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- Title
- Creator
AHRAM, TAREQ, McCauley-Bush, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Information retrieval is much more challenging than traditional small document collection retrieval. The main difference is the importance of correlations between related concepts in complex data structures. These structures have been studied by several information retrieval systems. This research began by performing a comprehensive review and comparison of several techniques of matrix dimensionality estimation and their respective effects on enhancing retrieval performance using singular...
Show moreInformation retrieval is much more challenging than traditional small document collection retrieval. The main difference is the importance of correlations between related concepts in complex data structures. These structures have been studied by several information retrieval systems. This research began by performing a comprehensive review and comparison of several techniques of matrix dimensionality estimation and their respective effects on enhancing retrieval performance using singular value decomposition and latent semantic analysis. Two novel techniques have been introduced in this research to enhance intrinsic dimensionality estimation, the Multi-criteria Decision Weighted model to estimate matrix intrinsic dimensionality for large document collections and the Average Standard Estimator (ASE) for estimating data intrinsic dimensionality based on the singular value decomposition (SVD). ASE estimates the level of significance for singular values resulting from the singular value decomposition. ASE assumes that those variables with deep relations have sufficient correlation and that only those relationships with high singular values are significant and should be maintained. Experimental results over all possible dimensions indicated that ASE improved matrix intrinsic dimensionality estimation by including the effect of both singular values magnitude of decrease and random noise distracters. Analysis based on selected performance measures indicates that for each document collection there is a region of lower dimensionalities associated with improved retrieval performance. However, there was clear disagreement between the various performance measures on the model associated with best performance. The introduction of the multi-weighted model and Analytical Hierarchy Processing (AHP) analysis helped in ranking dimensionality estimation techniques and facilitates satisfying overall model goals by leveraging contradicting constrains and satisfying information retrieval priorities. ASE provided the best estimate for MEDLINE intrinsic dimensionality among all other dimensionality estimation techniques, and further, ASE improved precision and relative relevance by 10.2% and 7.4% respectively. AHP analysis indicates that ASE and the weighted model ranked the best among other methods with 30.3% and 20.3% in satisfying overall model goals in MEDLINE and 22.6% and 25.1% for CRANFIELD. The weighted model improved MEDLINE relative relevance by 4.4%, while the scree plot, weighted model, and ASE provided better estimation of data intrinsic dimensionality for CRANFIELD collection than Kaiser-Guttman and Percentage of variance. ASE dimensionality estimation technique provided a better estimation of CISI intrinsic dimensionality than all other tested methods since all methods except ASE tend to underestimate CISI document collection intrinsic dimensionality. ASE improved CISI average relative relevance and average search length by 28.4% and 22.0% respectively. This research provided evidence supporting a system using a weighted multi-criteria performance evaluation technique resulting in better overall performance than a single criteria ranking model. Thus, the weighted multi-criteria model with dimensionality reduction provides a more efficient implementation for information retrieval than using a full rank model.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002426, ucf:47747
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Joyner, Carla, McCauley-Bell, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research was to examine operator workload and performance in a high risk, multi-task environment. Specifically, the research examined if a gunner of a Future Combat System, such as a Mounted Combat System, could effectively detect targets in the immediate environment while concurrently operating robotic assets in a remote environment. It also analyzed possible effects of individual difference factors, such as spatial ability and attentional control, on operator performance...
Show moreThe purpose of this research was to examine operator workload and performance in a high risk, multi-task environment. Specifically, the research examined if a gunner of a Future Combat System, such as a Mounted Combat System, could effectively detect targets in the immediate environment while concurrently operating robotic assets in a remote environment. It also analyzed possible effects of individual difference factors, such as spatial ability and attentional control, on operator performance and workload. The experimental conditions included a gunner baseline and concurrent task conditions where participants simultaneously performed gunnery tasks and one of the following tasks: monitor an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) via a video feed (Monitor), manage a semi-autonomous UGV, and teleoperate a UGV (Teleop). The analysis showed that the asset condition significantly impacted gunnery performance with the gunner baseline having the highest number of targets detected (M = 13.600 , SD = 2.353), and concurrent Teleop condition the lowest (M = 9.325 , SD = 2.424). The research also found that high spatial ability participants tended to detect more targets than low spatial ability participants. Robotic task performance was also affect by the asset condition. The results showed that the robotic target detection rate was lower for the concurrent task conditions. A significant difference was seen between the UGV-baseline (80.1%) when participants performed UGV tasks only and UGV-concurrent conditions (67.5%) when the participants performed UGV tasks concurrently with gunnery tasks. Overall, this study revealed that there were performance decrements for the gunnery tasks as well as the robotic tasks when the tasks were performed concurrently.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0000979, ucf:46704
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Butler, Chandre, McCauley-Bell, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The utilization of fuzzy mathematical modeling for quantification of the quality of training and educational delivery is an innovative application that can result in measurable and repeatable results. This research was designed to apply proven quantification techniques and Industrial Engineering methodologies to a nontraditional environment. The outcomes of this research provide the foundation, initial steps and preliminary validation for the development of a systematic fuzzy theoretical...
