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- Title
- Supervising Principals' Perceptions of Preparing New Principal Program Completers: Meeting the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards.
- Creator
Trimble, Wesley, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Gordon, Kennedy, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study sought to determine to what extend completers of School District A's Preparing New Principals Program (PNPP) are prepared to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS). Major questions addressed (a) the perception of principals regarding how well prepared completers of School District A's principal preparation program were to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards, (b) if the perceived importance of the 2011 Florida Leadership Standards varied by...
Show moreThis study sought to determine to what extend completers of School District A's Preparing New Principals Program (PNPP) are prepared to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS). Major questions addressed (a) the perception of principals regarding how well prepared completers of School District A's principal preparation program were to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards, (b) if the perceived importance of the 2011 Florida Leadership Standards varied by leadership level, (c) if the perceived importance of the 2011 Florida Leadership Standards varied by a school's free/reduced lunch percentage, and (d) the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards perceived as the most beneficial to increasing student achievement. This mixed method study employed an online survey. The participants in this study included 46 supervising principals of Preparing New Principals Program completers from an urban school district in central Florida. Findings indicated that principals believed that Preparing New Principals Program completers were prepared to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards. Principals also believed that the following experiences would enhance the program: (a) more meaningful experiences that require participants to solve identified deficiencies, (b) an 18 to 24 month principal internship as opposed to the current eight-week principal internship, and (c) differentiating principal preparation based on participants' experiences and school district needs.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004949, ucf:49590
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Case Study of the Percieved Effectiveness of the Two-Semester, Job-Embedded Internship.
- Creator
Osmond, Stephanie, Taylor, Rosemarye, Baldwin, Lee, Kennedy, Mary, Zugelder, Bryan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of the study was to examine the perceived effectiveness of the two-semester, job-embedded internship for the development of effective Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) teachers. Students who were enrolled in the Resident Teacher Professional Preparation Program (RTP3) were able to earn a Master's in the Art of Teaching (MAT), which included a two-semester, job-embedded internship. This study was designed to analyze the perceived effectiveness of the two...
Show moreThe purpose of the study was to examine the perceived effectiveness of the two-semester, job-embedded internship for the development of effective Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) teachers. Students who were enrolled in the Resident Teacher Professional Preparation Program (RTP3) were able to earn a Master's in the Art of Teaching (MAT), which included a two-semester, job-embedded internship. This study was designed to analyze the perceived effectiveness of the two-semester, job-embedded internship model at one urban high school from not only the resident teachers', but also designees and stakeholders of the RTP3. Resident teachers participated in the two-semester, job-embedded internship with the support of school site based mentors, school district and school site coaches, and university intern coordinators. The resident teachers participated in all aspect of the teaching process, and were evaluated using the school site evaluation instrument. As part of their internship, the resident teachers were evaluated using the Internship Assessment Summary Sheet. The resident teachers were also asked to participate in Lesson Study. Data were gathered through both qualitative and quantitative sources. To collect qualitative data, interviews were conducted with the resident teachers, school site designees, school district designees and university designees. Each respondent was asked 10 questions developed by the researcher and vetted by experts in the field. The questions were designed to gather perceptions of effectiveness in preparation of the resident teachers, as well as strengths and weaknesses of the model. Recommendations for future use of the two-semester, job-embedded internship model were also gathered. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed using the Internship Assessment Summary Sheet to assess the perception of the intern coordinators.The findings were that the two-semester, job-embedded internship was overall perceived as an effective model in preparing STEM teachers. The model allowed resident teachers to be engaged in the teaching process from the beginning of the school year. The support that was given throughout the internship was beneficial in helping resident teachers with teaching practice. It was recommended that using frequent and actionable feedback should be continued. The one weakness of the model was the need for more pedagogical preparation, especially in the area of classroom management.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005860, ucf:50935
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Senior-Level School District Administrators' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Florida Preparing New Principals Program.
