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- Title
- Chemophysical Characteristics and Application of Biosorption Activated Media (BAM) for Copper and Nutrient Removal in Stormwater Management.
- Creator
Jones, Jamie, Chang, Ni-bin, Bohlen, Patrick, Wanielista, Martin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
For high groundwater table areas, stormwater wet detention ponds are utilized as the preferred stormwater management throughout the state of Florida. Previous research has found that accumulations of nutrients, algae, heavy metals, pesticides, chlorophyll a, fecal coliform bacteria and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) are common characteristics of stormwater wet detention ponds. Although these pollutant levels are not regulated within the ponds, states are required to compute the...
Show moreFor high groundwater table areas, stormwater wet detention ponds are utilized as the preferred stormwater management throughout the state of Florida. Previous research has found that accumulations of nutrients, algae, heavy metals, pesticides, chlorophyll a, fecal coliform bacteria and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) are common characteristics of stormwater wet detention ponds. Although these pollutant levels are not regulated within the ponds, states are required to compute the pollutant load reductions through total maximum daily load (TMDL) programs to meet the water quality requirements addressed by the Clean Water Act (CWA). In this study, field sampling data of stormwater ponds throughout Florida are presented to identify concentration levels of the main contaminants of concern in the discharge of wet detention ponds. Sampling was done to identify possible sources, in addition to possible removal mechanisms via the use of specific sorption media. Nutrients were found as a main problematic pollutant, of which orthophosphate, total phosphorus, ammonia, nitrate, and total nitrogen were targeted whereas heavy metals exhibited minor concerns. Accumulation of high nutrient concentrations may be mitigated by the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) utilizing biosorption activated media (BAM) to remove phosphorus and nitrogen species through physical, chemical, and biological processes. This study aims to increase overall scientific understanding of phosphorus removal dynamics in sorption media systems via Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms and column studies. The removal of phosphorus (P) was proven effective primarily through chemophysical processes. The maximum orthophosphate adsorption capacities were determined under varying conditions of the media within the columns, which were found up to 0.000534 mg-P adsorbed per gram BAM with influent concentrations of 1 mg?L-1 orthophosphate in distilled water and 1 hour hydraulic residence time (HRT). When using spiked pond water under the same conditions, the adsorption capacity was increased about 30 times to 0.01507 mg-P?g-1 BAM presumably due to the properties and concentrations of ions affecting the diffusion rate regulating the surface orthophosphate reactions. These equilibrium media uptake values (q) were used to calculate the life expectancies of the media under varying HRT and influent concentrations of treatment. Chemophysical and biological removal capabilities of the media for total nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrate were effective in columns using 1100 g of BAM. In flow-through column conditions, ammonia had a consistent ~95% removal while effluent nitrate concentrations were highly variable due to the simultaneous nitrification-denitrification processes once an aerobic-anaerobic environment was established. Batch column experiments simulating no-flow conditions within a media bed reactor resulted in orthophosphate removals comparable with the continuous flow conditions, increased total phosphorus effluents indicative of chemical precipitation of orthophosphate, decreased ammonia removal, and increased nitrate removal. Due to a biofilm's sensitivity to even low copper concentrations and accumulation in ponds, a copper sorption media mix of (")green(") materials was generated. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm tests concluded a successful mix resulting in copper removal efficiencies up to 96%.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0005009, ucf:49995
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Integrated Data Fusion and Mining (IDFM) Technique for Monitoring Water Quality in Large and Small Lakes.
- Creator
Vannah, Benjamin, Chang, Ni-bin, Wanielista, Martin, Wang, Dingbao, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Monitoring water quality on a near-real-time basis to address water resources management and public health concerns in coupled natural systems and the built environment is by no means an easy task. Furthermore, this emerging societal challenge will continue to grow, due to the ever-increasing anthropogenic impacts upon surface waters. For example, urban growth and agricultural operations have led to an influx of nutrients into surface waters stimulating harmful algal bloom formation, and...
Show moreMonitoring water quality on a near-real-time basis to address water resources management and public health concerns in coupled natural systems and the built environment is by no means an easy task. Furthermore, this emerging societal challenge will continue to grow, due to the ever-increasing anthropogenic impacts upon surface waters. For example, urban growth and agricultural operations have led to an influx of nutrients into surface waters stimulating harmful algal bloom formation, and stormwater runoff from urban areas contributes to the accumulation of total organic carbon (TOC) in surface waters. TOC in surface waters is a known precursor of disinfection byproducts in drinking water treatment, and microcystin is a potent hepatotoxin produced by the bacteria Microcystis, which can form expansive algal blooms in eutrophied lakes. Due to the ecological impacts and human health hazards posed by TOC and microcystin, it is imperative that municipal decision makers and water treatment plant operators are equipped with a rapid and economical means to track and measure these substances.Remote sensing is an emergent solution for monitoring and measuring changes to the earth's environment. This technology allows for large regions anywhere on the globe to be observed on a frequent basis. This study demonstrates the prototype of a near-real-time early warning system using Integrated Data Fusion and Mining (IDFM) techniques with the aid of both multispectral (Landsat and MODIS) and hyperspectral (MERIS) satellite sensors to determine spatiotemporal distributions of TOC and microcystin. Landsat satellite imageries have high spatial resolution, but such application suffers from a long overpass interval of 16 days. On the other hand, free coarse resolution sensors with daily revisit times, such as MODIS, are incapable of providing detailed water quality information because of low spatial resolution. This issue can be resolved by using data or sensor fusion techniques, an instrumental part of IDFM, in which the high spatial resolution of Landsat and the high temporal resolution of MODIS imageries are fused and analyzed by a suite of regression models to optimally produce synthetic images with both high spatial and temporal resolutions. The same techniques are applied to the hyperspectral sensor MERIS with the aid of the MODIS ocean color bands to generate fused images with enhanced spatial, temporal, and spectral properties. The performance of the data mining models derived using fused hyperspectral and fused multispectral data are quantified using four statistical indices. The second task compared traditional two-band models against more powerful data mining models for TOC and microcystin prediction. The use of IDFM is illustrated for monitoring microcystin concentrations in Lake Erie (large lake), and it is applied for TOC monitoring in Harsha Lake (small lake). Analysis confirmed that data mining methods excelled beyond two-band models at accurately estimating TOC and microcystin concentrations in lakes, and the more detailed spectral reflectance data offered by hyperspectral sensors produced a noticeable increase in accuracy for the retrieval of water quality parameters.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0005066, ucf:49979
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting of Regional Terrestrial Precipitation with Global Nonlinear and Nonstationary Teleconnection Signals Using Wavelet Analysis.
