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- Title
- Creator
Soisuvarn, Seubson, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Ocean surface wind vectors over the ocean present vital information for scientists and forecasters in their attempt to understand the Earth's global weather and climate. As the demand for global wind velocity information has increased, the number of satellite missions that carry wind-measuring sensors has also increased; however, there are still not sufficient numbers of instruments in orbit today to fulfill the need for operational meteorological and scientific wind vector data. Over the...
Show moreOcean surface wind vectors over the ocean present vital information for scientists and forecasters in their attempt to understand the Earth's global weather and climate. As the demand for global wind velocity information has increased, the number of satellite missions that carry wind-measuring sensors has also increased; however, there are still not sufficient numbers of instruments in orbit today to fulfill the need for operational meteorological and scientific wind vector data. Over the last three decades operational measurements of global ocean wind speeds have been obtained from passive microwave radiometers. Also, vector ocean surface wind data were primarily obtained from several scatterometry missions that have flown since the early 1990's. However, other than SeaSat-A in 1978, there has not been combined active and passive wind measurements on the same satellite until the launch of the second Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS-II) in 2002. This mission has provided a unique data set of coincident measurements between the SeaWinds scatterometer and the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR). AMSR observes the vertical and horizontal brightness temperature (TB) at six frequency bands between 6.9 GHz and 89.0 GHz. Although these measurements contain some wind direction information, the overlying atmospheric influence can easily obscure this signal and make wind direction retrieval from passive microwave measurements very difficult. However, at radiometer frequencies between 10 and 37 GHz, a certain linear combination of vertical and horizontal brightness temperatures causes the atmospheric dependence to be nearly cancelled and surface parameters such as wind speed, wind direction and sea surface temperature to dominate the resulting signal. This brightness temperature combination may be expressed as ATBV-TBH, where A is a constant to be determined and the TBV and TBH are the brightness temperatures for the vertical and horizontal polarization respectively. In this dissertation, an empirical relationship between the AMSR's ATBV-TBH and SeaWinds' surface wind vector retrievals was established for three microwave frequencies: 10, 18 and 37 GHz. This newly developed model function for a passive microwave radiometer could provide the basis for wind vector retrievals either separately or in combination with scatterometer measurements.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001493, ucf:47088
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Bates, Lakesha, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Emerging Ultra Wideband (UWB) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems hold the promise of delivering wireless data at high speeds, exceeding hundreds of megabits per second over typical distances of 10 meters or less. The purpose of this Thesis is to estimate the timing accuracies required with such systems in order to achieve Bit Error Rates (BER) of the order of magnitude of 10-12 and thereby avoid overloading the correction of irreducible errors due to misaligned timing...
Show moreEmerging Ultra Wideband (UWB) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems hold the promise of delivering wireless data at high speeds, exceeding hundreds of megabits per second over typical distances of 10 meters or less. The purpose of this Thesis is to estimate the timing accuracies required with such systems in order to achieve Bit Error Rates (BER) of the order of magnitude of 10-12 and thereby avoid overloading the correction of irreducible errors due to misaligned timing errors to a small absolute number of bits in error in real-time relative to a data rate of hundreds of megabits per second. Our research approach involves managing bit error rates through identifying maximum timing synchronization errors. Thus, it became our research goal to determine the timing accuracies required to avoid operation of communication systems within the asymptotic region of BER flaring at low BERs in the resultant BER curves. We propose pushing physical layer bit error rates to below 10-12 before using forward error correction (FEC) codes. This way, the maximum reserve is maintained for the FEC hardware to correct for burst as well as recurring bit errors due to corrupt bits caused by other than timing synchronization errors.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000197, ucf:46173
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Hanna, Rafik, Jones, W.Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
After the launch of NASA's SeaWinds scatterometer in 1999, a radiometer function was implemented in the Science Ground Data Processing Systems to allow the measurement of the earth's microwave brightness temperature. This dissertation presents results of a comprehensive validation to assess the quality of QRad brightness temperature measurements using near-simultaneous ocean Tb comparisons between the SeaWinds on QuikSCAT (QRad) and WindSat polarimetric radiometer on Coriolis. WindSat...
Show moreAfter the launch of NASA's SeaWinds scatterometer in 1999, a radiometer function was implemented in the Science Ground Data Processing Systems to allow the measurement of the earth's microwave brightness temperature. This dissertation presents results of a comprehensive validation to assess the quality of QRad brightness temperature measurements using near-simultaneous ocean Tb comparisons between the SeaWinds on QuikSCAT (QRad) and WindSat polarimetric radiometer on Coriolis. WindSat was selected because it is a well calibrated radiometer that has many suitable collocations with QuikSCAT; and it has a 10.7 GHz channel, which is close to QRad frequency of 13.4 GHz. Brightness temperature normalizations were made for WindSat before comparison to account for expected differences in Tb with QRad because of incidence angle and channel frequency differences. Brightness temperatures for nine months during 2005 and 2006 were spatially collocated for rain-free homogeneous ocean scenes (match-ups) within 1° latitude x longitude boxes and within a ± 60 minute window. To ensure high quality comparison, these collocations were quality controlled and edited to remove non-homogenous ocean scenes and/or transient environmental conditions, including rain contamination. WindSat and QRad Tb's were averaged within 1° boxes and these were used for the radiometric inter-calibration analysis on a monthly basis. Results show that QRad calibrations are stable in the mean within ± 2K over the yearly seasonal cycle.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002820, ucf:48068
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Khan, Salman, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Microwave radiometers are highly sensitive receivers capable of measuring low levels of natural blackbody microwave emissions. Remote sensing by satellite microwave radiometers flying on low-earth, polar orbiting, satellites can infer a variety of terrestrial and atmospheric geophysical parameters for scientific and operational applications, such as weather and climate prediction. The objective of this thesis is to provide realistic simulated ocean brightness temperatures for the 3-channel...
