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- Title
- Creator
Domeck, Craig, Murray, Ken, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Leadership is a challenging task. Vibrant enduring leadership over time is a greater challenge. Cultivating "leaders that lasts" is the desire of this study. The purpose of this research was to determine the resiliency of leaders in Central Florida. Additionally, this study examined the resilience of educational leaders in Central Florida along with leaders from the business community. The analysis and comparison of the results revealed beneficial information regarding the factors that are...
Show moreLeadership is a challenging task. Vibrant enduring leadership over time is a greater challenge. Cultivating "leaders that lasts" is the desire of this study. The purpose of this research was to determine the resiliency of leaders in Central Florida. Additionally, this study examined the resilience of educational leaders in Central Florida along with leaders from the business community. The analysis and comparison of the results revealed beneficial information regarding the factors that are substantial in resilient leaders and how these factors might be further cultivated. Educational leaders were randomly selected from school administrators in the Central Florida region, as well as department leaders at two primary local universities. Participants from business were selected from a list of business leaders from the Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business MBA Alumni, as well as participants in the Palm Beach Atlantic University Executive Leadership series. The study utilized the Resilience Factor Inventory (RFI) from Adaptive Learning Systems. The RFI is a valid 60-question on-line questionnaire that evaluates the four resilience factors identified in the Review of Literature: (a) realistic optimism, (b) emotional intelligence, (c) relational abilities, and (d) problem-solving abilities. Participants were invited to complete the RFI through a series of four emails explaining the study and the Resilience Factor Inventory with a sufficient response rate (83 leaders). Analysis of the data revealed the following findings: (a) all three of the sampled leader populations were significantly above the national norm in resilience, with those in education the highest; (b) educational leaders, both Pre K 12 and university leaders, were statistically higher in several resilience components, with emotional intelligence being a strong component in both educational groups; (c) leaders from the business realm were significantly higher in several resilience factors with their distinguish component being problem-solving; (d) while education leaders were strong in emotional intelligence, this population could develop their problem-solving capabilities; (e) in direct contrast, the business were strong in problem-solving, but could enhance their emotional competence; and (f) an examination of leaders who have served the longest have a statistically significantly higher relational abilities and realistic optimism suggesting that these two resilience factors would be important for longevity.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002336, ucf:47801
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Second-Order Change Leadership Behaviors of Principals of Urban Elementary Schools and Student Achievement In 2010.
- Creator
Kearney, Janet, Taylor, Rosemarye, Bai, Haiyan, Kaplan, Jeffrey, Pawlas, George, Roberts, Sherron, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The focus on specific principal leadership behaviors that positively impact student achievement has become more and more pronounced since the inception of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Recently, researchers have begun to focus on a more dramatic type of change as a method for improving student achievement in schools. Marzano, Waters, and McNulty (2005) conducted a meta-analysis of more than 5,000 studies and identified seven leadership behaviors that related to improved student...
Show moreThe focus on specific principal leadership behaviors that positively impact student achievement has become more and more pronounced since the inception of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Recently, researchers have begun to focus on a more dramatic type of change as a method for improving student achievement in schools. Marzano, Waters, and McNulty (2005) conducted a meta-analysis of more than 5,000 studies and identified seven leadership behaviors that related to improved student achievement and were viewed as second-order in nature. In many cases, second-order change was needed (a) to accomplish the student achievement improvements necessary to attain Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and (b) to ensure that all students would read on grade level by 2014. For this study, 66 principals from schools with fewer than 60% of students who qualified for free and reduced-price lunches from five urban Florida school districts completed an online survey, Principal Actions Survey (PAS), created to determine which of the seven leadership behaviors successful principals utilized in their schools. Principals were specifically asked to comment on those actions that they felt impacted student achievement and achievement of AYP. Principals consistently responded that they used the seven leadership behaviors, but the results from this study indicated very few statistically significant relationships or predictive relationships. The 66 principal responses were also compared to responses on the PAS of principals from urban Florida elementary schools with more than 60% of students who qualified for free and reduced-price lunches (La Cava, 2009). These comparisons indicated that principals of schools with a higher level of poverty reported utilization of the seven leadership behaviors on a more frequent basis or with a higher success rate than principals at schools with lower poverty levels.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004560, ucf:49255
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Towards a Theory of Autism Spectrum Disorder Program Implementation.
