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Superintendent second-order change leadership to achieve equity and access to excellence in a large Florida school district
Central Florida Educational Leaders' Professional Opinions of the Race to the Top Grant Components Concerning Teacher Evaluation and Compensation Prior to Implementation
An Analysis of Generational Differences and Their Effects on Schools and Student Performance
An Analysis of a Large Urban School District's Eighth-Grade Summer Reading Camp Curriculum and Student Performance Knowledge Voids
An Exploratory Study of the Strengths of Islamic School Principals in California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois
A comparison of eighth-grade mathematics scores by state and by the four census-defined regions of national assessment of educational progress (NAEP)
The perceived effectiveness of mixed reality experiences in a master of arts in teaching (MAT) program for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics degreed individuals
An Analysis of the Perceived Impact of Lesson Study on Improving Secondary School STEM Teacher Effectiveness
Middle Grades Science in Florida: A Comparison of Student Achievement in Comprehensive and Subject-specific Science Courses 2013-2017
An Examination of the Algebra 1 Achievement of Black and Hispanic Student Participants in a Large Urban School District's Mathematics Intervention Program
Multiple-Case Study and Exploratory Analysis of the Implementation of Value-Added Teacher Performance Assessment on Eighth Grade Student Achievement in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee
An Exploratory Study of USA Candidates' and Recent Graduates' Perceptions of Professional Doctorate Supervision
A Study of Approaches to Improve Advanced Placement Social Studies Examination Student Performance in One Urban Florida High School
A Case Study of High School Teacher Induction Programs in One Urban Florida School District.
The Relationship of Computer Science Immersion in Elementary Schools to Achievement of High Poverty Students
Second-Order Change Leadership Behaviors of Principals of Urban Elementary Schools and Student Achievement In 2010
A comparison of eighth grade athletes and non-athletes: Academic achievement, time spent on homework, future educational goals, and socioeconomic status
Elementary Reading Coaches in Florida: A Study of their Background, Experiences, Coaching Activities, Time, and Other Factors Related to Reading Achievement
Deconstructing Differences in Effectiveness of Reading Teachers of Ninth Grade Non-Proficient Readers in One Florida School District
