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Assessing the Effectiveness of Living Shoreline Restoration and Quantifying Wave Attenuation in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida
Movements, fishery interactions, and unusual mortalities of bottlenose dolphins
Quantifying the effects of boat wakes on intertidal oyster reefs in a shallow estuary
The effects of non-native species on two life-stages of the Eastern oyster (<)i(>)Crassostrea virginica(<)/i(>)
Effects of biotic interactions on coastal wetland communities with applications for restoration
The next "killer" algae? Assessing and mitigating invasion risk for aquarium strains of the marine macroalgal genus Chaetomorpha
Modeling Survival of Immature Loggerheads (Caretta caretta) and Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) from 10 Years of Mark-Recapture Data at the Florida Power and Light St. Lucie Plant
Identifying inundation-driven effects among intertidal Crassostrea virginica in a commercially important Gulf of Mexico estuary
Migratory connectivity and carry-over effects in Northwest Atlantic loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta, L.)
