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- Title
- A study to determine which factors contribute to the implementation of a successful primary multiage/nongraded program.
- Creator
Osborne, Vicki Hils, Pawlas, George E., Education
- Abstract / Description
University of Central Florida College of Education Thesis; Child growth and development pedagogy suggests that not all children are ready to learn the same thing, at the same time, in the same way. Multiage/nongraded programs allow pupils to advance from one concept or skill level to the next as they are ready, regardless of age or grade, which results in continuous progress. Multiage/nongraded education has a solid foundation or research and experience to support its use. However, many...
Show moreUniversity of Central Florida College of Education Thesis; Child growth and development pedagogy suggests that not all children are ready to learn the same thing, at the same time, in the same way. Multiage/nongraded programs allow pupils to advance from one concept or skill level to the next as they are ready, regardless of age or grade, which results in continuous progress. Multiage/nongraded education has a solid foundation or research and experience to support its use. However, many questions still exist regarding the factors that contribute to the implementation of a successful primary multiage/nongraded program. The purpose of this ethnographic study was to identify the (a) critical attributes of a successful multiage/nongraded program, (b) strategies necessary for successful implementation, (c) inservice training needed by teachers, (d) obstacles encountered during implentation, (e) advantages and disadvantages of a multiage/nongraded program for students, and (f) advantages and disadvantages of a multiage/nongraded program for teachers. Data from 58 teachers of primary multiage classes in a large public school district in central Florida were collected during the 1995-96 school year using focus group interviews. An Interview Guide and a demographic questionnaire were developed to help gather data. Data collection procedures for this ethnographic study utilized a series of focus groups, field notes, and audiotape recordings. Data from the interviews were catagorized, analyzed, interpreted, and summarized. Two of the critical attributes of a multiage/nongraded program discussed in this study were developmentally appropriate practices and continuous progress. Other critical attributes included authentic assessment, team teaching, and varied instructional strategies such as integrated thematic teaching and whole language. Implementation strategies discussed were the decision-making process involved in choosing to implement the multiage/nongraded program, the selection of the multiage teacher, professional development activities, student selection, and parental involvement. A large portion of the study was devoted to a discussion of the obstacles encountered during implementation of the multiage/nongraded program. Advantages and disadvantages of a multiage setting for students and teachers were discussed in the review of literature and in the data analysis of participants' responses during the interviews. Implications for practice were included. A list of recommendations for future study was also included.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1996
- Identifier
- CFR0008170, ucf:53075
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Winn, Kenneth, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This descriptive study was designed to determine the extent to which selected self-reported practical and professional factors of teaching influenced teacher job satisfaction and retention within the K-12 public education system. The population of the study was 1321 certified teachers from a large Central Florida school district. The researcher developed the survey instrument based on the constructs of teaching known for motivating teachers to remain within the public school setting (Brunetti...
Show moreThis descriptive study was designed to determine the extent to which selected self-reported practical and professional factors of teaching influenced teacher job satisfaction and retention within the K-12 public education system. The population of the study was 1321 certified teachers from a large Central Florida school district. The researcher developed the survey instrument based on the constructs of teaching known for motivating teachers to remain within the public school setting (Brunetti, 2001; Farkas, Johnson, & Folena, 2005). The researcher's survey was based on the studies of Perie (1997), Brunetti (2001), and Gary (2002). The researcher personally distributed 1321 surveys, respondent informed consent letters and instructions for completing the survey during faculty meetings in November and December 2005. Extra surveys were left at the schools for those who were unable to attend the faculty meetings. A total of 890 surveys were returned for a response rate of 67.4%. The percentage returned was 72.4% for elementary teachers, 58.7% for middle school teachers, and 68.9% for high school teachers. Teacher satisfaction and job retention were influenced by safe working conditions, a collaborative interaction among colleagues, and a supportive administration. Most of the teacher respondents indicated that it was not "very important" to be recognized for being a teacher nor was it "very important" to take on additional leadership roles and responsibilities. Instead, teachers indicated it was "very important" to be given the opportunities to help children develop their talents and skills.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001400, ucf:47071