- Creator
Ruiz, Eddie, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Gordon, Kennedy, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine and measure Preparing New Principals Program completers and their readiness to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards. This study was also conducted to identify the Florida Principal Leadership Standards that senior-level school district administrators identified as the most beneficial to future principals in improving student achievement despite increased accountability within the state. A group of 40 senior-level school district...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine and measure Preparing New Principals Program completers and their readiness to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards. This study was also conducted to identify the Florida Principal Leadership Standards that senior-level school district administrators identified as the most beneficial to future principals in improving student achievement despite increased accountability within the state. A group of 40 senior-level school district administrators who served on the superintendent's cabinet between 2008 and 2011 were sent a perceptual survey regarding the Preparing New Principals Program and the Florida Principal Leadership Standards. Survey participants had the opportunity to voluntarily participate in a structured interview to obtain further information regarding the survey. All data from the surveys and interviews were studied and disseminated to the district for redesigning the school district's principal preparation program.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004926, ucf:49611
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Urban School District's Preparing New Principals Program: Completers' Perceptions of Program Effectiveness Related to Florida Principal Leadership Standards Adopted in 2011.
- Creator
Pelletier, Kelly, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Gordon, Kennedy, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to measure the extent to which school leaders who completed the preparing new principals program in a large urban school district perceived the program's effectiveness in preparing them to demonstrate Florida's principal leadership standards as adopted in November 2011. This study also identified the components of the preparing new principals program that influenced the professional practice of the program completers in their current leadership roles. The...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to measure the extent to which school leaders who completed the preparing new principals program in a large urban school district perceived the program's effectiveness in preparing them to demonstrate Florida's principal leadership standards as adopted in November 2011. This study also identified the components of the preparing new principals program that influenced the professional practice of the program completers in their current leadership roles. The Preparing New Principals Program Completer Survey was sent to 90 administrators in School District A who completed the preparing new principals program between 2008 and 2011. Follow-up interviews were conducted with six volunteers in order to further clarify responses to the survey and gather additional input from program completers. Survey results as well as interview data were analyzed in order to give information for designing a new principal preparation program for School District A.The literature review and the results of this study supported the premise that preparing principals for school leadership in 2013 involves more than developing management skills and knowledge of the functions of a school. Principals must be instructional leaders with an unwavering focus on student achievement. Overall, results of the study found the PNPP in the urban school district supported the participant's awareness of the FPLS and also showed they perceived they were prepared to demonstrate the majority of the standards. However, the individual requirements and experiences of the PNPP had varying levels of perceived value to the professional practice of the participants. Results of the study recommended the PNPP experiences perceived to be invaluable or not practical should be evaluated for applicability, revised accordingly or possibly eliminated to improve the effectiveness of the PNPP.Although the structure of principal preparation programs in the state of Florida are unique due to laws that created a two leveled principal certification process, the findings and conclusions of this research study could be useful to any school district working to develop future principals. Suggested improvements to the PNPP included a longer principal internship, a strengthened mentor relationship, an application process for initial program entry, differentiated experiences, and an emphasis on increasing teacher effectiveness.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004909, ucf:49619
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Principals' Perceptions and Self-efficacy in Relation to School Security.
- Creator
Jones, Julian, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Kennedy, Mary, Wolf, Ross, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Principals in the nation's schools have been tasked with managing crisis incidents that may occur with students and others on their campuses on a daily basis. The purposes of this study were to determine the differences, if any, that existed in Central Florida public school principals' perceptions regarding school security, their perceived confidence to address critical crisis incidents on their campuses, their perceptions of the likelihood critical incidents would occur, their perceptions of...
Show morePrincipals in the nation's schools have been tasked with managing crisis incidents that may occur with students and others on their campuses on a daily basis. The purposes of this study were to determine the differences, if any, that existed in Central Florida public school principals' perceptions regarding school security, their perceived confidence to address critical crisis incidents on their campuses, their perceptions of the likelihood critical incidents would occur, their perceptions of interaction with law enforcement, the critical incidents they fear the most, and their perceptions of factors impacting the incidents they fear the most. Principal subgroup mean responses to the Principal Safety and Security Perceptions Survey in the three areas of Bandura's (1997) triadic reciprocal causation were examined in the context of principals' gender, longevity, student enrollment, grade configuration, free and reduced lunch rate, presence of a law enforcement officer, and presence of a security plan. Findings revealed significant differences between categorical groups of principals in multiple areas. It was determined that significant differences in principals' perceptions warrant further study. Recommendations for practice include security policy development and practical application of noted trends.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005636, ucf:50217
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An analysis of the difference between assessed instructional practices, value-added measures, and learning gains of secondary reading teachers.
