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Structured Light-Field Focusing 3D Density Measurements of A Supersonic Cone
Experimental and numerical investigation of a novel adsorption bed design for cooling applications
The Effect of Martensite-Fractions Assumptions In Shape Memory Alloy Springs
Dynamic Behavior and Performance of Different Types of Multi-Effect Desalination Plants
A Framework for Miniaturized Mechanical Characterization of Tensile, Creep, and Fatigue Properties of SLM Alloys
Spatial and Temporal Compressive Sensing for Vibration-based Monitoring: Fundamental Studies with Beam Vibrations
Thermodynamic Modeling and Transient Simulation of a Low-Pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator Using Siemens T3000
Modeling and Transient Simulation of a Fully Integrated Multi-Pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator Using Siemens T3000
Numerical Simulation of Electrolyte-Supported Planar Button Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Conceptualization and Fabrication of a Bioinspired Mobile Robot Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy Springs
Numerical Study of Interfacial flow using Algebraic Coupled Level Set-Volume of Fluid (A-CLSVOF) Method
Vibration Reduction of Mistuned Bladed Disks via Piezoelectric-Based Resonance Frequency Detuning
Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycles
Determination of Frequency-Based Switch Triggers for Optimal Vibration Reduction via Resonance Frequency Detuning
Optimal Switch Timing for Piezoelectric-Based Semi-Active Vibration Reduction Techniques
A multi-scale approach to study Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: from Mechanical Properties and Crystal Structure of the Cell's Materials to the Development of an Interactive and Interconnected Educational Tool
Forced Convection Cooling of Electric Motors Using Enhanced Surfaces
Dynamic Modeling of Autorotation for Simultaneous Lift and Wind Energy Extraction
Manufacturing of Single Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
