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- Title
- Creator
Funakoshi, Yuji, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation presents the development of a two-dimensional St. Johns River model and the coupling of hydrodynamic and wave models for the simulation of storm tides. The hydrodynamic model employed for calculating tides and surges is ADCIRC-2DDI (ADvanced CIRCulation Model for Shelves, Coasts and Estuaries, Two-Dimensional Depth Integrated) developed by Luettich et al. (1992). The finite element based model solves the fully nonlinear shallow water equations in the generalized wave...
Show moreThis dissertation presents the development of a two-dimensional St. Johns River model and the coupling of hydrodynamic and wave models for the simulation of storm tides. The hydrodynamic model employed for calculating tides and surges is ADCIRC-2DDI (ADvanced CIRCulation Model for Shelves, Coasts and Estuaries, Two-Dimensional Depth Integrated) developed by Luettich et al. (1992). The finite element based model solves the fully nonlinear shallow water equations in the generalized wave continuity form. Hydrodynamic applications are operated with the following forcings: 1) astronomical tides, 2) inflows from tributaries, 3) meteorological effects (winds and pressure), and 4) waves (wind-induced waves). The wave model applied for wind-induced wave simulation is the third-generation SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore), applicable to the estimation of wave parameters in coastal areas and estuaries. The SWAN model is governed by the wave action balance equation driven by wind, sea surface elevations and current conditions (Holthuijsen et al. 2004). The overall work is comprised of three major phases: 1) To develop a model domain that incorporates the entire East Coast of the United States, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, while honing in on the St. Johns River area; 2) To employ output from the SWAN model with the ADCIRC model and produce a uni-directional coupling of the two models in order to investigate the effects of the wave radiation stresses; 3) To couple the ADCIRC model with the SWAN model to describe the complete interactions of the two physical processes. Model calibration and comparisons are accomplished in three steps. First, astronomical tide simulation results are calibrated with historical NOS (National Ocean Service) tide data. Second, overland and riverine flows and meteorological effects are included, and computed river levels are compared with the historical NOS water level data. Finally, the storm tides generated by Hurricane Floyd are simulated and compared with historical data. This research results in a prototype for real-time simulation of tides and waves for flash flood and river-stage forecasting efforts of the NWS Forecasting Centers that border coastal areas. The following two main conclusions are reported: 1) regardless of whether one uses uni-coupling or coupling, wind-induced waves result in an approximately 10 15 % higher peak storm tide level than without any coupling; and 2) the wave-current interaction described by the coupling model results in decreasing peaks and increasing troughs in the storm tide hydrograph. Two main corollary conclusions are also drawn from a 122-day hindcast for the period spanning June 1 October 1, 2005. First, wind forcing for the St. Johns River is equal to or greater than that of astronomic tides and generally supersedes the impact of inflows, while pressure variations have a minimal impact. Secondly, water levels inside the St. Johns River depend on the wind forcings in the deep ocean; however, if one applies an elevation hydrograph boundary condition from a large-scale domain model to a local-scale domain model the results are highly accurate.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001394, ucf:46957
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- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Takahashi, Naeko, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The city of Pascagoula and its coastal areas along the United States Gulf Coast have experienced many catastrophic hurricanes and were devastated by high storm surges caused by Hurricane Katrina (August 23 to 30, 2005). The National Hurricane Center reported high water marks exceeding 6 meters near the port of Pascagoula with a near 10-meter high water mark recorded near the Hurricane Katrina landfall location in Waveland, MS. Although the Pascagoula River is located 105 km east of the...
Show moreThe city of Pascagoula and its coastal areas along the United States Gulf Coast have experienced many catastrophic hurricanes and were devastated by high storm surges caused by Hurricane Katrina (August 23 to 30, 2005). The National Hurricane Center reported high water marks exceeding 6 meters near the port of Pascagoula with a near 10-meter high water mark recorded near the Hurricane Katrina landfall location in Waveland, MS. Although the Pascagoula River is located 105 km east of the landfall location of Hurricane Katrina, the area was devastated by storm surge-induced inundation because of its low elevation. Building on a preliminary finite element mesh for the Pascagoula River, the work presented herein is aimed at incorporating the marsh areas lying adjacent to the Lower Pascagoula and Escatawpa Rivers for the purpose of simulating the inland inundation which occurred during Hurricane Katrina. ADCIRC-2DDI (ADvanced CIRCulation Model for Shelves, Coasts and Estuaries, Two-Dimensional Depth Integrated) is employed as the hydrodynamic circulation code. The simulations performed in this study apply high-resolution winds and pressures over the 7-day period associated with Hurricane Katrina. The high resolution of the meteorological inputs to the problem coupled with the highly detailed description of the adjacent inundation areas will provide an appropriate modeling tool for studying storm surge dynamics within the Pascagoula River. All simulation results discussed herein are directed towards providing for a full accounting of the hydrodynamics within the Pascagoula River in support of ongoing flood/river forecasting efforts. In order to better understand the hydrodynamics within the Pascagoula River when driven by an extreme storm surge event, the following tasks were completed as a part of this study: 1) Develop an inlet-based floodplain DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for the Pascagoula River. The model employs topography up to the 1.5-meter contour extracted from the Southern Louisiana Gulf Coast Mesh (SL15 Mesh) developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2) Incorporate the inlet-based floodplain model into the Western North Atlantic Tidal (WNAT) model domain, which consists of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the entire portion of the North Atlantic Ocean found west of the 60 degree West meridian, in order to more fully account for the storm surge dynamics occurring within the Pascagoula River. This large-scale modeling approach will utilize high-resolution wind and pressure fields associated with Hurricane Katrina, so that storm surge hydrographs (elevation variance) at the open-ocean boundary locations associated with the localized domain can be adequately obtained. 3) Understand the importance of the various meteorological forcings that are attributable to the storm surge dynamics that are setup within the Pascagoula River. Different implementations of the two model domains (large-scale, including the WNAT model domain; localized, with its focus concentrated solely on the Pascagoula River) will involve the application of tides, storm surge hydrographs and meteorological forcing (winds and pressures) in isolation (i.e., as the single forcing mechanism) and collectively (i.e., together in combination). The following conclusions are drawn from the research presented in this thesis: 1) Incorporating the marsh areas into the preliminary in-bank mesh provides for significant improvement in the astronomic tide simulation; 2) the large-scale modeling approach (i.e., the localized floodplain mesh incorporated into the WNAT model domain) is shown to be most adequate towards simulating storm surge dynamics within the Pascagoula River. Further, we demonstrate the utility of the large-scale model domain towards providing storm surge hydrographs for the open-ocean boundary of the localized domain. Only when the localized domain is forced with the storm surge hydrograph (generated by the large-scale model domain) does it most adequately capture the full behavior of the storm surge. Finally, we discover that while the floodplain description up to the 1.5-m contour greatly improves the model response by allowing for the overtopping of the river banks, a true recreation of the water levels caused by Hurricane Katrina will require a floodplain description up to the 5-m contour.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002476, ucf:47719
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Kojima, Satoshi, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Recently, a highly resolved, finite element mesh was developed for the purpose of performing hydrodynamic calculations in the Western North Atlantic Tidal (WNAT) model domain. The WNAT model domain consists of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the entire portion of the North Atlantic Ocean found west of the 60° W meridian. This high resolution mesh (333K) employs 332,582 computational nodes and 647,018 triangular elements to provide approximately 1.0 to 25 km node spacing. In the...