Show moreThe utilization of fuzzy mathematical modeling for quantification of the quality of training and educational delivery is an innovative application that can result in measurable and repeatable results. This research was designed to apply proven quantification techniques and Industrial Engineering methodologies to a nontraditional environment. The outcomes of this research provide the foundation, initial steps and preliminary validation for the development of a systematic fuzzy theoretical model to be applied for the quantification of various areas within training and education delivery. The test bed for this methodology is Orange County Public School system, the twelfth largest school district in the nation. The organizational and operational factors of a large school district are highly compatible with Systems Engineering concepts. The debate over education reform has drawn from referenced areas within the Industrial Engineering community including quality, continuous improvement, benchmarking and metrics development, data analysis, and scientific/systemic justification requirements. In spite of these applications, the literature does not reflect a consistent and broad application of these techniques in addressing the evaluation and quantification of educational delivery systems. This research draws on the previously listed areas within Industrial Engineering to apply these techniques to enhance the understanding and promote quantification of the multiple factors acting on the educational delivery system. The importance of addressing these issues is a national concern given the significant changes in the United States educational delivery system. For example, over the past 40 years there has been a more than three-hundred percent increase in per-pupil appropriations yet the academic performance gains have been limited and the quantification and measurement of those gains is even more limited. This body of work willidentify the systems, sub-systems, system factors, and factor degrees of existence necessary to quantify and measure these performance changes. Finally, the research will quantify the inputs and produce a model that provides a numeric value that represents the condition of the system and various subsystems of an educational system.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000890, ucf:46640
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Butler, Chandre, McCauley-Bush, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The utilization of fuzzy mathematical modeling for the quantification of the Human Engagement is an innovative approach within Interactive Multimedia applications (mainly video-based games designed to entertain or train participants on intended topics of interest) that can result in measurable and repeatable results. These results can then be used to generate a cogent Human Engagement definition. This research is designed to apply proven quantification techniques and Industrial/Systems...
Show moreThe utilization of fuzzy mathematical modeling for the quantification of the Human Engagement is an innovative approach within Interactive Multimedia applications (mainly video-based games designed to entertain or train participants on intended topics of interest) that can result in measurable and repeatable results. These results can then be used to generate a cogent Human Engagement definition. This research is designed to apply proven quantification techniques and Industrial/Systems Engineering methodologies to nontraditional environments such as Interactive Multimedia. The outcomes of this research will provide the foundation, initial steps and preliminary validation for the development of a systematic fuzzy theoretical model to be applied for the quantification of Human Engagement. Why is there a need for Interactive Multimedia applications in commercial and educational environments including K-20 educational systems and industry? In the latter case, the debate over education reform has drawn from referenced areas within the Industrial Engineering community including quality, continuous improvement, benchmarking and metrics development, data analysis, and scientific/systemic justification requirements. In spite of these applications, the literature does not reflect a consistent and broad application of these techniques in addressing the evaluation and quantification of Human Engagement in Interactive Multimedia. It is strongly believed that until an administrative based Human Engagement definition is created and accepted, the benefits of Interactive Multimedia may not be fully realized. The influence of gaming on society is quite apparent. For example, the increased governmental appropriations for Simulations & Modeling development as well as the estimated multi-billion dollar consumer PC/console game market are evidence of Interactive Multimedia opportunity. This body of work will identify factors that address the actual and perceived levels of Human Engagement in Interactive Multimedia systems and Virtual Environments and factor degrees of existence necessary to quantify and measure Human Engagement. Finally, the research will quantify the inputs and produce a model that provides a numeric value that defines the level of Human Engagement as it is evaluated within the interactive multimedia application area. This Human Engagement definition can then be used as the basis of study within other application areas of interest.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003380, ucf:48459
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Reid, Christopher, McCauley-Bush, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Introduction: Lower extremity (LE) work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are known to occur with cumulative exposure to occupational and personal risks. The objective of this dissertation study was to find if creating a quantifiable risk detection model for the LE was feasible. The primary product of the literature review conducted for this study resulted in focusing the attention of the model development process onto creating the initial model of the LE for assessing knee disorder...