- Creator
Gesundheit, Ian, Martin, Suzanne, Vasquez, Eleazar, Boote, David, Edwards, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
With the increased prevalence of students qualifying for services within Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) programs (Odom, Cox and Brock, 2013), it is imperative that the field comes to better understand how successful programs can be replicated at scale. The implementation of effective instructional programs for students with ASD across school systems on a large scale is a difficult task. School systems have tried to replicate successful programs for diverse learners but have been largely...
Show moreWith the increased prevalence of students qualifying for services within Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) programs (Odom, Cox and Brock, 2013), it is imperative that the field comes to better understand how successful programs can be replicated at scale. The implementation of effective instructional programs for students with ASD across school systems on a large scale is a difficult task. School systems have tried to replicate successful programs for diverse learners but have been largely unable to do so. For students with disabilities, who perform poorly compared to their peers without disabilities (Odom et al., 2013), the need to replicate successful programs is even more pressing. This need is most pressing for students in programs for ASD whose educational outcomes lag behind those of students in programs designed for all other exceptionality categories (Cook (&) Cook, 2013). The quality with which a program is designed matters little if the fidelity with which that program is implemented is lacking. For students with disabilities who perform poorly compared to their peers without disabilities (Odom et al., 2013), the need to replicate successful programs is even more pressing. The school leader plays an important role in the development, implementation, and maintenance of effective programs for students with ASD.The purpose of this study was to document the lived experiences of school leaders who have developed and/or managed successful programs for students with ASD within their school sites. It is clear that leadership matters in school and, therefore, influences program quality (Darling-Hammond, 2010; Reeves, 2006; Waters, Marzano, (&) McNulty, 2003). School and system change is difficult work, prone to being unsuccessful(-)but improvement is possible and sustainable (Fullan, 2007).The research questions for this study were:1.What are the characteristics of a school administrator who oversees effective self-contained classroom(s) for students with ASD?2.What are the lived experiences of principals who have led teachers to implement effective classrooms for students with ASD across their school setting?3.What rewards and challenges are associated with being a school administrator with an effective exceptional education program for students with ASD?In sum, these principal participants showed an intense interest in improving support services for students with ASD. They emphasized their vision that, if given the proper support and environment, all students can succeed. The principals were diligent in supporting that vision themselves and in making connections that could help reinforce that vision. A tremendous part of supporting that vision was ensuring that staff has the appropriate skills to work effectively with students with ASD. Once success was realized in these programs, it was reinforced by the success of the students and the emotional compensation received from parents. However, leading such programs is not without its challenges. Overall, though, all of these principals were clear about setting forth a path where the schools they were leading would do what is necessary to help their students with ASD be successful.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006309, ucf:51586
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Central Florida Educational Leaders' Professional Opinions of the Race to the Top Grant Components Concerning Teacher Evaluation and Compensation Prior to Implementation.
- Creator
Windish, Daniel, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Doherty, Walter, Vitale, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This mixed-methods study was conducted to explore the professional opinions of educational leaders regarding selected components in the Race to the Top (RTTT) grant concerning teacher evaluation and compensation and the potential impact on student achievement. A target university was selected that had students who were professionals in the field of education in either instructional or administrative jobs and were pursuing their doctorates in both Education and Educational Leadership. A...
Show moreThis mixed-methods study was conducted to explore the professional opinions of educational leaders regarding selected components in the Race to the Top (RTTT) grant concerning teacher evaluation and compensation and the potential impact on student achievement. A target university was selected that had students who were professionals in the field of education in either instructional or administrative jobs and were pursuing their doctorates in both Education and Educational Leadership. A researcher created survey and follow-up interview were utilized to gather both quantitative and qualitative data for analysis. Quantitative findings revealed that statistically significant differences in the opinions of educational leaders about the potential impact of the RTTT grant teacher evaluation and compensation components on student achievement existed between two types of professional classification (instructional or administrative). No statistically significant relationship was found between self-reported knowledge of the RTTT and opinions of the fairness of the RTTT teacher evaluation and compensation components. Also, no statistically significant difference was found in the professional opinions about the potential impact of the RTTT grant teacher evaluation and compensation components on student achievement when self-reported school poverty percentage was considered.From qualitative findings, themes emerged surrounding the uncertainty and lack of understanding about the RTTT grant's implementation. Though this study provided baseline data on the opinions of educational leaders on the RTTT teacher evaluation and compensation components, there is still much to be learned about the RTTT grant.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004633, ucf:49929
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Exploratory Study of the Strengths of Islamic School Principals in California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois.
