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- Title
- Creator
Valente, Diego, Mucciolo, Eduardo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this dissertation we discuss decoherence in charge qubits formed by multiple lateral quantum dots in the framework of the spin-boson model and the Born-Markov approximation. We consider the intrinsic decoherence caused by the coupling to bulk phonon modes and electromagnetic environmental fluctuations. In the case of decoherence caused by phonon coupling, two distinct quantum dot configurations are studied and proposed as setups that mitigate its nocive effects : (i) Three quantum dots in...
Show moreIn this dissertation we discuss decoherence in charge qubits formed by multiple lateral quantum dots in the framework of the spin-boson model and the Born-Markov approximation. We consider the intrinsic decoherence caused by the coupling to bulk phonon modes and electromagnetic environmental fluctuations. In the case of decoherence caused by phonon coupling, two distinct quantum dot configurations are studied and proposed as setups that mitigate its nocive effects : (i) Three quantum dots in a ring geometry with one excess electron in total and (ii) arrays of quantum dots where the computational basis states form multipole charge configurations. For the three-dot qubit, we demonstrate the possibility of performing one- and two-qubit operations by solely tuning gate voltages. Compared to a previous proposal involving a linear three-dot spin qubit, the three-dot charge qubit allows for less overhead on two-qubit operations. For small interdot tunnel amplitudes, the three-dot qubits have Q factors much higher than those obtained for double-dot systems. The high-multipole dot configurations also show a substantial decrease in decoherence at low operation frequencies when compared to the double-dot qubit. We also discuss decoherence due to electromagnetic fluctuations in charge qubits formed by two lateral quantum dots. We use effective circuit models to evaluate correlations of voltage fluctuations in the qubit setup. These correlations allows us to estimate energy (T1) and phase (T2) relaxation times of the the qubit system. We also discuss the dependence the quality factor Q shows with respect to parameters of the setup, such as temperature and capacitive coupling between the electrodes.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002961, ucf:47959
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Lu, Feng, Marinescu, Dan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Quantum computation has been a rich field of study for decades because it promises possible spectacular advances, some of which may run counter to our classically rooted intuitions. At the same time, quantum computation is still in its infancy in both theoretical and practical areas. Efficient quantum algorithms are very limited in number and scope; no real breakthrough has yet been achieved in physical implementations. Grover's search algorithm can be applied to a wide range of problems;...
Show moreQuantum computation has been a rich field of study for decades because it promises possible spectacular advances, some of which may run counter to our classically rooted intuitions. At the same time, quantum computation is still in its infancy in both theoretical and practical areas. Efficient quantum algorithms are very limited in number and scope; no real breakthrough has yet been achieved in physical implementations. Grover's search algorithm can be applied to a wide range of problems; even problems not generally regarded as searching problems can be reformulated to take advantage of quantum parallelism and entanglement leading to algorithms which show a square root speedup over their classical counterparts. This dissertation discusses a systematic way to formulate such problems and gives as an example a quantum scheduling algorithm for an R||C_max problem. This thesis shows that quantum solution to such problems is not only feasible but in some cases advantageous. The complexity of the error correction circuitry forces us to design quantum error correction codes capable of correcting only a single error per error correction cycle. Yet, time-correlated errors are common for physical implementations of quantum systems; an error corrected during a certain cycle may reoccur in a later cycle due to physical processes specific to each physical implementation of the qubits. This dissertation discusses quantum error correction for a restricted class of time-correlated errors in a spin-boson model. The algorithm proposed allows the correction of two errors per error correction cycle, provided that one of them is time-correlated. The algorithm can be applied to any stabilizer code, perfect or non-perfect, and simplified the circuit complexity significantly comparing to the classic quantum error correction codes.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001873, ucf:47391
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Quantum Algorithms for: Quantum Phase Estimation, Approximation of the Tutte Polynomial and Black-box Structures.
