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- Title
- Investigation of a Self-powered Fontan Concept Using a Multiscale Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction Model.
- Creator
Beggs, Kyle, Kassab, Alain, Steward, Robert, Mansy, Hansen, DeCampli, William, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) occurs in about 1\% (40,000) of newborn babies each year in the United States alone. About 10.9\% (960) of whom suffer from Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) - a subset of CHD where children are born with a single-ventricle (SV). A series of three surgeries are carried out to correct HLHS culminating in the Fontan procedure where venous flow returns passively to the lungs. The current configuration for the Fontan results in elevated Central Venous Pressure ...
Show moreCongenital Heart Disease (CHD) occurs in about 1\% (40,000) of newborn babies each year in the United States alone. About 10.9\% (960) of whom suffer from Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) - a subset of CHD where children are born with a single-ventricle (SV). A series of three surgeries are carried out to correct HLHS culminating in the Fontan procedure where venous flow returns passively to the lungs. The current configuration for the Fontan results in elevated Central Venous Pressure (CVP), inadequate ventricular preload, and elevated Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) leading to a barrage of disease. To alleviate these complications, a `self-powered' Fontan is suggested where an Injection Jet Shunt (IJS) emanating from the aorta is anastomosed to each pulmonary artery. The IJS attempts to reduce the central venous pressure, increase preload, and aid in pulmonary arterial growth by entraining the flow with a high energy source provided by the aorta. Previous computational studies on this concept with rigid vessel walls show mild success, but not enough to be clinically relevant. It is hypothesized that vessel wall deformation may play an important role in enhancing the jet effect to provide a larger exit area for the flow to diffuse while also being more physiologically accurate. A multiscale 0D-3D tightly coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) model is developed to investigate the efficacy of the proposed `self-powered' Fontan modification. Several runs are made varying the PVR to investigate the sensitivity of IVC pressure on PVR. IVC pressure decreased by 2.41 mmHg while the rigid wall study decreased the IVC pressure by 2.88 mmHg. It is shown that IVC pressure is highly sensitive to changes in PVR and modifications to the Fontan procedure should target aiding pulmonary arterial growth as it is the main indicator of Fontan success.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007311, ucf:52107
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Meshless Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Incompressible Flows.
- Creator
Vidal Urbina, Andres, Kassab, Alain, Kumar, Ranganathan, Ilegbusi, Olusegun, Divo, Eduardo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A meshless direct pressure-velocity coupling procedure is presented to perform Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of turbulent incompressible flows in regular and irregular geometries. The proposed method is a combination of several efficient techniques found in different Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) procedures and it is a major improvement of the algorithm published in 2007 by this author. This new procedure has very low numerical diffusion and some...
Show moreA meshless direct pressure-velocity coupling procedure is presented to perform Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of turbulent incompressible flows in regular and irregular geometries. The proposed method is a combination of several efficient techniques found in different Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) procedures and it is a major improvement of the algorithm published in 2007 by this author. This new procedure has very low numerical diffusion and some preliminary calculations with 2D steady state flows show that viscous effects become negligible faster that ever predicted numerically.The fundamental idea of this proposal lays on several important inconsistencies found in three of the most popular techniques used in CFD, segregated procedures, streamline-vorticity formulation for 2D viscous flows and the fractional-step method, very popular in DNS/LES.The inconsistencies found become important in elliptic flows and they might lead to some wrong solutions if coarse grids are used. In all methods studied, the mathematical basement was found to be correct in most cases, but inconsistencies were found when writing the boundary conditions. In all methods analyzed, it was found that it is basically impossible to satisfy the exact set of boundary conditions and all formulations use a reduced set, valid for parabolic flows only.For example, for segregated methods, boundary condition of normal derivative for pressure zero is valid only in parabolic flows. Additionally, the complete proposal for mass balance correction is right exclusively for parabolic flows.In the streamline-vorticity formulation, the boundary conditions normally used for the streamline function, violates the no-slip condition for viscous flow. Finally, in the fractional-step method, the boundary condition for pseudo-velocity implies a zero normal derivative for pressure in the wall (correct in parabolic flows only) and, when the flows reaches steady state, the procedure does not guarantee mass balance.The proposed procedure is validated in two cases of 2D flow in steady state, backward-facing step and lid-driven cavity. Comparisons are performed with experiments and excellent agreement was obtained in the solutions that were free from numerical instabilities.A study on grid usage is done. It was found that if the discretized equations are written in terms of a local Reynolds number, a strong criterion can be developed to determine, in advance, the grid requirements for any fluid flow calculation.The 2D-DNS on parallel plates is presented to study the basic features present in the simulation of any turbulent flow. Calculations were performed on a short geometry, using a uniform and very fine grid to avoid any numerical instability. Inflow conditions were white noise and high frequency oscillations. Results suggest that, if no numerical instability is present, inflow conditions alone are not enough to sustain permanently the turbulent regime.Finally, the 2D-DNS on a backward-facing step is studied. Expansion ratios of 1.14 and 1.40 are used and calculations are performed in the transitional regime. Inflow conditions were white noise and high frequency oscillations. In general, good agreement is found on most variables when comparing with experimental data.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005733, ucf:50148
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Durham, Michael Glenn, Kapat, Jay, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Film cooling is a method used to protect surfaces exposed to high-temperature flows such as those that exist in gas turbines. It involves the injection of secondary fluid (at a lower temperature than that of the main flow) that covers the surface to be protected. This injection is through holes that can have various shapes; simple shapes such as those with a straight circular (by drilling) or straight square (by EDM) cross-section are relatively easy and inexpensive to create. Immediately...
