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Rodriguez, Sylvette, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Endwall film cooling is a necessity in modern gas turbines for safe and reliable operation. Performance of endwall film cooling is strongly influenced by the hot gas flow field, among other factors. For example, aerodynamic design determines secondary flow vortices such as passage vortices and corner vortices in the endwall region. Moreover blockage presented by the leading edge of the airfoil subjects the incoming flow to a stagnating pressure gradient leading to roll-up of the approaching...
Show moreEndwall film cooling is a necessity in modern gas turbines for safe and reliable operation. Performance of endwall film cooling is strongly influenced by the hot gas flow field, among other factors. For example, aerodynamic design determines secondary flow vortices such as passage vortices and corner vortices in the endwall region. Moreover blockage presented by the leading edge of the airfoil subjects the incoming flow to a stagnating pressure gradient leading to roll-up of the approaching boundary layer and horseshoe vortices. In addition, for a number of heavy frame power generation gas turbines that use cannular combustors, the hot and turbulent gases exiting from the combustor are delivered to the first stage vane through transition ducts. Wakes induced by walls separating adjacent transition ducts located upstream of first row vanes also influence the entering main gas flow field. Furthermore, as hot gas enters vane passages, it accelerates around the vane airfoils. This flow acceleration causes significant streamline curvature and impacts lateral spreading endwall coolant films. Thus endwall flow field, especially those in utility gas turbines with cannular combustors, is quite complicated in the presence of vortices, wakes and strong favorable pressure gradient with resulting flow acceleration. These flow features can seriously impact film cooling performance and make difficult the prediction of film cooling in endwall. This study investigates endwall film cooling under the influence of pressure gradient effects due to stagnation region of an axisymmetric airfoil and in mainstream favorable pressure gradient. It also investigates the impact of wake on endwall film cooling near the stagnation region of an airfoil. The investigation consists of experimental testing and numerical simulation. Endwall film cooling effectiveness is investigated near the stagnation region on an airfoil by placing an axisymmetric airfoil downstream of a single row of inclined cylindrical holes. The holes are inclined at 35° with a length-to-diameter ratio of 7.5 and pitch-to-diameter ratio of 3. The ratio of leading edge radius to hole diameter and the ratio of maximum airfoil thickness to hole diameter are 6 and 20 respectively. The distance of the leading edge of the airfoil is varied along the streamwise direction to simulate the different film cooling rows preceding the leading edge of the airfoil. Wake effects are induced by placing a rectangular plate upstream of the injection point where the ratio of plate thickness to hole diameter is 6.4, and its distance is also varied to investigate the impact of strong and mild wake on endwall film cooling effectiveness. Blowing ratio ranged from 0.5 to 1.5. Film cooling effectiveness is also investigated under the presence of mainstream pressure gradient with converging main flow streamlines. The streamwise pressure distribution is attained by placing side inserts into the mainstream. The results are presented for five holes of staggered inclined cylindrical holes. The inclination angle is 30° and the tests were conducted at two Reynolds number, 5000 and 8000. Numerical analysis is employed to aid the understanding of the mainstream and coolant flow interaction. The solution of the computational domain is performed using FLUENT software package from Fluent, Inc. The use of second order schemes were used in this study to provide the highest accuracy available. This study employed the Realizable κ-ε model with enhance wall treatment for all its cases. Endwall temperature distribution is measured using Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) technique and film cooling effectiveness is calculated from the measurements and compared against numerical predictions. Results show that the characteristics of average film effectiveness near the stagnation region do not change drastically. However, as the blowing ratio is increased jet to jet interaction is enhanced due to higher jet spreading resulting in higher jet coverage. In the presence of wake, mixing of the jet with the mainstream is enhanced particularly for low M. The velocity deficit created by the wake forms a pair of vortices offset from the wake centerline. These vortices lift the jet off the wall promoting the interaction of the jet with the mainstream resulting in a lower effectiveness. The jet interaction with the mainstream causes the jet to lose its cooling capabilities more rapidly which leads to a more sudden decay in film effectiveness. When film is discharged into accelerating main flow with converging streamlines, row-to-row coolant flow rate is not uniform leading to varying blowing ratios and cooling performance. Jet to jet interaction is reduced and jet lift off is observed for rows with high blowing ratio resulting in lower effectiveness.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002425, ucf:47769
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Endwall Film Cooling.
- Creator
Mahadevan, Srikrishna, Kapat, Jayanta, Verma, Shashi, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, Ahmed, Kareem, Shivamoggi, Bhimsen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research work investigates the thermal performance of a film-cooled gas turbine endwall under two different mainstream flow conditions. In the first part of the research investigation, the effect of unsteady passing wakes on a film-cooled pitchwise-curved surface (representing an endwall without airfoils) was experimentally studied for heat transfer characteristics on a time-averaged basis. The temperature sensitive paint technique was used to obtain the local temperatures on the test...
