Current Search: efficacy (x)
Childhood Trauma, Reflective Functioning and Attributions, Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Parenting Competence: What Happens When the Traumatized Child Grows Up and Becomes a Mother?.
Cunningham, Annelise, Renk, Kimberly, Paulson, Daniel, Sims, Valerie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Previous research documented the relationship between self-efficacy and perceived parenting competence. Further, previous evidence supported the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of early exposure to trauma. To build on these previously noted relationships, the present study examined the relationships among reflective functioning and attributions, self-efficacy, and perceived parenting competence, with self-efficacy serving as a mediating variable. Specifically, this study...
Show morePrevious research documented the relationship between self-efficacy and perceived parenting competence. Further, previous evidence supported the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of early exposure to trauma. To build on these previously noted relationships, the present study examined the relationships among reflective functioning and attributions, self-efficacy, and perceived parenting competence, with self-efficacy serving as a mediating variable. Specifically, this study sought to focus on the cognitive variables associated with mothers' perceived self-efficacy and parenting competence and how those variables interact differently when early exposure to trauma is present. As part of this study, a national community sample of 126 culturally diverse mothers of young children who were between the ages of 1(&)#189;- to 5-years rated their own reflective functioning, attributions, self-efficacy, and perceived parenting competence as well as their young children's emotional and behavioral functioning. Correlational analyses showed significant relationships among the variables of interest. Further, mediation analyses indicated that, for the overall sample, mothers' self-efficacy mediated the relationship between both mothers' reflective functioning and attributions and perceived parenting competence. Interestingly, a varying relationship among reflective functioning was found among mothers with a trauma history in comparison to the total sample. Additionally, hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated that, for both samples, mothers' reflective functioning, attributions, self-efficacy, and perceived parenting competence collectively predicted young children's emotional and behavioral functioning. Lastly, through an auxiliary hypothesis, a curvilinear relationship was identified between mothers' perceived self-efficacy and parenting competence. Overall, this study contributed information regarding the importance of self-efficacy as a mechanism through which reflective functioning and attributions may potentially be related to perceived parenting competence. Accordingly, these findings suggested that mothers' perceptions about their own abilities may be a potentially important point of intervention.
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Date Issued
CFE0006092, ucf:51191
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Site-Embedded Professional Development as a Means to Increase Teachers' Sense of Efficacy: Lessons from a Middle School Quasi-Experimental Study.
Roy, Melissa, Gill, Michele, Allen, Kay, Hutchinson, Cynthia, Dehlinger, Robin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to provide site-embedded professional development and coaching support to middle school teachers in an attempt to increase their sense of efficacy for teaching even the most difficult students. The entire faculty (64 teachers) at Jordan Ridge Middle School participated in this intervention. The theoretical framework used to guide this study was conceptual change theory (Pintrich, Marx, (&) Boyle, 1993); specifically, Gregoire's (2003) Cognitive...
Show moreThe purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to provide site-embedded professional development and coaching support to middle school teachers in an attempt to increase their sense of efficacy for teaching even the most difficult students. The entire faculty (64 teachers) at Jordan Ridge Middle School participated in this intervention. The theoretical framework used to guide this study was conceptual change theory (Pintrich, Marx, (&) Boyle, 1993); specifically, Gregoire's (2003) Cognitive-Affective Model of Conceptual Change (CAMCC) informed the design and interpretation of the intervention. A 33-item adaptation of the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES, Tschannen-Moran and Hoy, 2007) served as a quantitative measure and was administered to teachers at Jordan Ridge Middle School as a pre- and post- test. The same measure was administered to teachers at a neighboring school with similar demographics as a post-test to serve as a comparison. Additionally, qualitative data were gathered in the form of survey open response questions as well as monthly end-of class reflections in order to further illuminate the quantitative findings. The study's findings indicate that providing targeted, responsive, collaborative professional learning opportunities to teachers in the context of their own school may favorably influence their sense of efficacy. This study has practical and theoretical implications for the ways in which K12 teachers are provided opportunities for professional learning and growth.
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Date Issued
CFE0006383, ucf:51538
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Video game self-efficacy and its effect on training performance.
Ortiz, Skilan, Bowers, Clint, Fritzsche, Barbara, Joseph, Dana, Cannon-Bowers, Janis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examined the effects of using serious games for training on task performance and declarative knowledge outcomes. The purpose was to determine if serious games are more effective training tools than traditional methods. Self-efficacy, expectations for training, and engagement were considered as moderators of the relationship between type of training and task performance as well as type of training and declarative knowledge. Results of the study offered support for the potential of...