Show moreRecently, a highly resolved, finite element mesh was developed for the purpose of performing hydrodynamic calculations in the Western North Atlantic Tidal (WNAT) model domain. The WNAT model domain consists of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the entire portion of the North Atlantic Ocean found west of the 60° W meridian. This high resolution mesh (333K) employs 332,582 computational nodes and 647,018 triangular elements to provide approximately 1.0 to 25 km node spacing. In the previous work, the 333K mesh was applied in a Localized Truncation Error Analysis (LTEA) to produce nodal density requirements for the WNAT model domain. The goal of the work herein is to use these LTEA-based element sizing guidelines in order to obtain a more optimal finite element mesh for the WNAT model domain, where optimal refers to minimizing nodes (to enhance computational efficiency) while maintaining model accuracy, through an automated procedure. Initially, three finite element meshes are constructed: 95K, 60K, and 53K. The 95K mesh consists of 95,062 computational nodes and 182,941 triangular elements providing about 0.5 to 120 km node spacing. The 60K mesh contains 60,487 computational nodes and 108,987 triangular elements. It has roughly 0.5 to 185 km node spacing. The 53K mesh includes 52,774 computational nodes and 98,365 triangular elements. This is a particularly coarse mesh, consisting of approximately 0.5 to 160 km node spacing. It is important to note that these three finite element meshes were produced automatically, with each employing the bathymetry and coastline (of various levels of resolution) of the 333K mesh, thereby enabling progress towards an optimal finite element mesh. Tidal simulations are then performed for the WNAT model domain by solving the shallow water equations in a time marching manner for the deviation from mean sea level and depth-integrated velocities at each computational node of the different finite element meshes. In order to verify the model output and compare the performance of the various finite element mesh applications, historical tidal constituent data from 150 tidal stations located within the WNAT model domain are collected and examined. These historical harmonic data are applied in two types of comparative analyses to evaluate the accuracy of the simulation results. First, qualitative comparisons are based on visual sense by utilizing plots of resynthesized model output and historical tidal constituents. Second, quantitative comparisons are performed via a statistical analysis of the errors between model response and historical data. The latter method elicits average phase errors and goodness of average amplitude fits in terms of numerical values, thus providing a quantifiable way to present model error. The error analysis establishes the 53K finite element mesh as optimal when compared to the 333K, 95K, and 60K meshes. However, its required time step of less than ten seconds constrains its application. Therefore, the 53K mesh is manually edited to uphold accurate simulation results and to produce a more computationally efficient mesh, by increasing its time step, so that it can be applied to forecast tide and storm surge in the Western North Atlantic Ocean on a real-time basis.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000565, ucf:46421
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Bacopoulos, Peter, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Recent cooperative efforts between the University of Central Florida, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the South Florida Water Management District explore the development of a two-dimensional, depth-integrated tidal model for the Loxahatchee River estuary (Southeastern Florida). Employing a large-domain approach (i.e., the Western North Atlantic Tidal model domain), two-dimensional tidal flows within the Loxahatchee River estuary are reproduced to provide: 1)...
Show moreRecent cooperative efforts between the University of Central Florida, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the South Florida Water Management District explore the development of a two-dimensional, depth-integrated tidal model for the Loxahatchee River estuary (Southeastern Florida). Employing a large-domain approach (i.e., the Western North Atlantic Tidal model domain), two-dimensional tidal flows within the Loxahatchee River estuary are reproduced to provide: 1) recommendations for the domain extent of an integrated, surface/groundwater, three-dimensional model; 2) nearshore, harmonically decomposed, tidal elevation boundary conditions. Tidal simulations are performed using a two-dimensional, depth-integrated, finite element-based code for coastal and ocean circulation, ADCIRC-2DDI. Multiple variations of an unstructured, finite element mesh are applied to encompass the Loxahatchee River estuary and different spatial extents of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIW). Phase and amplitude errors between model output and historical data are quantified at five locations within the Loxahatchee River estuary to emphasize the importance of including the AIW in the computational domain. In addition, velocity residuals are computed globally to reveal significantly different net circulation patterns within the Loxahatchee River estuary, as depending on the spatial coverage of the AIW.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0000925, ucf:46755
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Salisbury, Michael, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Florida's Department of Transportation requires design storm tide hydrographs for coastal waters surrounding tidal inlets along the coast of Florida. These hydrographs are used as open ocean boundary conditions for local bridge scour models. At present, very little information is available on the effect that tidal inlets have on these open coast storm tide hydrographs. Furthermore, current modeling practice enforces a single design hydrograph along the open coast boundary for bridge scour...
