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A Study of Internet Spending and Graduation Rates: A Correlational Study
The Effectiveness of Placement Exams and a Free Remedial Summer Program at a Midsized Selective Private University
A Study of Central Florida College Students' Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution, Microevolution, Macroevolution, and Human Evolution
Superintendent second-order change leadership to achieve equity and access to excellence in a large Florida school district
A Comparison of Student Achievement in Florida Charter Schools with Not-For-Profit and For-Profit Management Models
The impact of ongoing science professional development on standardized assessments of student achievement
Ubiquitous Computing in Public Education: The Effects of One-to-One Computer Initiatives on Student Achievement on Florida Standardized Assessments
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Equals Mathematics Curriculum and Teacher Perceptions Of and Attitudes About the Curriculum
A study of student achievement and educational intervention strategies in traditional and virtual format Algebra 1 courses within Volusia County School District
Teachers' Perceptions of Actions to Achieve Equity and Access to Excellence in a Large School District
How high school size configuration affects student achievement in the State of Florida