Show moreMicrowave radiometers are highly sensitive receivers capable of measuring low levels of natural blackbody microwave emissions. Remote sensing by satellite microwave radiometers flying on low-earth, polar orbiting, satellites can infer a variety of terrestrial and atmospheric geophysical parameters for scientific and operational applications, such as weather and climate prediction. The objective of this thesis is to provide realistic simulated ocean brightness temperatures for the 3-channel Microwave Radiometer (MWR), which will be launched in May 2010 on the joint NASA/CONAE Aquarius/SAC-D Mission. These data will be used for pre-launch geophysical retrieval algorithms development and validation testing. Analyses are performed to evaluate the proposed MWR measurement geometry and verify the requirements for spatial/temporal sampling. Finally, a preliminary study is performed for the post-launch inter-satellite radiometric calibration using the WindSat polarimetric radiometer on the Coriolis satellite.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002821, ucf:48074
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Hong, Liang, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The removal of systematic brightness temperature (Tb) biases is necessary when producing decadal passive microwave data sets for weather and climate research. It is crucial to achieve Tb measurement consistency among all satellites in a constellation as well as to maintain sustained calibration accuracy over the lifetime of each satellite sensor. In-orbit inter-satellite radiometric calibration techniques provide a long term, group-wise solution; however, since radiometers operate at...
Show moreThe removal of systematic brightness temperature (Tb) biases is necessary when producing decadal passive microwave data sets for weather and climate research. It is crucial to achieve Tb measurement consistency among all satellites in a constellation as well as to maintain sustained calibration accuracy over the lifetime of each satellite sensor. In-orbit inter-satellite radiometric calibration techniques provide a long term, group-wise solution; however, since radiometers operate at different frequencies and viewing angles, Tb normalizations are made before making intermediate comparisons of their near-simultaneous measurements. In this dissertation, a new approach is investigated to perform these normalizations from one satellite's measurements to another. It uses Taylor's series expansion around a source frequency to predict Tb of a desired frequency. The relationship between Tb's and frequencies are derived from simulations using an oceanic Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) over a wide variety of environmental conditions. The original RTM is built on oceanic radiative transfer theory. Refinements are made to the model by modifying and tuning algorithms for calculating sea surface emission, atmospheric emission and attenuations. Validations were performed with collocated WindSat measurements. This radiometric calibration approach is applied to establish an absolute brightness temperature reference using near-simultaneous pair-wise comparisons between a non-sun synchronous radiometer and two sun-synchronous polar-orbiting radiometers: the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI), WindSat (on Coriolis) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) on Advanced Earth Observing System II (ADEOSII), respectively. Collocated measurements between WindSat and TMI as well as between AMSR and TMI, within selected 10 weeks in 2003 for each pair, are collected, filtered and applied in the cross calibration. AMSR is calibrated to WindSat using TMI as a transfer standard. Accuracy prediction and error source analysis are discussed along with calibration results. This inter-satellite radiometric calibration approach provides technical support for NASA's Global Precipitation Mission which relies on a constellation of cooperative satellites with a variety of microwave radiometers to make global rainfall measurements.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002003, ucf:47626
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Menzerotolo, Rosa, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Microwave radiometers are used to measure blackbody microwave emissions emitted by natural targets. Radiative transfer theory provides a well founded physical relationship between the atmosphere and surface geophysical parameters and the brightness temperature measured by these radiometers. The atmospheric brightness temperature is proportional to the integral of the microwave absorption of water vapor, oxygen, and liquid water between the top of the atmosphere and the surface. Inverse...
