Current Search: Lee, John (x)
Holmquist, John, Lee, Gene, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In the case of one car following another to a destination, it is very effective at getting the second vehicle to the destination quickly; however, the driver of the second car may not learn the route. Yet, for individuals, such as firefighters, law enforcement, and military personnel, it is imperative that a route be learned quickly and accurately and that an awareness of the situation is maintained while they traverse the given route. This leads to three questions, (a) will navigation aids...
Show moreIn the case of one car following another to a destination, it is very effective at getting the second vehicle to the destination quickly; however, the driver of the second car may not learn the route. Yet, for individuals, such as firefighters, law enforcement, and military personnel, it is imperative that a route be learned quickly and accurately and that an awareness of the situation is maintained while they traverse the given route. This leads to three questions, (a) will navigation aids affect initial route navigation; (b) will navigation aids affect retention; and (c) will navigation aids affect situation awareness while en route? The hypotheses of this study were that navigation aids would significantly increase the speed at which a person can initially navigate a route, but the use of the aids would significantly decrease the retention of the route navigated. The findings of this study support the hypotheses. The results suggest that participants that followed a confederate and participants that were given verbal directions were quicker and made fewer errors than participants that reviewed a map or initially figured the route out on their own (control group). The study also showed that as the participants navigated the route for a second time with no navigational assistance, the ones that reviewed a map or that were in the control group outperformed participants that initially had a confederate to follow or were given verbal directions their first time through. Finally, no real effects were found on the participants' situation awareness during the retention portion of the study.
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Date Issued
CFE0000520, ucf:46453
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Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to Distributed and Hybrid Simulation Systems.
Pastrana, John, Rabelo, Luis, Lee, Gene, Elshennawy, Ahmad, Kincaid, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
INCOSE defines Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) as (")the formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases.(") One very important development is the utilization of MBSE to develop distributed and hybrid (discrete-continuous) simulation modeling systems. MBSE can help to describe the systems to be modeled...
Show moreINCOSE defines Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) as (")the formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases.(") One very important development is the utilization of MBSE to develop distributed and hybrid (discrete-continuous) simulation modeling systems. MBSE can help to describe the systems to be modeled and help make the right decisions and partitions to tame complexity. The ability to embrace conceptual modeling and interoperability techniques during systems specification and design presents a great advantage in distributed and hybrid simulation systems development efforts. Our research is aimed at the definition of a methodological framework that uses MBSE languages, methods and tools for the development of these simulation systems. A model-based composition approach is defined at the initial steps to identify distributed systems interoperability requirements and hybrid simulation systems characteristics. Guidelines are developed to adopt simulation interoperability standards and conceptual modeling techniques using MBSE methods and tools. Domain specific system complexity and behavior can be captured with model-based approaches during the system architecture and functional design requirements definition. MBSE can allow simulation engineers to formally model different aspects of a problem ranging from architectures to corresponding behavioral analysis, to functional decompositions and user requirements (Jobe, 2008).
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Date Issued
CFE0005395, ucf:50464
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Lee, Thomas W, Walker, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Modern agricultural systems have been criticized for their detrimental effects on the environment and a general emphasis on crop yield rather than long-term sustainability. Traditional forms of agriculture may provide case-specific examples of sustainable alternatives for contemporary societies. In the seasonally inundated savannas of the Llanos de Mojos, pre-Columbian Indians piled earth into 'large raised field platforms' elevated high enough above the floodplain to allow crops to grow....