- Creator
Ahmadi Abhari, Seyed Hamed, Brennan, Joseph, Mucciolo, Eduardo, Li, Xin, Marinescu, Dan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this dissertation, we investigate three different problems in the field of Quantum computation. First, we discuss the quantum complexity of evaluating the Tutte polynomial of a planar graph. Furthermore, we devise a new quantum algorithm for approximating the phase of a unitary matrix. Finally, we provide quantum tools that can be utilized to extract the structure of black-box modules and algebras. While quantum phase estimation (QPE) is at the core of many quantum algorithms known to date...
Show moreIn this dissertation, we investigate three different problems in the field of Quantum computation. First, we discuss the quantum complexity of evaluating the Tutte polynomial of a planar graph. Furthermore, we devise a new quantum algorithm for approximating the phase of a unitary matrix. Finally, we provide quantum tools that can be utilized to extract the structure of black-box modules and algebras. While quantum phase estimation (QPE) is at the core of many quantum algorithms known to date, its physical implementation (algorithms based on quantum Fourier transform (QFT)) is highly constrained by the requirement of high-precision controlled phase shift operators, which remain difficult to realize. In the second part of this dissertation, we introduce an alternative approach to approximately implement QPE with arbitrary constant-precision controlled phase shift operators.The new quantum algorithm bridges the gap between QPE algorithms based on QFT and Kitaev's original approach. For approximating the eigenphase precise to the nth bit, Kitaev's original approach does not require any controlled phase shift operator. In contrast, QPE algorithms based on QFT or approximate QFT require controlled phase shift operators with precision of at least Pi/2n. The new approach fills the gap and requires only arbitrary constant-precision controlled phase shift operators. From a physical implementation viewpoint, the new algorithm outperforms Kitaev's approach.The other problem we investigate relates to approximating the Tutte polynomial. We show that the problem of approximately evaluating the Tutte polynomial of triangular graphs at the points (q,1/q) of the Tutte plane is BQP-complete for (most) roots of unity q. We also consider circular graphs and show that the problem of approximately evaluating the Tutte polynomial of these graphs at a point is DQC1-complete and at some points is in BQP.To show that these problems can be solved by a quantum computer, we rely on the relation of the Tutte polynomial of a planar G graph with the Jones and HOMFLY polynomial of the alternating link D(G) given by the medial graph of G. In the case of our graphs the corresponding links are equal to the plat and trace closures of braids. It is known how to evaluate the Jones and HOMFLY polynomial for closures of braids.To establish the hardness results, we use the property that the images of the generators of the braid group under the irreducible Jones-Wenzl representations of the Hecke algebra have finite order. We show that for each braid we can efficiently construct a braid such that the evaluation of the Jones and HOMFLY polynomials of their closures at a fixed root of unity leads to the same value and that the closures of the resulting braid are alternating links.The final part of the dissertation focuses on finding the structure of a black-box module or algebra. Suppose we are given black-box access to a finite module M or algebra over a finite ring R and a list of generators for M and R. We show how to find a linear basis and structure constants for M in quantum poly (log|M|) time. This generalizes a recent quantum algorithm of Arvind et al. which finds a basis representation for rings. We then show that our algorithm is a useful primitive allowing quantum computer to determine the structure of a finite associative algebra as a direct sum of simple algebras. Moreover, it solves a wide variety of problems regarding finite modules and rings. Although our quantum algorithm is based on Abelian Fourier transforms, it solves problems regarding the multiplicative structure of modules and algebras, which need not be commutative. Examples include finding the intersection and quotient of two modules, finding the additive and multiplicative identities in a module, computing the order of an module, solving linear equations over modules, deciding whether an ideal is maximal, finding annihilators, and testing the injectivity and surjectivity of ring homomorphisms. These problems appear to be exponentially hard classically.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004239, ucf:49526
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Matrix Product States.