Show moreThis study examined the effects of using serious games for training on task performance and declarative knowledge outcomes. The purpose was to determine if serious games are more effective training tools than traditional methods. Self-efficacy, expectations for training, and engagement were considered as moderators of the relationship between type of training and task performance as well as type of training and declarative knowledge. Results of the study offered support for the potential of serious games to be more effective than traditional methods of training when it comes to task performance.
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Date Issued
CFE0005224, ucf:50639
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McCullers, John, Bozeman, WIlliam, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examined how self-efficacy beliefs, a central construct of social cognitive theory, might be used to inform educational leadership and policy decisions related to school accountability measures. A survey of 112 principals in Florida was used to investigate the degree to which principals believed the goals of federal and state school accountability measures (the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Florida School Grades Plan) were actually attainable, and to what degree they...
Show moreThis study examined how self-efficacy beliefs, a central construct of social cognitive theory, might be used to inform educational leadership and policy decisions related to school accountability measures. A survey of 112 principals in Florida was used to investigate the degree to which principals believed the goals of federal and state school accountability measures (the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Florida School Grades Plan) were actually attainable, and to what degree they believed their leadership actually helped achieve these goals. A large majority (83.8%) of respondents believed the state goals to be attainable, whereas only a minority (20.7%) believed the federal goals could be attained. This disparity was associated with a significant difference in self-efficacy beliefs related to the plans, and in the associated leadership behavior of principals. This significant difference in principal self-efficacy beliefs could predict a disparity in leadership effort toward goal attainment. The study suggested that policymakers should be cautious about revising the goals of the Florida School Grades Plan, since principals' self-efficacy beliefs related to the plan were already quite high. In contrast, the findings suggested that policymakers should look to revising the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to correct the dearth of principal belief in the actual attainability of its goals.
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Date Issued
CFE0002849, ucf:48047
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Cassani, Mary Kay, Jeanpierre, Bobby, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two pedagogical models used in general education science on non-majors' science teaching self-efficacy. Science teaching self-efficacy can be influenced by inquiry and cooperative learning, through cognitive mechanisms described by Bandura (1997). The Student Centered Activities for Large Enrollment Undergraduate Programs (SCALE-UP) model of inquiry and cooperative learning incorporates cooperative learning and inquiry-guided...
Show moreThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two pedagogical models used in general education science on non-majors' science teaching self-efficacy. Science teaching self-efficacy can be influenced by inquiry and cooperative learning, through cognitive mechanisms described by Bandura (1997). The Student Centered Activities for Large Enrollment Undergraduate Programs (SCALE-UP) model of inquiry and cooperative learning incorporates cooperative learning and inquiry-guided learning in large enrollment combined lecture-laboratory classes (Oliver-Hoyo & Beichner, 2004). SCALE-UP was adopted by a small but rapidly growing public university in the southeastern United States in three undergraduate, general education science courses for non-science majors in the Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 semesters. Students in these courses were compared with students in three other general education science courses for non-science majors taught with the standard teaching model at the host university. The standard model combines lecture and laboratory in the same course, with smaller enrollments and utilizes cooperative learning. Science teaching self-efficacy was measured using the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument B (STEBI-B; Bleicher, 2004). A science teaching self-efficacy score was computed from the Personal Science Teaching Efficacy (PTSE) factor of the instrument. Using non-parametric statistics, no significant difference was found between teaching models, between genders, within models, among instructors, or among courses. The number of previous science courses was significantly correlated with PTSE score. Student responses to open-ended questions indicated that students felt the larger enrollment in the SCALE-UP room reduced individual teacher attention but that the large round SCALE-UP tables promoted group interaction. Students responded positively to cooperative and hands-on activities, and would encourage inclusion of more such activities in all of the courses. The large enrollment SCALE-UP model as implemented at the host university did not increase science teaching self-efficacy of non-science majors, as hypothesized. This was likely due to limited modification of standard cooperative activities according to the inquiry-guided SCALE-UP model. It was also found that larger SCALE-UP enrollments did not decrease science teaching self-efficacy when standard cooperative activities were used in the larger class.
