Current Search: efficacy (x)
Predicting the development of counselor self-efficacy in counselors-in-training during their first semester in practicum using embedded, rich media in a distributed learning environment.
Super, John, Young, Mark, Hundley, Gulnora, Hagedorn, William, Ieva, Kara, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The first semester of practicum is a difficult time for counseling students as they learn to integrate knowledge and theory into clinical practice, often evoking high levels of anxiety (Barbee, Scherer, (&) Combs, 2003; Ronnestad (&) Skovholt, 1993) and limiting counselor self-efficacy (Bernard (&) Goodyear, 2009; Melchert et al., 1996). Practicum is the first opportunity counselors-in-training have to apply theoretical knowledge in a professional setting, use new clinical skills, and test...
Show moreThe first semester of practicum is a difficult time for counseling students as they learn to integrate knowledge and theory into clinical practice, often evoking high levels of anxiety (Barbee, Scherer, (&) Combs, 2003; Ronnestad (&) Skovholt, 1993) and limiting counselor self-efficacy (Bernard (&) Goodyear, 2009; Melchert et al., 1996). Practicum is the first opportunity counselors-in-training have to apply theoretical knowledge in a professional setting, use new clinical skills, and test how well they fit into the field of counseling (O'Connell (&) Smith, 2005). Additionally, if counselor educators do not fully understand the process counselors in training develop counselor self-efficacy, they may be overlooking opportunities to educate a new generation of counselors or using their time, energy and resources in areas that may not be the most efficient in counselor development. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an embedded, rich-media distributed learning environment added to practicum had on the development of counselor self-efficacy, reduction of anxiety and effect on treatment outcomes for counselors in training in their first semester of practicum. This study found the use of distributed learning to extend education beyond the classroom significantly and positively affected the development of counselor self-efficacy, had mixed statistical results on the reduction of anxiety and did not have an affect on treatment outcome. Furthermore, the study used hierarchical linear modeling to see if the characteristics of individual practicums affected the three main constructs, the results did not find a significant effect from the groups.The results of the study produced several implications for counseling. First, if counselor educators help counselors in training become more aware of counselor self-efficacy, the students can better understand how the construct affects their anxiety, their comfort with expanding or improving their clinical skills and the approach they take to a client, session or treatment plan. A second implication is that using an embedded, rich-media learning environment may help the counselors in training to develop their clinical skills. The results of this study imply that utilizing technology and discussions beyond the classroom is beneficial for (a) increasing the students' counselor self-efficacy, (b) normalizing the emotions the students may experience and (c) improving the methods for development through vicarious learning. Also, as technology continues to evolve and as education continues to adapt by integrating technology into the classrooms, counselor educators should begin exploring how to best use technology to teach students during practicum. Traditionally, based on the nature of counseling, practicum has been an interpersonal experience, but the results of the current study imply the methods of extending learning beyond the traditional class time is beneficial. Finally, as counselor educators strive to increase students' counselor self-efficacy early in practicum, in an environment that contains anxiety and self-doubt (Bernard (&) Goodyear, 2009; Cashwell (&) Dooley, 2001) using vicarious learning through video and online discussions can assist in accomplishing the goal.
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Date Issued
CFE0004758, ucf:49762
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A Case Study of the Self-efficacy of High School Aged Underrepresented Minority Women Entering the Medical Pipeline.
Dames, Jennifer, Jeanpierre, Bobby, Butler, Malcolm, Hopp, Carolyn, Beverly, Monifa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study focused on the self-efficacy and experiences described by a purposively sampled case (n = 8) of high school-aged underrepresented minority women (URMW) as they entered the medical career pipeline through their participation in a formal medical pipeline program. The study was framed by three theories: intersectionality, positionality, and self-efficacy. Research questions were analyzed qualitatively, using case study methods, and quantitatively, using a paired sample t-test. Study...