Show moreMicrowave radiometers are used to measure blackbody microwave emissions emitted by natural targets. Radiative transfer theory provides a well founded physical relationship between the atmosphere and surface geophysical parameters and the brightness temperature measured by these radiometers. The atmospheric brightness temperature is proportional to the integral of the microwave absorption of water vapor, oxygen, and liquid water between the top of the atmosphere and the surface. Inverse radiative transfer models use to retrieve the water vapor, cloud liquid and oxygen content in the atmosphere are very well known; however, the retrieval of rain rate in the atmosphere is still a challenge. This project presents a theoretical basis for the rain rate retrieval algorithm, which will be implemented in the Aquarius/SAC-D Microwave Radiometer (MWR). This algorithm was developed based on the radiative transfer model theory for a single layer atmosphere using four WindSat channels. Transmissivity due to liquid water (rain and cloud liquid water) is retrieved from the four channel brightness temperatures, and a statistical regression is performed to relate the rain rate, rain physical temperature and rain height to the liquid water transmissivities at 24 GHz and 37 GHz. Empirical validation results are presented using the WindSat radiometer observations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003571, ucf:48911
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
El-Nimri, Salem, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
An electromagnetic model is developed for predicting the microwave blackbody emission from the ocean surface over a wide range of frequencies, incidence angles, and wind vector (speed and direction) for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. This ocean surface emissivity model is intended to be incorporated into an oceanic radiative transfer model to be used for microwave radiometric applications including geophysical retrievals over oceans. The model development is based on a collection...
Show moreAn electromagnetic model is developed for predicting the microwave blackbody emission from the ocean surface over a wide range of frequencies, incidence angles, and wind vector (speed and direction) for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. This ocean surface emissivity model is intended to be incorporated into an oceanic radiative transfer model to be used for microwave radiometric applications including geophysical retrievals over oceans. The model development is based on a collection of published ocean emissivity measurements obtained from satellites, aircraft, field experiments, and laboratory measurements. This dissertation presents the details of methods used in the ocean surface emissivity model development and comparisons with current emissivity models and aircraft radiometric measurements in hurricanes. Especially, this empirically derived ocean emissivity model relates changes in vertical and horizontal polarized ocean microwave brightness temperature measurements over a wide range of observation frequencies and incidence angles to physical roughness changes in the ocean surface, which are the result of the air/sea interaction with surface winds. Of primary importance are the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) brightness temperature measurements from hurricane flights and independent measurements of surface wind speed that are used to define empirical relationships between C-band (4 ÃÂ 7 GHz) microwave brightness temperature and surface wind speed. By employing statistical regression techniques, we develop a physical-based ocean emissivity model with empirical coefficients that depends on geophysical parameters, such as wind speed, wind direction, sea surface temperature, and observational parameters, such as electromagnetic frequency, electromagnetic polarization, and incidence angle.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003085, ucf:48323
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Amarin, Ruba, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation presents results for an end-to-end computer simulation of a new airborne microwave remote sensor, the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer, HIRAD, which will provide improved hurricane surveillance. The emphasis of this research is the retrieval of hurricane-force wind speeds in the presence of intense rain and over long atmospheric slant path lengths that are encountered across its wide swath. Brightness temperature (Tb) simulations are performed using a forward microwave radiative...
Show moreThis dissertation presents results for an end-to-end computer simulation of a new airborne microwave remote sensor, the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer, HIRAD, which will provide improved hurricane surveillance. The emphasis of this research is the retrieval of hurricane-force wind speeds in the presence of intense rain and over long atmospheric slant path lengths that are encountered across its wide swath. Brightness temperature (Tb) simulations are performed using a forward microwave radiative transfer model (RTM) that includes an ocean surface emissivity model at high wind speeds developed especially for HIRAD high incidence angle measurements and a rain model for the hurricane environment. Also included are realistic sources of errors (e.g., instrument NEDT, antenna pattern convolution of scene Tb, etc.), which are expected in airborne hurricane observations. Case studies are performed using 3D environmental parameters produced by numerical hurricane models for actual hurricanes. These provide realistic ÃÂ"nature runsÃÂ" of rain, water vapor, clouds and surface winds from which simulated HIRAD TbÃÂ's are derived for various flight tracks from a high altitude aircraft. Using these simulated HIRAD measurements, Monte Carlo retrievals of wind speed and rain rate are performed using available databases of sea surface temperatures and climatological hurricane atmospheric parameters (excluding rain) as a priori information. Examples of retrieved hurricane wind speed and rain rate images are presented, and comparisons of the retrieved parameters with the numerical model data are made. Statistical results are presented over a broad range of wind and rain conditions and as a function of path length over the full swath.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003082, ucf:48330
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Alsweiss, Suleiman, Jones, W. Linwood, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation will specifically address the issue of improving the quality of satellite scatterometer retrieved ocean surface vector winds (OVW), especially in the presence of strong rain associated with tropical cyclones. A novel active/passive OVW retrieval algorithm is developed that corrects Ku-band scatterometer measurements for rain effects and then uses them to retrieve accurate OVW. The rain correction procedure makes use of independent information available from collocated multi...
