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Anti-capitalism in the Contemporary Age: The Case of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela
Soviet and Eastern European Reactions to American Exhibitions: Cultural Exchange and the Cold War, 1961-1976
Program for survival: The Communist position on the Jewish question
Program for survival: The Communist position on the Jewish question
Trotskyism and fascism: The anti-communist trial in Leipzig and the trial of the terrorists in Moscow
Problems of the development of the U. S. S. R.: Draft of the thesis of the International left opposition on the Russian question
Trotskyism and the Cuban revolution: An answer to Hoy
The New phase in the Soviet Union: Report to the enlarged Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, February 25, 1930
Supranational Organizations and Legitimacy: How the 2008 Global Economic Crisis has affected Public Opinion on Membership in the EU
October revolution and the struggle for socialism
Lenin and international labor unity
Lenin on Engels: On the 40th anniversary of Engel's death
Trotsky unmasked
The Communist Party of the U.S.A.: Its history, role and organization
Organizing the Party for victory over reaction: Report delivered at the National Conference of the Communist Party
The Communist Party: Vanguard fighter for peace, democracy, security, socialism
Marxism versus social democracy: Address delivered at Plenum Executive Committee of the Young Communist International, December 1932
Marx and the East
Stalin's speeches on the American Communist party
Defense policy in the Minneapolis trial.