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Date Issued
CFE0002125, ucf:47560
Document (PDF)
Thrift, Michelle, Jeanpierre, Bobby, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
One alternatively certified elementary teacher was the subject of this sixteen week research study on science teaching self-efficacy. The researcher taught inquiry based student level science lessons to the fourth grade teacher. The teacher participant, in turn, taught those same lessons to her class while the researcher observed and took field notes. The participant responded to specific open ended questions in a journal after each science experience and also completed three interviews with...
Show moreOne alternatively certified elementary teacher was the subject of this sixteen week research study on science teaching self-efficacy. The researcher taught inquiry based student level science lessons to the fourth grade teacher. The teacher participant, in turn, taught those same lessons to her class while the researcher observed and took field notes. The participant responded to specific open ended questions in a journal after each science experience and also completed three interviews with the researcher. Each sequential lesson from the researcher was then modified based on participant needs. The participant completed the STEBI (Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument) as a pre and post test to measure the effects of the above mentioned activities. The collected data from the STEBI was reported quantitatively. The collected data from the reflective journal entries and interviews were reported qualitatively. After careful analysis of the data gathered for this case study, the researcher came to the conclusion that inquiry based professional development through the use of a mentor affected the alternatively certified elementary teacher's science teaching self-efficacy. The subject maintained a positive attitude about the use of a mentor for the duration of the study and her Personal Science Teaching Efficacy increased or stayed the same on all of the STEBI questions. Limitations of the study as well as recommendations for further research were also discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0001618, ucf:47189
Document (PDF)
Roddenberry, Angela, Renk, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Stress has been linked to increased illness in several biologically based studies. In contrast, only a limited number of studies have assessed psychological variables related to stress, with self-efficacy and locus of control serving as potentially important variables. Thus, the current study investigated the mediating effects of self-efficacy and locus of control in the relationship between stress, psychological and physical symptoms, and the utilization of health services in college...
Show moreStress has been linked to increased illness in several biologically based studies. In contrast, only a limited number of studies have assessed psychological variables related to stress, with self-efficacy and locus of control serving as potentially important variables. Thus, the current study investigated the mediating effects of self-efficacy and locus of control in the relationship between stress, psychological and physical symptoms, and the utilization of health services in college students. Results suggested that stress was correlated positively with symptoms. External locus of control was correlated positively with stress and symptoms, and self-efficacy was correlated negatively with stress and symptoms. Further, structural equation modeling was used to test two separate models. The first model examined the relationships between stress and symptoms and between symptoms and utilization of health services. Although the path coefficients suggested that there were direct relationships, the data did not adequately fit this model. The second model examined the potential mediational effects of locus of control and self-efficacy on the relationship between stress and symptoms. The path coefficients for the second model were consistent with a mediation effect for locus of control in the relationship between stress and symptoms; however, when this model was tested for full mediation, the data did not fit the model. These results highlight the importance of having future studies examine and identify potential mediators of the stress and illness link. Implications for reducing health care costs and promoting better mental and physical health are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0001831, ucf:47337
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Vaccaro, Nicole, Lambie, Glenn, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between research self-efficacy (as measured by the Research Self-Efficacy Scale [Greeley et al., 1989]), perceptions of the research training environment (as measured by the Research Training Environment Scale Revised [Gelso et al., 1996]), and interest in research (as measured by the Interest in Research Questionnaire [Bieschke & Bishop, 1994]) within a national sample of doctoral counselor education students (N =...
Show moreABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between research self-efficacy (as measured by the Research Self-Efficacy Scale [Greeley et al., 1989]), perceptions of the research training environment (as measured by the Research Training Environment Scale Revised [Gelso et al., 1996]), and interest in research (as measured by the Interest in Research Questionnaire [Bieschke & Bishop, 1994]) within a national sample of doctoral counselor education students (N = 89). Additionally, the study investigated whether there were differences between levels of research self-efficacy, perceptions of the research training environment, and interest in research in relation to the demographic characteristics (i.e., age, gender, race/ethnicity, scholarly productivity, reported professional aspirations, and number of doctoral-level research courses completed) of counselor education doctoral students. An ex-post facto, cross-sectional design was implemented which included the following statistical analyses: Pearson's correlation coefficients (two-tailed), simultaneous multiple regression, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Findings identified that the demographic variables of age and doctoral-level research courses completed had a statistically significant effect upon perceptions of the research training environment. In addition, results suggested that scholarly activity had a statistically significant effect on research self-efficacy scores. Finally, interest in research was positively correlated with research self-efficacy scores. In summary, the study addressed the present void in the counselor education literature with regard to counselor education doctoral students' development in the areas of research self-efficacy, perceptions of the research training environment, and interest in research. In order to contribute to the counselor education literature and support doctoral student development, it is crucial that counselor education doctoral training programs provide an effective research training environment to foster and encourage student research. Recognizing and appreciating the influence of counselor education doctoral students' research self-efficacy, perceptions of the research training environment, and interest in research may not only be important for students, but is also necessary for counselor education doctoral preparation programs to continue to develop and prepare students for academic positions and success. Study findings may provide beneficial information to assist colleges and universities to develop and tailor polices to encourage and foster research amongst their doctoral counselor education students.