Show moreFilm cooling is a method used to protect surfaces exposed to high-temperature flows such as those that exist in gas turbines. It involves the injection of secondary fluid (at a lower temperature than that of the main flow) that covers the surface to be protected. This injection is through holes that can have various shapes; simple shapes such as those with a straight circular (by drilling) or straight square (by EDM) cross-section are relatively easy and inexpensive to create. Immediately downstream of the exit of a film cooling hole, a so-called horseshoe vortex structure consisting of a pair of counter-rotating vortices is formed. This vortex formation has an effect on the distribution of film coolant over the surface being protected. The fluid dynamics of these vortices is dependent upon the shape of the film cooling holes, and therefore so is the film coolant coverage which determines the film cooling effectiveness distribution and also has an effect on the heat transfer coefficient distribution. Differences in horseshoe vortex structures and in resultant effectiveness distributions are shown for circular and square hole cases for blowing ratios of 0.33, 0.50, 0.67, 1.00, and 1.33. The film cooling effectiveness values obtained are compared with experimental and computational data of Yuen and Martinez-Botas (2003a) and Walters and Leylek (1997). It was found that in the main flow portion of the domain immediately downstream of the cooling hole exit, there is greater lateral separation between the vortices in the horseshoe vortex pair for the case of the square hole. This was found to result in the square hole providing greater centerline film cooling effectiveness immediately downstream of the hole and better lateral film coolant coverage far downstream of the hole.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000044, ucf:46080
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Johnson, Perry, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This thesis describes the numerical predictions of turbine film cooling interactions using Large Eddy Simulations. In most engineering industrial applications, the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, usually paired with two-equation models such as k-[epsilon] or k-[omega], are utilized as an inexpensive method for modeling complex turbulent flows. By resolving the larger, more influential scale of turbulent eddies, the Large Eddy Simulation has been shown to yield a significant...
Show moreThis thesis describes the numerical predictions of turbine film cooling interactions using Large Eddy Simulations. In most engineering industrial applications, the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, usually paired with two-equation models such as k-[epsilon] or k-[omega], are utilized as an inexpensive method for modeling complex turbulent flows. By resolving the larger, more influential scale of turbulent eddies, the Large Eddy Simulation has been shown to yield a significant increase in accuracy over traditional two-equation RANS models for many engineering flows. In addition, Large Eddy Simulations provide insight into the unsteady characteristics and coherent vortex structures of turbulent flows. Discrete hole film cooling is a jet-in-cross-flow phenomenon, which is known to produce complex turbulent interactions and vortex structures. For this reason, the present study investigates the influence of these jet-crossflow interactions in a time-resolved unsteady simulation. Because of the broad spectrum of length scales present in moderate and high Reynolds number flows, such as the present topic, the high computational cost of Direct Numerical Simulation was excluded from possibility.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0004086, ucf:44798
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Modeling Transport and Protein Adsorption in Microfluidic Systems.
- Creator
Finch, Craig, Hickman, James, Kincaid, John, Lin, Kuo-Chi, Behal, Aman, Cho, Hyoung, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This work describes theoretical advances in the modeling and simulation of microfluidic systems and demonstrates the practical application of those techniques. A new multi-scale model of the adsorption of hard spheres was formulated to bridge the gap between simulations of discrete particles and continuum fluid dynamics. A whispering gallery mode (WGM) biosensor was constructed and used to measure the kinetics of adsorption for two types of proteins on four different surfaces. Computational...
Show moreThis work describes theoretical advances in the modeling and simulation of microfluidic systems and demonstrates the practical application of those techniques. A new multi-scale model of the adsorption of hard spheres was formulated to bridge the gap between simulations of discrete particles and continuum fluid dynamics. A whispering gallery mode (WGM) biosensor was constructed and used to measure the kinetics of adsorption for two types of proteins on four different surfaces. Computational fluid dynamics was used to analyze the transport of proteins in the flow cell of the biosensor. Kinetic models of protein adsorption that take transport limitations into account were fitted to the experimental data and used to draw conclusions about the mechanisms of adsorption. Transport simulations were then applied to the practical problem of optimizing the design of a microfluidic bioreactor to enable (")plugs(") of fluid to flow from one chamber to the next with minimal dispersion. Experiments were used to validate the transport simulations. The combination of quantitative modeling and simulation and experiments led to results that could not have been achieved using either approach by itself. Simulation tools that accurately predict transport and protein adsorption will enable the rational design of microfluidic devices for biomedical applications.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0004474, ucf:49313
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Uncertainty Analysis for Payload Fairing Spacecraft Environmental Control Systems.
- Creator
Groves, Curtis, Kassab, Alain, Das, Tuhin, Kauffman, Jeffrey, Moore, Brian, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Spacecraft thermal protection systems are at risk of being damaged due to airflow produced from Environmental Control Systems. There are inherent uncertainties and errors associated with using Computational Fluid Dynamics to predict the airflow field around a spacecraft from the Environmental Control System. This paper describes an approach to quantify the uncertainty in using Computational Fluid Dynamics to predict airflow speeds around an encapsulated spacecraft without the use of test data...