Show moreThis dissertation will specifically address the issue of improving the quality of satellite scatterometer retrieved ocean surface vector winds (OVW), especially in the presence of strong rain associated with tropical cyclones. A novel active/passive OVW retrieval algorithm is developed that corrects Ku-band scatterometer measurements for rain effects and then uses them to retrieve accurate OVW. The rain correction procedure makes use of independent information available from collocated multi-frequency passive microwave observations provided by a companion sensor and also from simultaneous C-band scatterometer measurements. The synergy of these active and passive measurements enables improved correction for rain effects, which enhances the utility of Ku-band scatterometer measurements in extreme wind events. The OVW retrieval algorithm is based on the next generation instrument conceptual design for future US scatterometers, i.e. the Dual Frequency Scatterometer (DFS) developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Under this dissertation research, an end-to-end computer simulation was developed to evaluate the performance of this active/passive technique for retrieving hurricane force winds in the presence of intense rain. High-resolution hurricane wind and precipitation fields were simulated for several scenes of Hurricane Isabel in 2003 using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. Using these numerical weather model environmental fields, active/passive measurements were simulated for instruments proposed for the Global Change Observation Mission- Water Cycle (GCOM-W2) satellite series planned by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency. Further, the quality of the simulation was evaluated using actual hurricane measurements from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer and SeaWinds scatterometer onboard the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II). The analysis of these satellite data provided confidence in the capability of the simulation to generate realistic active/passive measurements at the top of the atmosphere. Results are very encouraging, and they show that the new algorithm can retrieve accurate ocean surface wind speeds in realistic hurricane conditions using the rain corrected Ku-band scatterometer measurements. They demonstrate the potential to improve wind measurements in extreme wind events for future wind scatterometry missions such as the proposed GCOM-W2.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003757, ucf:48774
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Microwave Radiometer (MWR) Evaluation of Multi-Beam Satellite Antenna Boresight Pointing Using Land-Water Crossings, for the Aquarius/SAC-D Mission.
- Creator
Clymer, Bradley, Jones, W Linwood, Mikhael, Wasfy, Flitsiyan, Elena, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research concerns the CONAE Microwave Radiometer (MWR), on board the Aquarius/SAC-D platform. MWR's main purpose is to provide measurements that are simultaneous and spatially collocated with those of NASA's Aquarius radiometer/scatterometer. For this reason, knowledge of the MWR antenna beam footprint geolocation is crucial to mission success.In particular, this thesis addresses an on-orbit validation of the MWR antenna beam pointing, using calculated MWR instantaneous field of view ...
Show moreThis research concerns the CONAE Microwave Radiometer (MWR), on board the Aquarius/SAC-D platform. MWR's main purpose is to provide measurements that are simultaneous and spatially collocated with those of NASA's Aquarius radiometer/scatterometer. For this reason, knowledge of the MWR antenna beam footprint geolocation is crucial to mission success.In particular, this thesis addresses an on-orbit validation of the MWR antenna beam pointing, using calculated MWR instantaneous field of view (IFOV) centers, provided in the CONAE L-1B science data product. This procedure compares L-1B MWR IFOV centers at land/water crossings against high-resolution coastline maps. MWR IFOV locations versus time are computed from knowledge of the satellite's instantaneous location relative to an earth-centric coordinate system (provided by on-board GPS receivers), and a priori measurements of antenna gain patterns and mounting geometry.Previous conical scanning microwave radiometer missions (e.g., SSM/I) have utilized observation of rapid change in brightness temperatures (T_B) to estimate the location of land/water boundaries, and subsequently to determine the antenna beam-pointing accuracy. In this thesis, results of an algorithm to quantify the geolocation error of MWR beam center are presented, based upon two-dimensional convolution between each beam's gain pattern and land-water transition. The analysis procedures have been applied to on-orbit datasets that represent land-water boundaries bearing specific desirable criteria, which are also detailed herein. The goal of this research is to gain a better understanding of satellite radiometer beam-pointing error and thereby to improve the geolocation accuracy for MWR science data products.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005591, ucf:50269
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Emissive Antenna Correction for The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager (TMI).
- Creator
Alquaied, Faisal, Jones, W Linwood, Mikhael, Wasfy, Wei, Lei, Zec, Josko, Wilheit, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation deals with the radiometric calibration of a satellite microwave radiometer known as the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI), which operated on NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). This multi-frequency, conical-scanning, passive microwave, remote sensor measures the earth's blackbody emissions (brightness temperature, Tb) from a low earth orbit and covers the tropics ((&)#177;35(&)deg; latitude). The original scientific objective for TRMM's 3-year mission was to measure...
Show moreThis dissertation deals with the radiometric calibration of a satellite microwave radiometer known as the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI), which operated on NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). This multi-frequency, conical-scanning, passive microwave, remote sensor measures the earth's blackbody emissions (brightness temperature, Tb) from a low earth orbit and covers the tropics ((&)#177;35(&)deg; latitude). The original scientific objective for TRMM's 3-year mission was to measure the statistics of rainfall in the tropics. However, the mission was quite successful, and TRMM was extended for greater than 17 years to provide a long-term satellite rain measurements, which has contributed significantly to the study of global climate change.A significant part of the extended TRMM mission was the establishment of a constellation of satellite radiometer that provide frequent global rainfall measurements that enable severe storm warnings for operational hazard forecast by the international weather community. TRMM played a key role by serving as the radiometric calibration standard for the TRMM constellation microwave radiometers.The objective of this dissertation is to improve the radiometric calibration of TMI and to provide to NASA a new robust, physics-based algorithm for the legacy data processing of the TRMM brightness temperature data product, which will be called TMI 1B11 V8. Moreover, the results of this new procedure have been validated using the double difference techniques with the Global Precipitation Mission Microwave Imager (GMI), which is the replacement satellite mission to TRMM.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006711, ucf:51900
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Method for Real-Time Signal Selection for Passive Coherent Location Systems.