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Date Issued
CFE0002511, ucf:47681
Document (PDF)
Mitcham-Smith, Michelle, Robinson, Edward, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships that exist among school counselor self-efficacy, perceptions of the professional school counselor's role held by counselors, and actual practice. Data were collected from 192 professional school counselors that attended a statewide counselor conference. Professional school counselors responded to two researcher-designed surveys; the first was a 14-item demographic survey; the second, a 20-item by four-question survey for...
Show moreABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships that exist among school counselor self-efficacy, perceptions of the professional school counselor's role held by counselors, and actual practice. Data were collected from 192 professional school counselors that attended a statewide counselor conference. Professional school counselors responded to two researcher-designed surveys; the first was a 14-item demographic survey; the second, a 20-item by four-question survey for a total of 80 responses. A Multiple Regression Analysis was used to ascertain what relationships existed between school counselor self-efficacy, school counselor perceived role, and actual practice. The questionnaire listed 20 different counselor and non-counselor roles, and four questions were asked of each role, to determine the degree to which school counselors identified with various roles, degree of self-efficacy in performing those roles, and how often they performed specific roles; the actual practice, and the degree to which professional development would enhance their performances in designated roles. Results indicated that there was a positive relationship between school counselors' experiencing higher self-efficacy and the actual practice in their perceived school counselor roles. As self-efficacy increased, their performance in various roles increased as well. Recommendations were made for preparation and practice of school counselors in counselor education programs. Additionally, suggestions were made for increased collaboration between counselor education programs and the school counseling programs in local schools to promote more integration of theory into practice. Furthermore, recommendations were offered for school principals and directors of school counseling programs to better utilize the expertise of professional school counselors in the school system.
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Date Issued
CFE0000523, ucf:46464
Document (PDF)
March, David, Young, Mark, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A primary goal of clinical supervision in counselor education programs is to develop trainees who express a level of self-awareness, competence, and self-efficacy from which to further develop as a counselor. A vital component of this process is for supervisees to disclose their thoughts and feelings about their clients, their self as a person, their work as a counselor, and experiences with their supervisor. However, current research suggests that it is common for supervisees to hold back...
Show moreA primary goal of clinical supervision in counselor education programs is to develop trainees who express a level of self-awareness, competence, and self-efficacy from which to further develop as a counselor. A vital component of this process is for supervisees to disclose their thoughts and feelings about their clients, their self as a person, their work as a counselor, and experiences with their supervisor. However, current research suggests that it is common for supervisees to hold back personal and professional information from their supervisor leading to missed learning and growth opportunities. Through self-disclosure, trainees receive positive and negative supervisor feedback. It is important to examine how this may influence trainee confidence. It is hypothesized that self-efficacy will be threatened by low levels of supervisee self-disclosure. This study explored the relationship that exists between supervisee self-disclosure and supervisee self-efficacy, and what role the working alliance plays in the relationship. A total of 71counselor education students at three CACREP accredited institutions in Florida participate in the study. All participants had experienced at least one full semester of practicum or internship. A sub-sample of the 71, comprised of 32 participants, was also selected based on their responses to an abridged version of one of the three instruments used in the study. Both samples received equal statistical analyses. Overall, the results suggest that counselor education practicum or internship student self-disclosure was not able to explain their self-efficacy. Furthermore, when the participants' perception of the supervisory working alliance was added to their level of self-disclosure, the statistical results were mixed depending on the sample used.
