Current Search:  European Discovery and Settlement in Florida, 1492-1821 (x)

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Recueil de pièces sur la Floride, inédit
Recueil de pièces sur la Floride, inédit
Guide to Florida
East Florida in the American revolution
Florida under four flags
Dr. Andrew Turnbull and the New Smyrna colony of Florida
Florida, its history and its romance
history of Florida
Histoire de la conquête de la Floride, ou, Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans la découverte de ce païs par Ferdinand de Soto
Pioneers of France in the New World
tour through the southern and western territories of the United States of North-America, the Spanish dominions on the river Mississippi, and the Floridas, the countries of the Creek nations, and many uninhabited parts
relation of a discovery lately made on the coast of Florida
Story of the Huguenots
Ponce de Leon land and Florida war record
Ferdinand de Soto
Juan Ponce de Leon
Narratives of the career of Hernando de Soto in the conquest of Florida