Show moreModern agricultural systems have been criticized for their detrimental effects on the environment and a general emphasis on crop yield rather than long-term sustainability. Traditional forms of agriculture may provide case-specific examples of sustainable alternatives for contemporary societies. In the seasonally inundated savannas of the Llanos de Mojos, pre-Columbian Indians piled earth into 'large raised field platforms' elevated high enough above the floodplain to allow crops to grow. Archaeological evidence indicates that raised field agriculture supported much larger populations than those found in the Beni today. The examination of satellite imagery has revealed more than 40,000 individual fields spread across an area of approximately 7,500 square kilometers. This study created a digitized map of large raised fields to search for spatial patterns in their distribution. A GIS analysis was conducted in which fields were distributed into organizational groups based on characteristics such as proximity and orientation to cardinal direction. These groups represent potential 'social units' involved in the organization of labor required to construct raised fields. This study demonstrated the consistent presence of these units throughout the entirety of the agricultural system. Patterns in the distribution of these groups allowed the study area to be divided into two distinct regions representing a larger scale of organization within a seemingly uniform system. A transitional zone between these two regions was identified on the river Omi, providing a clear area of interest to target in future archaeological excavations. Further archaeological investigations of raised field agriculture have the potential of demonstrating the overall productivity of the system as well as how it was incorporated into the social systems of those who managed it.
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Date Issued
CFH2000192, ucf:45990
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Zooplankton abudance and diversity in central Florida grass carp ponds.
Fry, Douglas Lee, Osborne, John A., Natural Sciences
Abstract / Description
Florida Technological University College of Natural Sciences Thesis; The effect of the Asian grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) and aquatic vegetation upon the zooplankton in four adjacent experimental ponds (0.139 ha each) was studied for one year. Zooplankton were collected with a newly designed shallow-water sampler. Pond 1 contained no aquatic vegetation. Ponds 2, 3, and 4 contained nine species of rooted aquatic plants. Grass carp were stocked into Pond 2 (65 per ha) and Pond 3 ...
Show moreFlorida Technological University College of Natural Sciences Thesis; The effect of the Asian grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val.) and aquatic vegetation upon the zooplankton in four adjacent experimental ponds (0.139 ha each) was studied for one year. Zooplankton were collected with a newly designed shallow-water sampler. Pond 1 contained no aquatic vegetation. Ponds 2, 3, and 4 contained nine species of rooted aquatic plants. Grass carp were stocked into Pond 2 (65 per ha) and Pond 3 (611 per ha). Physicochemical parameters were similar among the ponds. Eighty-eight zooplankton species were enumerated. The abundance of zooplankton groups (Rotifera, Cladoceza, and Copepoda) was not significantly different among the ponds containing grass carp. No significant differences existed between Pond 3 (high grass carp stocking rate) and Pond 4 (no carp) for species diversity (d) and species dominance. The number of species and species diversity (d) was found to be significantly different in Pond 2 (low grass carp stocking rate) when compared to Ponds 3 and 4; those differences probably were not due to the grass carp. Grass carp did not appear to affect the water quality of the ponds. In general, it was concluded that grass carp had little, if any, direct or indirect affect upon the zooplankton. Species commonness was greatest among ponds containing vegetation. Rotifers were the dominant zooplankton group in those ponds. Zooplankton ware moat abundant in the pond without vegetation and were dominated by copepods (notably Tropocyclops prasinus). That pond contained the lowest number of species and had the largest species diversity (d) of the ponds. The annual mean for the Simpson Index (species dominance) was highest in Pond 1. The lack of vegetation may have influenced the abundance and diversity of the zooplankton in Pond 1 compared to the other ponds. Those differences also may have been due to selective predation by mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis); that fish was significantly less abundant in Pond 1.
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Date Issued
CFR0004339, ucf:52999
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The Perception and Measurement of Human-Robot Trust.
Schaefer, Kristin, Hancock, Peter, Jentsch, Florian, Kincaid, John, Reinerman, Lauren, Billings, Deborah, Lee, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As robots penetrate further into the everyday environments, trust in these robots becomes a crucial issue. The purpose of this work was to create and validate a reliable scale that could measure changes in an individual's trust in a robot. Assessment of current trust theory identified measurable antecedents specific to the human, the robot, and the environment. Six experiments subsumed the development of the 40 item trust scale. Scale development included the creation of a 172 item pool. Two...
