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The effects of enzymes on activated sludge floc
Reproductive parameters for nine avian species at Moore Creek, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
A serological survey of greater Orlando human, canine, and feline populations for the presence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii
The Microbial Biochemical Potential of Two Detention-Retention Marshes in the Kissimmee River Valley Watershed
The feasibility of detecting poliovirus I in water by radioimmunoassay
Immunological studies of the host parasite relationship of Dirofilaria immitis in domestic canines
Zooplankton abudance and diversity in central Florida grass carp ponds
Antibodies to milk antigens in human coronary heart disease
Comparative Histology of the Respiratory Tract of Normal Persmyscus Floridanus and P. Gossypinus and Effects of Exposure to Solid Rocket Motor Fuel Exhaust on P. Gossypinus
Factors affecting the hatching success of loggerhead sea turtle eggs: (Caretta caretta caretta)
Morphological variation and local distribution of Cyprinodon variegatus in Florida
A correlation study on the chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
Vapor phase oxidation of chloropropenes over heterogeneous catalyst systems