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Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to Distributed and Hybrid Simulation Systems
Real-Time Open Source Traffic Control Software for the Advance Traffic Controller
Modeling Mass Care Resource Provision Post Hurricane
The Effectiveness of Virtual Humans vs Pre-Recorded Humans in a Standardized Patient Performance Assessment
A Production and Cost Modeling Methodology of 2nd Generation Biofuel in the United States
Application of Modeling and Simulation to Reduce Costs of Acquisition within Triple Constraints
A System Dynamics Model for Manpower and Technology Implementation Trade-off and Cost Estimation
The Restorative Effects of Color and Environment Type on Cognitive Functioning
The Effect of Videogame Play on Robotic Surgery Skill Acquisition
Gauging Training Effectiveness of Virtual Environment Simulation Based Applications for an Infantry Soldier Training Task
The Effect of Precipitation on the Spread of Mosquito-Borne Diseases: A Case Study of Florida Counties
An Exploratory Comparison of a Traditional and an Adaptive Instructional Approach for College Algebra
The Design and Evaluation of a Video Game to Help Train Perspective-Taking and Empathy in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Integrated Maritime Simulation Complex Management, Quality And Training Effectiveness From The Perspective Of Modeling And Simulation In The State Of Florida, USA (A Case Study)
A Generic Framework For Multi-Method Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems Using Discrete Event, System Dynamics and Agent Based Approaches.
Agent-Based and System Dynamics Hybrid Modeling and Simulation Approach Using Systems Modeling Language
Analysis of Alternative Convoy Route Patrol Procedures for Countering Improvised Explosive Devices Deployed During Asymmetric Warfare in Afghanistan-like Rural Settings
The Hammer or the Anvil: Developing Operational Adaptability through Simulations at the Tactical Level
Live Versus Virtual: Cost Benefit Analysis for Applying Simulation Towards Army Aviator Flight Minimums