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Date Issued
CFE0000509, ucf:46450
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Miller, Maria, Biraimah, Karen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Historical data have demonstrated an underrepresentation of females and minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professions. The purpose of the study considered the variables of gender and ethnicity collectively in relationship to tenth grade Hispanic females' perception of their self-efficacy in science. The correlation of science self-efficacy to science academic achievement was also studied. Possible interventions for use with female Hispanic minority...
Show moreHistorical data have demonstrated an underrepresentation of females and minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professions. The purpose of the study considered the variables of gender and ethnicity collectively in relationship to tenth grade Hispanic females' perception of their self-efficacy in science. The correlation of science self-efficacy to science academic achievement was also studied. Possible interventions for use with female Hispanic minority populations might help increase participation in STEM field preparation during the high school career. A population of 272 students was chosen through convenience sampling methods, including 80 Hispanic females. Students were administered a 27-item questionnaire taken directly from the Smist (1993) Science Self-efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ). Three science self-efficacy factors were successfully extracted and included Academic Engagement Self-efficacy (M=42.57), Laboratory Self-efficacy (M=25.44), and Biology Self-efficacy (M=19.35). Each factor showed a significant positive correlation (p<.01) to each of the other two factors. ANOVA procedures compared all female subgroups in their science self-efficacy perceptions. Asian/Pacific and Native American females had higher self-efficacy mean scores as compared to White, Black and Hispanic females on all three extracted science self-efficacy factors. Asian/Pacific females had the highest mean scores. No statistically significant correlations were found between science-self-efficacy and a measure of science achievement. Two high-ability and two low-ability Hispanic females were randomly chosen to participate in a brief structured interview. Three general themes emerged. Classroom Variables, Outside School Variables, and Personal Variables were subsequently divided into sub themes influenced by participants' views of science, It was concluded that Hispanic female science self-efficacy was among the subgroups which self-scored the lowest. Asian/Pacific and Native American females fared better than White, Black, and Hispanic female counterparts respectively. Triangulation of interview and quantitative data showed that classroom factors, specifically academic engagement, influenced participant perceptions of science self efficacy the greatest. Suggested further studies on the impact of science self-efficacy and science achievement are discussed. Information gleaned from the continued study of science self-efficacy may influence the ability of traditionally underrepresented racial/ethnic females to persist in their science preparation and training in an effort to prevent leaving the STEM pipeline at this crucial juncture.
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Date Issued
CFE0000933, ucf:46743
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Buckman, Melissa A, Biddle, Jeffrey, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the effects of occupational therapy rehabilitation on geriatric patients by reviewing studies conducted on motivation in occupational therapy. In occupational therapy it is important that you set goals for your patients (Creek & Lougher, 2008). It is also important to understand what motivates a patient to achieve those goals because goals and valued activities are intimately connected to motivation. Motivation deals with why we perform certain...
Show moreThe purpose of this thesis was to examine the effects of occupational therapy rehabilitation on geriatric patients by reviewing studies conducted on motivation in occupational therapy. In occupational therapy it is important that you set goals for your patients (Creek & Lougher, 2008). It is also important to understand what motivates a patient to achieve those goals because goals and valued activities are intimately connected to motivation. Motivation deals with why we perform certain behaviors. It can predict physical performance and how well a person might recover from an illness and has been suggested to be predictive for rehabilitation success (Carlson, 1997). Because the geriatric population has more longevity, it is important to ensure that they receive the appropriate care necessary to improve and maintain their quality of life (Mason, 1994). After reviewing multiple studies the results reinforced the importance of motivation in occupational therapy treatment. Self-efficacy was found to highly influence a person�s motivation and was a recurring theme throughout this review (Peralta-Catipon & Hwang, 2011). One key to understanding and studying motivation in older adults was to identify what occupations matter to them (Teitelman, Raber, & Watts, 2010). It is important that occupational therapists understand how occupations become meaningful for the geriatric population as participation in those occupations plays an important role in promoting productive aging. When the occupational therapist was able to understand how occupations became meaningful to the patient, they were more equipped to help motivate the patient to participate in their rehabilitation (Janssen & Stube, 2013).
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Date Issued
CFH2000007, ucf:45575
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Zambrano, Beverly V, Roberts, Sherron Killingsworth, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study explored how preservice teachers perceive the influence and value of an embedded, school-based field experience. Information was gathered from preservice teachers using surveys and a focus group interview. The data collected showed that an embedded field experience tied to a language arts methods course was generally a positive influence leading to great self-efficacy. Further, the data compared similarly to research supporting the notion that embedded field experiences generally...