Show moreAs robots penetrate further into the everyday environments, trust in these robots becomes a crucial issue. The purpose of this work was to create and validate a reliable scale that could measure changes in an individual's trust in a robot. Assessment of current trust theory identified measurable antecedents specific to the human, the robot, and the environment. Six experiments subsumed the development of the 40 item trust scale. Scale development included the creation of a 172 item pool. Two experiments identified the robot features and perceived functional characteristics that were related to the classification of a machine as a robot for this item pool. Item pool reduction techniques and subject matter expert (SME) content validation were used to reduce the scale to 40 items. The two final experiments were then conducted to validate the scale. The finalized 40 item pre-post interaction trust scale was designed to measure trust perceptions specific to HRI. The scale measured trust on a 0-100% rating scale and provides a percentage trust score. A 14 item sub-scale of this final version of the test recommended by SMEs may be sufficient for some HRI tasks, and the implications of this proposition were discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0004931, ucf:49634
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Integrated Maritime Simulation Complex Management, Quality And Training Effectiveness From The Perspective Of Modeling And Simulation In The State Of Florida, USA (A Case Study).
Sendi, Yaser, Kincaid, John, Rabelo, Luis, Lee, Gene, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Naturally, maritime training simulators at all events are valuable instructional and pedagogical tools. Through the history, the maritime simulation was utilized to train prospective maritime apprentices in whom it has filled the gap left by the acute shortage of opportunities for jobs onboard vessels around the globe. However, professional seafarers are the axis of success and competitiveness in the field of maritime training. They are the ones that, who are well trained and have the...
Show moreNaturally, maritime training simulators at all events are valuable instructional and pedagogical tools. Through the history, the maritime simulation was utilized to train prospective maritime apprentices in whom it has filled the gap left by the acute shortage of opportunities for jobs onboard vessels around the globe. However, professional seafarers are the axis of success and competitiveness in the field of maritime training. They are the ones that, who are well trained and have the responsibilities of their work and the surrounding environment. In order to achieve the success along with effective training skills, both maritime companies and seafarers should implement a management of safety onboard ships, which only can be executed through the effective usage of the Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and righteous maritime simulation training.Qualitative upgrading of the maritime training process at higher education levels depends predominantly on the instructive value of the instructors' educational software and the content of these programs which contains advanced and intelligent scenarios that benefit positively in providing effective training in order to, transfer and implement their gained skills from virtual reality to the actual environment with minimal risks and additionally to avoid the unforeseen occurrences at sea. The outcomes of the evaluation have shown the instructional suitability of the maritime educational scheme and significant capabilities, it provides, as well as the domains and frameworks for its instructional development. The above facts are substantial in the refinement and improvement of the current maritime education and growth of the apprentices' capabilities and the professionalism of their skills, along with the farthest purpose of creating more educated marine navigators in the worldwide merchant fleet.This research proposes and demonstrates in details the purpose of the maritime simulation training complexes, the elements that if provided, will lead to an effective maritime simulation training, types of maritime simulation, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), its tools and its power for the effectiveness of the maritime simulation training through different conventions (&) codes and the future for the maritime simulation training, in order to emphasize and accentuate the interplay between instructors and apprentices in an integrated maritime simulation complex on which a serious maritime event is taking place.The distillation of this thesis draws an attention to the effectiveness of the partnership between maritime apprentices and their instructors across a maritime simulation training complex scheme during a virtual maritime scenario event in an advanced facilities located in the state of Florida, which is armed with modern technology, provides both added stimulation for the apprentice himself and elevates the simulator a degree toward a vessel for practical training and/or sailing.
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Date Issued
CFE0005999, ucf:50787
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Trace Element Analysis of Human Dentition from the Elite Meroitic Cemetery at Sedeinga, Sudan to Determine Dietary Consumption and Cultural Behaviors.
Lee, Tiffany, Dupras, Tosha, Schultz, John, Williams, Lana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Minimal research has been conducted on the human skeletal remains from this site, and this research is aimed toward adding knowledge of the Nubian culture for the period between the 1st c. AD to the 4th c. AD, particularly focusing on answering the following questions: 1) Was intra- individual variation present in dietary consumption or cultural behaviors based on elements found within an individual's multiple molars after analysis; 2) Was an inter-individual variation apparent, based on...