Show moreSpacecraft thermal protection systems are at risk of being damaged due to airflow produced from Environmental Control Systems. There are inherent uncertainties and errors associated with using Computational Fluid Dynamics to predict the airflow field around a spacecraft from the Environmental Control System. This paper describes an approach to quantify the uncertainty in using Computational Fluid Dynamics to predict airflow speeds around an encapsulated spacecraft without the use of test data. Quantifying the uncertainty in analytical predictions is imperative to the success of any simulation-based product. The method could provide an alternative to traditional (")validation by test only(") mentality. This method could be extended to other disciplines and has potential to provide uncertainty for any numerical simulation, thus lowering the cost of performing these verifications while increasing the confidence in those predictions.Spacecraft requirements can include a maximum airflow speed to protect delicate instruments during ground processing. Computational Fluid Dynamics can be used to verify these requirements; however, the model must be validated by test data. This research includes the following three objectives and methods. Objective one is develop, model, and perform a Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis of three (3) generic, non-proprietary, environmental control systems and spacecraft configurations. Several commercially available and open source solvers have the capability to model the turbulent, highly three-dimensional, incompressible flow regime. The proposed method uses FLUENT, STARCCM+, and OPENFOAM. Objective two is to perform an uncertainty analysis of the Computational Fluid Dynamics model using the methodology found in (")Comprehensive Approach to Verification and Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations("). This method requires three separate grids and solutions, which quantify the error bars around Computational Fluid Dynamics predictions. The method accounts for all uncertainty terms from both numerical and input variables. Objective three is to compile a table of uncertainty parameters that could be used to estimate the error in a Computational Fluid Dynamics model of the Environmental Control System /spacecraft system.Previous studies have looked at the uncertainty in a Computational Fluid Dynamics model for a single output variable at a single point, for example the re-attachment length of a backward facing step. For the flow regime being analyzed (turbulent, three-dimensional, incompressible), the error at a single point can propagate into the solution both via flow physics and numerical methods. Calculating the uncertainty in using Computational Fluid Dynamics to accurately predict airflow speeds around encapsulated spacecraft in is imperative to the success of future missions.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005174, ucf:50662
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Multi-scale fluid-structure interaction model analysis of patient-specific geometry for optimization of lvad outflow graft implantation: an investigation aimed at reducing stroke risk.
- Creator
Prather, Ray, Kassab, Alain, Mansy, Hansen, Bai, Yuanli, Divo, Eduardo, DeCampli, William, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD), is a mechanical pump capable of(&)nbsp;providing circulatory myocardium relief when used as bridge-to-transplantation by reducing the workload of a failing heart, with the additional bonus of allowing for cardiac recovery when used as destination therapy. The newer generations of continuous flow VADs are essentially axial or radial flow pumps, and while these devices are capable their efficiency depends upon fluid composition and flow field patterns....
Show moreA Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD), is a mechanical pump capable of(&)nbsp;providing circulatory myocardium relief when used as bridge-to-transplantation by reducing the workload of a failing heart, with the additional bonus of allowing for cardiac recovery when used as destination therapy. The newer generations of continuous flow VADs are essentially axial or radial flow pumps, and while these devices are capable their efficiency depends upon fluid composition and flow field patterns. The most devastating complication of VAD therapy is caused by embolization of thrombi formed within the LVAD or inside the heart into the brain leading to stroke. Anticoagulation management and improved LVADs design has reduced stroke incidence, however, investigators have recently reported the incidence of thromboembolic cerebral events is still significant and ranges from 14% to 47% over a period of 6-12 months. Blood clots may cause obstruction of critical vessels, such as cerebral arteries, reducing brain oxygenation and resulting in devastating consequences like major neurocognitive malfunction and complications which can be fatal.The hypothesis that incidence of stroke can be significantly reduced by adjusting the VAD outflow cannula implantation to direct dislodged thrombi away from the cerebral vessels has been recently supported by a series of steady flow computations assuming rigid vessel walls for the vasculature. Such studies have shown as much as a 50% reduction in embolization rates depending on outflow cannula implantation. In this study, a pulsatile fully compliant vessel wall model is developed to further establish this hypothesis. A time-dependent multi-scale Eulerian Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of patient-specific geometry models of the VAD-bed vasculature is coupled with a 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of the mechanical response of the vascular walls to establish the VAD assisted hemodynamics. A Lagrangian particle tracking algorithm is used to determine the embolization rates of thrombi emanating from the cannula or other possible thrombogenic locations such as the aortic root. This multiscale Eulerian-Lagrangian pulsatile fluid-structure coupled paradigm allows for a fully realistic model of the hemodynamics of interest. The patient-specific geometries obtained from CT scan are implemented into the numerical domain in two modes. In the 3D CFD portion of the problem, the geometry accounts