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- Title
- Creator
Lenz, Henry, Kenny, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
For purposes of this thesis, live visual performance is defined as the accompaniment of music using projected or televised visual stimuli to achieve a supplemental interpretation of the music to tell its 'story' in a visual way. In my research I have found that, while complex narrative in a song can be conveyed through various means, the attention span of those listening and watching in a club setting is not conducive for patrons to sit down and engage in watching the visuals for a...
Show moreFor purposes of this thesis, live visual performance is defined as the accompaniment of music using projected or televised visual stimuli to achieve a supplemental interpretation of the music to tell its 'story' in a visual way. In my research I have found that, while complex narrative in a song can be conveyed through various means, the attention span of those listening and watching in a club setting is not conducive for patrons to sit down and engage in watching the visuals for a protracted period of time. Most patrons are dancing and socializing and do not choose to watch the video to derive complex meaning or context. My research has shown that, while introducing complex visual storylines may be the ultimate goal for a live visual performance in a studio or orchestral setting, the best way to convey an artistÃÂ's message in a club environment is through the use of repetitive symbols and visuals that move according to the beats of the music, light up the darkened atmosphere, and/or create a social metronome. This thesis presents the process by which the visual symbols were created and then chosen for specific, targeted performances and discusses the results of patron surveys that assess their initial responses to the accompanying live visual performance.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003365, ucf:48446
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Examining the impact of a fatigue intervention on job performance: A longitudinal study across United States hospitals.
- Creator
Gregory, Megan, Salas, Eduardo, Wang, Wei, Fritzsche, Barbara, Burke, Shawn, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Fatigue in healthcare providers has been linked to dangerous outcomes for patients, including medical errors, surgical complications, and accidents. Resident physicians, who traditionally work long hours on minimal sleep, are among the most fatigued. In attempt to mitigate the impact of fatigue on resident physician performance and improve patient safety, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) implemented a fatigue intervention program in 2011 for medical residency...
Show moreFatigue in healthcare providers has been linked to dangerous outcomes for patients, including medical errors, surgical complications, and accidents. Resident physicians, who traditionally work long hours on minimal sleep, are among the most fatigued. In attempt to mitigate the impact of fatigue on resident physician performance and improve patient safety, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) implemented a fatigue intervention program in 2011 for medical residency programs in the United States. This caused a significant decrease in the number of hours that first-year residents were permitted to work, compared with hours worked by first-year residents in prior years. While studies investigating the impact of the 2011 ACGME fatigue intervention on outcomes are limited thus far, some initial evidence seems to be promising. For instance, Pepper, Schweinfurth, and Herrin (2014) found that the rate of transfers to the intensive care unit after a code blue significantly decreased from pre- to post-intervention. However, it is not currently understood what variables may drive positive changes in patient outcomes, nor how long it may take for these changes to occur. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect that the 2011 ACGME fatigue intervention has had on job performance in healthcare providers in U.S. hospitals. The current study attempted to address this question by taking both a micro perspective, by drawing upon cognitive theories (Kahneman, 1973, 2011) and skill acquisition theory (Fitts, 1964; Fitts (&) Posner, 1967), as well as a macro perspective, by drawing upon organizational change theories (DiMaggio (&) Powell, 1983).This study combined public-use databases provided by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Specifically, 1,277 hospitals in the United States were examined over a five year period on job performance behaviors to determine if there was significant change from pre-intervention to post-intervention. Hospitals were categorized as control hospitals (n = 594) and intervention hospitals (n = 683). More specifically, intervention hospitals were analyzed according to their resident-to-patient bed ratio, using guidelines provided by Patel et al. (2014), including very low resident-to-bed ratio hospitals (n = 174), low resident-to-bed ratio hospitals (n = 287), high resident-to-bed ratio hospitals (n = 143), and very high resident-to-bed ratio hospitals (n = 79). Further, organizational size was examined as a moderator. The current study used discontinuous growth modeling (Bliese, 2008; Ployhart, 2014; J. D. Singer (&) Willett, 2003) to analyze the data, which allowed for investigation into the magnitude and rate of change from pre- to post-intervention. Results show that there was a significant improvement in employee job performance over time across both intervention and control hospitals. In particular, job performance significantly improved abruptly at the transition period (i.e., when the intervention was introduced) and continued to improve gradually throughout the post-intervention period; yet, these results held for both intervention and control hospitals. However, exploratory analyses comparing control hospitals to very high resident-to-bed ratio hospitals found that the latter group improved significantly more at the transition period in comparison to control hospitals. I therefore conclude that there may be some effect of the fatigue intervention on job performance, but this effect may be visible only in very high resident-to-bed ratio hospitals. Further, organizational size was not a significant moderator of the relationship. Future research is needed to confirm these findings.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005952, ucf:50807
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Wonder Women: Understanding Feminism in Cosplay Performance.
