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Story of the Huguenots : a sixteenth century narrative wherein the French, Spaniards, and Indians were the actors
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Front matter
- Florida
- Preliminary historical notes
- Part I. The history of it
- --Chapter I. Founding of La Caroline
- --Chapter II. Famine comes - battle with the indians
- --Chapter III. Arrival of Sir John Hawkins and return of Ribault
- --Chapter IV. Pedro Melendez de Avila appears
- --Chapter V. Ribault's attack on St. Augustine - the storm
- --Chapter VI. The destruction of La Caroline decreed by Melendez
- --Chapter VII. The fall of La Caroline
- --Chapter VIII. The prisoners executed
- --Chapter IX. How it fared with Ribault and his fleet
- --Chapter X. The fate of the Sieur de la Grange and the first detachment at Matanzas Inlet
- --Chapter XI. Ribault at Matanzas
- --Chapter XII. D'Erlach's warning to Ribault - negotiations for surrender
- --Chapter XIII. The second slaughter at Matanzas - death of Ribault
- Part II. The romance of it
- --Chapter XIV. The daring exploit of Chevalier D'Ottigny, Le Bearnois and their companions
- --Chapter XV. The retreat - Camp below Matanzas and the requiem at sea
- --Chapter XVI. Chevalier D'Ottigny and his companions gain the camp
- --Chapter XVII. 'Le Camp Renconte Felice' - the voyage down the Halifax River
- --Chapter XVIII. The Spaniards return to St. Augustine
- --Chapter XIX. D'Erlach's voyage down the Halifax River to Ostinola's town
- --Chapter XX. Ostinola's welcome - they smoke the pipe of peace
- --Chapter XXI. Ostinola and his people - what manner of folks they were
- --Chapter XXII. Toronita, the land of sunshine and good will
- --Chapter XXIII. The arrival of the main body of the Huguenots and what followed
- --Chapter XXIV. How Cacique Ostinola entertained the Huguenots - the Battle of Matanzas
- --Chapter XXV. The allies gain a victory - the burial of the warriors
- --Chapter XXVI. The return - Ernest and Essena - the story that is old, but ever new
- --Chapter XXVII. The Huguenot explorations - a voyage down the coast to Canaveral
- --Chapter XXVIII. The Canaveral shore - they float the dolphin
- --Chapter XXIX. The Spaniards seek to destroy the Huguenots - the Battle of Azala
- --Chapter XXX. The lad's desperate plight - Issena's heroism - D'Erlach to the rescue
- --Chapter XXXI. The Huguenots gain another victory
- Appendix
- Press notices
- Endpages
- Back cover