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- Title
- Creator
Rankine, Karlee L, Spalding, Lee-Anne, Foresyth, Lenora, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Not too long ago we believed that it was impossible to send men outside our planets gravitational force, let alone send them to the moon. As adults, we live in a world that believes in two possibilities, those goals that are possible as long as they believe in themselves and find new ways to accomplish each goal they are given. Slowly this thought process is leaving the students minds to make room for the latest information for best practices in formal test taking. There has been a huge...
Show moreNot too long ago we believed that it was impossible to send men outside our planets gravitational force, let alone send them to the moon. As adults, we live in a world that believes in two possibilities, those goals that are possible as long as they believe in themselves and find new ways to accomplish each goal they are given. Slowly this thought process is leaving the students minds to make room for the latest information for best practices in formal test taking. There has been a huge decline in our imaginative and creative thinkers due to this overwhelming need as a nation to "raise our test scores." I agree that our students need to obtain as much information as possible, but I believe in the impossible. I believe that there is a way to incorporate imaginative and creative thinking into our classrooms today to allow for students to build this idea that their impossible ideas can become possible. I want to challenge our students to be those who believe that it is not so impossible to land on the moon, as long as they can use their imagination, and creativity to solve their problems. To do this, I have used this thesis as a basis for 6 lesson plans based on 11 impossible children's book. This is to provide teachers with resources that match the standards they are already using and create lifelong imaginers and creative thinkers who can turn the most impossible idea into a reality.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000390, ucf:45731
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Cascio, Robert, Ganesh, Jaishankar, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research conceptualizes and develops a scale for the marketing innovation construct for the purpose of furthering research in marketing strategy. This marketing innovation construct and its associated strategic activities are clearly distinguished from product and process innovation, better enabling researchers and practitioners to identify new and updated paths from innovation to firm performance. Marketing innovation is defined as the degree of novelty in the implementation of three...
Show moreThis research conceptualizes and develops a scale for the marketing innovation construct for the purpose of furthering research in marketing strategy. This marketing innovation construct and its associated strategic activities are clearly distinguished from product and process innovation, better enabling researchers and practitioners to identify new and updated paths from innovation to firm performance. Marketing innovation is defined as the degree of novelty in the implementation of three core business processes: (1) product development management, (2) supply chain management, and (3) customer relationship management, as identified in the Srivastava, Shervani & Fahey (1999) framework. Results from qualitative interviews indicate marketing innovation is developed and fostered by marketing insight and marketing imagination, and these relationships appear to be moderated by the market orientation of the firm. As conceptualized, marketing innovation is suggested to enhance firm performance via (1) the marketing-product space, (2) the marketing-process space, and (3) the marketing-relationship space. This enhancement process, however, is conjectured to be moderated by the degree of radical product innovation the firm is currently undergoing as well as the degree of process innovation the firm practices. A complete discussion of marketing innovation's antecedents, manifestations, and consequences is presented. A comprehensive research model, method, and results from an empirical study of qualified business executives, testing key relationships in the marketing innovation framework, are discussed. Empirical study results confirm marketing innovation's powerful ability to predict firm performance, even in the presence of a multiple of control variables. Further, these quantitative findings lend statistically and practically significant support for (1) the antecedent roles of marketing insight and marketing imagination, (2) the negative (as predicted) moderating role of product innovation radicalness, and (3) several specific inter-workings among the marketing-innovation spaces that that offer substantial research contributions to the marketing strategy literature for researchers and managers.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003956, ucf:48683
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Ruggiero, Robert, von Kalm, Laurence, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The Stubble-stubbloid locus encodes a transmembrane serine protease (Stubble) necessary for the proper formation of sensory bristles, and the morphogenesis of leg and wing epithelia. Genetic and cell biological analysis indicate a role for Stubble in actin cytoskeletal dynamics and cell shape changes in developing epithelia and bristles. Previously reported genetic interactions between Stubble and the Rho1 signaling pathway suggest Stubble influences actin cytoskeleton dynamics in developing...