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Skinner, Colleen, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to determine if mentoring programs had an impact on job satisfaction for beginning elementary principals in the state of Florida. It also examined if the following factors impacted job satisfaction: (a) length of the mentoring program, (b) frequency of meetings, (c) selection process for the mentor, (d) the position of the mentor, or (e) age and gender of the beginning principal. The population for the study consisted of 108 elementary principals with more than...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine if mentoring programs had an impact on job satisfaction for beginning elementary principals in the state of Florida. It also examined if the following factors impacted job satisfaction: (a) length of the mentoring program, (b) frequency of meetings, (c) selection process for the mentor, (d) the position of the mentor, or (e) age and gender of the beginning principal. The population for the study consisted of 108 elementary principals with more than six months and less than fours years of experience in the state of Florida. Twenty-four districts participated in the study, covering all five regional areas in Florida. An online questionnaire, consisting of Bowling Green State University's Job Description Index and Job in General, was administered. The Job Description Index contained five subcategories of Work, Pay, Opportunities for Promotion, Supervision, and People at Work. The instrument Job in General provided an overall job satisfaction rating. An analysis of the Pearson Correlation found there was no statistically significant relationship for those who were in a mentor program compared to those who were not in a mentor program as a beginning principal. However, a Pearson Correlation found a statistically significant relationship between the frequency a mentor met with the beginning principal and job satisfaction in four subcategories: (a) Supervision, (b) Promotion, (c) Pay and (d) People at Work. There was also a significant relationship between the frequency of meeting with a mentor and the Job in General score. Additional analysis showed no statistically significant difference based on the length of the mentoring program, age and gender of the beginning principal, and the position held by the mentor. Recommendations based on this study include providing a formal mentoring program with established guidelines for the frequency of meetings. A school district may design mentor programs to meet the needs of their beginning principals, but close attention should be given to guidelines ensuring regular contact between the mentors and beginning principals. Future studies may continue the research into other factors of mentoring, such as whether a reporting system is in place or follow-up is required by the mentor. Also, this study may be replicated with secondary principals or expanded beyond the state of Florida.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001434, ucf:47045
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Mack, Ana, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study examined differences in academic performance and self-regulated learning based on levels of student participation in Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions in two introductory undergraduate biology and chemistry courses offered at University of Central Florida in the Spring 2006 semester. The sample consisted of 282 students enrolled in the biology class and 451 students enrolled in chemistry. Academic performance was measured using students' final course grades and rates of...
Show moreThis study examined differences in academic performance and self-regulated learning based on levels of student participation in Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions in two introductory undergraduate biology and chemistry courses offered at University of Central Florida in the Spring 2006 semester. The sample consisted of 282 students enrolled in the biology class and 451 students enrolled in chemistry. Academic performance was measured using students' final course grades and rates of withdrawal from the courses. The self-regulated learning constructs of motivation, cognition, metacognition, and resource management were measured using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Relationships between students' gender and ethnic background and levels of SI participation were also analyzed in this research. Findings in both biology and chemistry courses revealed a statistically significant decrease in student motivation from beginning to end of semester. In chemistry, frequent SI participants also showed statistically significantly higher levels of motivation at the end of the semester than occasional and non-SI participants. There were no statistically significant gains in cognitive, metacognitive, and resource management strategies from beginning to end of semester. However, statistically significant differences in resource management were observed at the end of the semester among SI attendance groups in both courses. Students in the high SI attendance group were more likely to use learning resources than those who did not participate regularly or did not participate at all. Statistically significant differences in academic performance based on students' SI participation were found in both biology and chemistry courses. Frequent SI participants had significantly higher final percentage grades and were more likely to receive grades of A, B, or C, than those who either did not attend SI regularly of did not participate at all. They were also less likely to withdraw from the course than occasional or non-SI participants. In biology, no relationship between SI participation, gender, and student ethnic background was found. In chemistry, female students were significantly more likely to attend SI regularly than males. Chemistry minority students had significantly higher representation among occasional SI participants. An important implication involved the use of pedagogical approaches that make lecture classrooms more interactive and encourage student motivation and engagement. This study could be replicated in other science and non-science courses that offer SI sessions. Additional factors in the success of SI programs and student motivation can be added, such as SI leaders' experience and major. Follow-up studies on students who completed the courses included in this study can be conducted to determine whether they reenrolled in other science courses, continued attending SI sessions, and gained self-regulated learning skills.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001516, ucf:47149
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Marshall, Neleffra, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study was a heuristic, descriptive case study of the Alternative Certification Program in 4 central Florida counties. The purpose of this study was to: (a) identify the awareness of the existence of the reported alternative certification components implemented by 4 counties in Florida, and identify any additional components; (b) determine the importance of the targeted teaching criteria needed for successful teaching as identified in the literature to the ACP teacher, principal and...