- Creator
Grissom, Amber, Mishtal, Joanna, Reyes-Foster, Beatriz, Harris, Shana, Tollefson, Kristina, Falu, Nessette, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Feminism conjures divisive and at times conflicting thoughts and feelings in the current political climate in the United States. For some, Wonder Woman is a feminist icon, for her devotion to truth, justice, and equality. In recent years, Wonder Woman has become successful in the film industry, and this is reflected by the growing community of cosplayers at comic book conventions. In this study, I examine gender performativity, gender identity, and feminism from the perspective of cosplayers...
Show moreFeminism conjures divisive and at times conflicting thoughts and feelings in the current political climate in the United States. For some, Wonder Woman is a feminist icon, for her devotion to truth, justice, and equality. In recent years, Wonder Woman has become successful in the film industry, and this is reflected by the growing community of cosplayers at comic book conventions. In this study, I examine gender performativity, gender identity, and feminism from the perspective of cosplayers of Wonder Woman. I collected ethnographic data using participant observation and semi-structured interviews with cosplayers at comic book conventions in Florida, Georgia, and Washington, about their experiences in their Wonder Woman costumes. I found that many cosplayers identified with Wonder Woman both in their own personalities and as a feminist icon, and many view Wonder Woman as a larger role model to all people, not just women and girls. The narratives in this study also show cosplay as a form of escapism. Finally, I found that Wonder Woman empowers cosplayers at the individual level but can be envisioned as a force at a wider social level. I conclude that Wonder Woman is an important and iconic figure for understanding the dynamics of culture in the United States. In the era of #MeToo and TimesUp, Wonder Woman is a character that defies normative boundaries of gendered expectations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007641, ucf:52515
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Fund, Ian, McConnell, Daniel, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this study we examined the differences of performance of various input devices on a steering task. Two paths were created, one easy and one hard, with the harder path having more turning points to navigate with one of three different input devices: mouse and keyboard, Xbox 360 controller, and a joystick. Participants were also exposed to low or high stress conditions. High stress was caused by playing loud short bursts of music over headphones worn by participants during testing. Results...
Show moreIn this study we examined the differences of performance of various input devices on a steering task. Two paths were created, one easy and one hard, with the harder path having more turning points to navigate with one of three different input devices: mouse and keyboard, Xbox 360 controller, and a joystick. Participants were also exposed to low or high stress conditions. High stress was caused by playing loud short bursts of music over headphones worn by participants during testing. Results indicated the mouse and keyboard performed better in all cases. There was no significant difference between the Xbox controller and joystick. No differences were found in the low and high stress conditions. Differences in sex were found, even when controlling for video game experience. These findings indicate that the mouse and keyboard is the best device to use on a steering task.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFH0004763, ucf:45362
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Stagl, Kevin, Salas, Eduardo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A Predictor Response Process model (see Ployhart, 2006) and research findings were leveraged to formulate research questions about, and generate construct validity evidence for, a new situational judgment test (SJT) designed to measure declarative and strategic knowledge. The first question asked if SJT response instructions (i.e., 'Should Do', 'Would Do') moderated the validity of an SJT in a maximum performance context. The second question asked what the upper-bound...