Show moreFlorida's Department of Transportation requires design storm tide hydrographs for coastal waters surrounding tidal inlets along the coast of Florida. These hydrographs are used as open ocean boundary conditions for local bridge scour models. At present, very little information is available on the effect that tidal inlets have on these open coast storm tide hydrographs. Furthermore, current modeling practice enforces a single design hydrograph along the open coast boundary for bridge scour models. This thesis expands on these concepts and provides a more fundamental understanding on both of these modeling areas. A numerical parameter study is undertaken to elucidate the influence of tidal inlets on open coast storm tide hydrographs. Four different inlet-bay configurations are developed based on a statistical analysis of existing tidal inlets along the Florida coast. The length and depth of the inlet are held constant in each configuration, but the widths are modified to include the following four inlet profiles: 1) average Florida inlet width; 2) 100 meter inlet width; 3) 500 meter inlet width; and 4) 1000 meter inlet width. In addition, two unique continental shelf profiles are used to design the ocean bathymetry in the model domains: a bathymetry profile consistent with the west/northeast coast of Florida (wide continental shelf width), and a bathymetry profile similar to the southeast coast of Florida (narrow continental shelf width). The four inlet-bay configurations are paired with each of the bathymetry profiles to arrive at eight model domains employed in this study. Results from these domains are compared to control cases that do not include any inlet-bay system in the computational domain. The ADCIRC-2DDI numerical code is used to obtain water surface elevations for all studies performed herein. The code is driven by astronomic tides at the open ocean boundary, and wind velocities and atmospheric pressure profiles over the surface of the computational domains. Model results clearly indicate that the four inlet-bay configurations do not have a significant impact on the open coast storm tide hydrographs. Furthermore, a spatial variance amongst the storm tide hydrographs is recognized for open coast boundary locations extending seaward from the mouth of the inlet. The results and conclusions presented herein have implications toward future bridge scour modeling efforts. In addition, a hindcast study of Hurricane Ivan in the vicinity of Escambia Bay along the Panhandle of Florida is performed to assess the findings of the numerical parameter study in a real-life scenario. Initially, emphasis is placed on domain scale by comparing model results with historical data for three computational domains: an ocean-based domain, a shelf-based domain, and an inlet-based domain. Results indicate that the ocean-based domain favorably simulates storm surge levels within the bay compared to the other model domains. Furthermore, the main conclusions from the numerical parameter study are verified in the hindcast study: 1) the Pensacola Pass-Escambia Bay system has a minimal effect on the open coast storm tide hydrographs; and 2) the open coast storm tide hydrographs exhibit spatial dependence along typical open coast boundary locations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000731, ucf:46619
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Bacopoulos, Peter, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A high-resolution, finite element-based, shallow water equation model is developed to simulate the tides in the South Atlantic Bight. The model is constructed to include all of the estuarine features along the southeastern United States seaboard: coastal inlets, rivers and tidal creeks, sounds and lagoons, intertidal zones including salt marshes and mangrove swamps, and the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The estuaries are represented in the finite element mesh using triangular elements with...
Show moreA high-resolution, finite element-based, shallow water equation model is developed to simulate the tides in the South Atlantic Bight. The model is constructed to include all of the estuarine features along the southeastern United States seaboard: coastal inlets, rivers and tidal creeks, sounds and lagoons, intertidal zones including salt marshes and mangrove swamps, and the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The estuaries are represented in the finite element mesh using triangular elements with side lengths on the order of tens of meters. Also incorporated into the model is a spatially distributed bottom friction parameterization, based on the various landcover and benthic characteristics in the domain. The motivation to use this comprehensive representation of the system was inspired by a desire to capably account for the full estuarine tidal physics. In this approach, no calibration is performed and the model is used as a tool to assess the physical processes it describes. Upon its development, the model is first validated by accurately simulating tidal hydrodynamics in the South Atlantic Bight including the described estuaries. Variants of the model are then constructed by selectively removing estuarine features from the domain. All model representations are subsequently applied in nearly identical simulations: the only differing factor between the simulations being the inland extent of the estuaries described. The solutions are compared with respect to including versus excluding the estuarine features of the domain. Where water surface elevations are shown to be unaffected by the estuarine features of the South Atlantic Bight, tidal velocities exhibit far more sensitivity. This effect is pronounced locally, with regional effects extending offshore. Further analysis is performed on cross-sectional flows recomposed locally and on tidal energetics diagnosed throughout the domain. It is discovered that the high frictional environment of the vast estuarine surface area plays a role in local and regional tidal circulation in the South Atlantic Bight.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002891, ucf:48028
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Wang, Qing, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This thesis focuses on the simulation of astronomic tides of the Pascagoula River. The work is comprised of five steps: 1) Production of a digital elevation model describing the entire Pascagoula River system; 2) Development of an inlet-based, unstructured mesh for inbank flow to better understand the basis of the hydrodynamics within the Pascagoula riverine system. In order to assist in the mesh development, a toolbox was constructed to implement one-dimensional river cross sections into the...
Show moreThis thesis focuses on the simulation of astronomic tides of the Pascagoula River. The work is comprised of five steps: 1) Production of a digital elevation model describing the entire Pascagoula River system; 2) Development of an inlet-based, unstructured mesh for inbank flow to better understand the basis of the hydrodynamics within the Pascagoula riverine system. In order to assist in the mesh development, a toolbox was constructed to implement one-dimensional river cross sections into the two-dimensional model; 3) Implementation of a sensitivity analysis of the Pascagoula River two inlet system to examine the inlet effects on tidal propagation; 4) Improvement of the inlet-based model by performing a preliminary assessment of a spatially varied bottom friction; 5) Implementation of an advection analysis to reveal its influence on the flow velocity and water elevation within the domain. The hydrodynamic model employed for calculating tides is ADCIRC-2DDI (ADvanced CIRCulation Model for Shelves, Coasts and Estuaries, Two-Dimensional Depth Integrated). This finite element based model solves the shallow water equations in their full nonlinear form. Boundary conditions including water surface elevation at the off-shore boundary and tidal potential terms allow the full simulation of astronomic tides. The improved astronomic tide model showed strong agreement with the historical data at seven water level monitoring gauge stations. The main conclusions of this research are: 1) The western inlet of the Pascagoula River is more dominant than the eastern inlet; however, it is necessary to include both inlets in the model. 2) Although advection plays a significant role in velocity simulation, water elevations are insensitive to advection. 3) The astronomic model is sensitive to bottom friction (both global and spatial variations); therefore, a spatially varied bottom friction coefficient is suggested. As a result of this successful effort to produce an astronomic tide model of the Pascagoula River, a comprehensive storm surge model can be developed. With the addition of inundation areas the surge model can be expected to accurately predict storm tides generated by hurricanes along the Gulf Coast.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002291, ucf:47840
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Coggin, David, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A method for extracting linear raised features from laser scanned altimetry (LiDAR) datasets is presented. The objective is to automate the method so that elements in a coastal storm surge simulation finite element mesh might have their edges aligned along vertical terrain features. Terrain features of interest are those that are high and long enough to form a hydrodynamic impediment while being narrow enough that the features might be straddled and not modeled if element edges are not...