- Creator
Mullon, Lee, Chang, Ni-bin, Wang, Dingbao, Wanielista, Martin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Global sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies have a demonstrable effect on terrestrial climate dynamics throughout the continental U.S. SST variations have been correlated with greenness (vegetation densities) and precipitation via ocean-atmospheric interactions known as climate teleconnections. Prior research has demonstrated that teleconnections can be used for climate prediction across a wide region at sub-continental scales. Yet these studies tend to have large uncertainties in...
Show moreGlobal sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies have a demonstrable effect on terrestrial climate dynamics throughout the continental U.S. SST variations have been correlated with greenness (vegetation densities) and precipitation via ocean-atmospheric interactions known as climate teleconnections. Prior research has demonstrated that teleconnections can be used for climate prediction across a wide region at sub-continental scales. Yet these studies tend to have large uncertainties in estimates by utilizing simple linear analyses to examine chaotic teleconnection relationships. Still, non-stationary signals exist, making teleconnection identification difficult at the local scale. Part 1 of this research establishes short-term (10-year), linear and non-stationary teleconnection signals between SST at the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans and terrestrial responses of greenness and precipitation along multiple pristine sites in the northeastern U.S., including (1) White Mountain National Forest (-) Pemigewasset Wilderness, (2) Green Mountain National Forest (-) Lye Brook Wilderness and (3) Adirondack State Park (-) Siamese Ponds Wilderness. Each site was selected to avoid anthropogenic influences that may otherwise mask climate teleconnection signals. Lagged pixel-wise linear teleconnection patterns across anomalous datasets found significant correlation regions between SST and the terrestrial sites. Non-stationary signals also exhibit salient co-variations at biennial and triennial frequencies between terrestrial responses and SST anomalies across oceanic regions in agreement with the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) signals. Multiple regression analysis of the combined ocean indices explained up to 50% of the greenness and 42% of the precipitation in the study sites. The identified short-term teleconnection signals improve the understanding and projection of climate change impacts at local scales, as well as harness the interannual periodicity information for future climate projections. Part 2 of this research paper builds upon the earlier short-term study by exploring a long-term (30-year) teleconnection signal investigation between SST at the North Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the precipitation within Adirondack State Park in upstate New York. Non-traditional teleconnection signals are identified using wavelet decomposition and teleconnection mapping specific to the Adirondack region. Unique SST indices are extracted and used as input variables in an artificial neural network (ANN) prediction model. The results show the importance of considering non-leading teleconnection patterns as well as the known teleconnection patterns. Additionally, the effects of the Pacific Ocean SST or the Atlantic Ocean SST on terrestrial precipitation in the study region were compared with each other to deepen the insight of sea-land interactions. Results demonstrate reasonable prediction skill at forecasting precipitation trends with a lead time of one month, with r values of 0.6. The results are compared against a statistical downscaling approach using the HadCM3 global circulation model output data and the SDSM statistical downscaling software, which demonstrate less predictive skill at forecasting precipitation within the Adirondacks.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005535, ucf:50319
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Functional Characterization of Green Sorption Media and Scaling of Pilot Studies for Copper Removal in Stormwater Runoff.
- Creator
Houmann, Cameron, Chang, Ni-bin, Wanielista, Martin, Lee, Woo Hyoung, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Green adsorption media with the inclusion of renewable and recycled materials can be applied as a stormwater best management practice for copper removal. A green adsorption media mixture composed of recycled tire chunk, expanded clay aggregate, and coconut coir was physicochemically evaluated for its potential use in an upflow media filter. The results found that the use of the green adsorption media mixture in isolation or the coconut coir with an expanded clay filtration chamber could be an...
