding landscape. This research focuses on defining and solving the problem of finding the consensus landscape between multiple RNA molecules. Specifically, we discuss how this problem is equivalent to the problem of Balanced Global Network Alignment, and what effect a solution to this problem would have on our understanding of RNA.Because this problem is known to be NP-hard, we instead define an approximate consensus on a landscape of reduced size, which dramatically reduces the searching space associated with the problem. We use the program RNASLOpt to enumerate all stable local optimal secondary structures in multiple landscapes within a certain energy and stability range of the minimum free energy (MFE) structure. We then encode these using an extended structural alphabet and perform sequence alignment using a structural substitution matrix to find and rank the best matches between the sets based on stability, energy, and structural distance. We apply this method to twenty landscapes from four sets of riboswitches from Bacillus subtillis in order to predict their native (")on(") and (")off(") structures. We find that this method significantly reduces the size of the list of candidate structures, as well as increasing the ranking of previously obscure secondary structures, resulting in more accurate predictions overall. Advances in the field of structural bioinformatics can help elucidate the underlying mechanisms of many genetic diseases.
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Date Issued
CFE0006210, ucf:51109
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