Show moreMinimal research has been conducted on the human skeletal remains from this site, and this research is aimed toward adding knowledge of the Nubian culture for the period between the 1st c. AD to the 4th c. AD, particularly focusing on answering the following questions: 1) Was intra- individual variation present in dietary consumption or cultural behaviors based on elements found within an individual's multiple molars after analysis; 2) Was an inter-individual variation apparent, based on developmental age through permanent molars, that indicated a distinction between dietary consumption against all individuals; and 3) Based on known medicinal and cosmetic use of kohl in neighboring societies, as well as archaeological evidence found at Sedeinga, if individuals will have used kohl based on observed increased levels of lead or antimony? A trace element analysis was performed on an archaeological sample from 13 individuals consisting of 21 first, second, and third permanent molars excavated from the elite Nubian Meroitic Cemetery of Sedeinga, located in northern Sudan. Elemental analysis was performed using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma- Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). A total of 13 trace elements including Ca44 and P31; minor elements Mg24, S32, C13, and Sr88; metals Fe56, Cu63, Zn66, Sb121, and Pb208; and La139 and U238 were analyzed for each sample with concentration values mapped and analyzed. The data collected during laser ablation was utilized to create two-dimensional detection and concentration maps of each tooth using MATLAB(&)#174; software. Analysis of concentration values confirmed dietary change from early childhood to late adolescence across the population. Probable use of antimony and lead-based kohl was determined from high concentration values mapped in dentition. Two-dimensional mapping of trace elements within teeth have revealed cultural and dietary changes across the population.
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Date Issued
CFE0007579, ucf:52580
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An Agile Roadmap for Live, Virtual and Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA): A Case Study Using a Component based Integrated Simulation Engine.
Park, Tae Woong, Lee, Gene, Rabelo, Luis, Elshennawy, Ahmad, Kincaid, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Conducting seamless Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) simulation remains the most challenging issue of Modeling and Simulation (M(&)S). There is a lack of interoperability, limited reuse and loose integration between the Live, Virtual and/or Constructive assets across multiple Standard Simulation Architectures (SSAs). There have been various theoretical research endeavors about solving these problems but their solutions resulted in complex and inflexible integration, long user-usage time and...
Show moreConducting seamless Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) simulation remains the most challenging issue of Modeling and Simulation (M(&)S). There is a lack of interoperability, limited reuse and loose integration between the Live, Virtual and/or Constructive assets across multiple Standard Simulation Architectures (SSAs). There have been various theoretical research endeavors about solving these problems but their solutions resulted in complex and inflexible integration, long user-usage time and high cost for LVC simulation. The goal of this research is to provide an Agile Roadmap for the Live Virtual Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA) that will address the above problems and introduce interoperable LVC simulation. Therefore, this research describes how the newest M(&)S technologies can be utilized for LVC simulation interoperability and integration. Then, we will examine the optimal procedure to develop an agile roadmap for the LVC-ITA.In addition, this research illustrated a case study using an Adaptive distributed parallel Simulation environment for Interoperable and reusable Model (AddSIM) that is a component based integrated simulation engine. The agile roadmap of the LVC-ITA that reflects the lessons learned from the case study will contribute to guide M(&)S communities to an efficient path to increase interaction of M(&)S simulation across systems.
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Date Issued
CFE0005682, ucf:52867
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Prediction of survival of early stages lung cancer patients based on ER beta cellular expressions and epidemiological data.
Martinenko, Evgeny, Shivamoggi, Bhimsen, Chow, Lee, Peale, Robert, Brandenburg, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
We attempted a mathematical model for expected prognosis of lung cancer patients based ona multivariate analysis of the values of ER-interacting proteins (ERbeta) and a membranebound, glycosylated phosphoprotein MUC1), and patients clinical data recorded at the timeof initial surgery. We demonstrate that, even with the limited sample size available to use,combination of clinical and biochemical data (in particular, associated with ERbeta andMUC1) allows to predict survival of lung cancer...