Show moreThis study explored how preservice teachers perceive the influence and value of an embedded, school-based field experience. Information was gathered from preservice teachers using surveys and a focus group interview. The data collected showed that an embedded field experience tied to a language arts methods course was generally a positive influence leading to great self-efficacy. Further, the data compared similarly to research supporting the notion that embedded field experiences generally have the effect of strengthening preservice teachers� self-efficacy. Looking at Bandura�s work in Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change, it shows that early interactions and successes will boost the self-efficacy of preservice teachers. This study found that successful experiences help preservice teachers value their embedded, school-based field experiences and help view it as something positive. Even if the experience had its difficulties, preservice teachers were able to learn from the situation and if they ever find themselves in a similar circumstance, they will feel more confident about handling things. Therefore, when these preservice teachers become in-service teachers, they will feel more confident about their abilities compared to in-service teachers who did not have similar experiences in their teacher preparation program.
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Date Issued
CFH2000058, ucf:45530
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Hynson, Emily, Wright, Chrysalis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
With the vast and continued growth of international students in the U.S., it is important to focus on this expanding group and identify factors that aid or hinder academic performance, achievement, expectations, and competence. Factors known to affect academics among international students, such as language barriers, acculturation to American society, university support and structure, social integration at the university, family support, and motivating factors to study in the U.S were...
Show moreWith the vast and continued growth of international students in the U.S., it is important to focus on this expanding group and identify factors that aid or hinder academic performance, achievement, expectations, and competence. Factors known to affect academics among international students, such as language barriers, acculturation to American society, university support and structure, social integration at the university, family support, and motivating factors to study in the U.S were examined. It was hypothesized that these known factors would negatively correlate with the academic outcomes of international students examined in the current study. It was also hypothesized that these factors can combine to best predict the academic outcomes of international college students. First, intercorrelations were conducted with the independent and dependent variables to determine if the factors examined in the study (i.e., language barriers, acculturation to American society, university support and structure, social integration at the university, family support, and motivating factors to study in the U.S.) are negatively correlated with the academic outcomes of international students. Then a series of linear regressions was conducted to test the hypothesis that these factors can combine to best predict the academic outcomes of international college students. Results found significant relationships between the predictor variables and the outcome variables in this study, specifically among support (university, familial, and social), acculturation, language barriers, motivating factors to study, and self-efficacy.
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Date Issued
CFH2000541, ucf:45637
Document (PDF)
Iliff, Kelly, Eriksson, Gillian, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
An ethnographic case study of a Year 6 (5th grade) classroom in Southwest England was conducted in order to explore factors that contribute to academic self-efficacy in British education, specifically in this classroom. Data was collected through qualitative observations, a teacher interview, and student questionnaires to determine the level of academic self-efficacy in the classroom. The class consisted of 14 female students and 9 male students, ranging from ten to eleven years old. Of the...
Show moreAn ethnographic case study of a Year 6 (5th grade) classroom in Southwest England was conducted in order to explore factors that contribute to academic self-efficacy in British education, specifically in this classroom. Data was collected through qualitative observations, a teacher interview, and student questionnaires to determine the level of academic self-efficacy in the classroom. The class consisted of 14 female students and 9 male students, ranging from ten to eleven years old. Of the total number of students, parental consent was received to allow 9 boys and 7 girls to complete questionnaires. Data was analyzed by examining critical issues and comparing anecdotal records to a teacher interview and student questionnaires. Recurrent themes that materialized were: bullying, uniforms, discipline, competition, assessment, and exceptional students. Results showed that these core issues contributed to positive academic self-efficacy among students in this classroom in the context of the British educational system.
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Date Issued
CFH0003860, ucf:44691
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The Role of Teacher Perceptions of Response to Intervention, Racial/Ethnic Attitudes, and Self-Efficacy in Special Education Referral Decisions.
Cash, Kristine, Gill, Michele, Edwards, Oliver, Clark, M. H., Sims, Valerie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study is an exploration of the aspects related to the disproportionate representation of minority students in special education. The investigation specifically focused on the relationship between teacher perceptions of Response to Intervention (RTI), teacher racial attitudes, and teacher self-efficacy with respect to their special education referral decisions. Teachers assigned to grades K-5 (n=51), from three Florida public school districts, completed an online survey. The survey...