Show moreThis research work investigates the thermal performance of a film-cooled gas turbine endwall under two different mainstream flow conditions. In the first part of the research investigation, the effect of unsteady passing wakes on a film-cooled pitchwise-curved surface (representing an endwall without airfoils) was experimentally studied for heat transfer characteristics on a time-averaged basis. The temperature sensitive paint technique was used to obtain the local temperatures on the test surface. The required heat flux input was provided using foil heaters. Discrete film injection was implemented on the test surface using cylindrical holes with a streamwise inclination angle of 35? and no compound angle relative to the mean approach velocity vector. The passing wakes increased the heat transfer coefficients at both the wake passing frequencies that were experimented. Due to the increasing film cooling jet turbulence and strong jet-mainstream interaction at higher blowing ratios, the heat transfer coefficients were amplified. A combination of film injection and unsteady passing wakes resulted in a maximum pitch-averaged and centerline heat transfer augmentation of ? 28% and 31.7% relative to the no wake and no film injection case. The second part of the research study involves an experimental and numerical analysis of secondary flow and coolant film interaction in a high subsonic annular cascade with a maximum isentropic throat Mach number of ? 0.68. Endwall (platform) thermal protection is provided using discrete cylindrical holes with a streamwise inclination angle of 30? and no compound angle relative to the mean approach velocity vector. The surface flow visualization on the inner endwall provided the location of the saddle point and the three-dimensional separation lines. Computational predictions showed that the leading-edge horseshoe vortex was confined to approximately 1.5% of the airfoil span for the no film injection case and intensified with low momentum film injection. At the highest blowing ratio, the film cooling jet weakened the horseshoe vortex at the leading-edge plane. The passage vortex was intensified with coolant injection at all blowing ratios. It was seen that increasing average blowing ratio improved the film effectiveness on the endwall. The discharge coefficients calculated for each film cooling hole indicated significant non-uniformity in the coolant discharge at lower blowing ratios and the strong dependence of discharge coefficients on the mainstream static pressure and the location of three-dimensional separation lines. Near the airfoil suction side, a region of coalesced film cooling jets providing close to uniform film coverage was observed, indicative of the mainstream acceleration and the influence of three-dimensional separation lines.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005973, ucf:50775
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Tran, Nghia, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Advancement in turbine technology has far reaching effects on today's society and environment. With more than 90% of electricity and 100% of commercial air transport being produced by the usage of gas turbine, any advancement in turbine technology can have an impact on fuel used, pollutants and carbon dioxide emitted to the environment. Within the turbine engine, fully understanding film cooling is critical to reliability of a turbine engine. Film cooling is an efficient way to protect...
Show moreAdvancement in turbine technology has far reaching effects on today's society and environment. With more than 90% of electricity and 100% of commercial air transport being produced by the usage of gas turbine, any advancement in turbine technology can have an impact on fuel used, pollutants and carbon dioxide emitted to the environment. Within the turbine engine, fully understanding film cooling is critical to reliability of a turbine engine. Film cooling is an efficient way to protect the engine surface from the extremely hot incoming gas, which is at a temperature much higher than allowable temperature of even the most advanced super alloy used in turbine. Film cooling performance is affected by many factors: geometrical factors and as well as flow conditions. In most of the film cooling literature, film effectiveness has been used as criterion to judge and/or compare between film cooling designs. Film uniformity is also a critical factor, since it determines how well the coolant spread out downstream to protect the hot-gas-path surface of a gas turbine engine. Even after consideration of all geometrical factors and flow conditions, the film effectiveness is still affected by the stator-rotor interaction, in particular by the moving wakes produced by upstream airfoils. A complete analysis of end wall film cooling inside turbine is required to fully understand the phenomena. This full analysis is almost impossible in the academic arena. Therefore, a simplified but critical experimental rig and computational fluid model were designed to capture the effect of wake on film cooling inside an annular test section. The moving wakes are created by rotating a wheel with 12 spokes or rods with a variable speed motor. Thus changing the motor speed will alter the wake passing frequency. This design is an advancement over most previous studies in rectangular duct, which cannot simulate wakes in an annular passage as in an engine. This rig also includes film injection that allows study of impact of moving wakes on film cooling. This wake is a simplified representation of the trailing edge created by an upstream airfoil. An annulus with 30ð pitch test section is considered in this study. This experimental rig is based on an existing flat plate film cooling (BFC) rig that has been validated in the past. Measurement of velocity profiles within the moving wake downstream from the wake generator is used to validate the CFD rotating wake model. The open literature on film cooling and past experiments performed in the laboratory validated the CFD film cooling model. With these validations completed, the full CFD model predicts the wake and film cooling interaction. Nine CFD cases were considered by varying the film cooling blowing ratio and the wake Strouhal number. The results indicated that wakes highly enhance film cooling effectiveness near film cooling holes and degrades the film blanket downstream of the film injection, at the moment of wake passing. However, the time-averaged film cooling effectiveness is more or less the same with or without wake.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003483, ucf:48956
- Format
- Document (PDF)