solely for the flow volume where the fluid is modelled as constant density and non-Newtonian under laminar pulsatile flow conditions. The blood-thrombus ensemble in treated as a two-phase flow, handled by an Eulerian-Lagrangian coupled scheme to solve the flow field and track particle transport. Thrombi are modelled as constant density spherical particles. Particle interactions are limited to particle-to-wall and particle-to-fluid, while particle-to-particle interaction are neglected for statistical purposes. On the other hand, with the help of Computer Aided Design (CAD) software a patient-specific aortic wall geometry with variable wall thickness is brought into the numerical domain. FEA is applied to determine the aortic wall cyclic displacement under hydrodynamic loads. To properly account for wall deformation, the arterial wall tissue incorporates a hyperelastic material model based on the anisotropic Holzapfel model for arteries. This paradigm is referred to as Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) and allows structural analysis in conjunction with flow investigation to further monitor pathological flow patterns. The FSI model is driven by time dependent flow and pressure boundary conditions imposed at the boundaries of the 3D computational domain through a 50 degree of freedom 0D lumped parameter model (LPM) electric circuit analog of the peripheral VAD-assisted circulation.Results are presented for a simple vessel model of the ascending aorta to validate the anisotropic fiber orientation implementation. Arterial wall dilation is measured between 5-20% in the range reported in literature. Hemodynamics of the VAD assisted flow in a patient-derived geometry computed using rigid vessels walls are compared to those for a linearly elastic vessel wall model and a hyperelastic anisotropic vessel wall model. Moreover, the thromboembolization rates are presented and compared for pulsatile hemodynamics in rigid and compliant wall models. Pulsatile flow solutions for embolization probabilities corroborate the hypothesis that tailoring the LVAD cannula implantation configuration can significantly reduce thromboembolization rates, and this is consistent with indications from previous steady-flow calculations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007077, ucf:52017
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
El Zahab, Zaher, Kassab, Alain, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Objectives: The main objective of the current dissertation is to establish a formal shape optimization procedure for a given bypass grafts end-to-side distal anastomosis (ETSDA). The motivation behind this dissertation is that most of the previous ETSDA shape optimization research activities cited in the literature relied on direct optimization approaches that do not guaranty accurate optimization results. Three different ETSDA models are considered herein: The conventional, the Miller cuff,...
Show moreObjectives: The main objective of the current dissertation is to establish a formal shape optimization procedure for a given bypass grafts end-to-side distal anastomosis (ETSDA). The motivation behind this dissertation is that most of the previous ETSDA shape optimization research activities cited in the literature relied on direct optimization approaches that do not guaranty accurate optimization results. Three different ETSDA models are considered herein: The conventional, the Miller cuff, and the hood models. Materials and Methods: The ETSDA shape optimization is driven by three computational objects: a localized collocation meshless method (LCMM) solver, an automated geometry pre-processor, and a genetic-algorithm-based optimizer. The usage of the LCMM solver is very convenient to set an autonomous optimization mechanism for the ETSDA models. The task of the automated pre-processor is to randomly distribute solution points in the ETSDA geometries. The task of the optimized is the adjust the ETSDA geometries based on mitigation of the abnormal hemodynamics parameters. Results: The results reported in this dissertation entail the stabilization and validation of the LCMM solver in addition to the shape optimization of the considered ETSDA models. The LCMM stabilization results consists validating a custom-designed upwinding scheme on different one-dimensional and two-dimensional test cases. The LCMM validation is done for incompressible steady and unsteady flow applications in the ETSDA models. The ETSDA shape optimization include single-objective optimization results in steady flow situations and bi-objective optimization results in pulsatile flow situations. Conclusions: The LCMM solver provides verifiably accurate resolution of hemodynamics and is demonstrated to be third order accurate in a comparison to a benchmark analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes. The genetic-algorithm-based shape optimization approach proved to be very effective for the conventional and Miller cuff ETSDA models. The shape optimization results for those two models definitely suggest that the graft caliber should be maximized whereas the anastomotic angle and the cuff height (in the Miller cuff model) should be chosen following a compromise between the wall shear stress spatial and temporal gradients. The shape optimization of the hood ETSDA model did not prove to be advantageous, however it could be meaningful with the inclusion of the suture line cut length as an optimization parameter.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002165, ucf:47927
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Numerical Simulation of Non-Premixed and Premixed Axial Stage Combustor at High Pressure.
- Creator
Worbington, Tyler, Ahmed, Kareem, Bhattacharya, Samik, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Axial-staged combustors represent an important concept that can be applied to reduce NOx emissions throughout a gas turbine engine. There are four main CFD models presented in this study that describe a highly turbulent jet-in-crossflow (JIC) simulation of partially premixed and non-premixed jets with a constant chamber pressure of 5 atm absolute. The equivalence ratio of the partially premixed jet was held constant at rich conditions with a ?_jet of 4 while the main stage varied from ?_1 and...