Show moreThis study is an exploration of the aspects related to the disproportionate representation of minority students in special education. The investigation specifically focused on the relationship between teacher perceptions of Response to Intervention (RTI), teacher racial attitudes, and teacher self-efficacy with respect to their special education referral decisions. Teachers assigned to grades K-5 (n=51), from three Florida public school districts, completed an online survey. The survey included reading four vignettes each describing a fictitious 3rd grade, male, Black/African American student and rating the severity of the academic concern, the severity of the behavior concern, and the likelihood that they would refer the student for a special education evaluation. Participants also completed a revised RTI Survey, the Color-Blind Racial Attitudes Scale (CoBRAS), and the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES). Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated as well as an ordinal logistic regression. A statistically significant relationship was found between the Unawareness of Institutional Discrimination subscale score of the CoBRAS and the behavior concern for a student described as having mild behavior and academic concerns. A statistically significant relationship was found between the rating of the behavior concern and the Efficacy in Student Engagement and Efficacy in Classroom Management subscale scores on the TSES for the vignette describing a student with a severe reading concern and a mild behavior concern. The teachers' perceptions of RTI, racial attitudes, and sense of efficacy did not appear to have a statistically significant impact on their rating of the likelihood of referral for any of the students described in the vignettes.
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Date Issued
CFE0007608, ucf:52545
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Counselor education doctoral students' levels of Research Self-Efficacy, Interest in Research, and Research Mentoring: A cross-sectional investigation.
Petko, John, Lambie, Glenn, Robinson, Edward, Van Horn, Stacy, Sivo, Stephen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACTDoctoral counselor education programs are charged to develop effective researchers; however, limited investigations have examined research constructs in counselor educators-in-training. Therefore, this study will investigate a national sample of doctoral counselor education students' levels of research self-efficacy (Research Self-Efficacy Scale; Greeley, et. al 1989), interest in research (Interest in Research Questionnaire; Bishop (&) Bieschke, 1994), and research mentoring ...
Show moreABSTRACTDoctoral counselor education programs are charged to develop effective researchers; however, limited investigations have examined research constructs in counselor educators-in-training. Therefore, this study will investigate a national sample of doctoral counselor education students' levels of research self-efficacy (Research Self-Efficacy Scale; Greeley, et. al 1989), interest in research (Interest in Research Questionnaire; Bishop (&) Bieschke, 1994), and research mentoring (Research Mentoring Experiences Scale; Hollingsworth (&) Fassinger, 2002). A cross-sectional, correlational research design will be used to test if doctoral counselor education students' year of preparation (1st, 2nd, or 3rd year) predicts their research self-efficacy, interest in research, and research mentoring scores. In addition, the study will investigate if doctoral students' research practices, (e.g., publishing refereed journal articles, presenting papers at national conferences) correlates with their levels of the three research constructs. Limitations and implications for the study will be discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0004583, ucf:49212
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Using a Senior Seminar During Internship II as a Means to Increase Self-Efficacy, Perceptions of Preparedness, and Internship Experiences for Elementary Education Teachers.
Trenta, Shane, Gill, Michele, Ergle, Roberta, Allen, Kay, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this quasi-experimental, mixed methods study was to examine how a Senior Seminar pilot conducted during elementary preservice teachers' Internship II semester could potentially increase their teacher self-efficacy and perceptions of preparedness to teach. The study was conducted at a large public university located in the southeast United States and included 29 participants. The collection of data included the 24 item Teacher Sense of Self-Efficacy Survey (Tschannen-Moran (&)...
Show moreThe purpose of this quasi-experimental, mixed methods study was to examine how a Senior Seminar pilot conducted during elementary preservice teachers' Internship II semester could potentially increase their teacher self-efficacy and perceptions of preparedness to teach. The study was conducted at a large public university located in the southeast United States and included 29 participants. The collection of data included the 24 item Teacher Sense of Self-Efficacy Survey (Tschannen-Moran (&) Woolfolk Hoy, 2001) used to measure pre- and post- teacher self-efficacy for classroom instruction, classroom management, and student engagement. To measure pre- and post- perceptions of preparedness, the 8 item Perceptions of Preparedness for the Teaching Profession survey was used. Additionally, qualitative data was collected by use of open response questions on the post survey and also on exit slips at the end of each session to gain insight into the participants' perceptions of the Senior Seminar pilot. The study findings indicate that the added support and instruction provided by the Senior Seminar may provide elementary preservice teachers with a means to increase perceptions of preparedness for the teaching profession and positively influence their Internship II experience. This study suggests practical ways in which teacher preparation programs can be enhanced to provide preservice teachers with an opportunity to be better prepared for the teaching profession.