Show moreGreen adsorption media with the inclusion of renewable and recycled materials can be applied as a stormwater best management practice for copper removal. A green adsorption media mixture composed of recycled tire chunk, expanded clay aggregate, and coconut coir was physicochemically evaluated for its potential use in an upflow media filter. The results found that the use of the green adsorption media mixture in isolation or the coconut coir with an expanded clay filtration chamber could be an effective and reliable stormwater best management practice for copper removal. A suite of tests were conducted on the media mixture and the individual media components including studies of isotherm, reaction kinetics, column adsorption and reaction kinetics. Batch adsorption tests revealed that the media and media mixture follow both the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models and that the coconut coir had the highest affinity for copper. A screening of desorbing agents revealed that hydrochloric acid has good potential for copper desorption, while batch tests for desorption with hydrochloric acid as the desorbing agent showed the data fit the Freundlich isotherm model. Reaction kinetics revealed that the adsorption reaction took less than 1 hour to reach equilibrium and that it followed pseudo-second order kinetics for the mixture and coconut. Desorption kinetic data had high correlation with the pseudo-second order model and revealed a rapid desorption reaction. Batch equilibrium data over 3 adsorption/desorption cycles found that the coconut coir and media mixture were the most resilient and demonstrated that they could be used through 3 or more adsorption/desorption cycles. The coconut coir also performed the best under dynamic conditions, having an equilibrium uptake of 1.63 mg?g-1, compared to 0.021 mg?g-1 at an influent concentration of 1.0 mg?L-1 and a hydraulic retention time of 30 minutes. A physical evaluation of the media found the macro-scale properties, such as particle size distribution and mass-volume relationships, and observed the micro-scale properties such as surface and pore microstructures, crystalline structures, and elemental composition. FE-SEM imaging found a strong correlation between the porosity of the micro pore structure and the adsorptive capacity. The equilibrium and dynamic adsorption testing results were confirmed by elemental analysis, which showed measureable quantities of copper in the coconut coir and media mixture after adsorption followed by partial desorption. A new scaling-up theory was developed through a joint consideration of the Damk(&)#246;hler and P(&)#233;clet numbers for a constant media particle size such that a balance between transport-controlled and reaction-controlled kinetics can be harmonized. A series of column breakthrough tests at varying hydraulic residence times revealed a clear peak adsorptive capacity for the media mixture at a Damk(&)#246;hler number of 2.7. The P(&)#233;clet numbers for the column breakthrough tests indicated that mechanical dispersion is an important effect that requires further consideration in the scaling-up process. However, perfect similitude of the Damk(&)#246;hler number cannot be maintained for a constant media particle size, and relaxation of hydrodynamic similitude through variation of the P(&)#233;clet number must occur.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005630, ucf:50205
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Long-term Carbon and Copper Impact on Nutrient Removal via Green Sorption Media in Dynamic Linear Ditch Environments.
- Creator
Ordonez, Diana, Chang, Ni-bin, Randall, Andrew, Sadmani, A H M Anwar, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Nutrient-laden stormwater runoff causes environmental and ecological impacts on receiving water bodies. Biosorption Activated Media (BAM) composed of the sand, tire crumb, and clay have been implemented in stormwater best management practices due to its ability to efficiently remove nutrients from stormwater runoff, such as in roadside linear ditches, via unique chemophysical and microbiological processes. In this study, a set of fixed-bed columns were set up to simulate some external forces...
Show moreNutrient-laden stormwater runoff causes environmental and ecological impacts on receiving water bodies. Biosorption Activated Media (BAM) composed of the sand, tire crumb, and clay have been implemented in stormwater best management practices due to its ability to efficiently remove nutrients from stormwater runoff, such as in roadside linear ditches, via unique chemophysical and microbiological processes. In this study, a set of fixed-bed columns were set up to simulate some external forces in roadside linear ditches and examine how these external forces affect the performance of BAM. In our experiment, scenario 1 simulates the impact that animals such as tortoises, moles and ants produce conduits on the top layer of BAM. Scenario 2 simulates the presence of animals on BAM, together with external compaction. Finally, scenario 3 simulates external compaction such as traffic compaction alone. Furthermore, two baseline conditions were included to sustain the impact assessment of these three scenarios, respectively. They are the long-term presence of carbon in stormwater as carbon can be transported by stormwater runoff from neighboring crop fields, and the long-term presence of copper ions in stormwater as copper depositions can also be found because of electrical wiring, roofing, stormwater ponds disinfection and automobile brake pads in transportation networks. This systematic assessment encompasses some intertwined field complexity in real world systems driven by different hydraulic conditions, microbial ecology, Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) reshape/removal, and long-term addition of carbon and copper (alone) on the effectiveness of total nitrogen removal. The removal efficiencies are substantially linked to varying microbial processes including mineralization, ammonification, nitrification, denitrification, and even dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, each of which is controlled by different dominant microbial species. The identification of DON compounds at the molecular level was done via a Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-IR-MS) whereas the quantitation of microbial species was done by using quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR). The results from the interactions between microbial ecology and DON decomposition were compared to the external forces and baseline conditions to obtain a holistic understanding of the removals efficiencies of total nitrogen. With the aid of qPCR and FT-IR-MS, this study concluded that the long-term presence of carbon is beneficial for nutrient removal whereas the long-term copper addition inhibits nutrient removal.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007847, ucf:52816
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Adsorption Capacity Assessment of Advance Green Environmental Media to Remove Nutrients from Stormwater-Runoff.
- Creator
Elhakiem, Hanan, Chang, Ni-bin, Sadmani, A H M Anwar, Yu, Haofei, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Best Management Practices (BMPs) in stormwater treatment are a suite of treatment alternatives to deal with pollutant removal problems from stormwater runoff. Biosorption-activated media (BAM) are green sorption media consists of recycled materials have shown excellent nutrient removal as an effective BMP by enhancing physicochemical and microbiological processes. In this study, Iron-Filling Green Environmental Media (denoted as IFGEM-3) and Advanced Green Environmental Media 1 and 2 (denoted...
