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- Title
- Creator
Meier, Lori, Boote, David, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This ethnographic case study investigated one elementary school to understand how the school's culture influenced its science curriculum design and instruction. The main data was formal and informal semi-structured interviews with key teachers to understand their values, beliefs, practices, materials, and problems with science instruction. To triangulate these data, the researcher observed classroom practice, school-wide activities, and collected artifacts and documents. Data were...
Show moreThis ethnographic case study investigated one elementary school to understand how the school's culture influenced its science curriculum design and instruction. The main data was formal and informal semi-structured interviews with key teachers to understand their values, beliefs, practices, materials, and problems with science instruction. To triangulate these data, the researcher observed classroom practice, school-wide activities, and collected artifacts and documents. Data were analyzed using a theoretical framework that emphasizes that culture cannot be reduced to beliefs, values, practices, materials or problems, but rather each aspect of culture is interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The main finding suggests that the school's culture is organized to accomplish other curricular goals than effective science education. Science is rarely taught by most teachers and rarely taught well when it is. While the teachers know the rhetoric of effective science education and value it enough to not dismiss it entirely, most value it less than most other subjects and they are not proficient with science instruction and materials. This study builds upon the literature by reiterating that school culture plays a central role in elementary science education, but adds to that literature by emphasizing that culture cannot be reduced to one or a few factors and must be seen as an organic whole.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001412, ucf:47061
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Shirk, Christine, Cross, Lee, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Students with disabilities, some with emotional and behavior disorders, are included in almost all elementary music classes. Students with emotional behavior disorders are one of the greatest challenges for teachers. To be effective, teachers must develop strategies and inclusive practices specifically geared towards intervention. With the quantity of students served and only limited class time with students, the music teacher is often unaware of the unique needs of specific special learners....
Show moreStudents with disabilities, some with emotional and behavior disorders, are included in almost all elementary music classes. Students with emotional behavior disorders are one of the greatest challenges for teachers. To be effective, teachers must develop strategies and inclusive practices specifically geared towards intervention. With the quantity of students served and only limited class time with students, the music teacher is often unaware of the unique needs of specific special learners. Music teacher preparation has been inadequate in training teachers for inclusion. Elementary music educators rarely have outside support to deal with classroom challenges as they serve students with disabilities and at-risk students. Music teacher training is focused on content, not behavior management. This study examined the perceptions of randomly selected elementary music educators who were members of MENC: The National Association for Music Education regarding their preparedness to effectively manage five areas of severe behavior often exhibited by students with emotional behavior disorders: withdrawal, impulsivity, argumentative behavior, aggression towards peers, and aggression towards the teacher. The researcher devised a 39 item online survey instrument based on supporting literature. The survey was given to randomly selected participants. Two hundred sixty-nine elementary music educators from across the United States completed the survey providing information on incidence frequency, preparedness, training in behavior management, and the amount of behavior support available. Elementary music teachers felt prepared to handle impulsivity (58.2%), and argumentative behavior (55.7%). They were not prepared for withdrawal (50.8%), aggression towards peers (50.9%), and least prepared to handle aggression towards the teacher (58.1%).Over 94% of the music teachers had adult assistance less than 25% of the time and 45.9% never had adult assistance with included classes. More than 74% of the teachers indicated that they have adult assistance with self-contained special education classes less than 25% of the time and 35.7% never having adult assistance with those classes. Forty-six point two percent of the music teachers had no behavior specialist available or were unaware if one was available. Only 3.7% of the respondents felt they had all the support they needed. Thirty-six point one percent of the music teachers had no crisis plan in case of an eruption of severe behavior in their classes.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002065, ucf:47597
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Wagner, Karen, Cross, Lee, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of teaching functional assessment skills to three Prekindergarten teachers and their teaching assistants. The effects were measured by examining the behavior of the teachers and assistants, as well as the behaviors of the students; before, during and after the delivery of three, two-hour functional assessment classes. The teaching staff videotaped themselves and their students during a regular class time, predetermined by the researcher and...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the effects of teaching functional assessment skills to three Prekindergarten teachers and their teaching assistants. The effects were measured by examining the behavior of the teachers and assistants, as well as the behaviors of the students; before, during and after the delivery of three, two-hour functional assessment classes. The teaching staff videotaped themselves and their students during a regular class time, predetermined by the researcher and each teacher prior to the onset of baseline data collection, over an approximate nine-week period. The video was taken in twelve-minute segments every day. Later, the video was coded for specific behaviors. Although there were gains in appropriate intervention strategies from teachers and assistants during the intervention phase, the interventions generally peaked a week or two after the classes ended and gradually declined. Teacher skills were retained however, as most ratios of appropriate interventions maintained at higher rates than baseline. Relationships between student behavior and correct teacher interventions were established and maintained. The intervention resulted in changes in staff behavior, but results did not sustain at high levels over time. The realization that escape maintained some student behavior, and teaching skills to "test" for function, were likely the most important concepts for many of the participants. Further research should include adding a behavior coach to assist in shaping the teaching staffs' emerging skills and to provide a sounding board when developing specific student interventions.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002088, ucf:47575
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Interpersonal Behavior Traits and Their Relationship to Administrator-to-Teacher Feedback: A Quantitative Study.