Show moreThis study focused on the self-efficacy and experiences described by a purposively sampled case (n = 8) of high school-aged underrepresented minority women (URMW) as they entered the medical career pipeline through their participation in a formal medical pipeline program. The study was framed by three theories: intersectionality, positionality, and self-efficacy. Research questions were analyzed qualitatively, using case study methods, and quantitatively, using a paired sample t-test. Study data revealed that participants came into the program with high levels of self-efficacy in several self-efficacy factors. Yet, participants in the pipeline program made significant improvements in their self-assertive efficacy.Analysis of other data revealed that students remained motivated and persisted in the pursuit of their aspirations in spite of challenges they encountered because of their ethnicities and gender. Also, students described a lack of engagement with science courses, indicated poor relationships with science instructors, and revealed inadequate understanding of important high science content that, along with ethnic and gendered factors, caused them to negatively position themselves in science. This study provides valuable information to K-12 science educators, medical education institutions, and policy makers concerned with extending science education and healthcare-related career opportunities to minority women.
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Date Issued
CFE0005321, ucf:50522
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Understanding the beliefs and attitudes of mid-career secondary school teachers toward teacher evaluation and its effect on their professional practice: A mixed method phenomenological study.
Booth, William, Gill, Michele, Taylor, Rosemarye, Hutchinson, Cynthia, Mullins, Mark, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this mixed-method phenomenological study is to understand the beliefs and attitudes that mid-career secondary school teachers have regarding the teacher evaluation process and its effect on their professional practice. Mid-career secondary school teachers (defined as having between 14-21 years of classroom experience) from Bayview Public Schools were selected to participate. A total of 152 mid-career secondary school teachers completed an electronic survey. Additionally, a...
Show moreThe purpose of this mixed-method phenomenological study is to understand the beliefs and attitudes that mid-career secondary school teachers have regarding the teacher evaluation process and its effect on their professional practice. Mid-career secondary school teachers (defined as having between 14-21 years of classroom experience) from Bayview Public Schools were selected to participate. A total of 152 mid-career secondary school teachers completed an electronic survey. Additionally, a total of 9 participants took part in one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework used to guide the study was the theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1988; 1991) and Bandura's theory of self-efficacy (1977). The quantitative results from the electronic survey were used to augment qualitative data collected from interviews with willing participants.The interviews with study participants were analyzed for emerging themes. In all, a total of nine emerging themes came to light through the analysis of interview data. The data revealed areas of concern regarding the current method of evaluating teachers in Bayview Public Schools. A presentation of the findings with regard to the theoretical framework, literature, and practice were presented. Furthermore, a list of recommendations was provided addressing the specific concerns of participating teachers. In conclusion, recommendations were also made concerning future research that might continue to add to the body of knowledge concerning teacher evaluation.
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Date Issued
CFE0005765, ucf:50077
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The Contribution of School Counselors' Self-Efficacy and Professional Quality of Life to their Programmatic Service Delivery.
Mullen, Patrick, Lambie, Glenn, Robinson, Edward, Van Horn, Stacy, Conley, Abigail, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this investigation was to examine the directional relationship between practicing school counselors' level of professional quality of life and self-efficacy to their programmatic service delivery activities. This investigation tested the theoretical model that practicing school counselors' level of professional quality of life (as measured by the Professional Quality of Life Scale [ProQOLs; Stamm, 2010]) and their self-efficacy (as measured by the School Counselor Self-Efficacy...