Show moreAxial-staged combustors represent an important concept that can be applied to reduce NOx emissions throughout a gas turbine engine. There are four main CFD models presented in this study that describe a highly turbulent jet-in-crossflow (JIC) simulation of partially premixed and non-premixed jets with a constant chamber pressure of 5 atm absolute. The equivalence ratio of the partially premixed jet was held constant at rich conditions with a ?_jet of 4 while the main stage varied from ?_1 and ?_2 of 0.575 and 0.73 with an average headend temperature of 1415K and 1545K, respectively. Chemistry was reduced by tabulation of eight main species using the equilibrium calculation of the software Chemkin. The centerline temperatures entering the JIC stage were measured experimentally and used as the starting point of a radial temperature profile that follows a parabolic trend. Comparison between the uniform and radial temperature profiles showed that the latter had a higher penetration depth into the vitiated crossflow due to a direct relationship between temperature and velocity. To capture the combustion process, Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) model was used. The progress variable source uses Turbulent Flame Speed Closure (TFC) to calculate flame propagation and position. There are two distinct flame positions of stability, the windward and leeward sides of the jet. The leeward flame positions for the two equivalence ratios showed that the richer condition sits closer to the jet due to the hotter equilibrium temperature; while the windward flame position is shifted upstream for the leaner case due to more availability of oxygen. The total temperature rise for ?_1 = 0.575 and ?_2 = 0.73 are ?T = 239 K and 186 K, respectively. The non-premixed simulations used a Steady Laminar Flamelet (SLF) approach with a headend equivalence ratio of ?_non = 0.6 and a detailed prediction of CH4 usage, CO production, and temperature increase throughout the jet-in-crossflow domain. Methane was shown to be consumed at a high amount, at almost 90% conversion with a temperature rise of ?T = 149 K. The heat release is below the calculated equilibrium ?T with the main reason pointed out that a significant amount of CH4 is only partially oxidized to CO due to limited oxygen availability with a fuel only configuration. Realizable K-Epsilon, SST K-Omega ?-Re?, and Reynolds Stress Transport (RST) turbulence models were used and compared. RST turbulence model showed to over predict the penetration depths and dissipation of the jet in the downstream domain when compared to literature and experimental data.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007880, ucf:52772
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Development of Full Surface Transient Thermochromic Liquid Crystal Technique for Internal Cooling Channels.
- Creator
Tran, Lucky, Kapat, Jayanta, Kassab, Alain, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Proper design of high performance industrial heat transfer equipment relies on accurate knowledge and prediction of the thermal boundary conditions. In order to enhance the overall gas turbine efficiency, advancements in cooling technology for gas turbines and related applications are continuously investigated to increase the turbine inlet temperature without compromising the durability of the materials used. For detailed design, local distributions are needed in addition to bulk quantities....
Show moreProper design of high performance industrial heat transfer equipment relies on accurate knowledge and prediction of the thermal boundary conditions. In order to enhance the overall gas turbine efficiency, advancements in cooling technology for gas turbines and related applications are continuously investigated to increase the turbine inlet temperature without compromising the durability of the materials used. For detailed design, local distributions are needed in addition to bulk quantities. Detailed local distributions require advanced experimental techniques whereas they are readily available using numerical tools. Numerical predictions using a computational fluid dynamics approach with popular turbulence models are benchmarked against a semi-empirical correlation for the friction in a circular channel with repeated-rib roughness to demonstrate some shortcomings of the models used. Numerical predictions varied widely depending on the turbulence modelling approach used. The need for a compatible experimental dataset to accompany numerical simulations was discussed.An exact, closed-form analytical solution to the enhanced lumped capacitance model is derived. The temperature evolution in a representative 2D turbulated surface is simulated using Fluent to validate the model and its exact solution. A case including an interface contact resistance was included as well as various rib sizes to test the validity of the model over a range of conditions. The analysis was extended to the inter-rib region to investigate the extent and magnitude of the influence of the metallic rib features on the apparent heat transfer coefficients in the inter-rib region. It was found that the thermal contamination is limited only to the regions closest to the base of the rib feature.An experimental setup was developed, capable of measuring the local heat transfer distributions on all four channel walls of a rectangular channel (with aspect ratios between 1 and 5) at Reynolds numbers up to 150,000. The setup utilizes a transient thermochromic liquid crystals technique using narrow band crystals and a four camera setup. The setup is used to test a square channel with ribs applied to one wall. Using the transient thermochromic liquid crystals technique and applying it underneath high conductivity, metallic surface features, it is possible to calculate the heat transfer coefficient using a lumped heat capacitance approach. The enhanced lumped capacitance model is used to account for heat conduction into the substrate material. Rohacell and aluminum ribs adhered to the surface were used to tandem to validate the hybrid technique against the standard technique. Local data was also used to investigate the effect of thermal contamination. Thermal contamination observed empirically was more optimistic than numerical predictions.Traditional transient thermochromic liquid crystals technique utilizes the time-to-arrival of the peak intensity of the green color signal. The technique has been extended to utilize both the red and green color signals, increasing the throughput by recovering unused data while also allowing for a reduction in the experimental uncertainty of the calculated heat transfer coefficient. The over-determined system was solved using an un-weighted least squares approach. Uncertainty analysis of the multi-color technique demonstrated its superior performance over the single-color technique. The multi-color technique has the advantage of improved experimental uncertainty while being easy to implement.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005430, ucf:50436
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Guimond, Stephen, Kassab, Alain, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Ventricle Assist Devices (VADs), which are typically either axial or centrifugal flow pumps implanted on the aortic arch, have been used to support patients who are awaiting cardiac transplantation. Success of the apparatus in the short term has led to long term use. Despite anticoagulation measures, blood clots (thrombi) have been known to form in the device itself or inside of the heart. The Ventricle Assist Devices supply blood flow via a conduit (cannula) implanted on the ascending aorta....