- Creator
Johnson, Nicholas, Jones, W Linwood, Gong, Xun, Mikhael, Wasfy, Rockway, John, Lichtenberg, Christopher, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Passive coherent location (PCL) systems use signals of opportunity to perform traditional radar detection, targeting, and tracking functions. Traditionally these signals include FM radio, digital TV, GSM, and GPS because of their availability in most urban environments. A benefit of having an abundance of signals is the ability to choose which of those best meet the desired system intentions. For example, one may want to choose a digital TV signal over an FM radio signal due to its range...
Show morePassive coherent location (PCL) systems use signals of opportunity to perform traditional radar detection, targeting, and tracking functions. Traditionally these signals include FM radio, digital TV, GSM, and GPS because of their availability in most urban environments. A benefit of having an abundance of signals is the ability to choose which of those best meet the desired system intentions. For example, one may want to choose a digital TV signal over an FM radio signal due to its range resolution characteristics. This work presents a novel algorithm for characterizing commercial signals for use in a PCL system. By analyzing each signal's ambiguity function in terms of amplitude, transmitter geometry, range and Doppler resolution, and sidelobe levels, a comparative evaluation can be made to decide which signals are best suited for an intended radar function. In addition, this research shows that multiple signals can be combined in the detection process to increase the probability of detection over that of a single signal. Finally, this research investigates the geometric considerations for PCL systems in terms of bistatic radar geometry. The results show zones of linear and non-linear relationships between time delay, range, and Doppler frequency.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0007123, ucf:51964
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Customizable Antenna Array Using Reconfigurable Antenna Elements.
- Creator
Shirazi, Mahmoud, Gong, Xun, Wahid, Parveen, Jones, W Linwood, Abdolvand, Reza, Kuebler, Stephen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A shared-aperture reconfigurable slot-ring antenna array switching between different frequency bands and polarizations is presented for phased array applications. PIN diode switches are incorporated into the slots of the antenna to change the state of the reconfigurable slot-ring antenna array. Each frequency band has its own feeding lines which allows for the use of high-performance narrow-band transmit/receive (T/R) modules instead of ultra wideband (UWB) T/R modules. Furthermore, the...
Show moreA shared-aperture reconfigurable slot-ring antenna array switching between different frequency bands and polarizations is presented for phased array applications. PIN diode switches are incorporated into the slots of the antenna to change the state of the reconfigurable slot-ring antenna array. Each frequency band has its own feeding lines which allows for the use of high-performance narrow-band transmit/receive (T/R) modules instead of ultra wideband (UWB) T/R modules. Furthermore, the spacing between the elements in each frequency band is less than half free-space wavelength (?0) over the frequency band of operation which enables grating-lobe-free beam scanning. This is the first shared-aperture reconfigurable dual-polarized antenna with separate feeding for each band which is scalable to a larger array with element spacing of less than 0.5?0 in all frequency bands of operation.First, a switchable-band reconfigurable antenna array switching between L and C bands is presented. This antenna operates at 1.76/5.71 GHz with a fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 8.6%/11.5%, realized gain of 0.1/4.2 dBi and radiation efficiency of 66.6%/80.7% in the L-/C- band operating states, respectively. Second, a wideband version of the reconfigurable antenna element using fractal geometries is presented. This dual-polarized antenna element is switching between S and C bands with wide bandwidth in each operating state. In the S-/C-band operating state, this antenna shows 69.1%/58.3% FBW with a maximum realized gain of 2.4/3.1 dBi. Third, the wideband antenna element is extended to an antenna array. The reconfigurable dual-polarized antenna array with vertical coaxial feeding switches between S- and C-band states with full-band coverage. A 2(&)#215;2 S-band antenna array can be reconfigured to a 4(&)#215;4 C-band antenna array by activating/deactivating PIN diode switches. This antenna array shows 64.3%/66.7% FBW with 8.4/14.3 dBi maximum realized gain in the S-/C-band operating states, respectively. Finally, a reconfigurable antenna element covering three adjacent frequency bands is presented. The FBW of this tri-band antenna element is 75%/63%/26% in the S/C/X band state.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007373, ucf:52092
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) tropical rainfall retrievals.
- Creator
Alasgah, Abdusalam, Jones, W Linwood, Wahid, Parveen, Mikhael, Wasfy, Gong, Xun, Zec, Josko, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) is an airborne passive microwave remote sensor, developed to measure wind speed and rain rate in hurricanes. This dissertation concerns the development of a signal processing algorithm to infer tropical rainfall from HIRAD radiance (brightness temperature, Tb) measurements.The basis of the rain rate retrieval algorithm is an improved forward microwave radiative transfer model (RTM) that incorporates the HIRAD multi-antenna-beam geometry, and uses semi...
