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The Relationship Among Student Demographic Variables and Reported Discipline Referral Categories
The Relationship Between Reading Coaches' Utilization of Data Technology and Teacher Development
Deconstructing Differences in Effectiveness of Teachers of Tenth Grade Non-Proficient Readers in One Florida School District
Volusia System For Empowering Teachers (VSET): Influence On Teacher Practice And Student Achievement
Doctoral Supervision: An Analysis of Doctoral Candidates' and Graduates' Perception of Supervisory Practices
A comparison of final grade outcomes of veterans enrolled in English I through online and face-to-face instructional modalities at a public four-year college
Mixed Reality Experiences in the M.Ed. Educational Leadership Program: Student Perceptions
World Language Teachers' Preparation, Beliefs, and Instruction in Central Florida
A Study of the Relationship between Continuous Professional Learning Community Implementation and Student Achievement in a Large Urban School District
A Study of the Relationship Between Second-Order Change Leadership Behaviors of High School Administrators and Student Achievement from 2016-2017
An Exploration of the Perceived Change in Administrators' Skill in Giving Targeted Feedback
An Analysis of Sustained Positive Behavior Intervention Support in Florida and Related Disciplinary Outcomes
The Relationship Of Participation In A Summer Transition Program For At-Risk Ninth Grade Students And Their Progress Towards On-Time Graduation
Improving on-time graduation for at-risk students: Perceptions of interventions to improve on-time graduation in one Florida school district.
An Analysis of the School Board of Brevard County Instructional Personnel Performance Appraisal Instrument and the Validity of its Components
The Relationship of Participation in a Summer Transition Program for At-risk Ninth Grade Students and their Performance in Algebra I
Five School District Mentor Models for Secondary Mathematics and Science Teachers in a Job Embedded University Teacher Preparation Program
Examining Emotional Responses to Effective Versus Ineffective Virtual Buddies
An Exploration of Communication Perceptions Between Elementary School Staff and the Parents of the Children They Serve
An Examination of Administrators' Knowledge of the Standards for Mathematical Practice - A Think Aloud
