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(1 - 18 of 18)
The Gender Gap in Technical Communication: How Women Challenge the Predominant Objectivist Paradigm
A Study of the Grant Writing Policies and Practices of Municipalities in Polk County Florida Having a Population Less Than 25,000
Gender Composition of Online Technical Communication Collaborations
Technology Implementation in K-12 Schools: A Research Study of Perceptions and Practice
Gender Bias in the Technical Disciplines
Simulations for Financial Literacy
Intercultural Communication in the Global Age: Lessons Learned from French Technical Communicators
Technical Communicators and Writing Consultants: Identity and Expertise
On Copyright Law: What Technical Communicators Need to Know
Female Bias in Technical Communication and an Exploration of Pedagogical Strategies for Reversing the Bias
Technical Illustration: The Changes and Challenges Presented by Advancements in Technology
Narrative in Technical Communication
A Thomistic Critique of the Ethics of Alasdair MacIntyre
Virtual Teams and Intercultural Ethics: Preventative Measures for Ethical Dilemmas
Creating and Examining an Online Advising Module for Graduate Students: A Usability Study
Investigating compositional variations of S-complex near-Earth asteroids: (1627) Ivar
Narrative Transportation and Virtual Reality: Exploring the Immersive Qualities of Social Justice in the Digital World