Show moreA Predictor Response Process model (see Ployhart, 2006) and research findings were leveraged to formulate research questions about, and generate construct validity evidence for, a new situational judgment test (SJT) designed to measure declarative and strategic knowledge. The first question asked if SJT response instructions (i.e., 'Should Do', 'Would Do') moderated the validity of an SJT in a maximum performance context. The second question asked what the upper-bound criterion-related validity coefficient is for SJTs in talent selection contexts in which typical performance is the criterion of interest. The third question asked whether the SJT used in the present study was fair for gender and ethnic-based subgroups according to Cleary's (1968) definition of test fairness. Participants were randomly assigned to complete an SJT with either 'Should Do' or 'Would Do' response instructions and their maximum decision making performance outcomes were captured during a moderate fidelity poker simulation. The findings of this study suggested knowledge, as measured by the SJT, interacted with response instructions when predicting aggregate and average performance outcomes such that the 'Should Do' SJT had stronger criterion-related validity coefficients than the 'Would Do' version. The findings also suggested the uncorrected upper-bound criterion-related validity coefficient for SJTs in selection contexts is at least moderate to strong (β = .478). Moreover, the SJT was fair according to Cleary's definition of test fairness. The implications of these findings are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001309, ucf:47020
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Brunton, Gregory, Jeanpierre, Bobby, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The growing need for technological literacy has increased its presence in public classrooms more than ever before. The purpose of this research study was to study the effects of technology integration on student achievement and attitudes toward science and technology. The participants in this 18-week study involved the 86 8th grade students at Winding Hills School in Orlando, Florida. Data were collected using a pre and post vocabulary assessment, weekly vocabulary quizzes, student attitude...
Show moreThe growing need for technological literacy has increased its presence in public classrooms more than ever before. The purpose of this research study was to study the effects of technology integration on student achievement and attitudes toward science and technology. The participants in this 18-week study involved the 86 8th grade students at Winding Hills School in Orlando, Florida. Data were collected using a pre and post vocabulary assessment, weekly vocabulary quizzes, student attitude surveys, student and parent correspondence as it relates to the study such as parent notes and e-mails, and classroom observation notes. Several conclusions were made. The effects of technology on student performance as originally planned was inconclusive in this study. It was found that there was no correlation between typing assignments and student performance. Students felt that technology increased their academic performance. Students had positive attitude towards science class though the percentage decreased during the study. Students enjoyed using technology, saw it as a benefit, felt it helped them with publishing and improved their attitudes towards technology.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000375, ucf:46338
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Davis, Janet, Lawther, Wendell, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Performance measurement has been adopted and implemented in the private sector as a tool to measure and improve performance. Performance measurement is relatively new to the public sector, yet counties could benefit from establishing performance measures. This study uses the 67 Florida counties to compare Human Resource performance measures to county efficiency measures through path analysis to assess the contribution compensation and recruitment practices have on county efficiency measures...
Show morePerformance measurement has been adopted and implemented in the private sector as a tool to measure and improve performance. Performance measurement is relatively new to the public sector, yet counties could benefit from establishing performance measures. This study uses the 67 Florida counties to compare Human Resource performance measures to county efficiency measures through path analysis to assess the contribution compensation and recruitment practices have on county efficiency measures of fiscal, process and technical efficiencies. It includes county contextual variables in the models. The data was collected via professional publications and organizations, survey and personal contacts and entered into a SPSS data set. Six path analyses were established 1) three for HR variables with the three county efficiency variables and 2) three for HR variables plus contextual variables with the three county efficiency variables. The compensation variable, annual salary adjustment, was statistically significant to county fiscal efficiency, in the HR to county fiscal efficiency and HR / contextual variables to county fiscal efficiency. None of the variables were statistically significant in the process efficiency models. Health costs were statistically significant in the county technical efficiency path analysis. When the county contextual variables were added, health costs, percentage of benefit to salary, county size and county wealth were statistically significant. The HR compensation variables impact county efficiency, either fiscal or technical.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002053, ucf:47603
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Burris, Robert, Murray, Barbara, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent student performance has been influenced by historical events, legislative mandates, and accreditation processes. This study consists of comparing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation processes with those of the Association of Christian Schools International. In completing this qualitative study, the following procedures were implemented: Related research was used to provide a background of the role that...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine to what extent student performance has been influenced by historical events, legislative mandates, and accreditation processes. This study consists of comparing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accreditation processes with those of the Association of Christian Schools International. In completing this qualitative study, the following procedures were implemented: Related research was used to provide a background of the role that historical events, legislation, and accreditation processes have on student performance; data were collected to establish time line shifts in an historical perspective. The data collected included assessment, accountability, high school drop out rates, high school graduation rates, academic readiness for higher education, standardized testing, grade inflation, acceleration of dual enrollment and advanced placement courses, and national SAT and ACT averages. Data were also collected from historical record of accreditation processes, which included standards, teacher certification requirements, committee responsibilities, visiting team responsibilities, and self-study materials. As a result of content analysis, the researcher decided to focus on three key areas that were integral to the study. The three categories identified in the review of literature were used to analyze the content of these events and processes. The categories were: (a) Student Performance, (b) Historical Events, and (c) SACS and ACSI Accreditation Processes. The following results were obtained from this research. Findings indicated that a criterion-based accreditation process potentially results in more consistent student performance outcomes than an open-ended process.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002052, ucf:47569
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Mock-McLaughlin, Jessica, Crumpton-Young, Lesia, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research generated a model that will help to predict, prevent, control and mitigate the occurrence of task related factors that negatively influence stress, fatigue, and workload; thus enhancing human performance. Past research efforts involving stress, fatigue and workload identified factors that influence a change in performance (Lan, Ji and Looney, 2003, and Hancock & Warm, 1989). Also, while some mathematical models have been developed within each respective area, however, there is...