Show moreBest Management Practices (BMPs) in stormwater treatment are a suite of treatment alternatives to deal with pollutant removal problems from stormwater runoff. Biosorption-activated media (BAM) are green sorption media consists of recycled materials have shown excellent nutrient removal as an effective BMP by enhancing physicochemical and microbiological processes. In this study, Iron-Filling Green Environmental Media (denoted as IFGEM-3) and Advanced Green Environmental Media 1 and 2 (denoted as AGEM-1 and AGEM-2) were produced and tested for their adsorption capacities as well as removal and recovery potential for phosphate, nitrate, and ammonia against natural soil (baseline) collected from a stormwater retention basin in Ocala, FL. A set of isotherm and column tests were conducted at room temperature with varying contact times. Two media with the best adsorption performances were further tested to determine their life expectancy. The green sorption media characteristics and adsorption behaviors were further analyzed and realized by using a few existing isotherm models. The collected data on physical properties such as hydraulic conductivity, porosity, surface area, and density help justifying the comparative results. The results showed that AGEM-2 has the highest average nitrate removal efficiency (76.55%) when compared to IFGEM-3 (39.0%) and AGEM-1 (33.67%). Furthermore, IFGEM-3, AGEM-1 and AGEM-2 achieved the highest phosphate removals after only 30 minutes of contact time. It is indicative that IFGEM-3, AGEM-1 and AGEM-2 media all produced ammonia and the rates of production consistently increase as contact time increases. However, AGEM-2 generated an average of 35.22% more ammonia than IFGEM-3 and AGEM-1 suggesting it can be further utilized as a soil amendment. Natural soil showed no nutrient removal, however. The maximum adsorption capacities (qmax) derived by the isothermal test at high influent concentrations of 2mg/L phosphate and 2mg/L nitrate were found to be less than the qmax obtained from the column tests for IFGEM-3 and AGEM-2 with respect to nitrate. IFGEM-3 and AGEM-2 were further tested with respect to nitrate for their maximum adsorption capacities and their life expectancies based on column tests. The results indicated that AGEM-2 has a longer life expectancy and a higher adsorption capacity than IFGEM-3, in terms of nitrate removal, which is consistent with isotherm results. It is recommended that AGEM-2 be selected for nutrient removal in future stormwater treatment based on its better adsorption performance and recovery potential. ?
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007800, ucf:52332
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Comparative nutrient removal with innovative green soprtion media for groundwater and stormwater co-treatment.
- Creator
Wen, Dan, Chang, Ni-bin, Nam, Boo Hyun, Kibler, Kelly, Wanielista, Martin, Zheng, Qipeng, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
As indicated by the National Academy of Engineering, the understanding of nitrogen cycle has been deemed as one of 14 grand challenges in engineering of the 21st century. Due to rapid population growth and urbanization, the stormwater runoff increased in quantity as well as its nutrient concentrations, which may trigger serious environmental issues such as eutrophication in aquatic systems and ecosystem degradation. This study focuses on stormwater and groundwater quality control via...
Show moreAs indicated by the National Academy of Engineering, the understanding of nitrogen cycle has been deemed as one of 14 grand challenges in engineering of the 21st century. Due to rapid population growth and urbanization, the stormwater runoff increased in quantity as well as its nutrient concentrations, which may trigger serious environmental issues such as eutrophication in aquatic systems and ecosystem degradation. This study focuses on stormwater and groundwater quality control via Biosorption Activated Media (BAM) which can be applied to enhance the nutrient removal potential as an emerging Best Management Practices (BMPs). BAM was tested in this study with respect to two changing environmental factors including the presence of toxins such as copper and the addition of carbon sources that may affect the removal effectiveness. In addition, the impacts on microbial ecology in BAM within the nitrification and denitrification processes due to those changing environmental conditions were explored through the identification of microbial population dynamics under different environmental conditions. To further enhance the recovery and reuse of the adsorbed ammonia as possible soil amendment or even fertilizer, a new media called Iron Filing Green Environmental Media (IFGEM) was developed based on BAM, with the inclusion of iron filings as a key component for nitrate reduction. The functionality of IFGEM was analyzed through a serious column studies with respect to several key factors, including varying influent nutrient concentrations, pH values, and temperature. The results of the column studies demonstrate promising nutrient removal and recovery potential simultaneously under changing factors.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007770, ucf:52394
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Viability of a Residential Integrated Stormwater, Graywater, and Wastewater Treatment System.
- Creator
Goolsby, Matthew, Chopra, Manoj, Wanielista, Martin, Randall, Andrew, Chang, Ni-bin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The subject of water scarcity and the rate of water consumption have become popular over the last few decades. Within the topic of water consumption, there are two separate issues from a residential standpoint. The first concern is the steadily increasing need for viable alternative water sources to be utilized for non-potable applications in an effort to reduce potable water demands. The second concern is the need to significantly reduce of nutrient-laden wastewater effluent discharge from...
Show moreThe subject of water scarcity and the rate of water consumption have become popular over the last few decades. Within the topic of water consumption, there are two separate issues from a residential standpoint. The first concern is the steadily increasing need for viable alternative water sources to be utilized for non-potable applications in an effort to reduce potable water demands. The second concern is the need to significantly reduce of nutrient-laden wastewater effluent discharge from septic systems in order to sustain groundwater quality and prevent adverse ecological impacts. This study addresses both issues with two separate systems integrated into one environmentally functional home that emphasizes low impact development (LID) practices. The first objective of the study is to quantify the performance of the passive treatment Bold (&) GoldTM reactive filter bed (FDOH classified (")innovative system(")) for nutrient removal. The second objective is to monitor the water quality of the combined graywater/stormwater cistern for non-potable use and asses all components (green roof, gutters, graywater treatment, AC condensate, well water, stormwater contribution). The performance of the passive innovative system is compared to past studies and regulatory standards. Also, a bench scale model of the OSTDS is constructed at the University of Central Florida (UCF) Stormwater Management Academy Research and Testing Lab (SMART Lab) and tested to provide effluent data at two different residence times. Complex physical, biological, and chemical theories are applied to the analysis of wastewater treatment performance. The data from the OSTDS and stormwater/graywater cistern both systems are also assessed using statistical analysis. The results of the OSTDS are compared to FDOH regulatory requirements for (")Secondary Treatment Standards("), and (")Advanced Secondary Treatment Standards(") with positive results. The bench scale results verify that both biological nutrient removal and physiochemical sorption are occurring within the filter media and quantified the relationship between removal rates and hydraulic residence time (HRT).The combined graywater/stormwater cistern contains acceptable water quality and operates efficiently. The demand on the cistern results in about 50% capacity utilization of the cistern and there is a consistent dependency on the artesian well. The salinity content and high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of the cistern water did not produce any noticeable adverse impacts on the home other than scale formation in the toilet. The results of the research determined that the implementation of the integrated system is a viable option at the residential level.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0004114, ucf:49094
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Systems Analysis for Urban Water Infrastructure Expansion with Global Change Impact under Uncertainties.