Show moreVentricle Assist Devices (VADs), which are typically either axial or centrifugal flow pumps implanted on the aortic arch, have been used to support patients who are awaiting cardiac transplantation. Success of the apparatus in the short term has led to long term use. Despite anticoagulation measures, blood clots (thrombi) have been known to form in the device itself or inside of the heart. The Ventricle Assist Devices supply blood flow via a conduit (cannula) implanted on the ascending aorta. Currently, the implantation angle of the VAD cannula is not taken into consideration. Since the VADs supply a significant amount of blood flow to the aorta, the implantation angle can greatly affect the trajectory of the formed thrombi as well as the cardiac flow field inside of the aortic arch. This study aims to vary the implantation angle of a pediatric Left Ventricle Assist Device (LVAD) through a series of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software simulations focusing on the aortic arch and its branching arteries of a 20 kg pediatric patient in order to reduce the occurrence of stroke.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004305, ucf:45044
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Fluid Dynamics Modeling and Sound Analysis of a Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve.
- Creator
Khalili, Fardin, Mansy, Hansen, Kassab, Alain, Steward, Robert, Zaurin, Ricardo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the main causes of death in the world. Some CVD involve severe heart valve disease that require valve replacement. There are more than 300,000 heart valves implanted worldwide, and about 85,000 heart valve replacements in the US. Approximately half of these valves are mechanical. Artificial valves may dysfunction leading to adverse hemodynamic conditions. Understanding the normal and abnormal valve function is important as it help improve valve designs....
Show moreCardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the main causes of death in the world. Some CVD involve severe heart valve disease that require valve replacement. There are more than 300,000 heart valves implanted worldwide, and about 85,000 heart valve replacements in the US. Approximately half of these valves are mechanical. Artificial valves may dysfunction leading to adverse hemodynamic conditions. Understanding the normal and abnormal valve function is important as it help improve valve designs. Modeling of heart valve hemodynamics using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) provides a comprehensive analysis of flow, which can potentially help explain clinical observations and support therapeutic decision-making. This detailed information might not be accessible with in-vivo measurements. On the other hand, finite element analysis (FEA), is an efficient way to analyze the interactions of blood flow with blood vessel and tissue layers. In this project both CFD and FEA simulations were performed to investigate the flow-induced sound generation and propagation of sound waves through a tissue-like material. This method is based on mapping the transient pressure (force) fluctuations on the vessel wall and solving for the structural vibrations in the frequency domain. These vibrations would then be detected as sound on the epidermal surface. Advantages of the methods used in the current study include: (a) capability of providing accurate solution with a faster solution time; (b) inclusion of the fluid(-)structure interaction between blood flow and the arterial wall; and (c) accurately capturing some of the spectral features of the velocity fluctuation measured over the epidermal surface.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007029, ucf:52038
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of United Launch Alliance Delta IV Hydrogen Plume Mitigation Strategies.
- Creator
Guimond, Stephen, Kassab, Alain, Divo, Eduardo, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
During the launch sequence of the United Launch Alliance Delta IV launch vehicle, large amounts of pure hydrogen are introduced into the launch table and ignited by Radial-Outward-Firing-Igniters (ROFIs). This ignition results in a significant flame, or plume, that rises upwards out of the launch table due to buoyancy. The presence of the plume causes increased and unwanted heat loads on the surface of the vehicle. A proposed solution is to add a series of fans and structures to the existing...
Show moreDuring the launch sequence of the United Launch Alliance Delta IV launch vehicle, large amounts of pure hydrogen are introduced into the launch table and ignited by Radial-Outward-Firing-Igniters (ROFIs). This ignition results in a significant flame, or plume, that rises upwards out of the launch table due to buoyancy. The presence of the plume causes increased and unwanted heat loads on the surface of the vehicle. A proposed solution is to add a series of fans and structures to the existing launch table configuration that are designed to inject ambient air in the immediate vicinity of the launch vehicle's nozzles to suppress the plume rise. In addition to the air injection, secondary fan systems can be added around the launch table openings to further suppress the hydrogen plume. The proposed air injection solution is validated by computational fluid dynamics simulations that capture the combustion and compressible flow observed during the Delta IV launch sequence. A solution to the hydrogen plume problem will have direct influence on the efficiency of the launch vehicle: lower heat loads result in thinner vehicle insulation and thus allow for a larger payload mass. Current results show that air injection around the launch vehicle nozzles and air suppression around the launch table openings significantly reduces the size of the plume around the launch vehicle prior to liftoff.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005500, ucf:50345
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Thromboembolism as a Function of Shunt Size and Placement in the Hybrid Norwood Palliative Treatment of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
- Creator
Seligson, John, Kassab, Alain, DeCampli, William, Mansy, Hansen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The Hybrid Norwood procedure has emerged as a promising alternative palliative first stage treatment for infants with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). The procedure is done to provide necessary blood flow to the pulmonary and systemic regions of the body. The procedure can affect hemodynamic conditions to be pro-thrombotic, and thrombus particles can form and release from the vessel walls and enter the flow. Assuming these particles are formed and released from the shunt surface, a...