Show moreThis research generated a model that will help to predict, prevent, control and mitigate the occurrence of task related factors that negatively influence stress, fatigue, and workload; thus enhancing human performance. Past research efforts involving stress, fatigue and workload identified factors that influence a change in performance (Lan, Ji and Looney, 2003, and Hancock & Warm, 1989). Also, while some mathematical models have been developed within each respective area, however, there is no evidence of an integrated model describing the combined affect of stress, fatigue and workload. To respond to this research gap, a quantitative model representing the state of stress, fatigue and workload experienced under task conditions was developed. This model was derived using fuzzy set theory with data inputs from both objective and subjective measures such as heart rate, NASA TLX, blood pressure and a variety of additional factors. The resultant mathematical model included both subjective and objective measures that can be collected in an occupational environment. Control rooms at the flight centers for large space craft were utilized to validate the quantitative model developed in this research. Data was gathered during launch simulation exercises. Fuzzy Set Theory was applied to develop the mathematical model to describe the changes in stress, fatigue and workload. FST provides a means to model many real-world environments.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001639, ucf:47231
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Krick, Stephanie, Feldheim, Mary Ann, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Nonprofit programs deliver key social services to millions of people across the country everyday, however, little is known about the ethical practices of these programs. This research examines the relationship between a nonprofit program's ethical practices and the programs' measurable outcomes, such as changes in knowledge, attitudes, values, skills, behavior, condition, or status of the participant as a result of their involvement with nonprofit programs. An assumption of the study...
Show moreNonprofit programs deliver key social services to millions of people across the country everyday, however, little is known about the ethical practices of these programs. This research examines the relationship between a nonprofit program's ethical practices and the programs' measurable outcomes, such as changes in knowledge, attitudes, values, skills, behavior, condition, or status of the participant as a result of their involvement with nonprofit programs. An assumption of the study is that the achievement of the measurable outcomes found in a nonprofit program is directly related to the extent that ethical practices are utilized within that program. Ethical practices include role modeling, ethics development, ethics enforcement and review, stewardship, transparency, and empowerment. This study demonstrates that the ethical strategy Transparency influences the achievement of program performance outcomes. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, this study attempts to illustrate the impact of transparency as well as determine how it is incorporated in nonprofit programs based on interviews with nonprofit program managers/directors. Additionally, this study demonstrates that the capacity of a program's processes is negatively associated with the achievement of program performance outcomes. This finding suggests the need for a greater level of transparency in program planning and performance outcome measure development in order to ensure the program is mission driven and its performance outcomes are meeting the needs of the community it serves.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001816, ucf:47349
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Cornejo, Jessica, Pritchard, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Gender discrimination and work motivation are two important constructs for employers to consider. Changing workforce trends towards a more diverse workforce make understanding discrimination in the workplace more important than ever. And, established direct relationships between motivation and performance make understanding motivation key to organizational success. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among perceived gender discrimination at work, work motivation, and...