- Creator
Fritz, Ronald, Taylor, Rosemarye, Baldwin, Lee, Doherty, Walter, Kennedy, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship that exists among instructional practice scores, value-added measures, and learning gains for the Large Urban School District (LUSD) among reading teachers in Grades 6-12 for the 2012-2013 school year. In addition, this study was also conducted to address the perceptions of secondary school principals and assistant principals regarding the relationship of the three variables and their relevance in making personnel decisions....
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship that exists among instructional practice scores, value-added measures, and learning gains for the Large Urban School District (LUSD) among reading teachers in Grades 6-12 for the 2012-2013 school year. In addition, this study was also conducted to address the perceptions of secondary school principals and assistant principals regarding the relationship of the three variables and their relevance in making personnel decisions. Quantitative data were obtained from school district databases for observation scores, value-added measures, and standardized assessment achievement data to determine the relationship among the variables. In addition, a perception survey was completed by secondary school principals and assistant principals. With a sample size of 138, the survey yielded a return rate of 84%. The data were analyzed to determine actual relationships among instructional practice scores, value-added measures, and learning gains, as well as how the participants perceived each variable in isolation. The literature review supported the findings regarding the inflation of observation scores by school administrators. The only significant relationship (.48) existed between value-added measures and learning gains. Likewise, school leaders in the LUSD believed that their observations were important in analyzing the needs of their teachers and should be included in summative evaluations. Learning gains were supported by the participants more than instructional practice scores and value-added measures as evidence of effective instruction. The literature review revealed past program evaluation studies regarding the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT) as a valid measure for assessing grade level benchmarks. The information in this study is valuable and suggests that continued professional learning for school leaders regarding classroom observations to improve inter-rater reliability is needed. Likewise, school leaders would benefit from understanding the relationships that exist among instructional practice scores, value-added measures, and learning gains to drive conversations with teachers regarding rigorous instruction.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005494, ucf:50362
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Study of the Effectiveness of the Equals Mathematics Curriculum and Teacher Perceptions Of and Attitudes About the Curriculum.
- Creator
Hughes, Jennifer, Murray, Kenneth, Kennedy, Mary, Doherty, Walter, Bai, Haiyan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of the Equals mathematics curriculum had any statistically significant impact on the 2012 Florida Alternate Assessment mathematics scores of students with disabilities in six Florida school districts when comparing the scores of those who received mathematics instruction via the curriculum to the scores of students with disabilities in six other Florida school districts who did not receive mathematics instruction via the curriculum. This...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine if the use of the Equals mathematics curriculum had any statistically significant impact on the 2012 Florida Alternate Assessment mathematics scores of students with disabilities in six Florida school districts when comparing the scores of those who received mathematics instruction via the curriculum to the scores of students with disabilities in six other Florida school districts who did not receive mathematics instruction via the curriculum. This study further examined the perceptions of and attitudes about the Equals mathematics curriculum that exist among Exceptional Student Education (ESE) teachers who teach mathematics to students with disabilities participating in the Florida Alternate Assessment (FAA).The study utilized a mixed methods approach to research that included both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative portion of the study was conducted using archival data obtained from the 2012 Florida Alternate Assessment Data Book. A Mann-Whitney U Test was conducted through SPSS at a significance level of ? = .05 to test for relative differences in performance between the treatment (Equals) and control (non-Equals) groups. Based on the results, the Equals mathematics curriculum did not have any statistically significant impact on the 2012 FAA mathematics scores for students with disabilities in the treatment school districts at any of the tested grade groupings (elementary, middle, high, and overall).The qualitative method of data collection utilized an online teacher survey. The results were analyzed using the researcher-coded results and assisted through summary tables provided by Survey-Monkey. Differences and similarities among the survey question responses were explored. Common terms and themes were noted and compared. Data triangulation was used by surveying teachers from five of the six treatment counties. This promoted generalizability for study replication since the treatment counties train teachers and utilize the curriculum in different manners. The results of the qualitative analysis indicated that many teachers were not satisfied with the training they received and felt overwhelmed by the curriculum itself, specifically in the areas of lesson planning and delivery. Based on the quantitative and qualitative results, it was concluded that further research needs to be completed to determine the effectiveness of the Equals mathematics curriculum when used with true fidelity.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004866, ucf:49651
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A study of student achievement and educational intervention strategies in traditional and virtual format Algebra 1 courses within Volusia County School District.