Show moreThe Hybrid Norwood procedure has emerged as a promising alternative palliative first stage treatment for infants with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). The procedure is done to provide necessary blood flow to the pulmonary and systemic regions of the body. The procedure can affect hemodynamic conditions to be pro-thrombotic, and thrombus particles can form and release from the vessel walls and enter the flow. Assuming these particles are formed and released from the shunt surface, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model can be used to mimic the patient's vasculature geometry and predict the occurrence of embolization to the carotid or coronary arteries, as well as the other major arteries surrounding the heart. This study used a time dependent, multi-scale CFD analysis on patient-specific geometry to determine the statistical probability of thrombus particles exiting each major artery. The geometries explored were of a nominal and patient specific nature. Cases of 90% and 0% stenosis at the aortic arch were analyzed, including shunt diameters of 3mm, 3.5mm, and 4mm. Three different placements of the shunt were explored as well. The intent of this study was to suggest best methods of surgical planning in the Hybrid Norwood procedure by providing supporting data for optimal stroke and myocardial infarction prevention.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006655, ucf:51232
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Hossain, Md. Jahed, Kapat, Jayanta, Ahmed, Kareem, Gordon, Ali, Wiegand, Rudolf, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The flow physics of impinging jet is very complex and is not fully understood yet. The flow field in an impingement problem comprised of three different distinct regions: a free jet with a potential core, a stagnation region where the velocity goes to zero as the jet impinges onto the wall and a creation of wall jet region where the boundary layer grows radially outward after impinging. Since impingement itself is a broad topic, effort is being made in the current study to narrow down on...
Show moreThe flow physics of impinging jet is very complex and is not fully understood yet. The flow field in an impingement problem comprised of three different distinct regions: a free jet with a potential core, a stagnation region where the velocity goes to zero as the jet impinges onto the wall and a creation of wall jet region where the boundary layer grows radially outward after impinging. Since impingement itself is a broad topic, effort is being made in the current study to narrow down on three particular geometric configurations (a narrow wall, an array impingement configuration and a curved surface impingement configuration) that shows up in a typical gas turbine impingement problem in relation to heat transfer. Impingement problems are difficult to simulate numerically using conventional RANS models. It is worth noting that the typical RANS model contains a number of calibrated constants and these have been formulated with respect to relatively simple shear flows. As a result typically these isotropic eddy viscosity models fail in predicting the correct heat transfer value and trend in impingement problem where the flow is highly anisotropic. The common RANS-based models over predict stagnation heat transfer coefficients by as much as 300% when compared to measured values. Even the best of the models, the v^2-f model, can be inaccurate by up to 30%. Even though there is myriad number of experimental and numerical work published on single jet impingement; the knowledge gathered from these works cannot be applied to real engineering impingement cooling application as the dynamics of flow changes completely. This study underlines the lack of experimental flow physics data in published literature on multiple jet impingement and the author emphasized how important it is to have experimental data to validate CFD tools and to determine the suitability of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) in industrial application. In the open literature there is not enough study where experimental heat transfer and flow physics data are combined to explain the behavior for gas turbine impingement cooling application. Often it is hard to understand the heat transfer behavior due to lack of time accurate flow physics data hence a lot of conjecture has been made to explain the phenomena. The problem is further exacerbated for array of impingement jets where the flow is much more complex than a single round jet. The experimental flow field obtained from Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and heat transfer data obtained from Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) from this work will be analyzed to understand the relationship between flow characteristics and heat transfer for the three types of novel geometry mentioned above.There has not been any effort made on implementing LES technique on array impingement problem in the published literature. Nowadays with growing computational power and resources CFD are widely used as a design tool. To support the data gathered from the experiment, LES is carried out in narrow wall impingement cooling configuration. The results will provide more accurate information on impingement flow physics phenomena where experimental techniques are limited and the typical RANS models yield erroneous resultThe objective of the current study is to provide a better understanding of impingement heat transfer in relation to flow physics associated with it. As heat transfer is basically a manifestation of the flow and most of the flow in real engineering applications is turbulent, it is very important to understand the dynamics of flow physics in an impingement problem. The work emphasis the importance of understanding mean velocities, turbulence, jet shear layer instability and its importance in heat transfer application. The present work shows detailed information of flow phenomena using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a single row narrow impingement channel. Results from the RANS and LES simulations are compared with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) data. The accuracy of LES in predicting the flow field and heat transfer of an impingement problem is also presented the in the current work as it is validated against experimental flow field measured through PIV.Results obtained from the PIV and LES shows excellent agreement for predicting both heat transfer and flow physics data. Some of the key findings from the study highlight the shortcomings of the typical RANS models used for the impingement heat transfer problem. It was found that the stagnation point heat transfer was over predicted by as much as 48% from RANS simulations when compared to the experimental data. A lot of conjecture has been made in the past for RANS' ability to predict the stagnation point heat transfer correctly. The length of the potential core for the first jet was found to be ~ 2D in RANS simulations as oppose to 1D in PIV and LES, confirm the possible underlying reason for this discrepancy. The jet shear layer thickness was underpredicted by ~ 40% in RANS simulations proving the model is not diffusive enough for a flow like jet impingement. Turbulence production due to shear stress was over predicted by ~130% and turbulence production due to normal stresses were underpredicted by ~40 % in RANS simulation very close to the target wall showing RANS models fail where both strain rate and shear stress plays a pivotal role in the dynamics of the flow. In the closing, turbulence is still one of the most difficult problems to solve accurately, as has been the case for about a century. A quote below from the famous mathematician, Horace Lamb (1849-1934) express the level of difficulty and frustration associated with understanding turbulence in fluid mechanics. (")I am an old man now, and when I die and go to heaven there are two matters on which I hope for enlightenment. One is quantum electrodynamics, and the other is the turbulent motion of fluids. And about the former I am rather optimistic.(")Source: dissertation is expected to shed some light onto one specific example of turbulent flows.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006463, ucf:51424
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Modeling and Spray Pyrolysis Processing of Mixed Metal Oxide Nano-Composite Gas Sensor Films.