Show moreGender discrimination and work motivation are two important constructs for employers to consider. Changing workforce trends towards a more diverse workforce make understanding discrimination in the workplace more important than ever. And, established direct relationships between motivation and performance make understanding motivation key to organizational success. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among perceived gender discrimination at work, work motivation, and performance. Although much theory and research exists regarding motivation and performance, this study uses a new measure of motivation based on the Pritchard and Ashwood (2007) theory of work motivation. It was hypothesized that perceived gender discrimination would be negatively related to motivation, and that motivation would be positively related to performance. It was further hypothesized that motivation would mediate the relationship between perceived discrimination and performance. Consistent with social identity and attribution theory, gender identification was examined as a moderator of the relationship between perceived discrimination and motivation. Additionally, race and locus of control were examined as moderators of this same relationship. Measures of study variables were surveys administered on-line to 170 female undergraduate students. Upon completion of this part of the study, participants were emailed a link for their supervisors to complete on-line measures of participants' overall motivation and performance at work. Results indicated that both overall motivation and action-to-result motivation connections were negatively related to perceived gender discrimination. However, other motivation connections were not related to this discrimination. Furthermore, overall motivation and the motivation connections had strong relationships with performance. Despite the practical significance of these relationships, they did not reach statistical significance because of the small sample size of supervisor performance ratings (n = 37). Neither race, work locus of control, or gender identification significantly moderated hypothesized relationships. Additionally, there was no significant relationship between discrimination and performance, and so work motivation could not mediate this relationship. Reasons for non-significant results are discussed, as are implications for theory and practice. Although moderator hypotheses were not supported, this research represents an important step in discrimination research because it examines the possible influence of perceived discrimination on those who are impacted by it. This study also reaffirms the relationship between motivation and performance using Pritchard and Ashwood's (2007) theory of motivation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001906, ucf:47485
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
kulkarni, Asawari, Reinhart, Debra, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study is an evaluation of Post Closure Care (PCC) duration of landfills using performance based methodology. The post closure care phase begins once the landfill is closed. As required by the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D, PCC duration for municipal solid waste landfills is 30 years. During the PCC period, the landfill operator/owner is required to conduct monitoring for leachate, landfill gas, and ground-water and maintain the integrity of the cap so that the...
Show moreThis study is an evaluation of Post Closure Care (PCC) duration of landfills using performance based methodology. The post closure care phase begins once the landfill is closed. As required by the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D, PCC duration for municipal solid waste landfills is 30 years. During the PCC period, the landfill operator/owner is required to conduct monitoring for leachate, landfill gas, and ground-water and maintain the integrity of the cap so that the landfill does not impose a threat to surrounding human health and environment (HH&E). The duration of PCC can be reduced by the director of an approved State if an owner/operator of a landfill demonstrates that the landfill exhibits no threat to the surrounding HH&E or can be increased if the director of the approved State determines that an increased PCC period is required for the protection of HH&E. RCRA provides flexibility in optimizing PCC duration of landfills, although it does not identify the criteria/methodology which can be used in demonstrating the status of a landfill from the point of PCC. Researchers worldwide recognize that the threat imposed by a landfill after closure depends on the extent of degradation occurring inside the landfill. The increased functional stability of landfills reduces its risk to the surrounding HH&E. However, there is a wide range of opinions in defining functional stability of a landfill. The present thesis applies performance based methodology, developed by Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF), to making a decision on the PCC of landfills. Performance based methodology is a modular approach encompassing all four PCC components of landfills (Leachate, gas, groundwater and cap maintenance). This methodology was applied to Alachua County Southwest Landfill (ACSWLF) in Alachua County, Florida. Each module was analyzed individually and recommendations on the PCC monitoring at the landfill site were provided.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002471, ucf:47700
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Huthmann, Andre, Malone, Linda, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of simulation is to avoid reality-based constraints by the implemen-tation of a synthetic model. Based on this advantage, interactive simulations have conquered all areas of applications from acquisition, and training, to research. Simulation results are transferred in many ways into reality and conclusions are drawn from the simulation to the application. Many anecdotal observations on human-in-the-loop simulations have shown a significant difference in actor behavior between...