- Creator
Pelton, Sabine, Mucciolo, Eduardo, Ishigami, Masa, Leuenberger, Michael, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In the past decade, Matrix Product State (MPS) algorithms have emerged as an efficient method of modeling some many-body quantum spin systems. Since spin system Hamiltonians can be considered constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), it follows that MPS should provide a versatile framework for studying a variety of general CSPs. In this thesis, we apply MPS to two types of CSP. First, use MPS to simulate adiabatic quantum computation (AQC), where the target Hamiltonians are instances of a...
Show moreIn the past decade, Matrix Product State (MPS) algorithms have emerged as an efficient method of modeling some many-body quantum spin systems. Since spin system Hamiltonians can be considered constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), it follows that MPS should provide a versatile framework for studying a variety of general CSPs. In this thesis, we apply MPS to two types of CSP. First, use MPS to simulate adiabatic quantum computation (AQC), where the target Hamiltonians are instances of a fully connected, random Ising spin glass. Results of the simulations help shed light on why AQC fails for some optimization problems. We then present the novel application of a modified MPS algorithm to classical Boolean satisfiability problems, specifically k-SAT and max k-SAT. By construction, the algorithm also counts solutions to a given Boolean formula (\#-SAT). For easy satisfiable instances, the method is more expensive than other existing algorithms; however, for hard and unsatisfiable instances, the method succeeds in finding satisfying assignments where other algorithms fail to converge.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006902, ucf:51713
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Jouzdani, Pejman, Mucciolo, Eduardo, Chang, Zenghu, Leuenberger, Michael, Abouraddy, Ayman, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation is the collection of a progressive research on the topic of topological quantum computation and information with the focus on the error threshold of the well-known models such as the unpaired Majorana, the toric code, and the planar code.We study the basics of quantum computation and quantum information, and in particular quantum error correction. Quantum error correction provides a tool for enhancing the quantum computation fidelity in the noisy environment of a real world....
Show moreThis dissertation is the collection of a progressive research on the topic of topological quantum computation and information with the focus on the error threshold of the well-known models such as the unpaired Majorana, the toric code, and the planar code.We study the basics of quantum computation and quantum information, and in particular quantum error correction. Quantum error correction provides a tool for enhancing the quantum computation fidelity in the noisy environment of a real world. We begin with a brief introduction to stabilizer codes. The stabilizer formalism of the theory of quantum error correction gives a well-defined description of quantum codes that is used throughout this dissertation. Then, we turn our attention to a quite new subject, namely, topological quantum codes. Topological quantum codes take advantage of the topological characteristics of a physical many-body system. The physical many-body systems studied in the context of topological quantum codes are of two essential natures: they either have intrinsic interaction that self-corrects errors, or are actively corrected to be maintainedin a desired quantum state. Examples of the former are the toric code and the unpaired Majorana, while an example for the latter is the surface code.A brief introduction and history of topological phenomena in condensed matter is provided. The unpaired Majorana and the Kitaev toy model are briefly explained. Later we introduce a spin model that maps onto the Kitaev toy model through a sequence of transformations. We show how this model is robust and tolerates local perturbations. The research on this topic, at the time of writing this dissertation, is still incomplete and only preliminary results are represented.As another example of passive error correcting codes with intrinsic Hamiltonian, the toric code is introduced. We also analyze the dynamics of the errors in the toric code known as anyons. We show numerically how the addition of disorder to the physical system underlying the toric code slows down the dynamics of the anyons. We go further and numerically analyze the presence of time-dependent noise and the consequent delocalization of localized errors.The main portion of this dissertation is dedicated to the surface code. We study the surface code coupled to a non-interacting bosonic bath. We show how the interaction between the code and the bosonic bath can effectively induce correlated errors. These correlated errors may be corrected up to some extend. The extension beyond which quantum error correction seems impossible is the error threshold of the code. This threshold is analyzed by mapping the effective correlated error model onto a statistical model. We then study the phase transition in the statistical model. The analysis is in two parts. First, we carry out derivation of the effective correlated model, its mapping onto a statistical model, and perform an exact numerical analysis. Second, we employ a Monte Carlo method to extend the numerical analysis to large system size.We also tackle the problem of surface code with correlated and single-qubit errors by an exact mapping onto a two-dimensional Ising model with boundary fields. We show how the phase transition point in one model, the Ising model, coincides with the intrinsic error threshold of the other model, the surface code.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005512, ucf:50314
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Tafur, Sergio, Leuenberger, Michael, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Models of the spontaneous emission and absorption of photons coupled to the electronic states of quantum dots, molecules, N-V (single nitrogen vacancy) centers in diamond, that can be modeled as artificial few level atoms, are important to the development of quantum computers and quantum networks. A quantum source modeled after an effective few level system is strongly dependent on the type and coupling strength the allowed transitions. These selection rules are subject to the Wigner-Eckert...