- Creator
Qi, Cheng, Chang, Ni-bin, Geiger, Christopher, Xanthopoulos, Petros, Wanielista, Martin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Over the past decades, cost-effectiveness principle or cost-benefit analysis has been employed oftentimes as a typical assessment tool for the expansion of drinking water utility. With changing public awareness of the inherent linkages between climate change, population growth and economic development, the addition of global change impact in the assessment regime has altered the landscape of traditional evaluation matrix. Nowadays, urban drinking water infrastructure requires careful long...
Show moreOver the past decades, cost-effectiveness principle or cost-benefit analysis has been employed oftentimes as a typical assessment tool for the expansion of drinking water utility. With changing public awareness of the inherent linkages between climate change, population growth and economic development, the addition of global change impact in the assessment regime has altered the landscape of traditional evaluation matrix. Nowadays, urban drinking water infrastructure requires careful long-term expansion planning to reduce the risk from global change impact with respect to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, economic boom and recession, as well as water demand variation associated with population growth and migration. Meanwhile, accurate prediction of municipal water demand is critically important to water utility in a fast growing urban region for the purpose of drinking water system planning, design and water utility asset management. A system analysis under global change impact due to the population dynamics, water resources conservation, and environmental management policies should be carried out to search for sustainable solutions temporally and spatially with different scales under uncertainties. This study is aimed to develop an innovative, interdisciplinary, and insightful modeling framework to deal with global change issues as a whole based on a real-world drinking water infrastructure system expansion program in Manatee County, Florida. Four intertwined components within the drinking water infrastructure system planning were investigated and integrated, which consists of water demand analysis, GHG emission potential, system optimization for infrastructure expansion, and nested minimax-regret (NMMR) decision analysis under uncertainties. In the water demand analysis, a new system dynamics model was developed to reflect the intrinsic relationship between water demand and changing socioeconomic environment. This system dynamics model is based on a coupled modeling structure that takes the interactions among economic and social dimensions into account offering a satisfactory platform. In the evaluation of GHG emission potential, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is conducted to estimate the carbon footprint for all expansion alternatives for water supply. The result of this LCA study provides an extra dimension for decision makers to extract more effective adaptation strategies. Both water demand forecasting and GHG emission potential were deemed as the input information for system optimization when all alternatives are taken into account simultaneously. In the system optimization for infrastructure expansion, a multiobjective optimization model was formulated for providing the multitemporal optimal facility expansion strategies. With the aid of a multi-stage planning methodology over the partitioned time horizon, such a systems analysis has resulted in a full-scale screening and sequencing with respect to multiple competing objectives across a suite of management strategies. In the decision analysis under uncertainty, such a system optimization model was further developed as a unique NMMR programming model due to the uncertainties imposed by the real-world problem. The proposed NMMR algorithm was successfully applied for solving the real-world problem with a limited scale for the purpose of demonstration.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004425, ucf:49354
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Biogeochemical Cycling and Nutrient Control Strategies for Groundwater at Stormwater Infiltration Basins.
- Creator
O'Reilly, Andrew, Chang, Ni-bin, Wanielista, Martin, Chopra, Manoj, Wang, Dingbao, Katz, Brian, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Elevated concentrations of nutrients, particularly nitrate, in groundwater and springs in Florida are a growing resource management concern. Stormwater infiltration basins, which are a common stormwater management practice in the well-drained karst terrain areas of Florida, are a potentially important source of nutrients to the groundwater system because stormwater exits the basin by only evaporation or infiltration. To better understand the biogeochemical processes integrating stormwater...