Show moreThe purpose of simulation is to avoid reality-based constraints by the implemen-tation of a synthetic model. Based on this advantage, interactive simulations have conquered all areas of applications from acquisition, and training, to research. Simulation results are transferred in many ways into reality and conclusions are drawn from the simulation to the application. Many anecdotal observations on human-in-the-loop simulations have shown a significant difference in actor behavior between simulations and reality-based applications. It seems that the factors that makes simulation so attractive, namely the absence of constraints and especially of imminent danger for persons and equipment, influence the behavior and thereby the performance of the user. These differences between simulation and reality may lead to false conclusions based on simulation results. The concept of perceiving a simulation as real and of being in the simulation is called sense of presence. This psychological construct can also be described as level of disbelief towards the simulation. Hence, differences in behavior are based on such users assessment of a simulation and subsequently are supposed to be mediated by a difference in presence. This research established significant differences in presence and performance between a simulation and a miniature-world teleoperation task. Presence and performance changed in identical tasks due to the application type and the connected danger to the robot. Also, the results supported a negative relationship between presence and performance: presence increased in the miniature-world and affected performance so that performance decreased. The causal relationship of application type presence performance was established and demands the examination of simulation based results with respect to the perceived danger to equipment, before they are transferred into the real application.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002562, ucf:47666
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Sanders, Karen, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The focus of this research was to examine the performance of Florida public community college foundations from 2002-2004 using performance ratios. The findings from this study may assist community college foundation leaders to better understand the performance of their own organizations, compare this performance to other similar organizations, establish relative performance standards, and influence the strategic initiatives to improve an existing foundation. This study was designed to...
Show moreThe focus of this research was to examine the performance of Florida public community college foundations from 2002-2004 using performance ratios. The findings from this study may assist community college foundation leaders to better understand the performance of their own organizations, compare this performance to other similar organizations, establish relative performance standards, and influence the strategic initiatives to improve an existing foundation. This study was designed to research the financial performance measurement ratios for the 28 public community college foundations in Florida. Ex post facto data that were publicly available were utilized to acquire the information needed for the statistical analyses; therefore, the population was comprised of all 28 Florida community college foundations. Data were collected from each institution's Form 990. A total of 27 ratios were calculated by year for 2002, 2003, and 2004 and were categorized into 6 areas: (a) measures of fiscal performance, (b) measures of fundraising efficiency, (c) measures of public support, (d) measures of adequacy of resources to support mission, (e) measures of use of resources to support mission, and (f) measures of investment performance and concentration. The study included benchmarking data in the form of descriptive statistics for these ratios and comprehensive analysis. In addition, three repeated measures analysis of variance models were computed to determine if the contributions and grants, fundraising expense, and program service expense ratios varied over time. There were no mean differences over time during the three-year period from 2002 to 2004.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002408, ucf:47751
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Fjelstul, Jill, Higginbotham, Patricia, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Ladies Professional Golf Association Teaching Professionals are scattered throughout the country, many of whom are self-employed. There was not a review session for Class A written test preparation prior to this study. The focus of this research, thus, was to assist first time test takers in their preparation of the LPGA Class A written evaluation through an online medium. The study was conducted between July and November, 2005, and was offered to LPGA T & CP Class B first-time test takers....
Show moreLadies Professional Golf Association Teaching Professionals are scattered throughout the country, many of whom are self-employed. There was not a review session for Class A written test preparation prior to this study. The focus of this research, thus, was to assist first time test takers in their preparation of the LPGA Class A written evaluation through an online medium. The study was conducted between July and November, 2005, and was offered to LPGA T & CP Class B first-time test takers. Components of the online review session included self-evaluations, discussion postings involving test-related content, and practice quizzes. The study compared the pass rate percentage of the participants in the online review session with the pass rate percentage of those who did not participate in the online review session. A test of proportions determined there was not a significant increase in the pass percentage rate of the online review session participants when compared to the test takers who did not receive intervention. However, pass rates and average test scores were higher for online review session participants. Suggested uses of this study include the future development of online review sessions for LPGA Class B and Apprentice written evaluations, with the goal of improving academic performances. Future research should include replication of the present study, but with a larger sample size. Future research should also involve Class B and Apprentice test takers and not be limited to first time test takers.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0000940, ucf:46730
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Ganey, Harriss, Hancock, Peter, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Threat perception is an important issue in today's world. As the line between hostile and non-hostile entities is blurred, it becomes more important for individuals to clearly distinguish between those who would present danger and those who would not. This series of experiments tested whether observers engaged in a dual-task paradigm perceived a greater amount of threat from target stimuli than they did when they were engaged in the threat task alone. The first experiment revealed that...