- Creator
Walker, Robert, Murray, Barbara, Murray, Kenneth, Baldwin, Lee, Myers, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to explore what, if any, relationship exists between the interpersonal behavior traits held by administrators and the quality of the feedback they provide to teachers. The Interpersonal Behavior Survey (IBS) was used to develop interpersonal behavior profiles for all the school-based administrators from a moderately sized school district who consented to participate in the study. Additionally, the comments submitted as feedback to teachers by the participating...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to explore what, if any, relationship exists between the interpersonal behavior traits held by administrators and the quality of the feedback they provide to teachers. The Interpersonal Behavior Survey (IBS) was used to develop interpersonal behavior profiles for all the school-based administrators from a moderately sized school district who consented to participate in the study. Additionally, the comments submitted as feedback to teachers by the participating administrators were reviewed and scored using a rubric.Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine what, if any, relationship exists between the traits measured by the IBS and feedback quality. The IBS is divided into four scales: validity, assertiveness, aggressiveness, and relationship. These groupings were used to formulate the four research questions that guided this study: (1) what, if any, relationship exists between assertiveness traits and feedback quality, (2) what, if any, relationship exists between aggressiveness traits and feedback quality, (3) what, if any, relationship exists between relationship traits and feedback quality, and (4) what, if any, relationship exists between scores above the cut-off for reliability on any of the three validity scales and the quality of feedback given. No significant relationship was found to exist between any of the four IBS scale groupings and feedback quality; however, power analysis showed the lack of significance observed in this study could be due to the size of the population and not a true lack of significance. The study did find a significantrelationship between age and years of experience in administration and feedback quality. iiiThis study is valuable in that it contributes to the conversation regarding teacher effectiveness ratings, feedback, and sheds light on the role interpersonal behavior traits held by the administrator play in the feedback giving process. This study suggests there is reason to continue exploring the important role conflict avoidance may play in teacher evaluation and teacher effectiveness ratings.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007111, ucf:51957
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Source and Impact of Student Engagement for Black Students in an Urban High School.
- Creator
Sims, Deshawn, Hopp, Carolyn, Butler, S. Kent, Puig, Enrique, Butler, Malcolm, Waddell, Jennifer, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The achievement of Black students has repeatedly met only the lowest standards of performance on standardized assessments, which begs the question; do American schools have the capacity to educate Black children? The purpose of this action research manuscript dissertation was to explore the teacher behaviors and instructional strategies that developed a culture of high achievement among Black students as measured by student engagement and discourse, immediately before and after desegregation,...