Show moreIntroduction: Lower extremity (LE) work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are known to occur with cumulative exposure to occupational and personal risks. The objective of this dissertation study was to find if creating a quantifiable risk detection model for the LE was feasible. The primary product of the literature review conducted for this study resulted in focusing the attention of the model development process onto creating the initial model of the LE for assessing knee disorder risk factors. Literature Review: LE occupational disorders affect numerous industries and thousands of people each year by affecting any one of the musculoskeletal systems deemed susceptible by the occupational and personal risk factors involved. Industries known to be affected tend to have labor intensive job descriptions. Some of the numerous industry examples include mining, manufacturing, firefighting, and carpet laying. Types of WMSDs noticed by the literature include bursitis, osteoarthritis, stress fractures, tissue inflammation, and nerve entrapment. In addition to the occupationally related disorders that may develop, occupationally related discomforts were also taken into consideration by this study. Generally, both the disorders and the discomforts can be traced to either a personal or occupational risk factor or both. Personal risk factors noted by the literature include a person's physical fitness and health history (such as past injuries). Meanwhile, occupational risks can be generalized to physical postures, activities, and even joint angles. Prevalence data over a three year interval (2003-2005) has found that LE WMSDs make up on average approximately 7.5% of all the WMSD cases reported to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When the literature is refined to the information pertaining to occupational knee disorders, the mean prevalence percentage of the same three year range is about 5%. Mean cost for knee injuries were found to be $18,495 (for the year between 2003 and 2004). Methodology: Developing a risk model for the knee meant using groups of subject matter experts for model development and task hazard analysis. Sample occupational risk data also needed to be gathered for each of a series of tasks so that the model could be validated. These sample data were collected from a sample aircraft assembly plant of a US aerospace manufacturer. Results: Based on the disorder and risk data found in the literature, a knee risk assessment model was developed to utilize observational, questionnaire, and direct measure data collection methods. The final version of this study's knee model has an inventory of 11 risk factors (8 occupational and 3 personal) each with varying degrees of risk exposure thresholds (e.g., high risk, moderate risk, or minimal risk). For the occupational risk assessment portion of the model, the results of task evaluations include both an occupational risk resultant score (risk score) and a task risk level (safe or hazardous). This set of results is also available for a cumulative (whole day) assessment. The personal risk assessment portion only produces a risk resultant score. Validation of the knee risk model reveals statistically (t (34) = 1.512, p = 0.156), that it is functioning as it should and can decide between hazardous and safe tasks. Additionally, the model is also capable of analyzing tasks as a series of cumulative daily events and providing an occupational and personal risk overview for individuals. Conclusion: While the model proved to be functional to the given sample site and hypothetical situations, further studies are needed outside of the aerospace manufacturing environment to continue testing both the model's validity and applicability to other industrial environments. The iterative adjustments generated for the occupational risk portion of the model (to reduce false positives and negatives) will need additional studies that will further evaluate professional human judgment of knee risk against this model's results. Future investigations must also make subject matter experts aware of the minimal risk levels of this knee risk assessment model so that task observational results are equally comparable. Additional studies are moreover needed to assess the intimate nature between variable interactions; especially multiple model defined minimal risks within a single task.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002612, ucf:48289
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Jones, Rochelle, McCauley-Bush, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Distance education is the fastest growing educational modality because of advances information technology has made over the past 25 years. Adult learners have become the fastest growing population in distance education. Adult learners, through technical tools and devices they use on the job, have become more digitally literate and mobile, making the ability to access class work on the go a necessity. Mobile learning or m-learning (learning that uses wireless, portable, mobile computing, and...
