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The Development and Validation of the Multicultural Competency Assessment(&)copy; (MCA(&)copy;)
Faculty Perceptions and Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Saudi Arabian Higher Education
The relationship between first generation college students' levels of public and personal stigma, social support, perceived discrimination, and help-seeking attitudes
How do after-school staff use social networks to support at-risk youth? A social capital analysis.
A Causal Comparative Analysis of a Computer Adaptive Mathematics Program Using Multilevel Propensity Score Matching
Diverse 3rd Grade Non-School Activity Participation: Associations With Social Competence and Reading Performance
Curriculum-Embedded Reading Tests as Predictors of Success on Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test in Reading
An Examination of the relationship between Marzano's Causal Teacher Evaluation Model and student achievement at nine high schools in a large suburban school district in Central Florida
A Delphi Study to Construct a Script Concordance Test for Spiritual and Religious Competence in Counseling
Development and Validation of the Client Ratings of Counselor Competence: Applying the Rasch Measurement Model
A Comparison of Sixth Grade Student Achievement in Reading and Mathematics at School Transition Year
The Intricate Relationship between Measures of Vocabulary Size and Lexical Diversity as Evidenced in Non-Native and Native Speaker Academic Compositions
Investigating the relationships between preferences, gender, and high school students' geometry performance
Employing Quality Management Principles to Improve the Performance of Educational Systems: An Empirical Study of the Effect of ISO 9001 Standard on Teachers and Administrators Performance in the Indonesian Vocational Education System
A Study of the Effects of Voluntary Prekindergarten Providers on Kindergarten Readiness
The Impact of a Neurofeedback Training Intervention on College Students' Levels of Anxiety, Stress, Depression, and Cortisol
Passive voice usage in undergraduate STEM textbooks
Investigating a Mental Health Literacy Intervention Among Economically Disadvantaged Youth
Using argument as a bridge between literacy and science: An intervention study in a science methods course for elementary preservice teachers
Pooling correlation matrices corrected for selection bias: Implications for meta-analysis
