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- Creator
Rankine, Karlee L, Spalding, Lee-Anne, Foresyth, Lenora, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Not too long ago we believed that it was impossible to send men outside our planets gravitational force, let alone send them to the moon. As adults, we live in a world that believes in two possibilities, those goals that are possible as long as they believe in themselves and find new ways to accomplish each goal they are given. Slowly this thought process is leaving the students minds to make room for the latest information for best practices in formal test taking. There has been a huge...
Show moreNot too long ago we believed that it was impossible to send men outside our planets gravitational force, let alone send them to the moon. As adults, we live in a world that believes in two possibilities, those goals that are possible as long as they believe in themselves and find new ways to accomplish each goal they are given. Slowly this thought process is leaving the students minds to make room for the latest information for best practices in formal test taking. There has been a huge decline in our imaginative and creative thinkers due to this overwhelming need as a nation to "raise our test scores." I agree that our students need to obtain as much information as possible, but I believe in the impossible. I believe that there is a way to incorporate imaginative and creative thinking into our classrooms today to allow for students to build this idea that their impossible ideas can become possible. I want to challenge our students to be those who believe that it is not so impossible to land on the moon, as long as they can use their imagination, and creativity to solve their problems. To do this, I have used this thesis as a basis for 6 lesson plans based on 11 impossible children's book. This is to provide teachers with resources that match the standards they are already using and create lifelong imaginers and creative thinkers who can turn the most impossible idea into a reality.
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- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000390, ucf:45731
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- Document (PDF)
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- Creator
McAdams, Laurie, Camp, Donna, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of my research was to determine how the use of picture books during instruction would improve student word choice in writing. Donald Graves (2003), a renowned researcher in the teaching of writing, states, "All children need . . . to be surrounded with poetry, stories, information books, biography, science and history, imaginative and factual books." Graves' research presents successful classroom instruction when teachers incorporate literature as a fundamental part of their...
Show moreThe purpose of my research was to determine how the use of picture books during instruction would improve student word choice in writing. Donald Graves (2003), a renowned researcher in the teaching of writing, states, "All children need . . . to be surrounded with poetry, stories, information books, biography, science and history, imaginative and factual books." Graves' research presents successful classroom instruction when teachers incorporate literature as a fundamental part of their reading and writing instruction. Likewise, Susan Anderson McElveen and Connie Campbell Dierking (2000) conducted a study with their students using picture books as "precise examples" to teach writing. Their analysis of data showed that using children's literature, or picture books, served as a "bridge that linked the target skill with the reason for thinking, speaking, and writing like a writer" with their students. The subjects of my study were my fourth-grade students. I obtained data for this study from student writing samples, anecdotal records of my students, my daily reflections, class discussions, debriefings, and writing activities. I assessed students' writing samples using criteria for assessing word choice in the 6-Point Writing Guide in Vicki Spandel's (2005) Creating Young Writers. This study found that the majority of my students demonstrated improved word choice in their writing. Limitations of this study are discussed, as well as implications for future use of picture books during instruction.
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- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000592, ucf:46473
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- Document (PDF)
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- Creator
Van Westering, Jessica, Buchoff, Rita, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
With an emphasis on STEM education in schools, young girls begin to have an idea that math and science skills are based on one's natural ability. A fixed mindset is the belief that one possesses an ability that comes naturally. Many girls, starting at the elementary level tend to interpret a lack of skill for being dumb, and therefore, give up on difficult subjects like math and science. On the other hand, a fluid theory of intelligence, or growth mindset is when a student values effort and...
Show moreWith an emphasis on STEM education in schools, young girls begin to have an idea that math and science skills are based on one's natural ability. A fixed mindset is the belief that one possesses an ability that comes naturally. Many girls, starting at the elementary level tend to interpret a lack of skill for being dumb, and therefore, give up on difficult subjects like math and science. On the other hand, a fluid theory of intelligence, or growth mindset is when a student values effort and understands that these "abilities" come from hard work and taking on new challenges. Students in a growth mindset see intelligence as something that can be developed overtime, while every learning opportunity, challenge, and failure is seen as an important step to becoming more knowledgeable. As a teacher, promoting a growth mindset in the classroom is key for student success; praising and encouraging students through the process of learning is more valuable then giving a grade for the final product. This thesis not only researched the differences between a growth versus fixed mindset, but also the value of fluid theories of intelligence, and the effects on elementary aged girls. This thesis includes a children's book that promotes the idea of a growth mindset with a protagonist who learns to see the importance of persevering, working hard, and attaining success. With the picturebook intended for elementary aged students, its hope is to bring awareness to students and teachers that having a growth mindset mentality is important.
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- 2016
- Identifier
- CFH2000089, ucf:45505
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- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Walsh, Matthew, Adams, Jo Anne, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In order to experience unconditional love, prejudices must be exposed and overcome. People often meet others with a disability or handicap and unknowingly treat these individuals negatively. As a middle school teacher, I have often witnessed students behaving cruelly towards those that are different. When my dog became a paraplegic I was inspired to develop a project to assist young readers in the development of conscientious actions towards individuals with disabilities. This document...
Show moreIn order to experience unconditional love, prejudices must be exposed and overcome. People often meet others with a disability or handicap and unknowingly treat these individuals negatively. As a middle school teacher, I have often witnessed students behaving cruelly towards those that are different. When my dog became a paraplegic I was inspired to develop a project to assist young readers in the development of conscientious actions towards individuals with disabilities. This document chronicles the development, procedures, and outcomes of the process behind that artistic endeavor. The artistic elements of this thesis project are a written children's storybook and an educational interactive Web site to further teach inclusiveness to young readers. The images are real photos that have been manipulated to look like illustrations that enhance elements that are visually appealing to children in order to increase the images' communication value. The site has been designed to integrate the look and feel of the book, complementing and referencing it.