Show moreThe purpose of this investigation was to examine the directional relationship between practicing school counselors' level of professional quality of life and self-efficacy to their programmatic service delivery activities. This investigation tested the theoretical model that practicing school counselors' level of professional quality of life (as measured by the Professional Quality of Life Scale [ProQOLs; Stamm, 2010]) and their self-efficacy (as measured by the School Counselor Self-Efficacy Scale [SCSEs; Bodenhorn (&) Skaggs, 2005]) contributes to their service delivery activity (as measured by the School Counselor Activity Rating Scale [SCARS; Scarborough, 2005]). Specifically, this study examined the hypothesized directional relationship that school counselors who have higher ProQOL scores (e.g., less burnout and compassion fatigue and higher compassion satisfaction) and higher self-efficacy scores (e.g., more confident about counseling skills) have increased levels of programmatic service delivery facilitation (e.g., they provide high levels of school counseling activities for students and stakeholders). In addition, this investigation examined the relationship between practicing school counselors' demographic factors and the constructs of professional quality of life, self-efficacy, and programmatic service delivery. Furthermore, the investigation examined the difference in response rate and school counselors' total mean score (as measured by the ProQOLs, SCSEs, and SCARS) based upon the: (a) sampling method (e.g., email web-based, paper-pencil mail-out survey, face-to-face survey administration), (b) token incentive type (e.g., monetary [$1.00, $2.00, or no incentive] or non-monetary [$1.00 donation to the American Red Cross or no donation]), and (c) sampling population (e.g., ASCA dataset or Common Core Dataset)?A review of the literature is presented, which provides conceptual theory and empirical research to support the constructs and their hypothesized relationship. A descriptive, correlational research design was employed to investigate the research hypothesis and exploratory research questions. The data was collected through diverse survey methodologies (e.g., email web-based, paper-pencil mail-out survey, face-to-face survey administration). The research hypothesis was tested through the utilization of structural equation modeling (SEM). In addition, multiple linear regression, spearmen rho correlation, Mann-Whitney U tests, Kruscal-Wallis H tests, and Chi Square tests of independence were used to analyze the data for the exploratory questions. The results of the investigation are presented and compared to current literature and prior research. Additionally, the limitations of the study are discussed and recommendations for future research are presented. Last, implications from this investigation are discussed in regards to practicing school counselors, school counselor educators, and school counseling researchers.The sample size for this investigation was 690 with 577 used for the data analysis after data cleaning. The results of the SEM analyses identified that practicing school counselors' professional quality of life contributed to their programmatic service delivery (1.21% of the variance explained). In addition, the results identified that practicing school counselors' self-efficacy contributed to their programmatic service delivery (34.81% of the variance explained). Furthermore, the analysis indicated that the covariance between professional quality of life and self-efficacy accounted for 26% of the shared variance between these two constructs of interest.Implications of the findings from the study include (a) school counselors' self-efficacy contributes to their programmatic service delivery (large effect size), (b) school counselors' professional quality of life and self-efficacy contribute to one another (medium to large effect size), and (c) school counselors' professional quality of life contributes to their service delivery (small effect size). Additionally, this study provides implications in regards to: (a) the psychometric properties of the ProQOLs, SCSEs, and SCARS with a national sample of practicing school counselors and (b) research methodology related to differences in school counselors' response rates and total mean score on the ProQOLs, SCSEs, and SCARS based upon the sampling method, incentive type, and sampling population.
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Date Issued
CFE0005218, ucf:50627
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Novak, Kelley, Taylor, Rosemarye, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the relationship between school culture and student achievement. Elementary school teachers (N=574) from 27 schools in suburban Seminole County, Florida completed the School Culture Triage Survey to generate a school culture score. The participating schools were ranked and placed in categories representing the top 33% (N=9), middle 33% (N=9), and bottom 33% (N=9) of the population based on their culture score. School culture data were analyzed and...
Show moreABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the relationship between school culture and student achievement. Elementary school teachers (N=574) from 27 schools in suburban Seminole County, Florida completed the School Culture Triage Survey to generate a school culture score. The participating schools were ranked and placed in categories representing the top 33% (N=9), middle 33% (N=9), and bottom 33% (N=9) of the population based on their culture score. School culture data were analyzed and correlated with third grade student achievement data, as measured by the 2007 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Reading to determine if there were any relationships between (a) school culture and student achievement; (b) the three key components of school culture (collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy) and student achievement; and (c) principal tenure and school culture. Additional data analysis served to determine if there were any experiential or demographic differences among the teachers from the schools falling in the top, middle, and bottom 33% on the School Culture Triage Survey. To learn more about principal beliefs with regard to school culture and student achievement, principal interviews were conducted with some principals (N=8) from the participating schools. Through a review of the research results and related literature, the researcher concluded that a relationship between the overall school culture and student achievement did not exist. Further analysis revealed that there were no relationships between student achievement and collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy, or between school culture and principal tenure for the schools participating in this study.