Show moreThe Stubble-stubbloid locus encodes a transmembrane serine protease (Stubble) necessary for the proper formation of sensory bristles, and the morphogenesis of leg and wing epithelia. Genetic and cell biological analysis indicate a role for Stubble in actin cytoskeletal dynamics and cell shape changes in developing epithelia and bristles. Previously reported genetic interactions between Stubble and the Rho1 signaling pathway suggest Stubble influences actin cytoskeleton dynamics in developing imaginal discs through interactions with the Rho1 pathway. This work will discuss a genetic screen conducted to further investigate the role of Stubble in bristle and imaginal disc morphogenesis. From 50,000 EMS-mutagenized chromosomes 12 enhancers of the recessive sbd201 allele were identified, including 6 new sbd alleles. Consistent with the current understanding of genetic interactions regulating imaginal disc morphogenesis, mutations in two Rho1 pathway genes, zipper (2 alleles) and Rho1, were isolated. Additionally, three new mutant enhancers of sbd201 were isolated, one of which has been identified as an allele of the cadherin gene Dacshous, another as an allele of the muscle myosin heavy chain gene, and the last as an allele of Notopleural (Np). Dominant and recessive mutations in the Stubble locus interact with the Np allele identified in this screen, in regards to both limb and bristle development, respectively. Mutations in the Np locus were first identified in 1936, but this locus remains poorly characterized and has never been cloned The genetic and phenotypic characterization of Np will be discussed along with experiments that have mapped the position of the Np locus to a 50kb region at the border of the 44F12, 45A1 cytological regions.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001347, ucf:46986
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Gramling, Glen, Hall, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Today, science and creative fiction are closer than ever. The current unified theory of physics is bringing parallel worlds and infinite realities into the light of truth, proving that we have the creative power to build worlds with grandiose landscapes, uncanny characters, and miraculous events that exists throughout the vast plane of reality. My life experiences become a skewed alternate reality absorbing all of my thoughts, fears, and fascinations without control. As I glimpse into my own...
Show moreToday, science and creative fiction are closer than ever. The current unified theory of physics is bringing parallel worlds and infinite realities into the light of truth, proving that we have the creative power to build worlds with grandiose landscapes, uncanny characters, and miraculous events that exists throughout the vast plane of reality. My life experiences become a skewed alternate reality absorbing all of my thoughts, fears, and fascinations without control. As I glimpse into my own mind, I record the imagery of my imagined worlds and chronicle its events. I am not conceptualizing; I'm not asking what if. I am giving you a looking glass allowing you to see for yourself.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002554, ucf:47652
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Knoe, Victor, Francis, Madison, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Art can be an elusive concept. Neither an outsider nor a professional artist is immune to abstractions in the attempt to describe it. Every individual must necessarily come from their own, unique perspective. The obstacles that we experience in defining the essence of art can be better understood if we see them as a gauge for our historical period. Given the limits of our contemporary conditions, it seems impossible that we may ever overcome the vast chasms that imprison us. We are...
Show moreArt can be an elusive concept. Neither an outsider nor a professional artist is immune to abstractions in the attempt to describe it. Every individual must necessarily come from their own, unique perspective. The obstacles that we experience in defining the essence of art can be better understood if we see them as a gauge for our historical period. Given the limits of our contemporary conditions, it seems impossible that we may ever overcome the vast chasms that imprison us. We are discouraged to build bridges, at almost every turn, by the suggestive hopelessness of the abysmal distances between us. The series of work that I have developed for this thesis is a reflection on limitations. Whether we find them in the creative process or within the simple contemplations of our life experiences, thinking on our limits can lead us to a heightened cognition where we may find a lofty expression of human freedom. If art is to have a proper role in human culture, human individuals must begin to solve the problems of our limitations through the freedom that cognition affords us. We can begin by thinking imaginatively. Although difficult, it is quite possible to imagine reality. Beyond the mere production of beautiful objects, art is the very current that warms human beings to the reality that surrounds us. Artists can become involved by attempting to immerse their life in a new light of knowledge. With this sentiment, inspiration can begin offering us flight towards unreachable heights. The path that leads us, then, to an authentic concept of art will also take us into the world of another just as elusive: spirit.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0003799, ucf:44760
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
mackarey , amelia, Campbell , James, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The intent of this thesis is to examine and interpret the representation of the Holocaust in young adult literature. The tone, style, and emotion used to convey the Holocaust experience, both in fiction and nonfiction stories, in eyewitness and indirect accounts, affects its representation to a young adult audience. I will study the effects of sentimentality, realism, and fun and their impact on our understanding and remembrance of the Holocaust. I will analyze several texts, including Island...
