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Performance Predication Model for Advance Traffic Control System (ATCS) using field data
Fusing Freight Analysis Framework and Transearch Data: An Econometric Data Fusion Approach
Arterial-level real-time safety evaluation in the context of proactive traffic management
Understanding How, Where and How much Freight Flows Using 2012 Commodity Flow Survey Data
Assessing the Safety and Operational Benefits of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Application on Different Roadways, Weather, and Traffic Conditions
Safety, Operational, and Design Analyses of Managed Toll and Connected Vehicles' Lanes
Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Analyze the Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes at the Macroscopic Level
Financial evaluation of milege based user fees for Florida's transportation funding
Econometric Modeling Analysis of Public Transit Ridership: Application for Orlando Region
Pedestrian Safety Analysis through Effective Exposure Measures and Examination of Injury Severity
Urban Expressway Safety and Efficiency Evaluation and Improvement using Big Data
Safety Effectiveness of Conversion of Two-Way-Left-Turn Lanes into Raised Medians
Examining Multiple Approaches for the Transferability of Safety Performance Functions
A Comparative Evaluation of FDSA,GA, and SA Non-Linear Programming Algorithms and Development of System-Optimal Dynamic Congestion Pricing Methodology on I-95 Express
Transferability and Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual Performance Functions and Development of New Models for Urban four-lane Divided Roads
Developing a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) for decision making under uncertainty
Multi-Level Safety Performance Functions for High Speed Facilities
Safety investigation of traffic crashes incorporating spatial correlation effects
Development of Decision Support System for Active Traffic Management Systems Considering Travel Time Reliability
Exploration and development of crash modification factors and functions for single and multiple treatments