Show moreElevated concentrations of nutrients, particularly nitrate, in groundwater and springs in Florida are a growing resource management concern. Stormwater infiltration basins, which are a common stormwater management practice in the well-drained karst terrain areas of Florida, are a potentially important source of nutrients to the groundwater system because stormwater exits the basin by only evaporation or infiltration. To better understand the biogeochemical processes integrating stormwater infiltration impacts on groundwater resources in a field-scale setting, a combination of hydrologic, soil chemistry, water chemistry, dissolved and soil gas, isotope, and microbiological data was collected from 2007 through 2010 at two stormwater infiltration basins receiving runoff from predominantly residential watersheds in north-central Florida. Substantially different biogeochemical processes affecting nitrogen fate and transport were observed beneath the two stormwater infiltration basins. Differences are related to soil textural properties that deeply link hydroclimatic conditions with soil moisture variations in a humid, subtropical climate. During 2008, shallow groundwater beneath the basin with predominantly clayey soils (median 41% silt+clay content) exhibited decreases in dissolved oxygen from 3.8 to 0.1 mg/L and decreases in nitrate-nitrogen from 2.7 mg/L to less than 0.016 mg/L, followed by manganese and iron reduction, sulfate reduction, and methanogenesis. In contrast, beneath the basin with predominantly sandy soils (median 2% silt+clay content), aerobic conditions persisted from 2007 through 2009 (dissolved oxygen of 5.0(-)7.8 mg/L), resulting in nitrate-nitrogen of 1.3(-)3.3 mg/L in shallow groundwater. Soil extractable nitrate-nitrogen was significantly lower and the copper-containing nitrite reductase gene density was significantly higher beneath the clayey basin. Differences in moisture retention capacity between fine- and coarse-textured soils resulted in median volumetric gas-phase contents of 0.04 beneath the clayey basin and 0.19 beneath the sandy basin, inhibiting surface/subsurface oxygen exchange beneath the clayey basin. Subsurface biogeochemical processes at the clayey stormwater infiltration basin were further analyzed to better understand the effects of the highly variable hydrologic conditions common in humid, subtropical climates. Cyclic variations in biogeochemical processes generally coincided with wet and dry hydroclimatic conditions. Oxidizing conditions in the subsurface persisted for about one month or less at the beginning of wet periods with dissolved oxygen and nitrate showing similar temporal patterns. Reducing conditions in the subsurface evolved during prolonged flooding of the basin. At about the same time oxygen and nitrate reduction concluded, manganese, iron, and sulfate reduction began, with the onset of methanogenesis one month later. Reducing conditions persisted up to six months, continuing into subsequent dry periods until the next major oxidizing infiltration event. Evidence of denitrification in shallow groundwater at the site is supported by median nitrate-nitrogen less than 0.016 mg/L, excess nitrogen gas up to 3 mg/L progressively enriched in delta-15N during prolonged basin flooding, and isotopically heavy delta-15N and delta-18O of nitrate (up to 25 and 15 per mil, respectively). Isotopic enrichment of newly infiltrated stormwater suggests denitrification was partially completed within two days. Soil and water chemistry data suggest a biogeochemically active zone exists in the upper 1.4 m of soil, where organic carbon was the likely electron donor supplied by organic matter in soil solids or dissolved in infiltrating stormwater. The cyclic nature of reducing conditions effectively controlled the nitrogen cycle, switching nitrogen fate beneath the basin from nitrate leaching to reduction in the shallow saturated zone. Soil beneath the sandy stormwater infiltration basin was amended using biosorption activated media (BAM) to study the effectiveness of this technology in reducing inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus to groundwater. The functionalized soil amendment BAM consists of a 1.0:1.9:4.1 mixture (by volume) of tire crumb (to increase sorption capacity), silt and clay (to increase soil moisture retention), and sand (to promote sufficient infiltration), which was applied to develop an innovative best management practice (BMP) utilizing nutrient reduction and flood control sub-basins. Construction and materials costs, excluding profit and permit fees, for the innovative BMP were about $US 65 per square meter of basin bottom. Comparison of nitrate/chloride ratios for the shallow groundwater indicate that prior to using BAM, nitrate concentrations were substantially influenced by nitrification or variations in nitrate input. In contrast, for the new basin utilizing BAM, nitrate/chloride ratios indicate minor nitrification and nitrate losses with the exception of one summer sample that indicated a 45% loss. Biogeochemical indicators (denitrifier activity derived from real-time polymerase chain reaction and variations in major ions, nutrients, dissolved and soil gases, and stable isotopes) suggest nitrate losses are primarily attributable to denitrification, whereas dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium and plant uptake are minor processes. Denitrification was likely occurring intermittently in anoxic microsites in the unsaturated zone, which was enhanced by increased soil moisture within the BAM layer and resultant reductions in surface/subsurface oxygen exchange that produced conditions conducive to increased denitrifier activity. Concentrations of total dissolved phosphorus and orthophosphate were reduced by more than 70% in unsaturated zone soil water, with the largest decreases in the BAM layer where sorption was the most likely mechanism for removal. Post-BAM orthophosphate/chloride ratios for shallow groundwater indicate predominantly minor increases and decreases in orthophosphate with the exception of one summer sample that indicated a 50% loss. Differences in nutrient variations between the unsaturated zone and shallow groundwater may be the result of the intensity and duration of nutrient removal processes and mixing ratios with water that had undergone little biogeochemical transformation. In order to quantify potential processes leading to observed nitrogen losses beneath the innovative BMP, an integrated infiltration basin(-)nitrogen reduction (IBNR) system dynamics model was developed. Based on two simulation periods, the IBNR model indicated denitrification accounted for a loss of about one-third of the total dissolved nitrogen mass inflow and was occurring predominantly in the BAM layer. The IBNR model results in combination with the field-based biogeochemical assessment demonstrated that the innovative BMP using the functionalized soil amendment BAM is a promising passive, economical, stormwater nutrient-treatment technology. Further field- and laboratory-scale research on the long-term sustainability of nutrient losses and further elucidation of causative physicochemical and biogeochemical mechanisms would contribute to improved BAM performance and green infrastructure development in the future.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004419, ucf:49391
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Modeling and Solving Large-scale Stochastic Mixed-Integer Problems in Transportation and Power Systems.
- Creator
Huang, Zhouchun, Zheng, Qipeng, Xanthopoulos, Petros, Pazour, Jennifer, Chang, Ni-bin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this dissertation, various optimization problems from the area of transportation and power systems will be respectively investigated and the uncertainty will be considered in each problem. Specifically, a long-term problem of electricity infrastructure investment is studied to address the planning for capacity expansion in electrical power systems with the integration of short-term operations. The future investment costs and real-time customer demands cannot be perfectly forecasted and...