- Creator
Nehrig, Paul, Murray, Kenneth, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Gordon, Taylor, Rosemarye, Kennedy, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to compare achievement results of students enrolled in traditional and virtual Algebra 1 courses in the School District of Volusia County, Florida and to identify which educational interventions are utilized by traditional and online teachers to promote student success, especially for at-risk populations. Two research questions guided this study. This study is significant, as school districts expand virtual options for K-12 students to meet legislative mandates...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to compare achievement results of students enrolled in traditional and virtual Algebra 1 courses in the School District of Volusia County, Florida and to identify which educational interventions are utilized by traditional and online teachers to promote student success, especially for at-risk populations. Two research questions guided this study. This study is significant, as school districts expand virtual options for K-12 students to meet legislative mandates and student demand, while also exploring and developing methods to ensure student success. Student scores on the Florida Algebra 1 End of Course Exam (EOC) were compared to determine what difference, if any, existed in the performance of students in traditional face-to-face classrooms and virtual settings. Surveys were also distributed to traditional brick-and-mortar and virtual teachers to identify which educational interventions were provided to at-risk students and to measure teacher perception of the relative effectiveness of those interventions in each setting.One-sample t-test results indicated a statistically significant difference in the mean scale scores of traditional and virtual students on the Florida Algebra 1 EOC. Survey responses indicated little variation in the interventions provided by teachers to at-risk students in each setting. Low effectiveness ratings for interventions in the Resources category, such as Mentors from the Community, warrant further investigation, as these responses run counter to previous research. Due to this study's small sample and wide disparity between the number of traditional and virtual students, caution is advised in the interpretation of results.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0005037, ucf:49987
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Study of Elementary Student Course Completion and Achievement in Virtual and Traditional Format Courses within the Volusia County School District.
- Creator
Garzia, Janet, Murray, Kenneth, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Gordon, Murray, Barbara, Kennedy, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The focus of this research study was to determine how elementary students enrolled in virtual education classes performed on state assessments and final report card grades in Reading and Mathematics as compared with students enrolled in traditional classes, and to examine whether there was a difference in the successful course completion rates between the two groups. Five research questions guided this study concerning the relationship of successful course completion, final grades, and FCAT 2...
Show moreThe focus of this research study was to determine how elementary students enrolled in virtual education classes performed on state assessments and final report card grades in Reading and Mathematics as compared with students enrolled in traditional classes, and to examine whether there was a difference in the successful course completion rates between the two groups. Five research questions guided this study concerning the relationship of successful course completion, final grades, and FCAT 2.0 achievement level scores and the variables of virtual and traditional education in the School District of Volusia County. This study is significant, as the movement of virtual learning is driven by economic factors and learning outcomes need to be considered in making instructional delivery decisions.Chi-square analysis suggested no statistical significant difference existed in either Reading or Mathematics successful course completion of students in virtual and traditional settings. Chi-square analyses and a one-sample t-test suggested there was no statistical significant difference in performance of virtual and traditional students on FCAT 2.0 Reading and Mathematics achievement levels. Although the Chi-square analyses showed no statistical significance in performance of virtual and traditional students on final report card grades in Reading and Mathematics, the one-sample t-tests suggested there was a statistically significant difference. When interpreting these results, caution should be taken as the virtual student population was extremely disproportionate to the traditional student population. Implications for practice and recommendations for future study are suggested in this study.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004848, ucf:49713
- Format
- Document (PDF)