Show moreModels of the spontaneous emission and absorption of photons coupled to the electronic states of quantum dots, molecules, N-V (single nitrogen vacancy) centers in diamond, that can be modeled as artificial few level atoms, are important to the development of quantum computers and quantum networks. A quantum source modeled after an effective few level system is strongly dependent on the type and coupling strength the allowed transitions. These selection rules are subject to the Wigner-Eckert theorem which specifies the possible transitions during the spontaneous creation of a photonic state and its subsequent emission. The model presented in this dissertation describes the spatio-temporal evolution of photonic states by means of a Dirac-like equation for the photonic wave function within the region of interaction of a quantum source. As part of this aim, we describe the possibility to shift from traditional electrodynamics and quantum electrodynamics, in terms of electric and magnetic fields, to one in terms of a photonic wave function and its operators. The mapping between these will also be presented herein. It is further shown that the results of this model can be experimentally verified. The suggested method of verification relies on the direct comparison of the calculated density matrix or Wigner function, associated with the quantum state of a photon, to ones that are experimentally reconstructed through optical homodyne tomography techniques. In this non-perturbative model we describe the spontaneous creation of photonic state in a non-Markovian limit which does not implement the Weisskopf-Wigner approximation. We further show that this limit is important for the description of how a single photonic mode is created from the possibly infinite set of photonic frequencies $\nu_k$ that can be excited in a dielectric-cavity from the vacuum state. We use discretized central-difference approximations to the space and time partial derivatives, similar to finite-difference time domain models, to compute these results. The results presented herein show that near field effects need considered when describing adjacent quantum sources that are separated by distances that are small with respect to the wavelength of their spontaneously created photonic states. Additionally, within the future scope of this model,we seek results in the Purcell and Rabi regimes to describe enhanced spontaneous emission events from these few-level systems, as embedded in dielectric cavities. A final goal of this dissertation is to create novel computational and theoretical models that describe single and multiple photon states via single photon creation and annihilation operators.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003881, ucf:48739
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Light Matter Interaction in Single Molecule Magnets.
- Creator
Cebulka, Rebecca, Del Barco, Enrique, Klemm, Richard, Mucciolo, Eduardo, Luis, Fernando, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation includes a series of experimental realizations which focus on studying the coupling between photons and single-molecule magnets (SMMs) in both the weak and strong coupling regimes. In the weak coupling regime, the aim is to achieve coherent control over the time evolution of the spin of SMMs while applying rapid microwave pulses at sub-Kelvin temperatures, where polarization of the spin bath may be achieved without large magnetic fields, allowing the suppression of dipolar...