Show moreThe intent of this thesis is to examine and interpret the representation of the Holocaust in young adult literature. The tone, style, and emotion used to convey the Holocaust experience, both in fiction and nonfiction stories, in eyewitness and indirect accounts, affects its representation to a young adult audience. I will study the effects of sentimentality, realism, and fun and their impact on our understanding and remembrance of the Holocaust. I will analyze several texts, including Island on Bird Street, The Book Thief, and Night. The paradox of finding an appropriate balance between presenting a realistic portrayal of the Holocaust and understanding that we could never fathom the horrors of the Holocaust is one that plagues both writers and readers of this genre of literature and I plan to critique the ways in which different works discuss the subject. Ultimately, I will consider the conflict of how we negotiate between complete repression versus obsessive memorialization. What is the role of memory? What is the proper way to move on from the horrors of the past while still honoring the innocent people who lived and died? Through my analysis, I hope to attempt to answer these questions and, perhaps, provide suggestions for appropriate representation and memorialization.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFH0004575, ucf:45214
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A chemical and genetic approach to study the polyamine transport system in Drosophila.
- Creator
Wang, Minpei, Vonkalm, Laurence, Phanstiel, Otto, Teter, Kenneth, Ballantyne, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Polyamines are small cationic molecules that play important roles in most vital cellular processes including cell growth and proliferation, regulation of chromatin structure, translation and programmed cell death. Cellular polyamine pools are maintained by a balance between biosynthesis and transport (export and import). Increased polyamine biosynthesis activity and an active transport system are characteristics of many cancer cell lines, and polyamine depletion has been shown to be a viable...
Show morePolyamines are small cationic molecules that play important roles in most vital cellular processes including cell growth and proliferation, regulation of chromatin structure, translation and programmed cell death. Cellular polyamine pools are maintained by a balance between biosynthesis and transport (export and import). Increased polyamine biosynthesis activity and an active transport system are characteristics of many cancer cell lines, and polyamine depletion has been shown to be a viable anticancer strategy. Polyamine levels can be depleted by ?-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an inhibitor of the key polyamine biosynthesis enzyme ornithine decarboxylase. However, malignant cells often circumvent DFMO therapy by up-regulating polyamine import; therefore, there is a need to develop compounds that inhibit polyamine transport. Collectively, DFMO and polyamine transport inhibitors provide the basis for a combination therapy leading to effective intracellular polyamine depletion. Using a Drosophila leg imaginal disc model for polyamine transport, I studied three candidate transport inhibitors (Ant444, Trimer44 and Triamide44) for their ability to inhibit transport in the Drosophila model. Ant444 and Trimer44 effectively inhibited the uptake of the toxic polyamine analog Ant44 that gains entry to cells via the polyamine transport system. Ant444 and Trimer44 were also able to inhibit the import of exogenous polyamines into DFMO-treated imaginal discs. Triamide44 was an ineffective inhibitor, however a structurally redesigned compound, Triamide444, showed a 50-fold increase in transport inhibition and was comparable to Ant444 and Trimer44. Ant444 and Trimer44 showed differences in their relative abilities to block import of specific polyamines, and I therefore asked if a cocktail of these inhibitors would be more effective than either alone. My data show that a cocktail of polyamine transport inhibitors is more effective than single inhibitors when used in combination with DFMO, and suggests the existence of multiple polyamine transport systems. To further the development of effective transport inhibitors it is important to identify components of the transport system. The mechanism of polyamine transport in multicellular organisms including mammals is still unknown. Our laboratory has developed a simple assay to detect components of the transport system using RNAi knockdown and over-expression of candidate genes. However, the assay requires that animals live until the pupal stage of development. Pleiotropic effects of individual gene products following over-expression or knockdown may result in early developmental lethality for reasons unrelated to polyamine transport. Our assay is based on the GAL4/UAS system and involves the use of enhancers driving GAL4 expression (GAL4 driver). GAL4 in turn determines the expression level of UAS-candidate gene constructs (UAS responder). I reasoned that in some cases it might be possible to bypass early lethality