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Date Issued
CFE0006811, ucf:51774
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Effects of Metacognitive Monitoring on Academic Achievement in an Ill-Structured Problem-Solving Environment.
Malone, Naomi, Hirumi, Atsusi, Thompson, Brenda, Bai, Haiyan, Vogel-Walcutt, Jennifer, Sadri, Houman, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Higher education courses are increasingly moving online while educational approaches are concurrently shifting their focus toward student-centered approaches to learning. These approaches promote critical thinking by asking students to solve a range of ill-structured problems that exist in the real world. Researchers have found that student-centered online learning environments require students to have self-regulated learning skills, including metacognitive skills to regulate their own...
Show moreHigher education courses are increasingly moving online while educational approaches are concurrently shifting their focus toward student-centered approaches to learning. These approaches promote critical thinking by asking students to solve a range of ill-structured problems that exist in the real world. Researchers have found that student-centered online learning environments require students to have self-regulated learning skills, including metacognitive skills to regulate their own learning processes. Much of the research suggests that externally supporting students while they are learning online, either directly or indirectly, helps them to succeed academically. However, few empirical studies have investigated what levels of support are most effective for promoting students' self-regulated learning behaviors. Additionally, these studies reported conflicting results (-) some found maximum support to be most effective while others found no significant difference.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of different levels of support for self-regulated learning during a complex learning activity to solve an ill-structured problem-solving situation in an online learning environment. In addition, the role of students' self-efficacy on their academic achievement was examined. A total of 101 undergraduate students from three international studies courses offered at a large urban Southeastern public university in the United States participated in the study. The students were randomly assigned to treatment (minimum support, maximum support) and control groups. Students' academic achievement scores were measured using a conceptual knowledge test created by the professor teaching the courses. O'Neil's (1997) Trait Self-Regulation Questionnaire measured students' self-efficacy. Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA) was conducted to analyze the data. The ANCOVA results indicated significant improvement of the academic achievement of the minimum support group versus both the maximum support and control groups. Additionally, self-efficacy as a co-variable did not significantly impact students' achievement scores in any of the groups.The overall results indicated that it is important to consider the level of self-regulated learning support when designing online learning environments promoting students' critical thinking skills. Promoting students' self-regulated learning skills is vital when designing online higher education courses.
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Date Issued
CFE0006762, ucf:51833
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Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs About Science Using Critical Incident Technique: A Case Study Approach.
Ravikumar, Meera, Jeanpierre, Bobby, Everett, Robert, Hopp, Carolyn, Dieker, Lisa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The primary goal of this case study using qualitative and quantitative methods was to investigate pre-service elementary teachers' initial self-efficacy beliefs about science and science teaching by exploring the K-12 science experiences of these prospective elementary teachers. Of the 108 participants who completed the science teaching efficacy belief survey (STEBI-B) (Enochs (&) Riggs, 1990), 12 participants were selected to be interviewed using Flanagan's (1954) critical incident technique...
Show moreThe primary goal of this case study using qualitative and quantitative methods was to investigate pre-service elementary teachers' initial self-efficacy beliefs about science and science teaching by exploring the K-12 science experiences of these prospective elementary teachers. Of the 108 participants who completed the science teaching efficacy belief survey (STEBI-B) (Enochs (&) Riggs, 1990), 12 participants were selected to be interviewed using Flanagan's (1954) critical incident technique. Participants were asked to share their past positive and negative incidents during their K-12 years with science and science teachers. They were also asked to report how past incidents affected them at present and how they believed they would impact them as future teachers of science in elementary schools.The past positive and negative incidents were analyzed using Bandura's (1977) four sources of self-efficacy (mastery, vicarious, social persuasion, and physiological/emotional) and by school level; and the impact of the past science incidents on the subjects' present and future beliefs as science teachers were categorized. The results of this study revealed that pre-service elementary teachers' self-efficacy and beliefs were largely influenced by their past experiences with science in the K-12 years, and mastery experiences dominated as a source of self-efficacy. Implications for practice and recommendations for future research were made based on the findings of the study.
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Date Issued
CFE0004916, ucf:49632
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