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Date Issued
CFE0002241, ucf:47889
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Effects of Electronic Media Messages on the Perceived Self-Efficacy of Pedestrian Commuters Living in the Unincorporated Central Florida Community of Conway.
Stephens, Daniel, Yu, Chia-Yuan, Martin, Lawrence, Hawkins, Christopher, Seigler, Daniel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Urban pedestrianism is increasingly perceived as a dangerous form of travel. While roadway design has been historically scaled to cars instead of people, planning professionals are now re-thinking their approach to make roads more inclusive for all travelers. Scholars, however, have learned harbored fear can trump behavior even under ideal travel conditions. Such fear can adversely impact perceived pedestrian self-efficacy, which is the self-generated internal assessment or belief in a...
Show moreUrban pedestrianism is increasingly perceived as a dangerous form of travel. While roadway design has been historically scaled to cars instead of people, planning professionals are now re-thinking their approach to make roads more inclusive for all travelers. Scholars, however, have learned harbored fear can trump behavior even under ideal travel conditions. Such fear can adversely impact perceived pedestrian self-efficacy, which is the self-generated internal assessment or belief in a traveler's agentive abilities to navigate the travel environment. The challenge thus becomes twofold: improve the built environment while bolstering traveler confidence. The following study, therefore, employed a qualitative phenomenological research design to ascertain the concerns and perceptions of vulnerable travelers as it pertained to and was affected by travel-specific media. The study employed denizens selected from the Central Florida community of Conway, who were interviewed using a multi-method approach employing a semi-structured interview technique utilizing individual interviews and small focus group sessions. Using Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) as the theoretical framework, the researcher studied and documented the elements contributing to the perceptions of pedestrian travelers. The rationale for this approach is found in the dynamic relationships that exist between the objective travel environment, the perceived travel environment, and travel behavior (-) all representing the triad of cognition, the external environment, and social stimuli, which encompass Bandura's Triadic Reciprocal Determinism (TRD). The four themes that emerged from the data analysis (-) communication, safety, cost, and happiness (-) characterize the experiences of the participants as they watched positively-themed media images modeling civil travel behavior. This research adds to existing literature on the magnitude such themes have on perception, to include latent perceptions harbored by pedestrian commuters concerning dangers (-) real or imagined (-) of traveling on local roadways.
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Date Issued
CFE0007376, ucf:52100
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Lewis, Sally, Robinson, III and B. Grant Hayes, E.H., University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study elaborated on the development of school counselor's feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs and how self-efficacy affects school counselor's roles with students with special needs. More specifically, this study addressed a number of topics in researching the impact of pre-service training, experience and in-service training for Professional School Counselors (PSCs) on their feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs....