Show moreIn this dissertation, various optimization problems from the area of transportation and power systems will be respectively investigated and the uncertainty will be considered in each problem. Specifically, a long-term problem of electricity infrastructure investment is studied to address the planning for capacity expansion in electrical power systems with the integration of short-term operations. The future investment costs and real-time customer demands cannot be perfectly forecasted and thus are considered to be random. Another maintenance scheduling problem is studied for power systems, particularly for natural gas fueled power plants, taking into account gas contracting and the opportunity of purchasing and selling gas in the spot market as well as the maintenance scheduling considering the uncertainty of electricity and gas prices in the spot market. In addition, different vehicle routing problems are researched seeking the route for each vehicle so that the total traveling cost is minimized subject to the constraints and uncertain parameters in corresponding transportation systems.The investigation of each problem in this dissertation mainly consists of two parts, i.e., the formulation of its mathematical model and the development of solution algorithm for solving the model. The stochastic programming is applied as the framework to model each problem and address the uncertainty, while the approach of dealing with the randomness varies in terms of the relationships between the uncertain elements and objective functions or constraints. All the problems will be modeled as stochastic mixed-integer programs, and the huge numbers of involved decision variables and constraints make each problem large-scale and very difficult to manage. In this dissertation, efficient algorithms are developed for these problems in the context of advanced methodologies of optimization and operations research, such as branch and cut, benders decomposition, column generation and Lagrangian method. Computational experiments are implemented for each problem and the results will be present and discussed. The research carried out in this dissertation would be beneficial to both researchers and practitioners seeking to model and solve similar optimization problems in transportation and power systems when uncertainty is involved.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006328, ucf:51559
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Drinking Water Infrastructure Assessment with Teleconnection Signals, Satellite Data Fusion and Mining.
- Creator
Imen, Sanaz, Chang, Ni-bin, Wang, Dingbao, Wanielista, Martin, Bohlen, Patrick, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Adjustment of the drinking water treatment process as a simultaneous response to climate variations and water quality impact has been a grand challenge in water resource management in recent years. This desired and preferred capability depends on timely and quantitative knowledge to monitor the quality and availability of water. This issue is of great importance for the largest reservoir in the United States, Lake Mead, which is located in the proximity of a big metropolitan region - Las...
Show moreAdjustment of the drinking water treatment process as a simultaneous response to climate variations and water quality impact has been a grand challenge in water resource management in recent years. This desired and preferred capability depends on timely and quantitative knowledge to monitor the quality and availability of water. This issue is of great importance for the largest reservoir in the United States, Lake Mead, which is located in the proximity of a big metropolitan region - Las Vegas, Nevada. The water quality in Lake Mead is impaired by forest fires, soil erosion, and land use changes in nearby watersheds and wastewater effluents from the Las Vegas Wash. In addition, more than a decade of drought has caused a sharp drop by about 100 feet in the elevation of Lake Mead. These hydrological processes in the drought event led to the increased concentration of total organic carbon (TOC) and total suspended solids (TSS) in the lake. TOC in surface water is known as a precursor of disinfection byproducts in drinking water, and high TSS concentration in source water is a threat leading to possible clogging in the water treatment process. Since Lake Mead is a principal source of drinking water for over 25 million people, high concentrations of TOC and TSS may have a potential health impact. Therefore, it is crucial to develop an early warning system which is able to support rapid forecasting of water quality and availability. In this study, the creation of the nowcasting water quality model with satellite remote sensing technologies lays down the foundation for monitoring TSS and TOC, on a near real-time basis. Yet the novelty of this study lies in the development of a forecasting model to predict TOC and TSS values with the aid of remote sensing technologies on a daily basis. The forecasting process is aided by an iterative scheme via updating the daily satellite imagery in concert with retrieving the long-term memory from the past states with the aid of nonlinear autoregressive neural network with external input on a rolling basis onward. To account for the potential impact of long-term hydrological droughts, teleconnection signals were included on a seasonal basis in the Upper Colorado River basin which provides 97% of the inflow into Lake Mead. Identification of teleconnection patterns at a local scale is challenging, largely due to the coexistence of non-stationary and non-linear signals embedded within the ocean-atmosphere system. Empirical mode decomposition as well as wavelet analysis are utilized to extract the intrinsic trend and the dominant oscillation of the sea surface temperature (SST) and precipitation time series. After finding possible associations between the dominant oscillation of seasonal precipitation and global SST through lagged correlation analysis, the statistically significant index regions in the oceans are extracted. With these characterized associations, individual contribution of these SST forcing regions that are linked to the related precipitation responses are further quantified through the use of the extreme learning machine. Results indicate that the non-leading SST regions also contribute saliently to the terrestrial precipitation variability compared to some of the known leading SST regions and confirm the capability of predicting the hydrological drought events one season ahead of time. With such an integrated advancement, an early warning system can be constructed to bridge the current gap in source water monitoring for water supply.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005632, ucf:50215
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Green Technologies and Sensor Networks for BMP Evaluation in Stormwater Retention Ponds and Wetlands.
- Creator
Crawford, Anthony, Chang, Ni-bin, Wanielista, Martin, Lee, Woo Hyoung, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The aim of this thesis is to examine and develop new techniques in stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) for nutrient and erosion reduction and monitoring by incorporation of low impact green technologies and sensor networks. Previous research has found excessive nutrient loading of nitrogen and phosphorus species from urban stormwater runoff can lead to ecological degradation and eutrophication of receiving lakes and rivers (Fareed and Abid, 2005). In response, the Florida Department of...