Show moreWe attempted a mathematical model for expected prognosis of lung cancer patients based ona multivariate analysis of the values of ER-interacting proteins (ERbeta) and a membranebound, glycosylated phosphoprotein MUC1), and patients clinical data recorded at the timeof initial surgery. We demonstrate that, even with the limited sample size available to use,combination of clinical and biochemical data (in particular, associated with ERbeta andMUC1) allows to predict survival of lung cancer patients with about 80% accuracy whileprediction on the basis of clinical data only gives about 70% accuracy. The present work canbe viewed as a pilot study on the subject: since results conrm that ER-interacting proteinsindeed inuence lung cancer patients' survival, more data is currently being collected.
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Date Issued
CFE0004134, ucf:49120
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Parallel Distributed Discrete Event Simulation Optimization Using Complexity and Deep Learning.
Cortes, Edwin, Rabelo, Luis, Lee, Gene, Kincaid, John, Elshennawy, Ahmad, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Parallel distributed discrete event simulation (PDDES) is the execution of a discrete event simulation on a tightly or loosely coupled computer system with multiple processors. The discrete-event simulation model is decomposed into several logical processors (LPs) or simulation objects that can be executed concurrently using partitioning types such as spatial and temporal. PDDES is exceedingly important for the reduction of the simulation time, increase of model size, intellectual property...
Show moreParallel distributed discrete event simulation (PDDES) is the execution of a discrete event simulation on a tightly or loosely coupled computer system with multiple processors. The discrete-event simulation model is decomposed into several logical processors (LPs) or simulation objects that can be executed concurrently using partitioning types such as spatial and temporal. PDDES is exceedingly important for the reduction of the simulation time, increase of model size, intellectual property issue mitigation in multi-enterprise simulations, and the sharing of resources.One of the problems with PDDES is the time management to provide flow control over event processing, the process flow, and the coordination of different logical processors to take advantage of parallelism. Time Warp (TW), Breathing Time Buckets (BTB), and Breathing Time Warp (BTW) are three time management schemes studied by this research. For a particular PDDES problem, unfortunately, there is no clear methodology to decide a priori a time management scheme to achieve higher system and simulation performance.This dissertation shows a new approach for selecting the optimal time synchronization technique class that corresponds to a particular parallel distributed anddiscrete simulation with different levels of simulation logic complexity. Simulation complexities such as branching, parallelism, function calls, concurrency, iterations, mathematical computations, messaging frequency, event processing, and number of simulation objects interactions were given a weighted parameter value based on the cognitive weight approach. Deep belief neural networks were then used to perform deep learning from the simulation complexity parameters and their corresponding optimal time synchronization scheme value as measured by speedup performance.
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Date Issued
CFE0006211, ucf:51114
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A Framework For Workforce Management An Agent Based Simulation Approach.
Marin, Mario, Rabelo, Luis, Lee, Gene, Elshennawy, Ahmad, Kincaid, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In today's advanced technology world, enterprises are in a constant state of competition. As the intensity of competition increases the need to continuously improve organizational performance has never been greater. Managers at all levels must be on a constant quest for finding ways to maximize their enterprises' strategic resources. Enterprises can develop sustained competitiveness only if their activities create value in unique ways. There should be an emphasis to transfer this...
Show moreIn today's advanced technology world, enterprises are in a constant state of competition. As the intensity of competition increases the need to continuously improve organizational performance has never been greater. Managers at all levels must be on a constant quest for finding ways to maximize their enterprises' strategic resources. Enterprises can develop sustained competitiveness only if their activities create value in unique ways. There should be an emphasis to transfer this competitiveness to the resources it has on hand and the resources it can develop to be used in this environment. The significance of human capital is even greater now, as the intangible value and the tacit knowledge of enterprises' resources should be strategically managed to achieve a greater level of continuous organizational success. This research effort seeks to provide managers with means for accurate decision making for their workforce management. A framework for modeling and managing human capital to achieve effective workforce planning strategies is built to assist enterprise in their long term strategic organizational goals.
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Date Issued
CFE0005375, ucf:50439
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Design of a Framework to Measure the Degree of Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) Simulation Interoperability.
