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Infection Control and Health Care Associated Infection (HCAI) in the Nursing Home: A Study to Determine the Impact of an Educational Video and Pamphlet About Infection Control on Knowledge and Perception of Hand Hygiene in Certified Nurse Assistants
Infectious Disease Risks in Developing Countries: A Non-Market Valuation Exercise
Building a Workable Model for Youth Theatre: An Exploration into a Courageous and Complex Field
Ray Collection Bounding Volume Hierarchy
Three essays on applications of intrahousehold resource allocation models
XML: Beyond the Tags
Impulsivity and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Testing competing predictions from the working memory and behavioral inhibition models of ADHD
"A Laudable Ambition Fired Her Soul": Conduct Fiction Helps Define Republican Womanhood, Community, and Education in the Works of Judith Sargent Murray, Hannah Webster Foster, and Susanna Rowson
Examining Relationships Among Income, Individual and Relationship Distress, and Outcomes in Marriage and Relationship Education for Low-to-Moderate Income Married Couples
Is Selective Mutism an Emotion Regulation Strategy for Children with Social Phobia? A Single Case Design Investigation
A Solid Phase Assay for Topoisomerase I interfacial Poisons and Catalytic Inhibitors
Harmony Oriented Architecture
The use of a Phototherapy Intervention to Foster Empathy, Self-Awareness, and Self-Disclosure in Counselors-in-training using the Personal Growth Group
Harvesting the Seeds of Early American Human and Nonhuman Animal Relationships in William Bartram's Travels, The Travel Diary of Elizabeth House Trist, and Sarah Trimmer's Fabulous Histories
Evaluating the utility of a virtual environment for childhood social anxiety disorder
The Relationship Between Married Partners' Individual and Relationship Distress: An Actor-Partner Analysis of Low-income, Racially and Ethnically Diverse Couples in Relationship Education
Counselor education students' ethnic identity and social-cognitive development: Effects of a multicultural self-awareness group experience
Forecasting Volcanic Activity Using An Event Tree Analysis System and Logistic Regression
Understanding Phonological Memory Deficits in Boys with Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Dissociation of Short-Term Storage and Articulatory Rehearsal Processes
The relationship between caregiver intimate partner violence, posttraumatic stress, child cognitive self-development, and treatment attrition among child sexual abuse victims.
