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- Title
- Social Media Usage by Municipal Elected Officials for Open Government Community Engagement.
- Creator
Stoeckel, Sarah, Bryer, Thomas, Mitchell, David, Hu, Qian, Brown, Tim, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
As public administration has evolved with the technological advances in today's society, it can be challenging to ensure the demands of the public are being met in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement. Nonetheless, a focus on community remains at the forefront of public administration. When looking at technology and the community, the tool known as social media emerges. Social media has allowed people to interact in new ways and therefore, has allowed the government to interact...
Show moreAs public administration has evolved with the technological advances in today's society, it can be challenging to ensure the demands of the public are being met in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and engagement. Nonetheless, a focus on community remains at the forefront of public administration. When looking at technology and the community, the tool known as social media emerges. Social media has allowed people to interact in new ways and therefore, has allowed the government to interact with citizens in ways they have not been able to in the past. In addition to attempting to modernize public administration, there has been an increased focus on building citizen trust through providing a more open government structure. The Open Government Directive issued by President Barack Obama focused on three tenets, which included transparency, participation, and collaboration. One of the ways government entities within the United States are strengthening these areas is through the implementation of various social media sites as a means to stay connected with citizens. With an increase of users utilizing social media tools for both information and connection, many government departments and agencies have incorporated social media use into their workplace as a function for their department. However, it is elected officials that are the ones who represent the citizens from their governmental role and thus, can aid in bridging the gap between citizens and government. Yet, there is little research on how elected officials, specifically in municipalities, are utilizing social media to connect with their constituents. This study discusses social media use by municipal elected officials and how it relates to open government community engagement. Open government community engagement is defined in terms of the three tenets of the Open Government Directive: transparency, participation, and collaboration encompassing the rungs of Arnstein's ladder of citizen participation. For this qualitative study, fifty-seven Florida municipal elected officials were interviewed regarding their social media use or lack thereof in terms of engagement with citizens. The interviews are followed-up with content analysis of social media sites. An ethnographic approach is utilized to uncover and develop common themes related to open government community engagement. The findings suggest while some municipal elected officials are utilizing social media well in terms of open government community engagement, there is a lack of clear understanding of social media use within the context of the Sunshine Law, as well as other barriers prohibiting utilizing social media for more of the participation and collaboration components. There are several reasons municipal elected officials opt to avoid social media altogether, while additional concepts related to open government limited engagement and closed government community engagement are explored. The concept of avoidance was addressed, especially as it pertained to the practical implications for both city administrators and elected officials.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007377, ucf:52083
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Craig, Weylan, Pollock, Philip, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
People in society with high levels of generalized social trust and political trust are more likely to engage in civic activism and participation. Therefore, people involved in social and political groups will likely have higher levels of generalized social and political trust than the general public. What lacks in this realm of scholarship is a solid comparison of trust among people involved in social and political groups. This case-study analysis of generalized social trust and political...
Show morePeople in society with high levels of generalized social trust and political trust are more likely to engage in civic activism and participation. Therefore, people involved in social and political groups will likely have higher levels of generalized social and political trust than the general public. What lacks in this realm of scholarship is a solid comparison of trust among people involved in social and political groups. This case-study analysis of generalized social trust and political trust among social and political groups shows the trust that is not only generated within each group, but also which types of groups are more effective at developing citizens that participate in society. Using a researcher-designed survey instrument, two social groups and two political groups have been evaluated and compared to demonstrate members' propensity to trust others in society and those in political office at all levels of government. Sample size is 115 respondents. Among other demographic data analyzed and compared to a larger population data set in the World Values Survey, six hypotheses have been tested. Typical analysis shows demographic data or group membership as the independent variable with trust values acting as the dependent variable. Graphic and cross-tabular data show that social groups recorded higher levels of political trust than political groups. This is probably due to the ideological leanings of the political groups. Political groups showed higher levels of generalized social trust than social groups. Political group members probably feel that their actions are benefiting the greater good. Additionally, participation variables showed that not only are political group members more interested in politics than social group members, but they also have higher levels of registering to vote and to participate in the voting process. They are probably seeking to make significant change in the political system through their actions. The research conducted does not seek to provide a comprehensive analysis of trust among members of social and political groups. However, it is intended to promote the analysis of trust among people in society that have a predisposition to trust as they have shown through the act of participating in a social or political group. As foci for the development of trust, analysis of social and political groups provides a shortcut for scholars interested in the development and proliferation of trust in society. This research provides analysis of four case-study groups at one point in time. Further research using larger sample sizes and time-series analysis could advance trust analysis among social and political groups.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001370, ucf:46997
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A comparison of eighth grade athletes and non-athletes: Academic achievement, time spent on homework, future educational goals, and socioeconomic status.