Show moreThreat perception is an important issue in today's world. As the line between hostile and non-hostile entities is blurred, it becomes more important for individuals to clearly distinguish between those who would present danger and those who would not. This series of experiments tested whether observers engaged in a dual-task paradigm perceived a greater amount of threat from target stimuli than they did when they were engaged in the threat task alone. The first experiment revealed that observers rated targets as more threatening when they were engaged in the additional task than when they only rated the targets themselves. Response time to the targets was also slower when a secondary task was present. This difference was more pronounced when the secondary task was presented via the auditory channel. Participants also rated overall workload higher when performing a secondary task, with the highest ratings being associated with the dual-task auditory condition. In the second experiment, the design crossed sensory modality with the presence or non-presence of threat. Inter-stimulus interval was also manipulated. The presence of threat was associated with faster response times, though when both tasks had threat components, response time was not the fastest. Additionally, when images came first in the stimulus pairs, observers were slower to respond to the first stimulus than when the sounds were presented first. Results supported the conclusion that additional task loading can affect the perception of threat. The modality of the additional task seems to also play a role in threat assessment performance. Results also led to the conclusion that threat-related visual stimuli are more challenging to process than threat-related auditory stimuli. Future research can now investigate how different types of tasks affect the threat perception task. Implications for better training of soldiers and for the design of automated systems are presented.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001156, ucf:46864
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Thompson, Shannon, Jensen, Bernard, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Mental tumbling blocks are a problem in sports such as cheerleading where the athlete has an unexplained fear related to performing a skill that has been previously executed successfully. The current study compared participants with and without a mental tumbling block on self-report measures of anxiety and on vocal analysis data indicating if anxiety or fear is present. Participants were female cheerleaders who ranged in age from 10 to 16 years old. The Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2; Smith,...
Show moreMental tumbling blocks are a problem in sports such as cheerleading where the athlete has an unexplained fear related to performing a skill that has been previously executed successfully. The current study compared participants with and without a mental tumbling block on self-report measures of anxiety and on vocal analysis data indicating if anxiety or fear is present. Participants were female cheerleaders who ranged in age from 10 to 16 years old. The Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2; Smith, Smoll, Cumming & Grossbard, 2006) and the Cheerleading Fear Inventory (CFI; modified from Cartoni, Minganti, and Zelli, 2005) were used in addition to vocal analysis measures assessing pitch and intensity. These vocal analysis measures were taken under two conditions while the cheerleader was interviewed (1) about tumbling and (2) about school. Results indicated that athletes with a mental block reported higher somatic anxiety, concentration disruption, and overall anxiety on the SAS-2 than participants who did not have a mental tumbling block. Similarly, athletes with a mental tumbling block reported higher scores on the CFI than athletes without a mental tumbling block. In addition, athletes with a mental tumbling block showed higher pitch on the vocal analysis measure than athletes without a mental tumbling regardless of interview condition. Finally, several significant correlations emerged between scores on the SAS-2, the CFI, and the vocal analysis measures. These results are discussed in terms of the existing literature, and practical suggestions are offered that may help coaches understand how to effectively handle mental blocks at practice.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFH0004451, ucf:45129
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
McMillen, Margaret, Taylor, Rose, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study investigated the change in sophomore reading scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test after the implementation of an academic vocabulary program and the change in teacher knowledge and professional practice after a program of staff development in academic vocabulary. The purpose was to determine the impact of the professional development on student reading performance. The study analyzed student data from 2008 and 2009 gathered from the Florida Department of Education,...
Show moreThis study investigated the change in sophomore reading scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test after the implementation of an academic vocabulary program and the change in teacher knowledge and professional practice after a program of staff development in academic vocabulary. The purpose was to determine the impact of the professional development on student reading performance. The study analyzed student data from 2008 and 2009 gathered from the Florida Department of Education, and teacher data collected from a survey used as a pretest/posttest. Variables used in the analysis of student data included demographic subgroups of white, African-American, and Hispanic students and students with disabilities, English language learners, and economically disadvantaged students. Teacher variables used were years of teaching experience and curriculum area. Both an ANCOVA and a multiple logistical regression were used to analyze change in student reading performance. Student reading score performance dropped for the total population and in for subgroups from 2008 to 2009. Several intervening variables could explain the downward change: budget cuts resulting in a change in instructional day from six to seven-period day with loss of instructional time, reduction in number of teachers, increase in student population, and change in start time for school day (from 7:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to :30 a.m. to 4 p.m.). An ANOVA and independent t-test were used to analyze teacher pretest/posttest data. The data indicated a positive change in teacher knowledge and instructional practice, though not statistically significant. It should not be concluded from the reading scores that the program of academic vocabulary was not successful, but rather that vocabulary instruction is only one of the essential components of any plan to improve secondary student reading performance. Further research should be conducted to replicate this study during a time period without intervening variables experienced during the span of this study. Additionally, students should be matched to their teachers to examine the relationship between individual teacher and student performance. This study should be replicated in a high school with different demographics and different level of student achievement.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002909, ucf:48005
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
BEYHAN, ERHAN, Martin, Lawrence, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The Turkish National Police converted its 9-month Police Training Schools to 2-year college degree programs in 2001 in their pursuit to improve the quality of police officers' job performance, police job preparedness levels, and the police service as a whole. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual benefits of this higher education policy by empirically measuring and comparing the job preparedness and job performance of police officers with higher education and police...