Show moreA method for extracting linear raised features from laser scanned altimetry (LiDAR) datasets is presented. The objective is to automate the method so that elements in a coastal storm surge simulation finite element mesh might have their edges aligned along vertical terrain features. Terrain features of interest are those that are high and long enough to form a hydrodynamic impediment while being narrow enough that the features might be straddled and not modeled if element edges are not purposely aligned. These features are commonly raised roadbeds but may occur due to other manmade alterations to the terrain or natural terrain. The implementation uses the TauDEM watershed delineation software included in the MapWindow open source Geographic Information System to initially extract watershed boundaries. The watershed boundaries are then examined computationally to determine which sections warrant inclusion in the storm surge mesh. Introductory work towards applying image analysis techniques as an alternate means of vertical feature extraction is presented as well. Vertical feature lines extracted from a LiDAR dataset for Manatee County, Florida are included in a limited storm surge finite element mesh for the county and Tampa Bay. Storm surge simulations using the ADCIRC-2DDI model with two meshes, one which includes linear raised features as element edges and one which does not, verify the usefulness of the method.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002350, ucf:47782
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Parrish, Denwood, Hagen, Scott C., University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A new methodology for the determination of target element sizes for the construction of finite element meshes applicable to the simulation of tidal flow in coastal and oceanic domains is developed and tested. The methodology is consistent with the discrete physics of tidal flow, and includes the effects of bottom stress. The method enables the estimation of the localized truncation error of the nonconservative momentum equations throughout a triangulated data set of water surface elevation...
Show moreA new methodology for the determination of target element sizes for the construction of finite element meshes applicable to the simulation of tidal flow in coastal and oceanic domains is developed and tested. The methodology is consistent with the discrete physics of tidal flow, and includes the effects of bottom stress. The method enables the estimation of the localized truncation error of the nonconservative momentum equations throughout a triangulated data set of water surface elevation and flow velocity. The method's domain-wide applicability is due in part to the formulation of a new localized truncation error estimator in terms of complex derivatives. More conventional criteria that are often used to determine target element sizes are limited to certain bathymetric conditions. The methodology developed herein is applicable over a broad range of bathymetric conditions, and can be implemented efficiently. Since the methodology permits the determination of target element size at points up to and including the coastal boundary, it is amenable to coastal domain applications including estuaries, embayments, and riverine systems. These applications require consideration of spatially varying bottom stress and advective terms, addressed herein. The new method, called LTEA-CD (localized truncation error analysis with complex derivatives), is applied to model solutions over the Western North Atlantic Tidal model domain (the bodies of water lying west of the 60° W meridian). The convergence properties of LTEACD are also analyzed. It is found that LTEA-CD may be used to build a series of meshes that produce converging solutions of the shallow water equations. An enhanced version of the new methodology, LTEA+CD (which accounts for locally variable bottom stress and Coriolis terms) is used to generate a mesh of the WNAT model domain having 25% fewer nodes and elements than an existing mesh upon which it is based; performance of the two meshes, in an average sense, is indistinguishable when considering elevation tidal signals. Finally, LTEA+CD is applied to the development of a mesh for the Loxahatchee River estuary; it is found that application of LTEA+CD provides a target element size distribution that, when implemented, outperforms a high-resolution semi-uniform mesh as well as a manually constructed, existing, documented mesh.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001738, ucf:52860
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Ruiz, Alfredo, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A high-resolution astronomic tidal model has been developed that includes detailed inshore regions of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and associated estuaries along the South Atlantic Bight. The unique nature of the model's development ensures that the tidal hydrodynamic interaction between the shelf and estuaries is fully described. Harmonic analysis of the model output results in a database of tidal information that extends from a semi-circular arc (radius ~750 km) enclosing the South...
Show moreA high-resolution astronomic tidal model has been developed that includes detailed inshore regions of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and associated estuaries along the South Atlantic Bight. The unique nature of the model's development ensures that the tidal hydrodynamic interaction between the shelf and estuaries is fully described. Harmonic analysis of the model output results in a database of tidal information that extends from a semi-circular arc (radius ~750 km) enclosing the South Atlantic Bight from the North Carolina coast to the Florida Keys, onto the continental shelf and into the full estuarine system. The need for tidal boundary conditions (elevation and velocity) for driving inland waterway models has motivated the development of a software application to extract results from the tidal database which is the basis of this thesis. In this tidal toolbox, the astronomic tidal constituents can be resynthesized for any open water point in the domain over any interval of time in the past, present, or future. The application extracts model results interpolated to a user's exact geographical points of interest, desired time interval, and tidal constituents. Comparison plots of the model results versus historical data are published on the website at 89 tidal gauging stations. All of the aforementioned features work within a zoom-able geospatial interface for enhanced user interaction. In order to make tidal elevation and velocity data available, a web service serves the data to users over the internet. The tidal database of 497,847 nodes and 927,165 elements has been preprocessed and indexed to enable timely access from a typical modern web server. The preprocessing and web services required are detailed in this thesis, as well as the reproducibility of the Tidal Toolbox for new domains.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003579, ucf:48910
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Giardino, Derek, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The focus of this thesis is the forcing mechanisms incorporated with salinity transport for the Lower St. Johns River. There are two primary analyses performed: a historical data analysis of primary forcing mechanisms to determine the importance of each individual influence, and a tidal hydrodynamics analysis for the Lower St. Johns River to determine the required tidal constituents for an accurate resynthesis. This thesis is a preliminary effort in understanding salinity transport for the...