Show moreThis study elaborated on the development of school counselor's feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs and how self-efficacy affects school counselor's roles with students with special needs. More specifically, this study addressed a number of topics in researching the impact of pre-service training, experience and in-service training for Professional School Counselors (PSCs) on their feelings of self-efficacy in working with students with special needs. This study will present a historical review of the development of Professional School Counselor roles. In addition, an analysis of the development of comprehensive developmental guidance programs in schools and suggested frameworks was conducted including students with special needs. Also, conducted were reviews of studies conducted with Professional School Counselors (PSCs) regarding their roles with students with special needs, their feelings of preparedness, and their training; and reviews of several studies of counselor education programs in the area of special needs training and experiential opportunities offered. Lastly, the pragmatic and theory base for self-efficacy found in the literature was explored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between experience with special needs, pre-service education and in-service training regarding students with special needs and counselor's self-efficacy and roles they perform with students with special needs. The research for this study was conducted by survey at the Georgia School Counselor Association's fall conference in Atlanta, Georgia; the South Carolina School CounselorAssociation'sfall conference in Columbia, South Carolina; the North Carolina School Counselor Association's fall conference in Greensboro, North Carolina; and Florida School Counselors on Survey Monkey. The participating states counselors also had access to the survey via the internet based survey service Survey Monkey. 410 PSCs from Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida completed the survey. 372 of the surveys met completion criteria and were included in the survey results (N = 372). Results of a factor analysis, a descriptive statistical analysis and a multi-step regression indicated the relationship between the five of the ratings and their combinations of self-efficacy and time spent in performing roles with students with special needs had a statistically significant relationship as measured on the survey. The two types of experience and in-service quality had a statistically significant relationship with the combination rating of self-efficacy as measured on the survey. The research question is: Does pre-service training, in-service training and experience have an impact on professional school counselor's self-efficacy and whether or not they perform a role with children and adolescents with special needs. The following statements are the hypotheses for this research: There is a relationship between the two types of experience as measured by rating on the survey, pre-service training and in-service training as measured by quality and quantity on the survey, their self-efficacy in working with students with special needs as measured on the survey, and the roles that PSCs perform as measured by the frequency that they perform roles on the survey.
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Date Issued
CFE0003160, ucf:48613
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examining followership role orientation.
Monsky, Douglas, Burke, Shawn, Shoss, Mindy, Bowers, Clint, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study attempts to make steps toward filling significant gaps in the followership literature. The study of followership has often been seen through the lens of leaders' ability to impart change in follower behavior. In doing so, the literature has primarily focused on leader behavior as the agent of change rather than acknowledging followers as active agents in their own behaviors. However, some recent research has shown the emergence of followers as the primary focus, even looking at how...
Show moreThis study attempts to make steps toward filling significant gaps in the followership literature. The study of followership has often been seen through the lens of leaders' ability to impart change in follower behavior. In doing so, the literature has primarily focused on leader behavior as the agent of change rather than acknowledging followers as active agents in their own behaviors. However, some recent research has shown the emergence of followers as the primary focus, even looking at how their actions can change the way leaders act. This research focuses primarily on followership role orientations as mental models which specify the attributes an individual expects good followers to possess. In particular, follower personality traits, core self-evaluations, and self-construal were investigated as antecedents of followership role orientations (co-production and passive). Additionally, the relationship between these role orientations and enacted follower behavior (voice and upward delegation) were examined with task-specific self-efficacy investigated as a moderating variable. While most of the antecedents proved to be significant predictors, some of the coefficient directions were unexpected. Finally, results indicated that both role orientations were significant predictors of voice behavior and upward delegation.
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Date Issued
CFE0007346, ucf:52127
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A comparison of eighth grade athletes and non-athletes: Academic achievement, time spent on homework, future educational goals, and socioeconomic status.
Shelby, John, Taylor, Rosemarye, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, Doherty, Walter, Ford, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examined the differences between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes in terms of mathematics and reading achievement based on standardized test scores from direct cognitive assessments in mathematics and reading. The data for this study came from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K). Data were collected from student and parent surveys in conjunction with direct cognitive assessments. The research questions were as follows: 1. To what...
