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(161 - 180 of 189)


Soviets in Spain: The October armed uprising against fascism
Report of the Central Committee to the ninth National Convention of the Communist Party of the U. S. A
In defense of the Communist Party and the indicted leaders
Heroic China, fifteen years of the Communist party of China
Trotskyism: Counter-revolution in disguise
Lincoln and the Communists
Karl Marx: Forty years after (1883-1923)
Programme of the world revolution
Some plain words on Communist unity
Burlesque bolshevism: American communism as an auxiliary of capitalism
Lenin on the Soviet state
Communism's Futures: Intelligentsia Imaginations in the Writings of the Strugatsky Brothers
Karl Marx
Literature and Marxism
How can we share the wealth?
Trotsky opposition
Interviews with foreign workers' delegations
In defense of the Cuban revolution: An answer to the State Department and Theodore Draper
Lenin and Spain
McCarthyism and the big lie