Show moreThe Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) is an airborne passive microwave remote sensor, developed to measure wind speed and rain rate in hurricanes. This dissertation concerns the development of a signal processing algorithm to infer tropical rainfall from HIRAD radiance (brightness temperature, Tb) measurements.The basis of the rain rate retrieval algorithm is an improved forward microwave radiative transfer model (RTM) that incorporates the HIRAD multi-antenna-beam geometry, and uses semi-empirical coefficients derived from an airborne experiment that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico off Tampa Bay in 2013. During this flight, HIRAD observed a squall line of thunderstorms simultaneously with an airborne meteorological radar (High Altitude Wind and Rain Profiler, HIWRAP), located on the same airplane. Also, ground based NEXRAD radars from the National Weather Service (located at Tampa and Tallahassee) provided high resolution simultaneous rain rate measurements.Using NEXRAD rainfall as the surface truth input to the HIRAD RTM, empirical rain microwave absorption coefficients were tuned to match the measured brightness temperatures. Also, the collocated HIWRAP radar reflectivity (dBZ) measurements were cross correlated with NEXRAD to derive the empirical HIWRAP radar reflectivity to rain rate relationship. Finally, the HIRAD measured Tbs were input to the HIRAD rain retrieval algorithm to derive estimates of rain rate, which were validated using the independent HIWRAP measurements of rain rate.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007775, ucf:52379
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antennas with Bandwidth Enhancement for High Gain, Beam-Steering Applications.
- Creator
Trampler, Michael, Gong, Xun, Wahid, Parveen, Jones, W Linwood, Chen, Kenle, Kuebler, Stephen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Reconfigurable reflectarrays are a class of antennas that combine the advantages of traditional parabolic antennas and phased array antennas. Chapter 1 discusses the basic operational theory of reflectarrays and their design. A review of previous research and the current status is also presented. Furthermore the inherent advantages and disadvantages of the reflectarray topography are presented. In chapter 2, a BST-integrated reflectarray operating at Ka band is presented. Due to the...
Show moreReconfigurable reflectarrays are a class of antennas that combine the advantages of traditional parabolic antennas and phased array antennas. Chapter 1 discusses the basic operational theory of reflectarrays and their design. A review of previous research and the current status is also presented. Furthermore the inherent advantages and disadvantages of the reflectarray topography are presented. In chapter 2, a BST-integrated reflectarray operating at Ka band is presented. Due to the monolithic integration of the tuning element, this design is then extended to V band where a novel interdigital gap configuration is utilized. Finally to overcome loss and phase limitations of the single resonant design, a BST-integrated, dual-resonance unit cell operating at Ka band is designed. While the losses are still high, a 360(&)deg; phase range is demonstrated.In chapter 3, the operational theory of dual-resonant array elements is introduced utilizing Q theory. An equivalent circuit is developed and used to demonstrate design tradeoffs. Using this theory the design procedure of a varactor tuned dual-resonant unit cell operating at X-band is presented. Detailed analysis of the design is performed by full-wave simulations and verified via measurements. In chapter 4, the array performance of the dual-resonance unit cell is analyzed. The effects of varying angles of incidence on the array element are studied using Floquet simulations. The beam scanning, cross-polarization and bandwidth performance of a 7(&)#215;7 element reflectarray is analyzed using full-wave simulations and verified via measurements.In chapter 5 a loss analysis of the dual-resonant reflectarray element is performed. Major sources of loss are identified utilizing full-wave simulations before an equivalent circuit is utilized to optimize the loss performance while maintaining a full phase range and improved bandwidth performance. Finally the dual-resonance unit cell is modified to support two linear polarizations. Overall, the operational and design theory of dual resonant reflectarray unit cells using Q theory is developed. A valuable equivalent circuit is developed and used to aid in array element design as well as optimize the loss and bandwidth performance. The proposed theoretical models provide valuable physical insight through the use of Q theory to greatly aid in reflectarray design
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007735, ucf:52457
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Different Facial Recognition Techniques in Transform Domains.
- Creator
Al Obaidi, Taif, Mikhael, Wasfy, Atia, George, Jones, W Linwood, Myers, Brent, Moslehy, Faissal, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The human face is frequently used as the biometric signal presented to a machine for identificationpurposes. Several challenges are encountered while designing face identification systems.The challenges are either caused by the process of capturing the face image itself, or occur whileprocessing the face poses. Since the face image not only contains the face, this adds to the datadimensionality, and thus degrades the performance of the recognition system. Face Recognition(FR) has been a major...