Show moreThis study examined the differences between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes in terms of mathematics and reading achievement based on standardized test scores from direct cognitive assessments in mathematics and reading. The data for this study came from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K). Data were collected from student and parent surveys in conjunction with direct cognitive assessments. The research questions were as follows: 1. To what extent is there a difference in mathematics achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported future educational goals and socioeconomic status?2. To what extent is there a difference in mathematics achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported weekly time spent on homework and socioeconomic status?3. To what extent is there a difference in reading achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported future educational goals and socioeconomic status?4. To what extent is there a difference in reading achievement between eighth grade athletes and non-athletes while controlling for self-reported weekly time spent on homework and socioeconomic status?Factorial ANOVA's were used answer each research question. An additional variable, gender, was utilized to further evaluate differences in mathematics and reading scale scores. Based upon the results, no statistical significance was found in the three-way interaction effects for any of the research questions. As the two-way and main effects comparisons were evaluated, statistical significance was indicated within each question based on the multiple independent variables. Overall, the athletes did not outscore non-athletes.There were consistent differences in mean scores in reading and mathematics based upon self-stated future educational goals where students maintained higher mean scores in reading and mathematics as their educational goals increased. In addition consistent differences in mean scores in reading and mathematics were indicated where students below the poverty level had lower mean scores than students at or above the poverty level. Finally, students' mathematics and reading achievement significantly increased as their self-reported weekly time spent on homework increased.
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Date Issued
CFE0004166, ucf:49064
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Principals' Perceptions and Self-efficacy in Relation to School Security.
Jones, Julian, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Kennedy, Mary, Wolf, Ross, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Principals in the nation's schools have been tasked with managing crisis incidents that may occur with students and others on their campuses on a daily basis. The purposes of this study were to determine the differences, if any, that existed in Central Florida public school principals' perceptions regarding school security, their perceived confidence to address critical crisis incidents on their campuses, their perceptions of the likelihood critical incidents would occur, their perceptions of...
Show morePrincipals in the nation's schools have been tasked with managing crisis incidents that may occur with students and others on their campuses on a daily basis. The purposes of this study were to determine the differences, if any, that existed in Central Florida public school principals' perceptions regarding school security, their perceived confidence to address critical crisis incidents on their campuses, their perceptions of the likelihood critical incidents would occur, their perceptions of interaction with law enforcement, the critical incidents they fear the most, and their perceptions of factors impacting the incidents they fear the most. Principal subgroup mean responses to the Principal Safety and Security Perceptions Survey in the three areas of Bandura's (1997) triadic reciprocal causation were examined in the context of principals' gender, longevity, student enrollment, grade configuration, free and reduced lunch rate, presence of a law enforcement officer, and presence of a security plan. Findings revealed significant differences between categorical groups of principals in multiple areas. It was determined that significant differences in principals' perceptions warrant further study. Recommendations for practice include security policy development and practical application of noted trends.
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Date Issued
CFE0005636, ucf:50217
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(&)nbsp;Bridging the Gap between ESOL and Native English Speakers in a Digital Collaborative Classroom.
Samuels, Shalander, Hopp, Carolyn, Pratt Marrett, Caroline, Nutta, Joyce, Kaplan, Jeffrey, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this dissertation in practice was to explore how to bridge the gap between ESOL students and native English speaking students in a collaborative learning environment in a middle school in Tangerine Florida. The gap in performance was highlighted because ESOL students failed to meet the same levels of academic achievement (based on the Florida Standard Assessment Test) as their native English-speaking counter parts. The intent of the dissertation was to design a framework that...
Show moreThe purpose of this dissertation in practice was to explore how to bridge the gap between ESOL students and native English speaking students in a collaborative learning environment in a middle school in Tangerine Florida. The gap in performance was highlighted because ESOL students failed to meet the same levels of academic achievement (based on the Florida Standard Assessment Test) as their native English-speaking counter parts. The intent of the dissertation was to design a framework that would meet the pedagogical needs of ESOL students and teachers who teach them. A pilot study was completed that included teachers both ESOL-endorsed and those who were not to determine their needs in terms of professional development that would lead to increased achievement among ESOL students. The study focused on digital schools within one school district. A qualitative research approach was used because it was found to be rigorous, reliable and valid (Morse, Barrett, Mayan, Olson (&) Spiers (2002). Results of the pilot study were intended to inform teachers and school administrators about how to ultimately improve ESOL student performance. The data used in the pilot study were drawn from focus groups as well as information retrieved from reflective teacher and student tools. The conceptual framework that focused the pilot study included socio-cultural theory (Vygotsky, 1986; Mercer, 2007), self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1997a; Pajares, 1997) culturally responsive teaching theory (Ladson-Billings, 2006; Freire 2000), situated learning theory (Davin (&) Heineke, 2016) and second language acquisition theories (Chomsky, 1965; Ellis, 1997).The findings from the teacher focus groups suggested ways to bridge the gap between the ESOL students and native English speakers. A proposed framework to counter the problem and bridge the gap was designed as a pedagogical intervention (professional development) that would provide the information teachers lack about how to teach ESOL students effectively. The framework also served as a platform to connect and collaborate with other ESOL instructors as a resource and support throughout the school year. Additionally, a teacher-proposed idea was a middle school technology transition (MST2) beginner course for students entering a digital school to give them practice and build their self-efficacy on how to use the necessary applications for each core (FSA tested) class. The results also support the idea that concurrent ongoing professional development and a student introductory technology course throughout the school year could produce more favorable achievement scores of ESOL students, and reduce gaps between ESOL students and native English speaking students.