Show moreThe Turkish National Police converted its 9-month Police Training Schools to 2-year college degree programs in 2001 in their pursuit to improve the quality of police officers' job performance, police job preparedness levels, and the police service as a whole. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual benefits of this higher education policy by empirically measuring and comparing the job preparedness and job performance of police officers with higher education and police officers without higher education. This study consists of two quantitative parts. The first part measured the job performance construct with multiple indicators, including performance evaluation scores, numbers of received official awards, and appreciation letters. The second part of the study measured the perception of officer's job preparedness levels through a self-report survey. The structural equation modeling technique was utilized to evaluate the latent constructs. A response rate of 55.5% was attained--500 out of 900. The study found that there were statistically significant positive relationships between police officers' level of education and job preparedness, as well as between police officers' level of education and job performance. Statistically significant relationships between jurisdiction sizes, assignment type, and perception of job performance with job performance and preparedness were also found. However, no significant relationships between gender, age, and marital status were identified with job performance and preparedness. Among the variables, education had the strongest influence on officers' job performance and preparedness. In addition, a negative relationship exists between officers' perception of self-performance ratings and observed job performance ratings, suggesting that officers that rated their job performance levels higher were actually the ones with lower observed job performance ratings. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on criminal justice and public policy not only in Turkey, but also internationally.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002237, ucf:47892
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Affective Chickens and Performance Eggs: A Longitudinal Meta-Analysis.
- Creator
Lapalme, Matthew, Joseph, Dana, Shoss, Mindy, Fritzsche, Barbara, Barsade, Sigal, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The affective revolution in the organizational sciences has yielded a body of theoretical and empirical research examining the relationship between affect and performance. This work has typically advanced affect as a predictor of performance; however, more recent theory suggests that the relationship between affect and performance is reciprocal. Since little empirical work exists supporting reciprocity between affect and performance, the purpose of this dissertation is to test if affect and...
Show moreThe affective revolution in the organizational sciences has yielded a body of theoretical and empirical research examining the relationship between affect and performance. This work has typically advanced affect as a predictor of performance; however, more recent theory suggests that the relationship between affect and performance is reciprocal. Since little empirical work exists supporting reciprocity between affect and performance, the purpose of this dissertation is to test if affect and performance are actually reciprocally related. Importantly, the advent of longitudinal and experiential research designs in the organizational sciences affords empirical opportunities to test such theory. This dissertation examines the temporal patterning of relations between affect and performance using longitudinal meta-analysis. Using longitudinal meta-analysis, this dissertation shows that the relationship between affect and performance is equivalently reciprocal (i.e. performance predicts affect to the same extent that affect predicts performance) and that the relationships between negative affect and performance and positive affect and performance are similar in magnitude (i.e. there is no positive-negative asymmetry). This dissertation also suggested that positive affect and negative affect are compatible with a broad performance construct (i.e. task performance, OCB, CWB and withdrawal). Finally, this dissertation examined important measurement moderators and found: (a) affect is reciprocally related to episodic performance; (b) affect and performance are reciprocally related when time between measurements are longer than a month; and (c) state affect measures and trait affect measures both have reciprocal relationships with performance. This meta-analysis benefits the organizational sciences by providing support for existing theories of affect as a predictor of performance (e.g. (")happy-and-productive(") theories) and by validating theories which suggest that affect and performance are reciprocally related.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0007125, ucf:51963
- Format
- Document (PDF)