Show moreThis dissertation includes a series of experimental realizations which focus on studying the coupling between photons and single-molecule magnets (SMMs) in both the weak and strong coupling regimes. In the weak coupling regime, the aim is to achieve coherent control over the time evolution of the spin of SMMs while applying rapid microwave pulses at sub-Kelvin temperatures, where polarization of the spin bath may be achieved without large magnetic fields, allowing the suppression of dipolar dephasing. The continuing results of this experiment will be to provide a window into fundamental sources of decoherence in single-crystal SMMs in an energy range not thoroughly investigated. We expect that these conditions would allow us to study the quantum dynamics of the spins as governed by the intrinsic molecular magnetic anisotropy, which should give rise to non-well-defined Rabi oscillations of the spin state, including metastable precessional spin states. In the strong coupling regime, high quality factor superconducting CPW resonators have been designed and fabricated to investigate the vacuum Rabi splitting between a photon and the SMM spin. The proposed setup will permit measurements of coherent collective coupling between molecular spins and a low number of photons, ideally down to a single photon. This experiment may ultimately provide the opportunity for reaching the strong coupling regime with a single spin. Finally, this thesis also documents a research study into the impact of service-learning methodology on students' depth of learning and critical thinking skills during a novel nanoscale science and technology course offered in the UCF Physics Dept. The overall learning of students was assessed and results clearly showed improvement in both multiple choice pre/post-tests and critical reflection papers. We associate this improvement at least partially to the service-learning experience.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007442, ucf:52728
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Quantum Chemical Studies for the Engineering of Metal Organic Materials.
- Creator
Rivera Jacquez, Hector, Masunov, Artem, Balaeff, Alexander, Harper, James, Heider, Emily, Zou, Shengli, Kaden, William, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Metal Organic Materials (MOM) are composed of transition metal ions as connectors and organic ligands as linkers. MOMs have been found to have high porosity, catalytic, and optical properties. Here we study the gas adsorption, color change, and non-linear optical properties of MOMs. These properties can be predicted using theoretical methods, and the results may provide experimentalists with guidance for rational design and engineering of novel MOMs. The theory levels used include semi...
Show moreMetal Organic Materials (MOM) are composed of transition metal ions as connectors and organic ligands as linkers. MOMs have been found to have high porosity, catalytic, and optical properties. Here we study the gas adsorption, color change, and non-linear optical properties of MOMs. These properties can be predicted using theoretical methods, and the results may provide experimentalists with guidance for rational design and engineering of novel MOMs. The theory levels used include semi-empirical quantum mechanical calculations with the PM7 Hamiltonian and, Density Functional Theory (DFT) to predict the geometry and electronic structure of the ground state, and Time Dependent DFT (TD-DFT) to predict the excited states and the optical properties.The molecular absorption capacity of aldoxime coordinated Zn(II) based MOMs (previously measured experimentally) is predicted by using PM7 Theory level. The 3D structures were optimized with and without host molecules inside the pores. The absorption capacity of these crystals was predicted to be 8H2 or 3N2 per unit cell. When going beyond this limit, the structural integrity of the bulk material becomes fractured and microcrystals are observed both experimentally and theoretically.The linear absorption properties of Co(II) based complexes are known to change color when the coordination number is altered. In order to understand the mechanism of this color change TD-DFT methods are employed. The chromic behavior of the Co(II) based complexes studied was confirmed to be due to a chain in coordination number that resulted in lower metal to ligand distances. These distances destabilize the occupied metal d orbitals, and as a consequence of this, the metal to ligand transition energy is lowered enough to allow the crystals to absorb light at longer wavelengths.Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) present an extension of MOM principles to the main group elements. The synthesis of ordered COFs is possible by using predesigned structures andcarefully selecting the building blocks and their conditions for assembly. The crystals formed by these systems often possess non-linear optical (NLO) properties. Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) is one of the most used optical processes. Currently, there is a great demand for materials with NLO optical properties to be used for optoelectronic, imaging, sensing, among other applications. DFT calculations can predict the second order hyperpolarizability ?2 and tensor components necessary to estimate NLO. These calculations for the ?2 were done with the use of the Berry's finite field approach. An efficient material with high ?2 was designed and the resulting material was predicted to be nearly fivefold higher than the urea standard.Two-photon absorption (2PA) is another NLO effect. Unlike SHG, it is not limited to acentric material and can be used development of in vivo bio-imaging agents for the brain. Pt(II) complexes with porphyrin derivatives are theoretically studied for that purpose. The mechanism of 2PA enhancement was identified. For the most efficient porphyrin, the large 2PA cross-section was found to be caused by a HOMO-LUMO+2 transition. This transition is strongly coupled to 1PA allowed Q-band HOMO-LUMO states by large transition dipoles. Alkyl carboxyl substituents delocalize the LUMO+2 orbital due to their strong ?-acceptor effect, enhancing transition dipoles and lowering the 2PA transition to the desirable wavelengths range.The mechanism 2PA cross-section enhancement of aminoxime and aldoxime ligands upon metal addition of is studied with TD-DFT methods. This mechanism of enhancement is found to be caused by the polarization of the ligand orbitals by the metal cation. After polarization an increase in ligand to ligand transition dipole moment. This enhancement of dipole moment is related to the increase in 2PA cross-sections.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005990, ucf:50777
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Biophysical Sources of 1/f Noises in Neurological Systems.