Show moreThe achievement of Black students has repeatedly met only the lowest standards of performance on standardized assessments, which begs the question; do American schools have the capacity to educate Black children? The purpose of this action research manuscript dissertation was to explore the teacher behaviors and instructional strategies that developed a culture of high achievement among Black students as measured by student engagement and discourse, immediately before and after desegregation, and in classrooms today. The examination of popular theories concerning the education of Black people in the early 1900's and narratives of individuals who attended segregated schools, provided a historical description of the state of Black education. In addition, the connection between student engagement and teacher dispositions was recognized. A review of relevant literature informed this study by providing a conceptual understanding and operational definition of student engagement, teacher dispositions, and discourse. Last, a case study was conducted to bring a local, practical focus to the research. The purpose of this case study was to examine the impact of student engagement on student learning in an urban school with a majority Black student population, as evidenced by student actions and discourse. Data were collected through meetings and classroom observations using the Student Action Coding Sheet. This research found student engagement to be highest in classrooms that balanced certain teacher dispositions and discourse.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006396, ucf:51518
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Examining potential teacher bias of Hispanic males with emotional disturbances in virtual settings.
- Creator
Lopez, Angel, Dieker, Lisa, Wienke, Wilfred, Vasquez, Eleazar, Correa, Vivian, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The importance of looking at student and teacher interactions holistically is essential and results in reflective teaching practices; consequently, the reflective practice of teaching needs to incorporate all facets of the teacher, known and unknown. This study looks at the potential influence of hidden biases towards adolescent Hispanic males and students with Emotional Behavior Disorders by observing preservice teacher (PT) interactions with students within a simulated classroom environment...
Show moreThe importance of looking at student and teacher interactions holistically is essential and results in reflective teaching practices; consequently, the reflective practice of teaching needs to incorporate all facets of the teacher, known and unknown. This study looks at the potential influence of hidden biases towards adolescent Hispanic males and students with Emotional Behavior Disorders by observing preservice teacher (PT) interactions with students within a simulated classroom environment. Factorial MANOVAs and Discriminant analyses revealed statistically significant interactions and relationships between participant level of bias and the identified student avatars. These exchanges were more prevalent with one student avatar by both experimental and control PTs; indicating that student characteristics and their differences are important factors that need to be considered when addressing issues related to bias.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004403, ucf:49401
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Analysis of Commercial Online Training Videos for Teachers who Instruct Students with Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Creator
Schaffer, Kelly, Vasquez, Eleazar, Dieker, Lisa, Hines, Rebecca, Pearl, Cynthia, Blakely, Elbert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A deficit currently exists in teacher preparation programs for teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using evidence-based practices, specifically in the area of Applied Behavior Analysis. As communication deficits are a primary characteristic associated with the diagnosis of ASD teaching communication skills is a common educational goal for students with ASD, and this skill needs to be addressed in teacher education. Mand training is one evidence-based practice applied to...
Show moreA deficit currently exists in teacher preparation programs for teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using evidence-based practices, specifically in the area of Applied Behavior Analysis. As communication deficits are a primary characteristic associated with the diagnosis of ASD teaching communication skills is a common educational goal for students with ASD, and this skill needs to be addressed in teacher education. Mand training is one evidence-based practice applied to teach independent requesting skills to students with ASD.In this study, four teachers serving students with characteristics of ASD in the classroom participated in a multiple-probe across-participants study evaluating the extent to which online training videos prepare teachers in mand training procedures for students with ASD. Concurrent with teacher participants, changes in rates of student mands were evaluated for four students receiving instruction in a multiple probe design. Data analysis consisted of visual analysis of graphically displayed results and calculation of effect sizes. Results indicate that the Online Training Videos (OTV) were not effective as a standalone intervention for preparation of teachers to teach mands, however three student participants showed improved student outcomes.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005411, ucf:50418
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Understanding the beliefs and attitudes of mid-career secondary school teachers toward teacher evaluation and its effect on their professional practice: A mixed method phenomenological study.
- Creator
Booth, William, Gill, Michele, Taylor, Rosemarye, Hutchinson, Cynthia, Mullins, Mark, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this mixed-method phenomenological study is to understand the beliefs and attitudes that mid-career secondary school teachers have regarding the teacher evaluation process and its effect on their professional practice. Mid-career secondary school teachers (defined as having between 14-21 years of classroom experience) from Bayview Public Schools were selected to participate. A total of 152 mid-career secondary school teachers completed an electronic survey. Additionally, a...