Show moreThe focus of this thesis is the forcing mechanisms incorporated with salinity transport for the Lower St. Johns River. There are two primary analyses performed: a historical data analysis of primary forcing mechanisms to determine the importance of each individual influence, and a tidal hydrodynamics analysis for the Lower St. Johns River to determine the required tidal constituents for an accurate resynthesis. This thesis is a preliminary effort in understanding salinity transport for the Lower St. Johns River for engineering projects such as the dredging of navigation canals and freshwater withdrawal from the river. The analysis of the physical forcing mechanisms is performed by examining the impact of precipitation, tides, and wind advection on historical salinity measurements. Three 30-day periods were selected for the analysis, to correspond with representative peak, most-variable, and low-salinity periods for 1999. The analysis displays that wind advection is the dominant forcing mechanism for the movement of salinity over a 30 day duration; however all mechanisms have an impact at some level. The dominant forcing mechanism is also dependent on the period of record examined where tidal influence is vital for durations of hours to a day, while freshwater inflow has more significance over a longer period due to climatological variation. A two-dimensional finite difference numerical model is utilized to generate a one month tidal elevations and velocities simulations that incorporates geometry, nonlinear advection and quadratic bottom friction. Several combinations of tidal constituents are extracted from this modeled tidal signal to investigate which combination of tidal constituents produces an accurate tidal resynthesis for the Lower St. Johns River. The analysis displays the need for 39 total tidal harmonic constituents to accurately resynthesize the original tidal signal. Additionally, due to the nonlinear nature of shallow water, the influence of the overtides for upstream or downstream locations in the Lower St. Johns River is shown to be spatially variable for different frequencies depending on the geometry. The combination of the constituent analysis and the historical analysis provides the basis information needed for the development of an accurate salinity transport model for the Lower St. Johns River.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002665, ucf:48197
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Thomas, Lillie, Hagen, Scott, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This thesis provides a mass conservation analysis of the Lower St. Johns River for the purpose of providing basis for future salinity transport modeling. The analysis provides an assessment of the continuous (CG) and discontinuous (DG) Galerkin finite element methods with respect to their mass conservation properties. The following thesis also presents a rigorous literature review pertaining to salinity transport in the Lower St. Johns River, from which this effort generates the data used to...
Show moreThis thesis provides a mass conservation analysis of the Lower St. Johns River for the purpose of providing basis for future salinity transport modeling. The analysis provides an assessment of the continuous (CG) and discontinuous (DG) Galerkin finite element methods with respect to their mass conservation properties. The following thesis also presents a rigorous literature review pertaining to salinity transport in the Lower St. Johns River, from which this effort generates the data used to initialize and validate numerical simulations. Two research questions are posed and studied in this thesis: can a DG-based modeling approach produce mass conservative numerical solutions; and what are the flow interactions between the river and the marshes within the coastal region of the Lower St. Johns River? Reviewing the available data provides an initial perspective of the ecosystem. For this, salinity data are obtained and assembled for three modeling scenarios. Each scenario, High Extreme, Most Variable, and Low Extreme, is 30 days long (taken from year 1999) and represents a unique salinity regime in the Lower St. Johns River. Time-series of salinity data is collected at four stations in the lower and middle reaches of the Lower St. Johns River, which provides a vantage point for assessing longitudinal variation of salinity. As an aside, precipitation and evaporation data is presented for seven stations along the entire St. Johns River, which provides added insight into salinity transport in the river. A mass conservation analysis is conducted for the Lower St. Johns River. The analysis utilizes a segmentation of the Lower St. Johns River, which divides the domain into sections based on physical characteristics. Mass errors are then calculated for the CG and DG finite element methods to determine mass conservative abilities. Also, the flow interactions (i.e., volume exchange) between the river and marshes are evaluated through the use of tidal prisms. The CG- and DG- finite element methods are then tested in tidal simulation performance, which the results are then compared to observed tides and tidal currents at four stations within the lower portion of the Lower St. Johns River. Since the results show that the DG model outperforms the CG model, the DG model is used in the tidally driven salinity transport simulations. Using four stations within the lower and middle part of the Lower St. Johns River, simulated and observed water levels and salinity concentrations are compared.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003736, ucf:48797
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Influence of Topographic Elevation Error On Modeled Storm Surge.
- Creator
Bilskie, Matthew, Hagen, Scott, Wang, Dingbao, Chopra, Manoj, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The following presents a method for determining topographic elevation error for overland unstructured finite element meshes derived from bare earth LiDAR for use in a shallow water equations model. This thesis investigates the development of an optimal interpolation method to produce minimal error for a given element size. In hydrodynamic studies, it is vital to represent the floodplain as accurately as possible since terrain is a critical factor that influences water flow. An essential step...
Show moreThe following presents a method for determining topographic elevation error for overland unstructured finite element meshes derived from bare earth LiDAR for use in a shallow water equations model. This thesis investigates the development of an optimal interpolation method to produce minimal error for a given element size. In hydrodynamic studies, it is vital to represent the floodplain as accurately as possible since terrain is a critical factor that influences water flow. An essential step in the development of a coastal inundation model is processing and resampling dense bare earth LiDAR to a DEM and ultimately to the mesh nodes; however, it is crucial that the correct DEM grid size and interpolation method be employed for an accurate representation of the terrain. The following research serves two purposes: 1) to assess the resolution and interpolation scheme of bare earth LiDAR data points in terms of its ability to describe the bare earth topography and its subsequent performance during relevant tide and storm surge simulations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004520, ucf:49265
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Modeling Annual Water Balance in The Seasonal Budyko Framework.
- Creator
Alimohammadi, Negin, Wang, Dingbao, Hagen, Scott, Madani Larijani, Kaveh, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this thesis, the role of soil water storage change on the annual water balance is evaluated based on observations at a large number of watersheds located in a spectrum of climate regions, and an annual water balance model is developed at the seasonal scale based on Budyko hypthesis. The annual water storage change is quantified based on water balance closure given the available data of precipitation, runoff, and evaporation estimated from remote sensing data and meteorology reanalysis. The...
Show moreIn this thesis, the role of soil water storage change on the annual water balance is evaluated based on observations at a large number of watersheds located in a spectrum of climate regions, and an annual water balance model is developed at the seasonal scale based on Budyko hypthesis. The annual water storage change is quantified based on water balance closure given the available data of precipitation, runoff, and evaporation estimated from remote sensing data and meteorology reanalysis. The responses of annual runoff, evaporation, and storage change to the interannual variability of precipitation and potential evaporation are then analyzed. Both runoff and evaporation sensitivities to potential evaporation are higher under energy-limited conditions, but storage change seems to be more sensitive to potential evaporation under the conditions in which water and energy are balanced. Runoff sensitivity to precipitation is higher under energy-limited conditions; but both evaporation and storage change sensitivities to precipitation are higher under water-limited conditions. Therefore, under energy-limited conditions, most of precipitation variability is transferred to runoff variability; but under water-limited conditions, most of precipitation variability is transferred to storage change and some of precipitation variability is transferred to evaporation variability. The main finding of this part is that evaporation variability will be overestimated by assuming negligible storage change in annual water balance, particularly under water-limited conditions. Budyko framework which expresses partitioning of water supply at the mean annual scale, is adapted to be applicable in modeling water cycle in short terms i.e., seasonal and interannual scales. Seasonal aridity index is defined as the ratio of seasonal potential evaporation and the difference between precipitation and storage change. The seasonal water balance is modeled by using a Budyko-type curve with horizontal shifts which leads prediction of seasonal and annual storage changes and evaporation if precipitation, potential evaporation, and runoff data are available.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004509, ucf:49283
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- State (Hydrodynamics) Identification in the Lower St. Johns River using the Ensemble Kalman filter.