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- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003488, ucf:48951
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Wann, Kaysey N, Hoffman, Elizabeth, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Relational bullying, although covert in nature and difficult for adults to notice and identify, is becoming increasingly prevalent among young children and teens. The success of bibliotherapy as preventative and intervention practices for bullying shows that portrayals of relational bullying in quality children's literature would be effective in reducing and preventing it. However, relational bullying is rarely portrayed in children's literature. My goal was to find quality children's...
Show moreRelational bullying, although covert in nature and difficult for adults to notice and identify, is becoming increasingly prevalent among young children and teens. The success of bibliotherapy as preventative and intervention practices for bullying shows that portrayals of relational bullying in quality children's literature would be effective in reducing and preventing it. However, relational bullying is rarely portrayed in children's literature. My goal was to find quality children's realistic fiction literature that portrays relational bullying in Newbery award-winning books, and to bring them to the attention of teachers. After creating a table to determine what types of bullying, if any, were portrayed in the 21 Newbery Medal and Honor realistic fiction children's literature (1996-2016), the books were read in their totality, and analyzed for any portrayals of relational bullying, including the experience of bullying from the eyes of the bully, victim, and bystander. The bullying portrayed in the literature was described, as well as the characteristics of the bully and victim. Only 10 out of the 21 books read contained portrayals of bullying in the plot. Using this information, future research will include creating a website for teachers, other educational professionals, and parents, to help bring quality children's literature portrayals of relational bullying to their attention. The hope is that teachers will begin to use the findings of this study as a resource with their students, to prevent or address relational bullying in their classrooms, and to recommend it to school psychologists, counselors, and parents, as needed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH0000231, ucf:44684
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Dopson, Natalie, Cross, Lee, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Young children who are Hispanic, from low-income homes and have developmental delays are at a disadvantage for not having the basic early literacy foundation to become successful readers later in school (Ballantyne, Sanderman, D'Emilio, & McLaughlin, 2008; Hammer, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2010; Ezell & Justice 2005; McCardle, Scarborough, & Catts, 2001). These challenges can be addressed in several ways. Early intervention including parent education and collaboration along with shared book reading...
Show moreYoung children who are Hispanic, from low-income homes and have developmental delays are at a disadvantage for not having the basic early literacy foundation to become successful readers later in school (Ballantyne, Sanderman, D'Emilio, & McLaughlin, 2008; Hammer, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2010; Ezell & Justice 2005; McCardle, Scarborough, & Catts, 2001). These challenges can be addressed in several ways. Early intervention including parent education and collaboration along with shared book reading are considered best practices and critical to improving child outcomes (NELP, 2008). In addition, children who have a solid foundation in early literacy skills including vocabulary development in their native language will later transfer to the development of vocabulary in English (Ballantyne et al., 2008). Yet, research on shared book reading practices within the home of Hispanics is minimal (Hammer and Miccio, 2006). It is necessary to expand the literature on how to adapt best practices to meet the needs of Hispanic families who are economically disadvantaged. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of parent training and coaching of dialogic reading strategies in Spanish on mothers' implementation of the strategies and total vocabulary expressed by the child during shared book reading within the home environment. In addition, the researcher explored parent receptiveness towards shared book reading strategies. The research design for the study was a single-subject multiple baseline across three mother-child dyad participants. The independent variable was the intervention which consisted of parent training video on dialogic reading, parent handouts, and researcher coaching. The dependent variables were the mother's implementation of dialogic reading strategies and the children's total expressed words during shared book reading. The mother-child dyads, originally from Mexico, lived in settled migrant community in central Florida. The three children regularly attended a local federally funded preschool and received services for speech and/or language. The results indicated that the mothers' implementation of dialogic reading increased after training and coaching and the children's expressed total vocabulary words also increased. Dyad's interests in the selected books, mother responsiveness during shared book reading, and duration of shared book reading may have impacted some of the variability in the results. Furthermore, mothers were unaware of the dialogic reading strategies prior to the intervention and reported positive feedback and a desire to learn more ways to help their children at home. Implications for research and practice include the need for parent education to support caretakers of young children with speech and/or language delays, involvement of parents in the intervention planning process including coaching options, adaptation of intervention to expand upon parent's funds of knowledge, complexity of code-switching and language differences, and greater collaboration between school and home.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003961, ucf:48713
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Yello, Nicole, Hoffman, Ph.D., Elizabeth S., University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
An abundance of research has been conducted about the importance of including books and literature as part of a young child's developmental process. Much of this research suggests that picture books are vital to a young child's healthy development and "are important influences that shape us by reflecting the politics and values of our society". This study was completed to analyze character roles and gender representation of male and female characters exclusively in children's picture books....
Show moreAn abundance of research has been conducted about the importance of including books and literature as part of a young child's developmental process. Much of this research suggests that picture books are vital to a young child's healthy development and "are important influences that shape us by reflecting the politics and values of our society". This study was completed to analyze character roles and gender representation of male and female characters exclusively in children's picture books. The entire population of Caldecott Award and Honor Medal books published between 2001 and 2011 was utilized for a frequency analysis. Each Caldecott Award and Honor Medal book meeting this study's criteria was examined, read and analyzed. Books included only works of fiction and were delimited to exclude biographies, autobiographies, informational books, concept books and poetry. A total of 24 books were used in the data analysis. This research attempted to answer the following question: Are males and females equitably represented in recently published children's literature? From a content-analysis approach, within a historical perspective, this research aimed at examining if gender bias still dominates the literature, and if so, to what extent. The intellectual interest of this project is in discovering male and female presence and imagery in children's picture books.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004186, ucf:44840
- Format
- Document (PDF)