Show moreThe aim of this thesis is to examine and develop new techniques in stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) for nutrient and erosion reduction and monitoring by incorporation of low impact green technologies and sensor networks. Previous research has found excessive nutrient loading of nitrogen and phosphorus species from urban stormwater runoff can lead to ecological degradation and eutrophication of receiving lakes and rivers (Fareed and Abid, 2005). In response, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has set forth reduction goals as established in Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) reports to reduce nutrient loading and restore, or maintain, Florida water bodies to reasonable conditions. Often times current stormwater management practices are not sufficient to attain these goals and further improvements in system design are required. In order to reach these goals, affordable technologies designed for both nutrient reduction and monitoring of system performance to deepen and improve our understanding of stormwater processes are required. Firstly this thesis examines the performance of three types of continuous-cycle Media Bed Reactors (MBRs) using Bio-activated Adsorptive Media (BAM) for nutrient reduction in three retention ponds located throughout the Central Florida region. Chapter 2 examines the use of a Sloped and Horizontal MBRs arranged in a baffling configuration, whereas Chapter 3 examines the field performance of a Floating MBR arranged in an upflow configuration. Each MBR was analyzed for performance in reducing total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, total nitrogen, organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrates + nitrites, turbidity and chlorophyll a species as measured from the influent to effluent ends of the MBR. The results of the experiments indicate that MBRs may be combined with retention ponds to provide (")green technology(") alternatives for inter-event treatment of nutrient species in urban stormwater runoff by use of recyclable sorption media and solar powered submersible pumps. Secondly the thesis focusses on three new devices for BMP monitoring which may be integrated into wireless networks, including a Groundwater Variable Probe (GVP) for velocity, hydraulic conductivity and dispersion measurements in a retention pond bank (Chapter 4), an affordable Wireless Automated Sampling Network (WASN) for sampling and analysis of nutrient flux gradients in retention ponds (Chapter 5), and finally an Arc-Type Automated Pulse Tracer Velocimeter (APTV) for low velocity and direction surface water measurements in retention ponds and constructed wetlands (Chapter 6). The GVP was integrated with other environmental sensing probes to create a remote sensing station, capable of real-time data analysis of sub-surface conditions including soil moisture, water table stage. Such abilities, when synced with user control capabilities, may help to increase methods of monitoring for applications including erosion control, bank stability predictions, monitoring of groundwater pollutant plume migration, and establishing hydraulic residence times through subsurface BMPs such as permeable reactive barriers. Advancement of this technology may be used by establishing additional sub-stations, thereby creating sensing networks covering broader areas on the kilometer scale. Two methods for velocity calculation were developed for the GVP for low flow (Pe (<) 0.2) and high flow (Pe (>) 0.6) conditions. The GVP was found to operate from a 26-505 cmd-1 range in the laboratory to within (&)#177;26% of expected velocities for high-flow conditions and effectively measure directional flow angles to within (&)#177;14? of expected. Hydraulic conductivity measurements made by the GVP were confirmed to within (&)#177;12% as compared to laboratory measurements. The GVP was found capable of measuring the dispersion coefficient in the laboratory, however turbulent interferences caused during injection was found to occur. Further advancement of the technology may be merited to improve dispersion coefficient measurements. Automated water sampling can provide valuable information of the spatial and temporal distribution of pollutant loading in surface water environments. This ability is expanded with the development of the WASN, providing an affordable, ease-of-use method compared to conventional automated water samplers currently on the market. The WASN was found to effectively operate by text activation via GSM cellular networks to an activation module. Propagation of the signal was distributed to collection units via XBee modules operating on point-to-point star communication using an IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. Signal communications effectively transmitted in the field during a storm event to within a range of 200 feet and collected 50 (&)#177;4 ml samples at synced timed increments. A tracer study confirmed that no mixing of samples occurs when a factor of safety of 2 is applied to flush times. This technology provides similar abilities to current market devices at down to 10% of the cost, thereby allowing much more sampling locations for a similar budget. The Arc-Type APTV is useful in establishing both low range horizontal velocity fields and expanding low range velocity measurements below detection ranges of mechanical velocity meters. Installation of a field station showed system functionality, which may be integrated with other environmental sensing probes for surface water testing. This may assist in nutrient distribution analysis and understanding the complex behavior of hydraulic retention times within wetland systems. The device was found to work effectively in both lab and field environments from a 0.02 (-) 5.0 cms-1 range and measure velocity within approximately (&)#177;10% of an acoustic Doppler velocimeter and within an average of (&)#177;10? of directional measurements. A drop in accuracy was measured for velocity ranges (>)4.5 cms-1. The field station operated on 3G CDMA cellular network two-way communication by installation of a Raven cellular modem. Use of LoggerNet software allowed control and data acquisition from anywhere with an internet connection. This thesis also introduces brief discussions on expanding these (")point(") measurement technologies into sensing networks. Installation of sub-stations with communication protocols to one central master node station may broaden the sensing system into much larger kilometer-scale ranges, thus allowing large spatial analysis of environmental conditions. Such an integration into controllable sensing networks may help bridge the gap and add calibration and verification abilities between fine-resolution (")point(") measurements and large scale technologies such as Electrical Resistivity Tomography and satellite remote sensing. Furthermore, application of sensing networks may assist in calibration and verification of surface and groundwater models such as ModFlow, SVFlux and FEHM.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005776, ucf:50066
- Format
- Document (PDF)