Show moreDistance education is the fastest growing educational modality because of advances information technology has made over the past 25 years. Adult learners have become the fastest growing population in distance education. Adult learners, through technical tools and devices they use on the job, have become more digitally literate and mobile, making the ability to access class work on the go a necessity. Mobile learning or m-learning (learning that uses wireless, portable, mobile computing, and communication devices) is becoming an extension of distance learning, providing a channel for students to learn, communicate, and access educational material outside the traditional classroom environment. For adult learners, this modality allows them to take advantage of accessing material using mobile devices they use for job related activities. Despite the portability and readiness to information mobile devices provide its users, cognitive and physical ergonomic issues may impact learner performance. These issues may stem from information overload and physical discomfort from extended use of the mobile device which may negatively affect the overall success and satisfaction of m-learning environments. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between physical ergonomic discomfort, subjective workload, physiological response, and the impact on student performance while using mobile technology to read course material. Activity Theory was used as the theoretical foundation that guided the study. Eighty-four research participants, all over the age of 25, read a passage using one of two distance education modalities: desktop computer or mobile device. While reading the passage, one of three task load levels was imposed on participants: none, low or high. Each participant endured three trials, repeating the same task for each trial. After each trial, participants completed an achievement test and the NASA-TLX assessment. The results from this study provided evidence that mobile learning technologies with increased levels of task load introduced physical ergonomic discomfort and affected perceptions of mental workload in participants. The study also provided evidence that mobile learning technologies with increased levels of task load affected the performance (reading and learning) of participants. Study results provided insight into capabilities and limitations of students in their use of mobile devices for educational purposes. The limitations identified need to be further examined to aid in building successful m-learning environments with the goal of mobile device usage not affecting student performance.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002658, ucf:48212
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Jeelani, Mohammad, McCauley-Bush, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Communication has been identified as a critical component in the outcome of emergency response. Post-mortems of "what went wrong" in disaster responses often point toward breakdown in communication between first responders, those directing rescue efforts, and the general population as one of the primary impediments to rendering timely aid and communicating adequate safety and weather information. Due to the high resilience, relatively low costs, and advanced features of modern hand-held...
Show moreCommunication has been identified as a critical component in the outcome of emergency response. Post-mortems of "what went wrong" in disaster responses often point toward breakdown in communication between first responders, those directing rescue efforts, and the general population as one of the primary impediments to rendering timely aid and communicating adequate safety and weather information. Due to the high resilience, relatively low costs, and advanced features of modern hand-held communication devices, these devices are in a position to drastically improve communication flow during emergency management situations. Due to the lack of official implementation of these devices and the lack of the establishment of standard guidelines for device selection, the use of hand-held communication devices in emergency management is yet to be optimized. Island nations such as the Bahamas, which face unique challenges in regard to emergency management due to geographical, infrastructural, political, and cultural hurdles which are found in the region, can especially benefit from the optimized implementation of hand-held communication devices in emergency management. This study examined current emergency response procedures in The Bahamas, created a baseline for the current use of hand-held communication devices by Bahamian emergency management officials and civilians, identified the communication needs of Bahamian emergency management officials and civilians, and proposed a model for the selection of hand-held communication devices based upon human factors principals and focusing on user priorities. This study began with a focus group interview which included 14 Bahamian emergency management officials in order to gain an understanding of current Bahamian emergency response procedures and the communication challenges faced by emergency management officials during high consequence emergencies. A paper based survey was conducted, in which 31 Bahamian emergency management officials answered demographic, skill level, and functionality questions related to the use of hand-held communication devices to support emergency related activities including those directed toward preparation, mitigation, and response. These emergency management officials provided invaluable input based upon their practical experience in high consequence emergency situations. 155 Bahamian civilians participated in a similar survey which was a reduced version of the survey used for emergency management officials. Both surveys included questions in regard to the background information of the participants, previous handheld communication experience, device performance, and what other communication devices were being utilized. The surveys were analyzed using statistical methods of categorical data analysis and correlations were identified. Several communication needs which were categorized as infrastructure, organizational, and equipment needs as well as a hierarchy of device selection factors in regard to the use of hand-held communication devices during emergency management situations were identified. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used in order to determine the priorities of each of the identified device selection factors and a model for the selection of hand-held communication devices used to support communication flow in high consequence emergency management was proposed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003762, ucf:48765
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Life-cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Water Footprint of Residential Waste Collection and Management Systems.
- Creator
Maimoun, Mousa, Reinhart, Debra, McCauley, Pamela, Cooper, David, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Three troublesome issues concerning residential curbside collection (RCC) and municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems in the United States motivated this research. First, reliance upon inefficient collection and scheduling procedures negatively affect RCC efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and cost. Second, the neglected impact of MSW management practices on water resources. Third, the implications of alternative fuels on the environmental and financial performance of waste...