Show moreThe purpose of this mixed-method phenomenological study is to understand the beliefs and attitudes that mid-career secondary school teachers have regarding the teacher evaluation process and its effect on their professional practice. Mid-career secondary school teachers (defined as having between 14-21 years of classroom experience) from Bayview Public Schools were selected to participate. A total of 152 mid-career secondary school teachers completed an electronic survey. Additionally, a total of 9 participants took part in one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework used to guide the study was the theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1988; 1991) and Bandura's theory of self-efficacy (1977). The quantitative results from the electronic survey were used to augment qualitative data collected from interviews with willing participants.The interviews with study participants were analyzed for emerging themes. In all, a total of nine emerging themes came to light through the analysis of interview data. The data revealed areas of concern regarding the current method of evaluating teachers in Bayview Public Schools. A presentation of the findings with regard to the theoretical framework, literature, and practice were presented. Furthermore, a list of recommendations was provided addressing the specific concerns of participating teachers. In conclusion, recommendations were also made concerning future research that might continue to add to the body of knowledge concerning teacher evaluation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005765, ucf:50077
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Marrah, Charissa, Little, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Socio-culturally diverse students with disabilities are underrepresented in gifted and talented programs. This study investigated the differences in educators' referral and placement decisions based on a students' disability label, socio-economic status (SES), and ethnicity. Two hundred and eighty five educators' (classroom teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers) across a Florida school district participated in the study. Educators' were...
Show moreSocio-culturally diverse students with disabilities are underrepresented in gifted and talented programs. This study investigated the differences in educators' referral and placement decisions based on a students' disability label, socio-economic status (SES), and ethnicity. Two hundred and eighty five educators' (classroom teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers) across a Florida school district participated in the study. Educators' were randomly assigned to treatment and control case vignettes that described a student with emotional/behavioral disabled (EBD) and gifted characteristics. Treatment case vignettes explicitly stated the students' disability label, socio-economic status, and ethnicity. Control case vignettes described of the student examined and did not mention the disability label, ethnicity, or socio-economic status of the student. After reading the case vignette, participants responded to a two-item questionnaire that explained their referral and placement decisions of the student described in the vignette. Participants responses to the two item questionnaire were indicated by selecting one of six choices: strongly agree, slightly agree, agree, disagree, slightly disagree, and strongly disagree. Reponses were the dependent variables being measured. A three-way factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to measure the differences in educators' referral and placement decisions based on a student's disability label, socio-economic status, and ethnicity. Results indicate educators' awareness of a students' disability label, socio-economic status, and ethnicity influence referral decisions. Implications are discussed and recommendations for future research are made.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001777, ucf:47260
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Survey of Investing and Retirement Knowledge and Preferences of Florida Preservice Teachers.
- Creator
Thripp, Richard, Hartshorne, Richard, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, Hoffman, Bobby, Jahani, Shiva, Mottola, Gary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
New teachers are facing lower pay and less generous retirement benefits than the prior generation, yet their financial and retirement knowledge, concerns, and preferences have received little attention. To investigate these areas, the author developed a 39-item survey instrument and administered it to 314 preservice teachers in undergraduate teacher education courses at the University of Central Florida, who were primarily female elementary and early childhood education juniors and seniors...
Show moreNew teachers are facing lower pay and less generous retirement benefits than the prior generation, yet their financial and retirement knowledge, concerns, and preferences have received little attention. To investigate these areas, the author developed a 39-item survey instrument and administered it to 314 preservice teachers in undergraduate teacher education courses at the University of Central Florida, who were primarily female elementary and early childhood education juniors and seniors ages 18(-)25. Florida public employees are offered an unusual choice between a traditional pension plan and a defined-contribution plan similar to a 401(k) in which they can select their own investments, and 54% of surveyed preservice teachers preferred the 401(k)-like plan structure. However, their preferences may be ill-advised, given that in a mock portfolio allocation exercise intended to assess retirement investing sophistication, preservice teachers directed more than half their retirement money to low-risk money market and bond funds, which will likely underperform stocks over several decades. Furthermore, they anticipated that low salaries will impede their ability to save for retirement. For comparison, the survey was also administered to 205 U.S. college students or graduates ages 18(-)25 on the Amazon Mechanical Turk platform for $1.00 each. Worrisomely, preservice teachers had significantly lower financial knowledge and retirement investing sophistication. These findings suggest a need for financial education targeting Florida preservice teachers, particularly given that the Florida Retirement System substantially cut its benefits in 2011.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007868, ucf:52793
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Relationship Between Reading Coaches' Utilization of Data Technology and Teacher Development.