- Creator
Shelby, John, Taylor, Rosemarye, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, Doherty, Walter, Ford, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study examined the differences between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes in terms of mathematics and reading achievement based on standardized test scores from direct cognitive assessments in mathematics and reading. The data for this study came from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K). Data were collected from student and parent surveys in conjunction with direct cognitive assessments. The research questions were as follows: 1. To what...
Show moreThis study examined the differences between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes in terms of mathematics and reading achievement based on standardized test scores from direct cognitive assessments in mathematics and reading. The data for this study came from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K). Data were collected from student and parent surveys in conjunction with direct cognitive assessments. The research questions were as follows: 1. To what extent is there a difference in mathematics achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported future educational goals and socioeconomic status?2. To what extent is there a difference in mathematics achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported weekly time spent on homework and socioeconomic status?3. To what extent is there a difference in reading achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported future educational goals and socioeconomic status?4. To what extent is there a difference in reading achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported weekly time spent on homework and socioeconomic status?Factorial ANOVA's were used answer each research question. An additional variable, gender, was utilized to further evaluate differences in mathematics and reading scale scores. Based upon the results, no statistical significance was found in the three-way interaction effects for any of the research questions. As the two-way and main effects comparisons were evaluated, statistical significance was indicated within each question based on the multiple independent variables. Overall, the athletes did not outscore non-athletes.There were consistent differences in mean scores in reading and mathematics based upon self-stated future educational goals where students maintained higher mean scores in reading and mathematics as their educational goals increased. In addition consistent differences in mean scores in reading and mathematics were indicated where students below the poverty level had lower mean scores than students at or above the poverty level. Finally, students' mathematics and reading achievement significantly increased as their self-reported weekly time spent on homework increased.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0004166, ucf:49064
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Examination of the Algebra 1 Achievement of Black and Hispanic Student Participants in a Large Urban School District's Mathematics Intervention Program.
- Creator
Bronson, Elethia, Taylor, Rosemarye, Baldwin, Lee, Storey, Valerie A., Andreasen, Janet, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The mathematics achievement gap between Black and White as well as Hispanic and White students has been well documented nationwide and in the school district of study. Much has been written in observance of the achievement gap, yet markedly less research has focused on practices and interventions that have improved mathematics performance for Black and Hispanic students. Consequently, this study examined the Algebra 1 achievement (indicated by student scale scores on the Florida Standards...
Show moreThe mathematics achievement gap between Black and White as well as Hispanic and White students has been well documented nationwide and in the school district of study. Much has been written in observance of the achievement gap, yet markedly less research has focused on practices and interventions that have improved mathematics performance for Black and Hispanic students. Consequently, this study examined the Algebra 1 achievement (indicated by student scale scores on the Florida Standards Assessments Algebra 1 End-of-Course exam) of Black and Hispanic students participating in a mathematics intervention program as compared to the Algebra 1 achievement of their similar non-participating peers in one large urban school district. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical analysis via the one-way ANOVA and the independent samples t-test were utilized. Further quantitative analysis was conducted focusing on the mean scale score differences among intervention program participants in varying course structures, summer days attended, and school socioeconomic status. The study found that Black and Hispanic 7th grade program participants significantly outperformed their similar non-participating 7th grade peers and non-participating Black and Hispanic 9th grade students. No statistically significant differences were found among program participants who attended the summer preview camp for different numbers of days. Black and Hispanic intervention program participants enrolled in a double-block Algebra 1 course numerically outscored their single-period program peers overall and when disaggregated by race/ethnicity and prior year achievement level. The findings indicate the intervention program has the potential to improve Algebra 1 achievement and increase access to advanced-level mathematics for Black and Hispanic students. This study contributes to the scant literature on successful mathematics intervention programs targeting Black and Hispanic students. Studying the implementation of the program in schools demonstrating success could provide insight, enabling other schools to replicate an environment where Black and Hispanic secondary mathematics learners thrive.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007393, ucf:52073
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Process Evaluation of a Family Involvement Program at a Title I Elementary School.