Show moreThree troublesome issues concerning residential curbside collection (RCC) and municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems in the United States motivated this research. First, reliance upon inefficient collection and scheduling procedures negatively affect RCC efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and cost. Second, the neglected impact of MSW management practices on water resources. Third, the implications of alternative fuels on the environmental and financial performance of waste collection where fuel plays a significant rule. The goal of this study was to select the best RCC program, MSW management practice, and collection fuel. For this study, field data were collected for RCC programs across the State of Florida. The garbage and recyclables generation rates were compared based on garbage collection frequency and use of dual-stream (DS) or single-stream (SS) recyclables collection system. The assessment of the collection programs was evaluated based on GHG emissions, while for the first time, the water footprint (WFP) was calculated for the most commonly used MSW management practices namely landfilling, combustion, and recycling. In comparing alternative collection fuels, two multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tools, TOPSIS and SAW, were used to rank fuel alternatives for the waste collection industry with respect to a multi-level environmental and financial decision matrix. The results showed that SS collection systems exhibited more than a two-fold increase in recyclables generation rates, and a ~2.2-fold greater recycling efficiency compared to DS. The GHG emissions associated with the studied collection programs were estimated to be between 36 and 51 kg CO2eq per metric ton of total household waste (garbage and recyclables), depending on the garbage collection frequency, recyclables collection system (DS or SS) and recyclables compaction. When recyclables offsets were considered, the GHG emissions associated with programs using SS were estimated between -760 and -560, compared to between -270 and -210 kg CO2eq per metric ton of total waste for DS programs. In comparing the WFP of MSW management practices, the results showed that the WFP of waste landfilling can be reduced through implementing bioreactor landfilling. The WFP of electricity generated from waste combustion was less than the electricity from landfill gas. Overall, the WFP of electricity from MSW management practices was drastically less than some renewable energy sources. In comparing the WFP offsets of recyclables, the recycling of renewable commodities, e.g. paper, contributed to the highest WFP offsets compared to other commodities, mainly due to its raw material acquisition high WFPs. This suggests that recycling of renewable goods is the best management practice to reduce the WFP of MSW management. Finally, the MCDA of alternative fuel technologies revealed that diesel is still the best option, followed by hydraulic-hybrid waste collection vehicles (WCVs), then landfill gas (LFG) sourced natural gas, fossil natural gas and biodiesel. The elimination of the fueling station criterion from the financial criteria ranked LFG-sourced natural gas as the best option; suggesting that LFG sourced natural gas is the best alternative to fuel WCV when accessible. In conclusion, field data suggest that RCC system design can significantly impact recyclables generation rate and efficiency, and consequently determine environmental and economic impact of collection systems. The WFP concept was suggested as a method to systematically assess the impact of MSW management practices on water resources. A careful consideration of the WFP of MSW management practices and energy recovered from MSW management facilities is essential for the sustainable appropriation of water resources and development.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005656, ucf:50174
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Comparative Analysis of The Effects Of Virtual Reality Active Video Game And Controller-Free Active Video Game Play On Physiological Response, Perceived Exertion, And Hedonic Experience.
- Creator
Wooden, Shanon, McCauley, Pamela, Rabelo, Luis, Karwowski, Waldemar, Fukuda, David, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Over 60% of US adults are overweight or obese. Sedentary lifestyles are considered major contributors to the high rates and increasing prevalence of obesity. Physical activity is a critical component in shifting from sedentary lifestyles. Studies indicate that less than half of U.S. adults meet the CDC/ACSM physical activity recommendations. Interactive video games can increase PA, but no study has yet assessed physiologic effort, hedonics, and perceived exertion for playing immersive virtual...