- Creator
Behrens, Cherie, Blair, Timothy, Taylor, Rosemarye, Kelley, Michelle, Cartwright, Vickie, Flanigan, Jacquelyn, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The use of technology in assisting educators to use student data in well-devised ways to enhance the instruction received by students is gaining headway and the support of federal dollars across the nation. Since research has not provided insight as to whether or not reading coaches are using data technology tools with teachers, this mixed methods study sought to examine what behavioral intentions reading coaches have in using data technology tools with teachers, what variables may influence...
Show moreThe use of technology in assisting educators to use student data in well-devised ways to enhance the instruction received by students is gaining headway and the support of federal dollars across the nation. Since research has not provided insight as to whether or not reading coaches are using data technology tools with teachers, this mixed methods study sought to examine what behavioral intentions reading coaches have in using data technology tools with teachers, what variables may influence their behavioral intentions, and what trends may emerge in their views about using technology data tools with teachers. A mixed methods approach was deployed via a survey embedded in an email, and data from 61 Florida reading coaches from elementary, middle, and high schools in a large urban school district were examined using an adaptation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The results showed that collectively all reading coaches have a high level of behavioral intentions towards using a data technology tool with teachers. The study also showed that elementary, middle, and high school reading coaches vary in their degree of behavioral intentions in using a data technology tool based on different variables. Trends in data showed that reading coaches think data technology tools are helpful, but that trainings are needed and that technology tools should be user-friendly. Discussion is provided regarding the implications of the study results for all stakeholders.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004357, ucf:49425
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Virtual Coaching of Novice Science Educators to Support Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
- Creator
Garland, Dennis, Dieker, Lisa, Vasquez, Eleazar, Hines, Rebecca, Rosenberg, Michael, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Due to a multitude of convergent circumstances, students labeled in the disability category of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) experience high rates of academic and behavioral failure. Such failure frequently leads to the students' dropping out of school, involvement in the judicial system, or a combination of those outcomes. Science is an academic content area that has the potential to enhance behavioral and academic success of students with EBD. Researchers, nonprofits, and...
Show moreDue to a multitude of convergent circumstances, students labeled in the disability category of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) experience high rates of academic and behavioral failure. Such failure frequently leads to the students' dropping out of school, involvement in the judicial system, or a combination of those outcomes. Science is an academic content area that has the potential to enhance behavioral and academic success of students with EBD. Researchers, nonprofits, and business leaders have provided an impetus for nationwide reform in science education. Concurrently, a corpus of legislation has influenced the preparation of new teachers to use evidence-based teaching practices while addressing the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. Using technology is one way that teacher educators are providing in-vivo learning experiences to new teachers during their classroom instruction. A multiple-baseline across-participants research study was used to examine the effectiveness of providing immediate feedback (within three seconds) to novice general science educators to increase their use of an evidence-based teaching strategy, known as a three-term contingency (TTC) trial while they taught. Feedback was delivered via Bug-in-the-Ear (BIE) technology and during whole-class instruction in which students with EBD were included. The teacher participants wore a Bluetooth earpiece, which served as a vehicle for audio communication with the investigator. Teachers were observed via web camera over the Adobe(&)#174;ConnectTM online conferencing platform. During the intervention, teachers increased their percentage of completed TTC trials, opportunities to respond, and praise or error correction. Student responses also increased, and maladaptive behaviors decreased.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004847, ucf:49681
- Format
- Document (PDF)