by judicious choice of drivers that reduce responder expression, thus permitting survival to the pupal phase. To this end, I used five imaginal disc drivers (30A, 71B, 32B, 69B, and T80) as well as a ubiquitously expressed control driver to over-express and knockdown EGFR and components of the Rho signaling pathway. The relative strength of each driver was ranked, and I was able to demonstrate in principle that animals could survive to later stages of development in a manner that correlated with the relative strength of the driver. The approach I developed is broadly applicable to other studies of Drosophila development.To identify new components of the polyamine transport system I studied the role of proteoglycans in this process. The proteoglycan glypican-1 has been previously implicated in mammalian polyamine transport. In particular, the heparin sulfate side chains of glypican-1 appear to play an important role. In order to extend our knowledge of the role of proteoglycans in polyamine transport, I examined the role of the core proteoglycans perlecan and syndecan as well as genes encoding enzymes in the heparin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic pathways. I was able to confirm a role for glypican-1 in polyamine transport in imaginal discs but not in whole animals. This may indicate that glypican-1 is not required for polyamine uptake through the gut. Studies of genes encoding perlecan, syndecan and enzymes in the heparin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic pathways did not reveal a role for these genes in polyamine transport. These studies were conducted in whole animals and my data may reflect tissue-specific differences between the imaginal disc and gut transport systems where transport in imaginal discs is proteoglycan dependent and transport in the gut is not.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0007297, ucf:52162
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Puig, Enrique, Robinson, Sandra L., University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Founded on the importance of the imagination according to Greene (1995) and set by the Executive Summary of the 911 Commission Report, the mixed methods grounded theory study looks at a correlation between a set of instruction practices recognized by Egan (2008) for nourishing and developing the imagination and low-progress adolescent students' comprehension. Descriptive data are provided on the school, students, teachers, and district where the study was conducted to illustrate the...
Show moreFounded on the importance of the imagination according to Greene (1995) and set by the Executive Summary of the 911 Commission Report, the mixed methods grounded theory study looks at a correlation between a set of instruction practices recognized by Egan (2008) for nourishing and developing the imagination and low-progress adolescent students' comprehension. Descriptive data are provided on the school, students, teachers, and district where the study was conducted to illustrate the limitation and delimitations of the study. The study is limited to low-progress adolescent students as identified by the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test and uses pre and post Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR) mandated and administered by Orange County to establish comprehension and determine statistical significance. Participant and non-participant observations are used to triangulate and co-triangulate data to determine the correlation between the frequency of select instructional practices and students' comprehending as evidence by their FAIR reading and Maze scores. Observation of student performance suggests that attention to the implementation of the instruction practices of using poetry, text sets, and sensory stimulation has potential in nurturing low progress adolescent students' imagination and strengthening their cognitive feed-forward mechanism. The data adds to the existing body of work on the interactive nature of reading (Rumelhart, 1994) by elaborating on low progress adolescent students' ability to predict and anticipate; concluding that convergent and divergent thinking, making inter-textual connections, and creating mental models are necessary sub-factors to nourish the imagination and need to be taken into account in instruction to assist low-progress adolescent students in comprehending and developing a defensible interpretation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003606, ucf:48850
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Leppert, Amanda Fitch, von Kalm, Laurence, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Epithelial morphogenesis is contingent upon cell shape changes. Cell shape changes are the driving force for the metamorphosis of the adult Drosophila leg from the leg imaginal disc precursor. Genetic analysis has identified several Drosophila genes involved in regulating cell shape changes during leg disc morphogenesis. These include members of the RhoA signaling pathway and the product of the Stubble-stubbloid (Sb-sbd) locus, a transmembrane serine protease. Mutations in the Sb-sbd gene...