- Creator
Khatami, Seyed Mohammad Navid, Ilegbusi, Olusegun, Deng, Weiwei, Kassab, Alain, Coffey, Kevin, Divo, Eduardo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The role of sensor technology is obvious in improvement and optimization of many industrial processes. The sensor films, which are considered the core of chemical sensors, have the capability to detect the presence and concentration of a specific chemical substance. Such sensor films achieve selectivity by detecting the interaction of the specific chemical substance with the sensor material through selective binding, adsorption and permeation of analyte. This research focuses on development...
Show moreThe role of sensor technology is obvious in improvement and optimization of many industrial processes. The sensor films, which are considered the core of chemical sensors, have the capability to detect the presence and concentration of a specific chemical substance. Such sensor films achieve selectivity by detecting the interaction of the specific chemical substance with the sensor material through selective binding, adsorption and permeation of analyte. This research focuses on development and verification of a comprehensive mathematical model of mixed metal oxide thin film growth using spray pyrolysis technique (SPT). An experimental setup is used to synthesize mixed metal oxide films on a heated substrate. The films are analyzed using a variety of characterization tools. The results are used to validate the mathematical model. There are three main stages to achieve this goal: 1) A Lagrangian-Eulerian method is applied to develop a CFD model of atomizing multi-component solution. The model predicts droplet characteristics in flight, such as spatial distribution of droplet size and concentration. 2) Upon reaching the droplets on the substrate, a mathematical model of multi-phase transport and chemical reaction phenomena in a single droplet is developed and used to predict the deposition of thin film. The various stages of droplet morphology associated with surface energy and evaporation are predicted. 3) The processed films are characterized for morphology and chemical composition (SEM, XPS) and the data are used to validate the models as well as investigate the influence of process parameters on the structural characteristics of mixed metal oxide films. The structural characteristics are investigated of nano structured thin films comprising of ZnO, SnO2, ZnO+In2O3 and SnO2+In2O3 composites. The model adequately predicts the size distribution and film thickness when the nanocrystals are well-structured at the controlled temperature and concentration.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005817, ucf:50048
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Tran, Nghia, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Advancement in turbine technology has far reaching effects on today's society and environment. With more than 90% of electricity and 100% of commercial air transport being produced by the usage of gas turbine, any advancement in turbine technology can have an impact on fuel used, pollutants and carbon dioxide emitted to the environment. Within the turbine engine, fully understanding film cooling is critical to reliability of a turbine engine. Film cooling is an efficient way to protect...
Show moreAdvancement in turbine technology has far reaching effects on today's society and environment. With more than 90% of electricity and 100% of commercial air transport being produced by the usage of gas turbine, any advancement in turbine technology can have an impact on fuel used, pollutants and carbon dioxide emitted to the environment. Within the turbine engine, fully understanding film cooling is critical to reliability of a turbine engine. Film cooling is an efficient way to protect the engine surface from the extremely hot incoming gas, which is at a temperature much higher than allowable temperature of even the most advanced super alloy used in turbine. Film cooling performance is affected by many factors: geometrical factors and as well as flow conditions. In most of the film cooling literature, film effectiveness has been used as criterion to judge and/or compare between film cooling designs. Film uniformity is also a critical factor, since it determines how well the coolant spread out downstream to protect the hot-gas-path surface of a gas turbine engine. Even after consideration of all geometrical factors and flow conditions, the film effectiveness is still affected by the stator-rotor interaction, in particular by the moving wakes produced by upstream airfoils. A complete analysis of end wall film cooling inside turbine is required to fully understand the phenomena. This full analysis is almost impossible in the academic arena. Therefore, a simplified but critical experimental rig and computational fluid model were designed to capture the effect of wake on film cooling inside an annular test section. The moving wakes are created by rotating a wheel with 12 spokes or rods with a variable speed motor. Thus changing the motor speed will alter the wake passing frequency. This design is an advancement over most previous studies in rectangular duct, which cannot simulate wakes in an annular passage as in an engine. This rig also includes film injection that allows study of impact of moving wakes on film cooling. This wake is a simplified representation of the trailing edge created by an upstream airfoil. An annulus with 30ð pitch test section is considered in this study. This experimental rig is based on an existing flat plate film cooling (BFC) rig that has been validated in the past. Measurement of velocity profiles within the moving wake downstream from the wake generator is used to validate the CFD rotating wake model. The open literature on film cooling and past experiments performed in the laboratory validated the CFD film cooling model. With these validations completed, the full CFD model predicts the wake and film cooling interaction. Nine CFD cases were considered by varying the film cooling blowing ratio and the wake Strouhal number. The results indicated that wakes highly enhance film cooling effectiveness near film cooling holes and degrades the film blanket downstream of the film injection, at the moment of wake passing. However, the time-averaged film cooling effectiveness is more or less the same with or without wake.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003483, ucf:48956
- Format
- Document (PDF)