- Creator
Tamura, Hitoshi, Hagen, Scott, Wang, Dingbao, Bacopoulos, Peter, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This thesis presents a method, Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), applied to a high-resolution, shallow water equations model (DG ADCIRC-2DDI) of the Lower St. Johns River with observation data at four gauging stations. EnKF, a sequential data assimilation method for non-linear problems, is developed for tidal flow simulation for estimation of state variables, i.e., water levels and depth-integrated currents for overland unstructured finite element meshes. The shallow water equations model is...
Show moreThis thesis presents a method, Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), applied to a high-resolution, shallow water equations model (DG ADCIRC-2DDI) of the Lower St. Johns River with observation data at four gauging stations. EnKF, a sequential data assimilation method for non-linear problems, is developed for tidal flow simulation for estimation of state variables, i.e., water levels and depth-integrated currents for overland unstructured finite element meshes. The shallow water equations model is combined with observation data, which provides the basis of the EnKF applications. In this thesis, EnKF is incorporated into DG ADCIRC-2DDI code to estimate the state variables.Upon its development, DG ADCIRC-2DDI with EnKF is first validated by implementing to a low-resolution, shallow water equations model of a quarter annular harbor with synthetic observation data at six gauging stations. Second, DG ADCIRC-2DDI with EnKF is implemented to a high-resolution, shallow water equations model of the Lower St. Johns River with real observation data at four gauging stations. Third, four different experiments are performed by applying DG ADCIRC-2DDI with EnKF to the Lower St. Johns River.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004331, ucf:49455
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Tidal hydrodynamic response to sea level rise and coastal geomorphology in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
- Creator
Passeri, Davina, Hagen, Scott, Medeiros, Stephen, Wang, Dingbao, Weishampel, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Sea level rise (SLR) has the potential to affect coastal environments in a multitude of ways, including submergence, increased flooding, and increased shoreline erosion. Low-lying coastal environments such as the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) are particularly vulnerable to the effects of SLR, which may have serious consequences for coastal communities as well as ecologically and economically significant estuaries. Evaluating potential changes in tidal hydrodynamics under SLR is essential for...
Show moreSea level rise (SLR) has the potential to affect coastal environments in a multitude of ways, including submergence, increased flooding, and increased shoreline erosion. Low-lying coastal environments such as the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) are particularly vulnerable to the effects of SLR, which may have serious consequences for coastal communities as well as ecologically and economically significant estuaries. Evaluating potential changes in tidal hydrodynamics under SLR is essential for understanding impacts to navigation, ecological habitats, infrastructure and the morphologic evolution of the coastline. The intent of this research is to evaluate the dynamic effects of SLR and coastal geomorphology on tidal hydrodynamics along the NGOM and within three National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERRs), namely Grand Bay, MS, Weeks Bay, AL, and Apalachicola, FL. An extensive literature review examined the integrated dynamic effects of SLR on low gradient coastal landscapes, primarily in the context of hydrodynamics, coastal morphology, and marsh ecology. Despite knowledge of the dynamic nature of coastal systems, many studies have neglected to consider the nonlinear effects of SLR and employed a simplistic (")bathtub(") approach in SLR assessments. More recent efforts have begun to consider the dynamic effects of SLR (e.g., the nonlinear response of hydrodynamics under SLR); however, little research has considered the integrated feedback mechanisms and co-evolution of multiple interdependent systems (e.g., the nonlinear responses and interactions of hydrodynamics and coastal morphology under SLR). Synergetic approaches that integrate the dynamic interactions between physical and ecological environments will allow for more comprehensive evaluations of the impacts of SLR on coastal systems.Projecting future morphology is a challenging task; various conceptual models and statistical methods have been employed to project future shoreline positions. Projected shoreline change rates from a conceptual model were compared with historic shoreline change rates from two databases along sandy shorelines of the. South Atlantic Bight and NGOM coasts. The intent was not to regard one method as superior to another, but rather to explore similarities and differences between the methods and offer suggestions for projecting shoreline changes in SLR assessments.The influence of incorporating future shoreline changes into hydrodynamic modeling assessments of SLR was evaluated for the NGOM coast. Astronomic tides and hurricane storm surge were simulated under present conditions, the projected 2050 sea level with present-day shorelines, and the projected 2050 sea level with projected 2050 shorelines. Results demonstrated that incorporating shoreline changes had variable impacts on the hydrodynamics; storm surge was more sensitive to the shoreline changes than astronomic tides. It was concluded that estimates of shoreline change should be included in hydrodynamic assessments of SLR along the NGOM. Evaluating how hydrodynamics have been altered historically under a changing landscape in conjunction with SLR can provide insight to future changes. The Grand Bay estuary has undergone significant landscape changes historically. Tidal hydrodynamics were simulated for present and historic conditions (dating back to 1848) using a hydrodynamic model modified with unique sea levels, bathymetry, topography, and shorelines representative of each time period. Changes in tidal amplitudes varied across the domain. Harmonic constituent phases sped up from historic conditions. Tidal velocities in the estuary were stronger historically, and reversed from being flood dominant in 1848 to ebb dominant in 2005. To project how tidal hydrodynamics may be altered under future scenarios along the NGOM and within the three NERRs, a hydrodynamic model was used to simulate present (circa 2005) and future (circa 2050 and 2100) astronomic tides. The model was modified with projections of future sea levels as well as shoreline positions and dune elevations obtained from a Bayesian network (BN) model. Tidal amplitudes within some of the embayments increased under the higher SLR scenarios; there was a high correlation between the change in the inlet cross-sectional area under SLR and the change in the tidal amplitude within each bay. Changes in harmonic constituent phases indicated faster tidal propagation in the future scenarios within most of the bays. Tidal velocities increased in all of the NERRs which altered flood and ebb current strengths.The work presented herein improves the understanding of the response of tidal hydrodynamics to morphology and SLR. This is beneficial not only to the scientific community, but also to the management and policy community. These findings will have synergistic effects with a variety of coastal studies including storm surge and biological assessments of SLR. In addition, findings can benefit monitoring and restoration activities in the NERRs. Ultimately, outcomes will allow coastal managers and policy makers to make more informed decisions that address specific needs and vulnerabilities of each particular estuary, the NGOM coastal system, and estuaries elsewhere with similar conditions.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0006049, ucf:50962
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Hydromorphology of the Econlockhatchee River.