- Creator
Paris, Alan, Vosoughi, Azadeh, Atia, George, Wiegand, Rudolf, Douglas, Pamela, Berman, Steven, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
High levels of random noise are a defining characteristic of neurological signals at all levels, from individual neurons up to electroencephalograms (EEG). These random signals degrade the performance of many methods of neuroengineering and medical neuroscience. Understanding this noise also is essential for applications such as real-time brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), which must make accurate control decisions from very short data epochs. The major type of neurological noise is of the so...
Show moreHigh levels of random noise are a defining characteristic of neurological signals at all levels, from individual neurons up to electroencephalograms (EEG). These random signals degrade the performance of many methods of neuroengineering and medical neuroscience. Understanding this noise also is essential for applications such as real-time brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), which must make accurate control decisions from very short data epochs. The major type of neurological noise is of the so-called 1/f-type, whose origins and statistical nature has remained unexplained for decades. This research provides the first simple explanation of 1/f-type neurological noise based on biophysical fundamentals. In addition, noise models derived from this theory provide validated algorithm performance improvements over alternatives.Specifically, this research defines a new class of formal latent-variable stochastic processes called hidden quantum models (HQMs) which clarify the theoretical foundations of ion channel signal processing. HQMs are based on quantum state processes which formalize time-dependent observation. They allow the quantum-based calculation of channel conductance autocovariance functions, essential for frequency-domain signal processing. HQMs based on a particular type of observation protocol called independent activated measurements are shown to be distributionally equivalent to hidden Markov models yet without an underlying physical Markov process. Since the formal Markov processes are non-physical, the theory of activated measurement allows merging energy-based Eyring rate theories of ion channel behavior with the more common phenomenological Markov kinetic schemes to form energy-modulated quantum channels. These unique biophysical concepts developed to understand the mechanisms of ion channel kinetics have the potential of revolutionizing our understanding of neurological computation.To apply this theory, the simplest quantum channel model consistent with neuronal membrane voltage-clamp experiments is used to derive the activation eigenenergies for the Hodgkin-Huxley K+ and Na+ ion channels. It is shown that maximizing entropy under constrained activation energy yields noise spectral densities approximating S(f) = 1/f, thus offering a biophysical explanation for this ubiquitous noise component. These new channel-based noise processes are called generalized van der Ziel-McWhorter (GVZM) power spectral densities (PSDs). This is the only known EEG noise model that has a small, fixed number of parameters, matches recorded EEG PSD's with high accuracy from 0 Hz to over 30 Hz without infinities, and has approximately 1/f behavior in the mid-frequencies. In addition to the theoretical derivation of the noise statistics from ion channel stochastic processes, the GVZM model is validated in two ways. First, a class of mixed autoregressive models is presented which simulate brain background noise and whose periodograms are proven to be asymptotic to the GVZM PSD. Second, it is shown that pairwise comparisons of GVZM-based algorithms, using real EEG data from a publicly-available data set, exhibit statistically significant accuracy improvement over two well-known and widely-used steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) estimators.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006485, ucf:51418
- Format
- Document (PDF)