- Creator
Qadri, Kamran, Taylor, Rosemarye, Baldwin, Gordon, Mitchell, Paul, Eriksson, Gillian, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
As the focal point of the school, the principal's leadership is integral to its effective functioning. This study used a self-assessment to analyze the self-identified strengths of principals in Islamic schools within the five most populated states in the United States (which also have the largest number of mosques) and the commonalities in those strengths based on (a) the enrollment of the school; (b) year school was established; (c) the gender of the principal; (d) the principal's...
Show moreAs the focal point of the school, the principal's leadership is integral to its effective functioning. This study used a self-assessment to analyze the self-identified strengths of principals in Islamic schools within the five most populated states in the United States (which also have the largest number of mosques) and the commonalities in those strengths based on (a) the enrollment of the school; (b) year school was established; (c) the gender of the principal; (d) the principal's professional preparation, e.g., degree in education vs. other fields and years of experience; and (e) geographic location. While only a small amount of statistical significance was evident (p (<) .05) in exploring the differences between groups, several conclusions were made. In analyzing the strengths of the principals, the least selected strength was Significance and the most was Analytical, which had the highest proportion of affirmatively responding principals as compared to any of the other strengths. Additionally, the relationship between principal strength and school enrollment resulted in for the strengths of Command and Developer at a significance level that was less stringent than the p = .002 dictated by the study; principals at schools that have a student enrollment of 151-200 ranked Command higher as compared to principals in schools of other sizes, whereas those with an enrollment of 150 or fewer students ranked Developer as a more preferred strength. In addressing principal strengths and gender, the results showcased males ranking Self-assuredness as their preferred trait more frequently than their female counterparts, who preferred Futuristic. Furthermore, the relationship of principal strengths and area of education resulted in the strengths of Activator, Maximizer, and Positivity as being ranked higher for principals who had a degree in education at the p = .05 level. The strengths of Empathy, Harmony, and Responsibility (p (<) .05) and Deliberative (p (<) .01) were ranked higher by principals who did not have a degree in education. Also, based on the average rankings of principal strengths, Achiever indicated the strongest association for principals with a degree in education and Deliberative for principals who did not. The results of the mean ranking of the strengths among principals of differing years of experience resulted in the ranking of Focus and Includer at higher levels for principals with 3-6 years of experience (p (<) .01). Furthermore, the average rankings showcased the strength of Achiever as the most strongly rated for principals with less than 3 years of experience, Focus for principals with 3-6 years of experience, and Analytical for principals with more than 6 years. Examination of principal strengths based on geographic location was conducted descriptively due to small group sizes. Among the five states of focus, average rankings of strengths indicated that Deliberative was the most preferred among California principals, Includer among Florida principals, Activator among Illinois respondents, Command among New York principals, and Analytical in Texas.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005235, ucf:50601
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Analysis of the Readiness and Confidence of High School Administrators to Provide Instructional Leadership in Digital School Environments.
- Creator
Shepherd, Andrew, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Johnson, Jerry, Border, Harold, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceived knowledge and confidence of high school administrators to lead in a digital school environment. This study utilized an exploratory mixed-methods case study analysis along with the 62-item Digital Instructional Leadership Readiness Instrument (DILRI)(&)copy; to measure school administrators' knowledge and confidence to lead in a digital school environment. High school administrators within the target school district were requested to...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to analyze the perceived knowledge and confidence of high school administrators to lead in a digital school environment. This study utilized an exploratory mixed-methods case study analysis along with the 62-item Digital Instructional Leadership Readiness Instrument (DILRI)(&)copy; to measure school administrators' knowledge and confidence to lead in a digital school environment. High school administrators within the target school district were requested to complete the DILRI(&)copy; at two separate points in time: September 2016 and June 2017. Based on these two administrations, this study's six Research Questions were answered. Research Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 were addressed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, along with two MANOVA analyses for Research Question 6. Research Question 5 was answered qualitatively by examining open-ended responses found within the DILRI(&)copy;. Based on the data collected, Experience Supervising Others and Colleagues were two factors ranked highest by administrators as influencing their knowledge and confidence. Additionally, high school administrators perceive themselves to be knowledge and confident in recognizing Student Engagement and Student Collaboration, and in developing digital school culture factors of Leadership Teams, Empowering Teachers, and Shared Vision. Overall means increased for knowledge and confidence on each scale between the September 2016 and June 2017 DILRI(&)copy; administrations. Much research relating to the digital school environment has only focused on the preparation required of teachers; therefore, this study provides administrators, directors, school boards, superintendents, and other school district leaders with relevant information relating to the self-reported readiness of high school administrators to lead in a digital school environment.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0007295, ucf:52173
- Format
- Document (PDF)