Kim, Kiyoul, Lee, Gene, Rabelo, Luis, Elshennawy, Ahmad, Kincaid, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Accomplishment of the Live, Virtual and Constructive simulation interoperability has been a major goal and a challenge in the Modeling and Simulation (M(&)S) community. There have been efforts to interoperate individual Live, Virtual and Constructive simulations within a common synthetic environment through suitable technologies such as interface specifications, protocols, and standard middleware architectures. However, achieving interoperability of LVC simulation is a technologically complex...
Show moreAccomplishment of the Live, Virtual and Constructive simulation interoperability has been a major goal and a challenge in the Modeling and Simulation (M(&)S) community. There have been efforts to interoperate individual Live, Virtual and Constructive simulations within a common synthetic environment through suitable technologies such as interface specifications, protocols, and standard middleware architectures. However, achieving interoperability of LVC simulation is a technologically complex since it is affected by multiple factors, and the characteristics are not yet satisfactorily defined and studied. A proper method is absent to measure the potential interoperability degree of LVC simulation. Therefore, there should be an appropriate systematic approach to measure the potential LVC simulation interoperability which includes technical, conceptual and organizational domains. This research aims to design a preliminary systematic approach to measure the potential interoperability degree of an individual Live, Virtual and Constructive simulation and a relevant organization which plans to use the simulation system for simulation interoperability. Specifically, a framework that contains components such as a) LVC simulation interoperability domains, b) interoperability domain factors, c) interoperability maturity levels, d) interoperability determination method is proposed. To accomplish the goal, a set of factors that determine the interoperability degree in LVC simulation environment are identified, and the factors are used to build the key elements of the framework. The proposed methodology for the framework design is based on systematic literature reviews and a survey involving a number of relevant domain experts. A case study is demonstrated to prove the validity and effectiveness of the developed framework. The case study illustrates how the interoperability levels of a simulation system and a relevant organization are effectively measured. This research potentially contributes by providing an understanding of the factors that determine the interoperability degree of LVC simulation, improvement of the LVC simulation interoperability measurement process, and consequently, accomplishment of more effective LVC simulation interoperability.
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Date Issued
CFE0005818, ucf:50032
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Aljuaid, Awad, Xanthopoulos, Petros, Karwowski, Waldemar, Hancock, Peter, McCauley, Pamela, Lee, Gene, Kincaid, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Electroencephalography (EEG) has been shown to be a reliable tool in neuroergonomics studies due to the relatively low cost of brain data collection and limited body invasion. The application of EEG frequency bands (including theta, alpha and beta), enjoyed a wide range of interest in physical and cognitive ergonomics. The psychophysical approach has been used for decades to improve safe work practices by understanding human limitations in manual materials handling. The main objective of this...
Show moreElectroencephalography (EEG) has been shown to be a reliable tool in neuroergonomics studies due to the relatively low cost of brain data collection and limited body invasion. The application of EEG frequency bands (including theta, alpha and beta), enjoyed a wide range of interest in physical and cognitive ergonomics. The psychophysical approach has been used for decades to improve safe work practices by understanding human limitations in manual materials handling. The main objective of this research project was to study the brain's EEG activity expressed by the power spectral density during manual lifting tasks related to: 1) the maximum acceptable weight of lift (MAWL) and 2) isokinetic and isometric lifting strength tests measurement outcomes. The first study investigated the changes in EEG power spectral density during determination of MAWL under low, medium, and high lifting frequencies. A high-density wireless dry cell EEG device has been used to record EEG signals. Twenty healthy males participated in this study. Subjects repeated the same experiment after two weeks. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences in EEG power spectral density between different lifting frequencies at three main brain areas (frontal, central, and parietal). The second study revealed differences in brain activities during isokinetic and isometric strength measurements, based on the recording and analysis of EEG power spectral density. This research project is the first study of EEG activity during manual lifting tasks, including the assessment of MAWL by the psychophysical method, as well as the measurement of human isokinetic and isometric strengths. The results of this project are considered critical to our increased understanding of the neural correlates of human physical activities, and consequently should have a positive impact on workplace design that considers brain activity related to specific human capabilities and limitations in manual lifting tasks.
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Date Issued
CFE0006067, ucf:50996
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