Show moreThe human face is frequently used as the biometric signal presented to a machine for identificationpurposes. Several challenges are encountered while designing face identification systems.The challenges are either caused by the process of capturing the face image itself, or occur whileprocessing the face poses. Since the face image not only contains the face, this adds to the datadimensionality, and thus degrades the performance of the recognition system. Face Recognition(FR) has been a major signal processing topic of interest in the last few decades. Most commonapplications of the FR include, forensics, access authorization to facilities, or simply unlockingof a smart phone. The three factors governing the performance of a FR system are: the storagerequirements, the computational complexity, and the recognition accuracy. The typical FR systemconsists of the following main modules in each of the Training and Testing phases: Preprocessing,Feature Extraction, and Classification. The ORL, YALE, FERET, FEI, Cropped AR, and GeorgiaTech datasets are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed systems. The proposed systemsare categorized into Single-Transform and Two-Transform systems. In the first category, the featuresare extracted from a single domain, that of the Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform(2D DCT). In the latter category, the Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform (2D DWT)coefficients are combined with those of the 2D DCT to form one feature vector. The feature vectorsare either used directly or further processed to obtain the persons' final models. The PrincipleComponent Analysis (PCA), the Sparse Representation, Vector Quantization (VQ) are employedas a second step in the Feature Extraction Module. Additionally, a technique is proposed in whichthe feature vector is composed of appropriately selected 2D DCT and 2D DWT coefficients basedon a residual minimization algorithm.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007146, ucf:52295
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Evaluation of the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) Brightness Temperatures.
- Creator
Sahawneh, Saleem, Jones, W Linwood, Mikhael, Wasfy, Wahid, Parveen, Zec, Josko, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) is an experimental, airborne, microwave remote sensor that was developed to measure hurricane surface wind speed and rain rate, and thereby, provide data for scientific research and for the next generation operational hurricane surveillance. The object of this dissertation is to develop objective procedures and techniques that can be used to evaluate and characterize the HIRAD brightness temperature (Tb) image product provided by NASA MSFC.First, the...
Show moreThe Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) is an experimental, airborne, microwave remote sensor that was developed to measure hurricane surface wind speed and rain rate, and thereby, provide data for scientific research and for the next generation operational hurricane surveillance. The object of this dissertation is to develop objective procedures and techniques that can be used to evaluate and characterize the HIRAD brightness temperature (Tb) image product provided by NASA MSFC.First, the approach that was developed for geolocation (latitude and longitude) accuracy determination of HIRAD image pixels is presented. Using statistical estimation theory, high-contrast HIRAD imagery are compared with high resolution maps at land/water boundaries, and an error model and measurement results are presented for a variety of pixel locations. Also, a procedure is presented for estimating the HIRAD feature resolution, i.e., the effective spatial resolution (instantaneous field of view, IFOV) in the HIRAD Tb images. Next, the objective technique developed to evaluate HIRAD reconstructed ocean brightness temperature (Tb) images is described and presented. Examples are presented for several ocean scenes, which covers a wide range of ocean wind speed conditions that include Hurricanes. For these cases, surface truth in the form of independent ocean brightness temperatures measurements are obtained by airborne microwave radiometers for comparison.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006653, ucf:51221
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Optimization of Thermodynamic Efficiency vs. Capacity for Communications Systems.
- Creator
Rawlins, Gregory, Wocjan, Pawel, Wahid, Parveen, Georgiopoulos, Michael, Jones, W Linwood, Mucciolo, Eduardo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This work provides a fundamental view of the mechanisms which affect the power efficiency of communications processes along with a method for efficiency enhancement. Shannon's work is the definitive source for analyzing information capacity of a communications system but his formulation does not predict an efficiency relationship suitable for calculating the power consumption of a system, particularly for practical signals which may only approach the capacity limit. This work leverages...
Show moreThis work provides a fundamental view of the mechanisms which affect the power efficiency of communications processes along with a method for efficiency enhancement. Shannon's work is the definitive source for analyzing information capacity of a communications system but his formulation does not predict an efficiency relationship suitable for calculating the power consumption of a system, particularly for practical signals which may only approach the capacity limit. This work leverages Shannon's while providing additional insight through physical models which enable the calculation and improvement of efficiency for the encoding of signals. The proliferation of Mobile Communications platforms is challenging capacity of networks largely because of the ever increasing data rate at each node. This places significant power management demands on personal computing devices as well as cellular and WLAN terminals. The increased data throughput translates to shorter meantime between battery charging cycles and increased thermal footprint. Solutions are developed herein to counter this trend. Hardware was constructed to measure the efficiency of a prototypical Gaussian signal prior to efficiency enhancement. After an optimization was performed, the efficiency of the encoding apparatus increased from 3.125% to greater than 86% for a manageable investment of resources. Likewise several telecommunications standards based waveforms were also tested on the same hardware. The results reveal that the developed physical theories extrapolate in a very accurate manner to an electronics application, predicting the efficiency of single ended and differential encoding circuits before and after optimization.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0006051, ucf:50994
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Karnati, Kalyan, Gong, Xun, Wahid, Parveen, Jones, W Linwood, Wu, Thomas, Cho, Hyoung Jin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Reflectarray antennas uniquely combine the advantages of parabolic reflectors and phased array antennas. Comprised of planar structures similar to phased arrays and utilizing quasi-optical excitation similar to parabolic reflectors, reflectarray antennas provide beam steering without the need of complex and lossy feed networks. Chapter 1 discusses the basic theory of reflectarray and its design. A brief summary of previous work and current research status is also presented. The inherent...