- Creator
Moody, Maria, Lue, Martha, Lambie, Glenn, Little, Mary, Swan, Bonnie, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Parental or family involvement in student academics has been an on-going topic for researchers. There is a need for studies to be conducted on parental involvement program implementation in order to determine if there is an impact on student academics when school, family, and community partnership programs are in place. For this study, a process evaluation was conducted on a parental or family involvement program newly developed and implemented at a Title I elementary school in an urban...
Show moreParental or family involvement in student academics has been an on-going topic for researchers. There is a need for studies to be conducted on parental involvement program implementation in order to determine if there is an impact on student academics when school, family, and community partnership programs are in place. For this study, a process evaluation was conducted on a parental or family involvement program newly developed and implemented at a Title I elementary school in an urban setting. The purpose of this mixed-methods process evaluation was to (a) document how the program was implemented, (b) examine the progress toward meeting its intended outcomes, and (c) use findings to make recommendations to drive improvement. The program's logic model was used to examine the program's intended short-term outcomes; including increasing parental involvement and knowledge in regard to the school's reading, mathematics, and science curricula as well as increasing the knowledge of home strategies for student academic support. Student achievement impacts were also examined. Quantitative data collection included program participant survey data and participants' student achievement data for reading and mathematics. Document analysis of the program's artifacts allowed for a qualitative analysis for the evaluation. Findings indicated the program was making progress in increasing parents' knowledge about the reading curriculum, but not for mathematics and science. There was also an increase in parents' knowledge of home strategies and improvement in parental program attendance rates.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006768, ucf:51857
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Impact of Elementary Mathematics Workshops on Mathematics Knowledge for Parenting (MKP) and Beliefs About Learning Mathematics.
- Creator
Eisenreich, Heidi, Dixon, Juli, Ortiz, Enrique, Andreasen, Janet, Brooks, Lisa, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which parents of first, second, and third grade students who attended a two-day workshop on mathematics strategies differed on average and over time, as compared to parents who did not attend the workshops. The following areas were measured: mathematics content knowledge, beliefs about learning mathematics, ability to identify correct student responses regarding mathematics, ability to identify student errors in solving mathematics...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which parents of first, second, and third grade students who attended a two-day workshop on mathematics strategies differed on average and over time, as compared to parents who did not attend the workshops. The following areas were measured: mathematics content knowledge, beliefs about learning mathematics, ability to identify correct student responses regarding mathematics, ability to identify student errors in solving mathematics problems, methods used to solve problems, and comfort level with manipulatives.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006101, ucf:52877
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- University Students' Citizenship Shaped by Service-Learning, Community Service, and Peer-to-Peer Civic Discussions.
- Creator
Winston, Haley, Cintron Delgado, Rosa, Welch, Kerry, Malaret, Stacey, Bowdon, Melody, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Citizenship is often referred to as the forgotten outcome of colleges and universities. The present study examined the relationship between undergraduate students' perceived citizenship level and different types of civic experiences (service-learning, community service, and peer-to-peer civic discussions) and also different demographic factors (gender, race/ethnicity, and parental level of education) at a public institution using the Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory. This study...
Show moreCitizenship is often referred to as the forgotten outcome of colleges and universities. The present study examined the relationship between undergraduate students' perceived citizenship level and different types of civic experiences (service-learning, community service, and peer-to-peer civic discussions) and also different demographic factors (gender, race/ethnicity, and parental level of education) at a public institution using the Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory. This study used structural equation modeling and multiple regression analysis. This marks the first time these variables have been researched together. This study found a significant correlation between both community service and peer-to-peer civic discussions in relation to citizenship level. Yet, service-learning frequency was not found to be a significant factor. On the other hand, all three civic experiences together was found to be significantly correlated to citizenship aptitudes. Leading the researcher to find that a holistic (both inside and outside the classroom) approach to student citizenship is valuable for student development. Also, only one significant relationship was found between citizenship levels and any demographic variable (parental education level of doctorate or professional degree).
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006927, ucf:51695
- Format
- Document (PDF)