Show moreOver 60% of US adults are overweight or obese. Sedentary lifestyles are considered major contributors to the high rates and increasing prevalence of obesity. Physical activity is a critical component in shifting from sedentary lifestyles. Studies indicate that less than half of U.S. adults meet the CDC/ACSM physical activity recommendations. Interactive video games can increase PA, but no study has yet assessed physiologic effort, hedonics, and perceived exertion for playing immersive virtual reality (VR) and controller-free screen-based active video games (AVGs), compared to treadmill walking and resting. We ran 25 subjects (9 female, 16 male) in 10-minute sessions of five conditions. Head Mounted Display VR: Oculus (Fruit Ninja and Boxing), Screen-based AVG: Kinect (Fruit Ninja and Boxing), and Treadmill walking at 3 mph. One, six-condition (Rest, Treadmill 3.0, Kinect Boxing, Kinect Fruit Ninja, Oculus Boxing, Oculus Fruit Ninja) repeated-measures ANOVA was used to examine differences in HRmean. Three, five-condition (Treadmill 3.0, Kinect Boxing, Kinect Fruit Ninja, Oculus Boxing, Oculus Fruit Ninja) repeated-measures ANOVA were used to examine differences in HRpeak, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and Hedonics (Liking). Post hoc analyses using pairwise comparisons were used to further assess significant main effects of the condition. A Pearson's product-moment correlation was run to assess the relationship between activity condition HRmean and RPE VR Boxing elicited the greatest physiological effort, producing vigorous-intensity PA. There was no significant difference in average heart rate for the Treadmill, Kinect Fruit Ninja, Kinect Boxing, and VR Fruit Ninja. Thus, the Kinect and VR sport and casual games are comparable to treadmill walking PA levels and qualify as moderate-intensity activity. The VR Fruit Ninja, VR Boxing, Kinect Fruit Ninja were the most enjoyed activities. Despite having the highest Heart rate and the highest self-reported Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), VR Boxing was significantly more enjoyable than Treadmill Walking. There was no statistically significant correlation between Activity Condition HRmean and RPE.Both casual and sports VR and AVG activities are enjoyable activities for adults, stimulating moderate-to-vigorous activity through a traditionally sedentary medium. This research extends previous works in active video gaming effects on physiological cost, perceived exertion and hedonics and fills the gap relating virtual reality active video games. The significance of the research outcomes is that this analysis provides a scientifically validated approach to support the establishment of physical activity level goals and guidelines in the development of active video games as a response and/or remedy to address the sedentary lifestyles that are contributing to American and global obesity.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007383, ucf:52065
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Body Mass Bias Mitigation for Females in Military Physical Readiness Testing through Load Carriage Implementation.
- Creator
Yeaton, Aaron, McCauley, Pamela, Rabelo, Luis, Lee, Gene, Cummings, Nancy, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The US Military requires specific fitness testing, known as the Physical Readiness Test (PRT), for its members to determine their overall fitness levels. The test currently being used has been shown to have bias towards heavier mass individuals of up to 20%. Prior research has been completed and several recommendations have been made to eliminate mass bias, but this has been conducted almost exclusively on males. There is very little data and research on military physical fitness testing for...
Show moreThe US Military requires specific fitness testing, known as the Physical Readiness Test (PRT), for its members to determine their overall fitness levels. The test currently being used has been shown to have bias towards heavier mass individuals of up to 20%. Prior research has been completed and several recommendations have been made to eliminate mass bias, but this has been conducted almost exclusively on males. There is very little data and research on military physical fitness testing for women besides combat specific evolution exercises. A possibility exists to eliminate the bias for females through implementing load carriage during PRT events. A specified load is to be placed on women while performing the PRT and compared to a non-loaded control test. The results should show if the load carriage devised has a beneficial effect on current testing methods through eliminating the mass bias for women.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0006020, ucf:51009
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Systems Approach to Assessing, Interpreting and Applying Human Error Mishap Data to Mitigate Risk of Future Incidents in a Space Exploration Ground Processing Operations Environment.
- Creator
Alexander, Tiffaney, McCauley, Pamela, Rabelo, Luis, Karwowski, Waldemar, Nunez, Jose, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Research results have shown that more than half of aviation, aerospace and aeronautics mishaps/incidents are attributed to human error. Although many existing incident report systems have been beneficial for identifying engineering failures, most of them are not designed around a theoretical framework of human error, thus failing to address core issues and causes of the mishaps. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a human error assessment framework to identify these causes. This research...