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Date Issued
CFE0006789, ucf:51808
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Grippo, Karen, Tantleff Dunn, Stacey, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to contribute to women's healthy aging across the adult lifespan by empirically examining potential protective factors (e.g., empowerment and feminist attitudes) in maintaining positive body image, healthy eating behavior, and aging satisfaction. Objectification Theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997) provided a theoretical framework for understanding the connections between sexual-objectification experiences, media influences, and self-objectification, and the...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to contribute to women's healthy aging across the adult lifespan by empirically examining potential protective factors (e.g., empowerment and feminist attitudes) in maintaining positive body image, healthy eating behavior, and aging satisfaction. Objectification Theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997) provided a theoretical framework for understanding the connections between sexual-objectification experiences, media influences, and self-objectification, and the resulting negative psychological consequences for women in Western society. This study was the first to examine empowerment in relation to Objectification Theory. Additionally, a developmental perspective was gained by using a diverse sample of young, middle-aged, and older women in the investigation of the impact of self-objectification on aging satisfaction. Results indicated that women of all ages were just as likely to report either body image satisfaction or body image dissatisfaction after accounting for BMI. However, younger women were more likely than older women to view their bodies as objects. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed utilizing Objectification Theory as a framework for predicting body image, eating behaviors, and aging satisfaction. Empowerment and feminist attitudes were not protective factors in promoting healthy eating behavior and positive thoughts related to body image and aging. The final structural model did, however, provide support for Objectification Theory and its proposed relationships between sexual-objectification experiences and the development of self-objectification and the negative consequences of self-objectification on a variety of health-related constructs. Long-term implications include incorporating this knowledge into empirically supported prevention and intervention programs aimed at reducing body image and eating disturbance and promoting healthy aging across the adult lifespan.
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Date Issued
CFE0003966, ucf:48692
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Evaluating Improvisation as a Technique for Training Pre-Service Teachers for Inclusive Classrooms.
Becker, Theresa, Hines, Rebecca, Beverly, Monifa, Hopp, Carolyn, Hamed, Kastro, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Improvisation is a construct that uses a set of minimal heuristic guidelines to create a highly flexible scaffold that fosters extemporaneous communication. Scholars from diverse domains: such as psychology, business, negotiation, and education have suggested its use as a method for preparing professionals to manage complexity and think on their feet. A review of the literature revealed that while there is substantial theoretical scholarship on using improvisation in diverse domains, little...
