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Predicting child maltreatment potential in mothers who are substance-involved: A study of childhood adversity, stress, affectivity, emotion dysregulation, and emotion regulation strategies as mechanisms of action
Declarative Memory, Theory of Mind, and Community Functioning in Schizophrenia
Building a Foundation for Goal-Attainment and Problem-Solving in Interdisciplinary Studies: Reimagining Web-Based Core Curriculum through a Classical Lens
Childhood Trauma, Reflective Functioning and Attributions, Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Parenting Competence: What Happens When the Traumatized Child Grows Up and Becomes a Mother?
Mothers' Temperament, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Psychological Symptoms: How Are Enduring Maternal Characteristics Related to Mothers' Perceptions of Children's Temperament, Behavior Problems, and Adaptive Functioning?
Automatically Acquiring a Semantic Network of Related Concepts
Social Skills and Social Acceptance in Childhood Anxiety Disorders
Temperament and Child Maltreatment: A Closer Look at the Interactions Among Mother and Child Temperament, Stress and Coping, Emotional and Behavioral Regulation, and Child Maltreatment Potential
Differential Parenting and Parents' Perceptions of their Children: Can Attachment Help Explain This Relationship?
An Event-Related Potential Investigation of Error Monitoring in Adults with a History of Psychosis
Examining the Effects of Interactive Dynamic Multimedia and Direct Touch Input on Performance of a Procedural Motor Task
Visuo-spatial abilities in remote perception: A meta-analysis of empirical work
Autobiographical Memory and Theory of Mind in Schizotypy
Gestures and mental models: A triple coding hypothesis
Human Factor Effects of Simulating Battlefield Malodors in Field Training
How is she managing? Examination of a woman's emotion regulation strategy in the relationship between anxiety, depression, and prenatal attachment
The Role of Teacher Perceptions of Response to Intervention, Racial/Ethnic Attitudes, and Self-Efficacy in Special Education Referral Decisions
The Impact of Degraded Speech and Stimulus Familiarity in a Dichotic Listening Task
Measuring Trust in Virtual Worlds: Avatar-Mediated Self-Disclosure
Exploration of the Impact of Affective Variables on Human Performance in a Live Simulation