Show moreResearch results have shown that more than half of aviation, aerospace and aeronautics mishaps/incidents are attributed to human error. Although many existing incident report systems have been beneficial for identifying engineering failures, most of them are not designed around a theoretical framework of human error, thus failing to address core issues and causes of the mishaps. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a human error assessment framework to identify these causes. This research focused on identifying causes of human error and leading contributors to historical Launch Vehicle Ground Processing Operations mishaps based on past mishaps, near mishaps, and close calls. Three hypotheses were discussed. The first hypothesis addressed the impact Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) contributing factors (unsafe acts of operators, preconditions for unsafe acts, unsafe supervision, and/or organizational influences) have on human error events (i.e. mishaps, close calls, incident or accidents) in NASA Ground Processing Operations. The second hypothesis focused on determining if the HFACS framework conceptual model could be proven to be a viable analysis and classification system to help classify both latent and active underlying contributors and causes of human error in ground processing operations. Lastly, the third hypothesis focused on determining if the development of a model using the Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART) could be used as a tool to help determine the probability of human error occurrence in ground processing operations. A model to analyze and classify contributing factors to mishaps or incidents, and generate predicted Human Error Probabilities (HEPs) of future occurrence was developed using the HEART and HFACS tools. The research methodology was applied (retrospectively) to six Ground Processing Operations (GPO) Scenarios and 30 years of Launch Vehicle Related Mishap Data. Surveys were used to provide Subject Matter Experts' (SMEs) subjective assessments of the impact Error Producing Conditions (EPC) had on specific tasks. In this research a Logistic Binary Regression model, which identified the four most significant contributing HFACS human error factors was generated. This model provided predicted probabilities of future occurrence of mishaps when these contributing factors are present. The results showed that the HEART and HFACS methods, when modified, can be used as an analysis tool to identify contributing factors, their impact on human error events, and predict the potential probability of future human error occurrence. This methodology and framework was validated through consistency and comparison to other related research. A contribution methodology for other space operations and similar complex operations to follow was provided from this research. Future research should involve broadening the scope to explore and identify other existing models of human error management systems to integrate into complex space systems beyond what was conducted in this research.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006829, ucf:51795
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Fire safety and emergency evacuation training for occupants of building using 3D virtual simulation.
- Creator
Bhide, Sayli, Rabelo, Luis, Lee, Gene, McCauley, Pamela, Ahmad, Ali, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
With advancement in technology, building structures are becoming bigger and more complex. Incidences of horrifying fires that occur in such complex structures resulting in loss of property as well as lives are recorded worldwide. Emergency evacuation training can play a crucial role in mitigating damage not only in cases of fire, explosion or chemical spill but also in cases of natural calamities like floods and hurricanes. Conventional safety training provided in industries mostly comprises...
Show moreWith advancement in technology, building structures are becoming bigger and more complex. Incidences of horrifying fires that occur in such complex structures resulting in loss of property as well as lives are recorded worldwide. Emergency evacuation training can play a crucial role in mitigating damage not only in cases of fire, explosion or chemical spill but also in cases of natural calamities like floods and hurricanes. Conventional safety training provided in industries mostly comprises of unidirectional flow of information. Due to this passive learning style, response of employees in real life emergency situations is known to be ineffective. The proposed research focuses on the development of virtual emergency evacuation safety training for residents, workers and employees. This research developed a 3 dimensional (3D) virtual fire safety and emergency evacuation training for building occupants. A 3D model of a real engineering college building in the University of Central Florida (UCF) was developed in a virtual world and participants could interact with various objects and scenarios in this virtual building on a standard desktop computer using keyboard and mouse. Expert interviews and literature review were utilized to develop contents of fire safety and emergency evacuation training. Also, a slide based fire safety and emergency evacuation training was developed based on same contents and made available through a website. An effort was made to develop both trainings- virtual and slide based to be comparable in terms of contents. A case study with two sets of experiments comprising of 143 participants from UCF community was conducted to understand factors such as fidelity, simulation sickness, engagement and effectiveness of 3D virtual and slide based fire safety and emergency evacuation training. Results of fidelity and simulation sickness validated use of 3D virtual training for training building residents on fire safety and emergency evacuation. Data analysis of knowledge tests allowed to compare short terms and long term effectiveness of 3D virtual training and slide based training. To further understand engagement, physiological measure- electroencephalograph (EEG) of 40 healthy participants was recorded in second set of experiments. Ratio of Beta and Alpha frequency bands was studied to understand attention paid by trainees in 3D virtual and slide based training.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006935, ucf:51647
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Experimental Investigation of the State of Creativity, Critical Thinking and Creativity Training in Undergraduate Engineering Students.
- Creator
Sola, Eric, Hoekstra, Robert, Kotnour, Timothy, McCauley, Pamela, Fiore, Stephen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research explores creativity and critical thinking skills in undergraduate engineering students. The study undertook two experiments in order to gather a better understanding of several factors regarding the interactions between students' creative abilities and the effects of the undergraduate engineering curriculum. Experiment 1 focused on the differences in creative and critical thinking skills in freshman versus senior undergraduate engineering students. Experiment 2 centered on the...
