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Bridging Discourse: Connections Between Institutional and Lay Natural Philosophical Texts in Medieval England
Elizabeth Tudor: Her Youth, Education, and the Development of the Legend of the Virgin Queen
Medieval Investments and Population Shifts in Middlesex, Norfolk, and Northumberland Counties
Imperial Japan's Human Experiments Before and During World War Two
The Politics of the Righteous: A Religious and Political History of Conservative Neo-Evangelicals in Central Florida
The Afro-American Slave Music Project: Building a Case for Digital History
Too Few Voices; Too Many Distractions; Too Little Understanding: The American Media During the Rwandan Genocide of 1994
Byzantine Foreign Policy During the Reign of Constans II
Captain John Smith and American Identity: Evolutions of Constructed Narratives and Myths in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Chief Bowlegs and the Banana Garden: A Reassessment of the Beginning of the Third Seminole War
The Extension of Imperial Authority Under Diocletian and the Tetrarchy, 285-305CE
Pompey's Organization of the East
Belief and Christmas: Performing Belief and the Theory and Practice of Christmas Performance