Show moreImprovisation is a construct that uses a set of minimal heuristic guidelines to create a highly flexible scaffold that fosters extemporaneous communication. Scholars from diverse domains: such as psychology, business, negotiation, and education have suggested its use as a method for preparing professionals to manage complexity and think on their feet. A review of the literature revealed that while there is substantial theoretical scholarship on using improvisation in diverse domains, little research has verified these assertions. This dissertation evaluated whether improvisation, a specific type of dramatic technique, was effective for training pre-service teachers in specific characteristics of teacher-child classroom interaction, communication and affective skills development. It measured the strength and direction of any potential changes such training might effect on pre-service teacher's self-efficacy for teaching and for implementing the communication skills common to improvisation and teaching while interacting with student in an inclusive classroom setting. A review of the literature on teacher self-efficacy and improvisation clarified and defined key terms, and illustrated relevant studies. This study utilized a mixed-method research design based on instructional design and development research. Matched pairs t-tests were used to analyze the self-efficacy and training skills survey data and pre-service teacher reflections and interview transcripts were used to triangulate the qualitative data. Results of the t-tests showed a significant difference in participants' self-efficacy for teaching measured before and after the improvisation training. A significant difference in means was also measured in participants' aptitude for improvisation strategies and for self-efficacy for their implementation pre-/post- training. Qualitative results from pre-service teacher class artifacts and interviews showed participants reported beneficial personal outcomes as well as confirmed using skills from the training while interacting with students. Many of the qualitative themes parallel individual question items on the teacher self-efficacy TSES scale as well as the improvisation self-efficacy scale CSAI. The self-reported changes in affective behavior such as increased self-confidence and ability to foster positive interaction with students are illustrative of changes in teacher agency. Self-reports of being able to better understand student perspectives demonstrate a change in participant ability to empathize with students. Participants who worked with both typically developing students as well as with students with disabilities reported utilizing improvisation strategies such as Yes, and..., mirroring emotions and body language, vocal prosody and establishing a narrative relationship to put the students at ease, establish a positive learning environment, encourage student contributions and foster teachable moments. The improvisation strategies showed specific benefit for participants working with nonverbal students or who had commutation difficulties, by providing the pre-service teachers with strategies for using body language, emotional mirroring, vocal prosody and acceptance to foster interaction and communication with the student.Results from this investigation appear to substantiate the benefit of using improvisation training as part of a pre-service teacher methods course for preparing teachers for inclusive elementary classrooms. Replication of the study is encouraged with teachers of differing populations to confirm and extend results.
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Date Issued
CFE0004516, ucf:49273
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An Analysis of the Readiness and Confidence of High School Administrators to Provide Instructional Leadership in Digital School Environments.
Shepherd, Andrew, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Johnson, Jerry, Border, Harold, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceived knowledge and confidence of high school administrators to lead in a digital school environment. This study utilized an exploratory mixed-methods case study analysis along with the 62-item Digital Instructional Leadership Readiness Instrument (DILRI)(&)copy; to measure school administrators' knowledge and confidence to lead in a digital school environment. High school administrators within the target school district were requested to...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to analyze the perceived knowledge and confidence of high school administrators to lead in a digital school environment. This study utilized an exploratory mixed-methods case study analysis along with the 62-item Digital Instructional Leadership Readiness Instrument (DILRI)(&)copy; to measure school administrators' knowledge and confidence to lead in a digital school environment. High school administrators within the target school district were requested to complete the DILRI(&)copy; at two separate points in time: September 2016 and June 2017. Based on these two administrations, this study's six Research Questions were answered. Research Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 were addressed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, along with two MANOVA analyses for Research Question 6. Research Question 5 was answered qualitatively by examining open-ended responses found within the DILRI(&)copy;. Based on the data collected, Experience Supervising Others and Colleagues were two factors ranked highest by administrators as influencing their knowledge and confidence. Additionally, high school administrators perceive themselves to be knowledge and confident in recognizing Student Engagement and Student Collaboration, and in developing digital school culture factors of Leadership Teams, Empowering Teachers, and Shared Vision. Overall means increased for knowledge and confidence on each scale between the September 2016 and June 2017 DILRI(&)copy; administrations. Much research relating to the digital school environment has only focused on the preparation required of teachers; therefore, this study provides administrators, directors, school boards, superintendents, and other school district leaders with relevant information relating to the self-reported readiness of high school administrators to lead in a digital school environment.
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Date Issued
CFE0007295, ucf:52173
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