- Creator
Baker, John, Wang, Dingbao, Hagen, Scott, Chopra, Manoj, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Climate change and human activities alter the hydrologic systems and exerted global scale impacts on our environment with significant implications for water resources. Climate change can be characterized by the change of precipitation and temperature, and both precipitation pattern change and global warming are associated with the increase in frequency of flooding or drought and low flows. With increasing water demand from domestic, agricultural, commercial, and industrial sectors, humans are...
Show moreClimate change and human activities alter the hydrologic systems and exerted global scale impacts on our environment with significant implications for water resources. Climate change can be characterized by the change of precipitation and temperature, and both precipitation pattern change and global warming are associated with the increase in frequency of flooding or drought and low flows. With increasing water demand from domestic, agricultural, commercial, and industrial sectors, humans are increasingly becoming a significant component of the hydrologic cycle. Human activities have transformed hydrologic processes at spatial scales ranging from local to global. Human activities affecting watershed hydrology include land use change, dam construction and reservoir operation, groundwater pumping, surface water withdrawal, irrigation, return flow, and others. In this thesis, the hydromorphology (i.e., the change of coupled hydrologic and human systems) of the Econlockhatchee River (Econ River for short) is studied. Due to the growth of the Orlando metropolitan area the Econ basin has been substantially urbanized with drastic change of the land cover. The land use / land cover change from 1940s to 2000s has been quantified by compiling existing land cover data and digitizing aerial photography images. Rainfall data have been analyzed to determine the extent that climate change has affected the river flow compared to land use change. The changes in stream flow at the annual scale and low flows are analyzed. The Econ River has experienced minimal changes in the amount of annual streamflow but significant changes to the amount of low flows. These changes are due to urbanization and other human interferences.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0005126, ucf:50692
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Climate and landscape controls on seasonal water balance at the watershed scale.
- Creator
Chen, Xi, Wang, Dingbao, Chopra, Manoj, Hagen, Scott, Sumner, David, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The main goal of this dissertation is to develop a seasonal water balance model for evaporation, runoff and water storage change based on observations from a large number of watersheds, and further to obtain a comprehensive understanding on the dominant physical controls on intra-annual water balance. Meanwhile, the method for estimating evaporation and water storage based on recession analysis is improved by quantifying the seasonal pattern of the partial contributing area and contributing...
Show moreThe main goal of this dissertation is to develop a seasonal water balance model for evaporation, runoff and water storage change based on observations from a large number of watersheds, and further to obtain a comprehensive understanding on the dominant physical controls on intra-annual water balance. Meanwhile, the method for estimating evaporation and water storage based on recession analysis is improved by quantifying the seasonal pattern of the partial contributing area and contributing storage to base flow during low flow seasons. A new method for quantifying seasonality is developed in this research. The difference between precipitation and soil water storage change, defined as effective precipitation, is considered as the available water. As an analog to climate aridity index, the ratio between monthly potential evaporation and effective precipitation is defined as a monthly aridity index. Water-limited or energy-limited months are defined based on the threshold of 1. Water-limited or energy-limited seasons are defined by aggregating water-limited or energy-limited months, respectively. Seasonal evaporation is modeled by extending the Budyko hypothesis, which is originally for mean annual water balance; while seasonal surface runoff and base flow are modeled by generalizing the proportionality hypothesis originating from the SCS curve number model for surface runoff at the event scale. The developed seasonal evaporation and runoff models are evaluated based on watersheds across the United States. For the extended Budyko model, 250 out of 277 study watersheds have a Nash-Sutcliff efficiency (NSE) higher than 0.5, and for the seasonal runoff model, 179 out of 203 study watersheds have a NSE higher than 0.5. Furthermore, the connection between the seasonal parameters of the developed model and a variety of physical factors in the study watersheds is investigated. For the extended Budyko model, vegetation is identified as an important physical factor that related to the seasonal model parameters. However, the relationship is only strong in water-limited seasons, due to the seasonality of the vegetation coverage. In the seasonal runoff model, the key controlling factors for wetting capacity and initial wetting are soil hydraulic conductivity and maximum rainfall intensity respectively. As for initial evaporation, vegetation is identified as the strongest controlling factor. Besides long-term climate, this research identifies the key controlling factors on seasonal water balance: the effects of soil water storage, vegetation, soil hydraulic conductivity, and storminess. The developed model is applied to the Chipola River watershed and the Apalachicola River basin in Florida for assessing potential climate change impact on the seasonal water balance. The developed model performance is compared with a physically-based distributed hydrologic model of the Soil Water Assessment Tool, showing a good performance for seasonal runoff, evaporation and storage change.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005313, ucf:50519
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An assessment of ecological processes in the Apalachicola estuarine system, Florida.
- Creator
Smar, Daina, Hagen, Scott, Wang, Dingbao, Weishampel, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The following is a compilation of field data collected in 2011 and 2012 in Apalachicola, FL as part of a five year study assessing the ecological effects of sea level rise in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Many coastal communities, both natural and developed, will soon be working to mitigate the effects of sea level rise, if they are not already doing so. This thesis investigates the natural patterns of the Apalachicola estuarine system through the collection and analysis of in situ water,...