Show moreEpithelial morphogenesis is contingent upon cell shape changes. Cell shape changes are the driving force for the metamorphosis of the adult Drosophila leg from the leg imaginal disc precursor. Genetic analysis has identified several Drosophila genes involved in regulating cell shape changes during leg disc morphogenesis. These include members of the RhoA signaling pathway and the product of the Stubble-stubbloid (Sb-sbd) locus, a transmembrane serine protease. Mutations in the Sb-sbd gene interact genetically with the members of the RhoA signaling pathway, however the nature of the relationship between Sb-sbd serine protease activity and RhoA signaling is not understood.To identify additional components of the RhoA signaling pathway that may help us to understand the role of the Sb-sbd protease in RhoA signaling the Drosophila genome was systematically scanned for genes that interact with Sb-sbd and RhoA mutations using deletions/deficiencies of specified regions of each chromosome. A total of 201 deficiencies uncovering approximately 84.9-91% of the euchromatic genome and spanning the X, second, and third chromosoms were tested. Of the 201 deficiencies tested, five putative interacting genetic regions and one gene within these deficiencies were identified. The candidate gene Eip78C encodes a nuclear steroid hormone receptor previously identified as having an important role in metamorphosis.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000046, ucf:46104
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Destination Image and Tourist's Imagination: The Forgotten Component.
- Creator
Khalilzadeh, Jalayer, Pizam, Abraham, Fyall, Alan, Tasci, Asli, Hancock, Peter, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The objectives of this dissertation was to 1) develop a comprehensive scale to measure visitors' imagination, 2) investigate the structural relationship between imagination and tourism destination image (TDI) components of cognitive, affective, and conative, 3) compare and contrast the various qualities of vividness, richness, saliency, control, and spatial between imagination and prospection, and 4) study the impact of different information sources on the evolving process of prospection to...
Show moreThe objectives of this dissertation was to 1) develop a comprehensive scale to measure visitors' imagination, 2) investigate the structural relationship between imagination and tourism destination image (TDI) components of cognitive, affective, and conative, 3) compare and contrast the various qualities of vividness, richness, saliency, control, and spatial between imagination and prospection, and 4) study the impact of different information sources on the evolving process of prospection to imagination. By conducting four different studies and seven data collection phases, the imagination scale was developed, validated, and utilized to test the proposed structural and differential hypotheses. In study 1, the phenomenology approach was employed and through a series of interviews, the internal experience of the imagination process was extracted. In study 2, which is composed of two focus groups, the potential manifest variables to measure imagination/prospection were developed and the structure of the questionnaire was designed. In study 3, through 3 data collection phases, two versions of long and short imagination scale questionnaire were validated and the structural relationships between imagination and destination image was investigated. In the final study, utilizing experimental design, hypotheses related to five qualities of imagination were compared to those of prospection. Finally, by adopting an exploratory approach, the impact of different information sources on imagination was investigated. The results of this dissertation indicated that the imagination scale is a reliable and valid scale to be used in various hospitality and tourism consumption contexts. It shows a high discriminant validity with TDI and structurally moderates the inter-relationships of the TDI components. In addition, findings of this dissertation support the theoretical discussions on the differences between imagination and prospection. Finally, the results revealed significant distinctions among image, video, and textual information sources regarding their impact on the quality of the mental image.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007207, ucf:52279
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Examination of the Connection Between Genuine Dialogue and Improv.
- Creator
O'Neal, Kathleen, Hastings, Sally, Katt, James, Musambira, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The value of improv training extends beyond the stage. Improv has been successfully utilized and applied in a variety of ways in the workplace, school, and community. This study examines the connection between genuine dialogue and improv to determine if improv exhibits dialogic qualities. Three focus groups were conducted with a total of nineteen improv students. Additionally, an interview was conducted with the director of a hospital's Innovation Lab where improv is used in an organizational...
Show moreThe value of improv training extends beyond the stage. Improv has been successfully utilized and applied in a variety of ways in the workplace, school, and community. This study examines the connection between genuine dialogue and improv to determine if improv exhibits dialogic qualities. Three focus groups were conducted with a total of nineteen improv students. Additionally, an interview was conducted with the director of a hospital's Innovation Lab where improv is used in an organizational setting. The conditions for dialogue set by Gordon (2006) served as a guideline for analyzing data. Thematic analysis generated categories used to analyze data. The most prominent of Gordon's conditions for dialogue within improv were Imagination (&) Innovation, Vulnerability and Immediacy of Presence. The importance of this study, implications and future studies for the connection between improv and dialogue are examined.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005389, ucf:52873
- Format
- Document (PDF)