Show moreReflectarray antennas uniquely combine the advantages of parabolic reflectors and phased array antennas. Comprised of planar structures similar to phased arrays and utilizing quasi-optical excitation similar to parabolic reflectors, reflectarray antennas provide beam steering without the need of complex and lossy feed networks. Chapter 1 discusses the basic theory of reflectarray and its design. A brief summary of previous work and current research status is also presented. The inherent advantages and drawbacks of the reflectarray are discussed.In chapter 2, a novel theoretical approach to extract the reflection coefficient of reflectarray unit cells is developed. The approach is applied to single-resonance unit cell elements under normal and waveguide incidences. The developed theory is also utilized to understand the difference between the TEM and TE10 mode of excitation. Using this theory, effects of different physical parameters on reflection properties of unit cells are studied without the need of full-wave simulations. Detailed analysis is performed for Ka-band reflectarray unit cells and verified by full-wave simulations. In addition, an approach to extract the Q factors using full-wave simulations is also presented. Lastly, a detailed study on the effects of inter-element spacing is discussed.Q factor theory discussed in chapter 2 is extended to account for the varying incidence angles and polarizations in chapter 3 utilizing Floquet modes. Emphasis is laid on elements located on planes where extremities in performance tend to occur. The antenna element properties are assessed in terms of maximum reflection loss and slope of the reflection phase. A thorough analysis is performed at Ka band and the results obtained are verified using full-wave simulations. Reflection coefficients over a 749-element reflectarray aperture for a broadside radiation pattern are presented for a couple of cases and the effects of coupling conditions in conjunction with incidence angles are demonstrated. The presented theory provides explicit physical intuition and guidelines for efficient and accurate reflectarray design.In chapter 4, tunable reflectarray elements capacitively loaded with Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) thin film are shown. The effects of substrate thickness, operating frequency and deposition pressure are shown utilizing coupling conditions and the performance is optimized. To ensure minimum affects from biasing, optimized biasing schemes are discussed. The proposed unit cells are fabricated and measured, demonstrating the reconfigurability by varying the applied E-field. To demonstrate the concept, a 45 element array is also designed and fabricated. Using anechoic chamber measurements, far-field patterns are obtained and a beam scan up to 25o is shown on the E-plane.Overall, novel theoretical approaches to analyze the reflection properties of the reflectarray elements using Q factors are developed. The proposed theoretical models provide valuable physical insight utilizing coupling conditions and aid in efficient reflectarray design. In addition, for the first time a continuously tunable reflectarray operating at Ka-band is presented using BST technology. Due to monolithic integration, the technique can be extended to higher frequencies such as V-band and above.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0006040, ucf:50963
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- On-orbit Inter-satellite Radiometric Calibration of Cross-track Scanning Microwave Radiometers.
- Creator
Ebrahimi, Hamideh, Jones, W Linwood, Mikhael, Wasfy, Wahid, Parveen, Wang, James, Wilheit, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation concerns the development of an improved algorithm for the inter-satellite radiometric calibration (XCAL) for cross track scanning microwave radiometers in support of NASA's Global Precipitation Mission (GPM). This research extends previous XCAL work to assess the robustness of the CFRSL (")double difference(") technique for sounder X-CAL. In this work, using a two-year of observations, we present a statistical analysis of radiometric biases performed over time and viewing...
Show moreThis dissertation concerns the development of an improved algorithm for the inter-satellite radiometric calibration (XCAL) for cross track scanning microwave radiometers in support of NASA's Global Precipitation Mission (GPM). This research extends previous XCAL work to assess the robustness of the CFRSL (")double difference(") technique for sounder X-CAL. In this work, using a two-year of observations, we present a statistical analysis of radiometric biases performed over time and viewing geometry. In theory, it is possible to apply the same X-CAL procedure developed for conical-scanning radiometers to cross-track scanners; however the implementation is generally more tedious. For example, with the cross-track scan angle, there is a strong response in the observed Tb due to changes in the atmosphere slant path and surface emissivity with the Earth incidence angle. For ocean scenes this is trivial; however for land scenes there is imperfect knowledge of polarized emissivity. However, for the sounder channels the surface emissivity is not the dominant component of top-of-the-atmosphere Tb, which is a mitigating factor. Also, cross-track scanners introduce changes in the radiometer antenna observed polarization with scan angle. The resulting observation is a mixture of un-polarized atmospheric emissions and vertical and horizontal polarized surface emissions. The degree of polarization mixing is known from geometry; however, reasonable estimates of the surface emissivity are required, which complicate over land comparisons. Finally, the IFOV size monotonically increases over the cross-track scan. Thus, when inter-comparing cross-track scanning radiometers, it will be necessary to carefully consider these effects when performing the double difference procedure.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006453, ucf:51411
- Format
- Document (PDF)