Show moreThe following is a compilation of field data collected in 2011 and 2012 in Apalachicola, FL as part of a five year study assessing the ecological effects of sea level rise in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Many coastal communities, both natural and developed, will soon be working to mitigate the effects of sea level rise, if they are not already doing so. This thesis investigates the natural patterns of the Apalachicola estuarine system through the collection and analysis of in situ water, sediment, and biomass samples. Additionally, results of the field samples are presented and recommendations for additional sampling are given. The field methods and procedures developed in this study were designed to be repeated in other estuaries to build upon the work that has been conducted in Apalachicola. Water samples were tested for total suspended solids (TSS) and compared against hydrodynamic (tidal circulation and streamflow) and meteorological (wind and precipitation) characteristics. Streamflow was determined to influence a seasonal base level concentration of TSS. Wind strength and direction consistently influenced small TSS concentration fluctuations, an effect amplified by the shallow nature of the estuary. Tidal circulation appeared to have minor influences on TSS concentration fluctuations within the base level concentration range. Precipitation appeared to influence large TSS concentration fluctuations; however, due to limited data collection during storm events, more data is required to conclusively state this. Sediment cores throughout the lower Apalachicola River revealed that coarse particles settled out in upstream areas while fine particles tended to stay in suspension until low energy areas in the lower portions of the river or marsh system were reached. Finally, biomass samples were used to develop regression models utilizing remotely sensed data to predict biomass density in marsh areas with unprecedented accuracy. The documented patterns of this system are to be used as inputs and validation points to update an existing hydrodynamic model and to aid in the coupling and development of sediment transport and marsh equilibrium models. The field campaign developed and implemented here provides a foundation for this novel coupled modeling effort of estuarine systems. From the 2011 and 2012 sampling conducted, it is apparent that Apalachicola can be modeled as a closed system with river inflow and sediment influx as boundary conditions. Forcing local conditions should accurately represent the system. Ultimately, these models will be used to simulate future sea level rise scenarios and will provide useful decision making tools to coastal managers. Future work will include replicating water sampling in subsequent wet and dry seasons in Apalachicola, FL to confirm observed trends, in addition to implementing this sampling in Grand Bay, MS and Weeks Bay, AL. Additional biomass samples will be taken to validate the strong correlations found between remotely sensed data and in situ samples. In similar studies, it is recommended that water samples be taken to adequately represent influences from tidal cycles and riverine inflow. It is also recommended that spatially distributed biomass samples be taken to validate regression models.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004602, ucf:49920
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Incorporating Remotely Sensed Data into Coastal Hydrodynamic Models: Parameterization of Surface Roughness and Spatio-Temporal Validation of Inundation Area.
- Creator
Medeiros, Stephen, Hagen, Scott, Weishampel, John, Wang, Dingbao, Yeh, Gour-Tsyh, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation investigates the use of remotely sensed data in coastal tide and inundation models, specifically how these data could be more effectively integrated into model construction and performance assessment techniques. It includes a review of numerical wetting and drying algorithms, a method for constructing a seamless digital terrain model including the handling of tidal datums, an investigation into the accuracy of land use / land cover (LULC) based surface roughness...
Show moreThis dissertation investigates the use of remotely sensed data in coastal tide and inundation models, specifically how these data could be more effectively integrated into model construction and performance assessment techniques. It includes a review of numerical wetting and drying algorithms, a method for constructing a seamless digital terrain model including the handling of tidal datums, an investigation into the accuracy of land use / land cover (LULC) based surface roughness parameterization schemes, an application of a cutting edge remotely sensed inundation detection method to assess the performance of a tidal model, and a preliminary investigation into using 3-dimensional airborne laser scanning data to parameterize surface roughness.A thorough academic review of wetting and drying algorithms employed by contemporary numerical tidal models was conducted. Since nearly all population centers and valuable property are located in the overland regions of the model domain, the coastal models must adequately describe the inundation physics here. This is accomplished by techniques that generally fall into four categories: Thin film, Element removal, Depth extrapolation, and Negative depth. While nearly all wetting and drying algorithms can be classified as one of the four types, each model is distinct and unique in its actual implementation.The use of spatial elevation data is essential to accurate coastal modeling. Remotely sensed LiDAR is the standard data source for constructing topographic digital terrain models (DTM). Hydrographic soundings provide bathymetric elevation information. These data are combined to form a seamless topobathy surface that is the foundation for distributed coastal models. A three-point inverse distance weighting method was developed in order to account for the spatial variability of bathymetry data referenced to tidal datums. This method was applied to the Tampa Bay region of Florida in order to produce a seamless topobathy DTM.Remotely sensed data also contribute to the parameterization of surface roughness. It is used to develop land use / land cover (LULC) data that is in turn used to specify spatially distributed bottom friction and aerodynamic roughness parameters across the model domain. However, these parameters are continuous variables that are a function of the size, shape and density of the terrain and above-ground obstacles. By using LULC data, much of the variation specific to local areas is generalized due to the categorical nature of the data. This was tested by comparing surface roughness parameters computed based on field measurements to those assigned by LULC data at 24 sites across Florida. Using a t-test to quantify the comparison, it was proven that the parameterizations are significantly different. Taking the field measured parameters as ground truth, it is evident that parameterizing surface roughness based on LULC data is deficient.In addition to providing input parameters, remotely sensed data can also be used to assess the performance of coastal models. Traditional methods of model performance testing include harmonic resynthesis of tidal constituents, water level time series analysis, and comparison to measured high water marks. A new performance assessment that measures a model's ability to predict the extent of inundation was applied to a northern Gulf of Mexico tidal model. The new method, termed the synergetic method, is based on detecting inundation area at specific points in time using satellite imagery. This detected inundation area is compared to that predicted by a time-synchronized tidal model to assess the performance of model in this respect. It was shown that the synergetic method produces performance metrics that corroborate the results of traditional methods and is useful in assessing the performance of tidal and storm surge models. It was also shown that the subject tidal model is capable of correctly classifying pixels as wet or dry on over 85% of the sample areas.Lastly, since it has been shown that parameterizing surface roughness using LULC data is deficient, progress toward a new parameterization scheme based on 3-dimensional LiDAR point cloud data is presented. By computing statistics for the entire point cloud along with the implementation of moving window and polynomial fit approaches, empirical relationships were determined that allow the point cloud to estimate surface roughness parameters. A multi-variate regression approach was chosen to investigate the relationship(s) between the predictor variables (LiDAR statistics) and the response variables (surface roughness parameters). It was shown that the empirical fit is weak when comparing the surface roughness parameters to the LiDAR data. The fit was improved by comparing the LiDAR to the more directly measured source terms of the equations used to compute the surface roughness parameters. Future work will involve using these empirical relationships to parameterize a model in the northern Gulf of Mexico and comparing the hydrodynamic results to those of the same model parameterized using contemporary methods. In conclusion, through the work presented herein, it was demonstrated that incorporating remotely sensed data into coastal models provides many benefits including more accurate topobathy descriptions, the potential to provide more accurate surface roughness parameterizations, and more insightful performance assessments. All of these conclusions were achieved using data that is readily available to the scientific community and, with the exception of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from the Radarsat-1 project used in the inundation detection method, are available free of charge. Airborne LiDAR data are extremely rich sources of information about the terrain that can be exploited in the context of coastal modeling. The data can be used to construct digital terrain models (DTMs), assist in the analysis of satellite remote sensing data, and describe the roughness of the landscape thereby maximizing the cost effectiveness of the data acquisition.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004271, ucf:49506
- Format
- Document (PDF)