Show moreThis research explores creativity and critical thinking skills in undergraduate engineering students. The study undertook two experiments in order to gather a better understanding of several factors regarding the interactions between students' creative abilities and the effects of the undergraduate engineering curriculum. Experiment 1 focused on the differences in creative and critical thinking skills in freshman versus senior undergraduate engineering students. Experiment 2 centered on the variation in the effects of long-term versus short-term creativity training on senior engineering students. Creative skill was measured using the Test for Creative Thinking (-) Drawing Production (TCT-DP) developed by Urban and Jellen (2010). Measurements for critical thinking utilized the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Assessment (WGCTA) (Watson (&) Glaser, 2008).Experiment 1 found evidence suggesting the freshman engineers within the study were more creative than senior engineers (F = 3.159, P-Value = 0.078). Surprisingly, there was no evidence suggesting the senior engineers had superior critical thinking skills over the freshman engineers (F = 1.054, P-Value = 0.306). The study groups' data was also compared to the normative data provided by the WGCTA test, in order to determine the standing of the two engineering sample groups against the general population. The study's freshman group average ranked in the 70th percentile (freshman engineers' average) when compared to the normative general population's average (50th percentile). The senior participants, on the other hand, scored significantly lower than their corresponding normative group, moving from the 50th percentile (normative average) to slightly above the 35th percentile (senior engineers' average). Based on this evidence, current engineering education methods are detrimental not only to the creative skills of engineering students, but their critical thinking capabilities as well.Experiment 2 results suggested that long-term creativity training provides statistically significant improvements over short-term creativity training (F = 40.381, P-Value = 0.000). This significance was established even though the long-term group was found to have been trained inadvertently before the start of their official training, simply by their knowledge of the course's requirements to provide creative solutions. As such, these results suggest both that continuous creativity training benefits the recipient individuals, and that beginning a more creative approach to collegiate engineering curricula may start as easily as initiating courses with the known expectation that students use creativity in their problem solving whenever feasible. This study provides new insights into the state of creativity and critical thinking in undergraduate engineers. Based on the resulting data, engineering education must be examined and restructured to provide students with the necessary tools to improve their creative and critical thinking skills. Through the use of creativity and critical thinking training and instruction methods, educators can effectively address these observed deficiencies, resulting in engineering students being better prepared for their professional lives within the 21st century workplace.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006183, ucf:51134
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Aljuaid, Awad, Xanthopoulos, Petros, Karwowski, Waldemar, Hancock, Peter, McCauley, Pamela, Lee, Gene, Kincaid, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Electroencephalography (EEG) has been shown to be a reliable tool in neuroergonomics studies due to the relatively low cost of brain data collection and limited body invasion. The application of EEG frequency bands (including theta, alpha and beta), enjoyed a wide range of interest in physical and cognitive ergonomics. The psychophysical approach has been used for decades to improve safe work practices by understanding human limitations in manual materials handling. The main objective of this...
Show moreElectroencephalography (EEG) has been shown to be a reliable tool in neuroergonomics studies due to the relatively low cost of brain data collection and limited body invasion. The application of EEG frequency bands (including theta, alpha and beta), enjoyed a wide range of interest in physical and cognitive ergonomics. The psychophysical approach has been used for decades to improve safe work practices by understanding human limitations in manual materials handling. The main objective of this research project was to study the brain's EEG activity expressed by the power spectral density during manual lifting tasks related to: 1) the maximum acceptable weight of lift (MAWL) and 2) isokinetic and isometric lifting strength tests measurement outcomes. The first study investigated the changes in EEG power spectral density during determination of MAWL under low, medium, and high lifting frequencies. A high-density wireless dry cell EEG device has been used to record EEG signals. Twenty healthy males participated in this study. Subjects repeated the same experiment after two weeks. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences in EEG power spectral density between different lifting frequencies at three main brain areas (frontal, central, and parietal). The second study revealed differences in brain activities during isokinetic and isometric strength measurements, based on the recording and analysis of EEG power spectral density. This research project is the first study of EEG activity during manual lifting tasks, including the assessment of MAWL by the psychophysical method, as well as the measurement of human isokinetic and isometric strengths. The results of this project are considered critical to our increased understanding of the neural correlates of human physical activities, and consequently should have a positive impact on workplace design that considers brain activity related to specific human capabilities and limitations in manual lifting tasks.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006067, ucf:50996
- Format
- Document (PDF)