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Quantitative Framework For Social Cultural Interactions
Opportunistic Networks in Campus Environments
Implementation of Refining Statements in OpenJML and Verification of Higher Order Methods with Model Program Specifications
Energy efficient routing towards a mobile sink using virtual coordinates in a wireless sensor network
Improving fairness, throughput and blocking performance for long haul and short reach optical networks
Reasoning Tradeoffs in Implicit Invocation and Aspect Oriented Languages
Value-of-Information based Data Collection in Underwater Sensor Networks
Autonomous Discovery and Maintenance of Mobile Frees-Space-Optical Links
Masquerading Techniques in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks
Bootstrapping Cognitive Radio Networks
Networking and security solutions for VANET initial deployment stage
Data-driven Predictive Analytics For Distributed Smart Grid Control: Optimization of Energy Storage, Voltage and Demand Response
Applied Advanced Error Control Coding for General Purpose Representation and Association Machine Systems
Techniques for automated parameter estimation in computational models of probabilistic systems
Opportunistic Spectrum Utilization by Cognitive Radio Networks: Challenges and Solutions
Information Propagation Algorithms for Consensus Formation in Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems
Mathematical and Computational Methods for Freeform Optical Shape Description
Routing, Localization and Positioning Protocols for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks
Exploring Techniques for Providing Privacy in Location-Based Services Nearest Neighbor Query
Quantifying Trust and Reputation for Defense against Adversaries in Multi-Channel Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
