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Postcranial Osteometric Assessment of Korean Ancestry
Bioarchaeological Investigations of The Red House Archaeological Site, Port of Spain, Trinidad: A Pre-Columbian, Mid-Late Ceramic Age Caribbean Population.
Investigations of possible cases of scurvy in juveniles from the Kellis 2 cemetery in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, through stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of multiple tissues
Utilizing Geographic Information Systems to Record and Analyze Osteoarthritis Data in Joints of the Arm: A Methodology for Dry Bones
Evaluation of a Field Histology Technique and Its Use in Histological Analyses of Mummified Tissues from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt
Bioarchaeological assessment of diet and changes in femoral and humeral stable isotopic values among subadults at Medieval Alytus, Lithuania.
Interpreting Diet and Nutritional Stress in Napoleon's Grand Army using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis
Changes in Neolithic Subsistence Patterns on Flores, Indonesia Inferred by Stable Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Isotope Analyses of Sus from Liang Bua