Show moreThis study was a heuristic, descriptive case study of the Alternative Certification Program in 4 central Florida counties. The purpose of this study was to: (a) identify the awareness of the existence of the reported alternative certification components implemented by 4 counties in Florida, and identify any additional components; (b) determine the importance of the targeted teaching criteria needed for successful teaching as identified in the literature to the ACP teacher, principal and coordinator; (c) determine the advantages/disadvantages of the program as viewed by the ACP participants, principals, and coordinators; (d) identify how many of the 4 counties kept data on participants entering and leaving the program; (e) determine how many participants exited the ACP before completion; and (f) identify if a particular subject area had a higher percentage of ACP teachers. The study was based on data gathered using the Alternative Certification Program Survey, a survey created by the researcher. The population for this study was 4 public school districts in central Florida. The completed surveys yielded a usable return rate of 41% (N= 258). The researcher conducted the data analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results were presented as a whole, as well as disaggregated and presented by county. Analysis of the data revealed: (a) that the awareness of the ACP components varied between counties and respondent groups of teacher participants, principals, and coordinators; (b) the teachers and principals did not agree on rating the importance of the teaching criteria needed for an ACP teacher to be successful, and the coordinators rated all the criteria equally; (c) the perceptions of advantages of the ACP differed between the teacher participants, principals, and coordinators; (d) the perceptions of disadvantages of the ACP differed between the teacher participants, principals, and coordinators; (e) three of the counties kept entrance and exit data on the ACP; (f) one county had <1% non-completion rate for ACP participants; and (g) highest number of ACP participants were entering into the subject areas of math and science. Conclusions, recommendations for future research, and recommendations for alternative certification in central Florida were made. One recommendation for further research was for a study to be replicated with ACP teachers hired for another school year, and repeated in future years, to gather information concerning awareness of the existence of the ACP components, importance of teaching criteria needed for successful teaching, and advantages/disadvantages of the program as perceived by the teacher participants, principals, and coordinators. Another recommendation for future research was to replicate and conduct this study in other Florida counties in order to compare results with those of this study concerning the Alternative Certification Program.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001388, ucf:47003
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Handley, Junella, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine teacher induction strategies and effectiveness at the school level, specifically focusing on how the principal designed and implemented induction activities. It also investigated if the following factors influenced teacher retention: (a) number of instructional staff members, (b) number of first-year teachers, (c) number of second-year teachers, (d) number of third-year teachers, (e) principal's gender, (f) principal's age, (g) principal's...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine teacher induction strategies and effectiveness at the school level, specifically focusing on how the principal designed and implemented induction activities. It also investigated if the following factors influenced teacher retention: (a) number of instructional staff members, (b) number of first-year teachers, (c) number of second-year teachers, (d) number of third-year teachers, (e) principal's gender, (f) principal's age, (g) principal's highest degree earned, (h) principal's total years in education, (i) principal's years in an instructional position, (j) principal's administrative experience, (k) year the school opened, (l) student enrollment, and (m) free and reduced lunch percentages. Common patterns and trends in the data were analyzed to reveal differences between schools with high teacher retention and schools with low teacher retention. All principals of elementary schools in Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida and Orange County Public Schools, Florida were invited to participate in the study. Data were collected through a researcher created, 32-question, online questionnaire. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered. A total of 147 principals completed the survey. Descriptive statistics were used to report the findings and recommend various areas in need of further study. Analyses of these data found that induction activities that were cited in literature as important were being implemented in schools. These induction activities, organized from most implemented to least implemented, were: (a) formal observation by the principal, (b) mentoring, (c) offer school-level professional development, (d) provide an open door policy, (e) visit classrooms of new teachers often, (f) final (end of year) assessment conferences, (g) provide common planning time for grade levels, (h) encourage district level professional development, (i) give time to observe veteran teachers, (j) involve new teachers in decision making, (k) mid-year assessment conference, (l) provide positive feedback for effective practice, (m) preliminary assessment conference, (n) team building activities, (o) allow new teachers to teach same grade level for at least two consecutive years, (p) offer in-service targeting school policies and procedures, (q) reduce number of students with discipline issues when assigning students to new teachers, (r) provide common planning time with mentor, (s) implement professional reading book club (t) reduce workload of new teachers, and (u) certification exams study group. Data also revealed that schools with high teacher retention tended to be older schools, smaller schools, and schools with fewer percentages of students who received free and reduced lunch. When compared to principals in low retention schools, the principals in high retention schools tended to have more teaching experience, were assigned to their present school for several years, and were older. High retention schools showed significantly less teacher migration and attrition than low retention schools. Recommendations based on this study include investigating how school culture relates to teacher retention and examining teacher migration in more detail. Research is needed to determine how mobility of a school district, new construction, rezoning, allocation cuts, and the reappointment process for teachers affects teacher migration rates of schools. In addition, further study could be done to target specific induction components to determine how to make them effective at the school level. Mentoring, team-building activities, and scheduling are components of induction that need further study.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001725, ucf:47312
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Ashford, Rebecca, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this study, 94 colleges and universities in Florida were surveyed to determine what their admission policies were for home school applicants. Forty-six colleges responded to the survey. The results of the survey were analyzed to determine if there was a pattern of acceptance based on institution type--public, private, or proprietary. Further, the admission policies were analyzed to determine the extent to which they complied with the National Center for Home Education's (NCHE) recommend...
Show moreIn this study, 94 colleges and universities in Florida were surveyed to determine what their admission policies were for home school applicants. Forty-six colleges responded to the survey. The results of the survey were analyzed to determine if there was a pattern of acceptance based on institution type--public, private, or proprietary. Further, the admission policies were analyzed to determine the extent to which they complied with the National Center for Home Education's (NCHE) recommend college admission policies for home school applicants. The researcher found that public colleges were more likely to accept home school students than were private colleges. Also, public colleges had less stringent admission requirements for home school students than did private colleges. Further, home school admission policies in place in Florida's public colleges were more likely to comply with the NCHE's recommended admission policies for home school applicants. In addition to reviewing college admission policies for home school students, the standardized test scores and grade point averages of home school and public school students enrolled in a Florida, public community college were compared. The standardized test scores compared were the College Placement Test (CPT) and the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT). The researcher found no difference in the mean grade point averages of home school and public school students enrolled in a Florida, public community college. Also, the researcher found no difference in the mean CPT algebra, CPT reading, or SAT mathematics scores of home school and public school students. There was, however, a significant difference in the CPT writing and SAT verbal scores for these two groups of students. Home school students scored significantly higher than public school students on the CPT writing and the SAT verbal tests.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000601, ucf:46536
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Vislocky, Karen, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study was developed to produce data about the cultures of selected Florida middle schools. The research was intended to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy as related to student achievement. The focus for this study was provided through three research questions: (a) to determine to what extent middle schools scoring in the top half and the bottom half on the modified version of Wagner and Masden-Copas' School...
Show moreThis study was developed to produce data about the cultures of selected Florida middle schools. The research was intended to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy as related to student achievement. The focus for this study was provided through three research questions: (a) to determine to what extent middle schools scoring in the top half and the bottom half on the modified version of Wagner and Masden-Copas' School Culture Triage Survey differed on various demographic elements; (b) to determine what differences, if any, existed between the cultures of the selected Florida middle schools and student achievement as measured by the percentage of middle school students scoring at level 3 and above on the 2004-2005 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) reading portion; and (c) to determine what relationships, if any, existed among the three key areas of school culture (collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy) and student achievement. The population of this study was comprised of instructional personnel employed at one of the six participating middle schools in Osceola County School District, Florida during the 2004-2005 school year. One middle school chose not to participate in the study. Data were generated from the six middle schools using a self-administered survey. Based on an extensive review of literature and the research findings, it was concluded that sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students that attended schools with higher culture scores produced higher FCAT reading scores. The reverse was also true: sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students that attended schools with lower culture scores produced lower FCAT reading scores. There was a relationship between the three key areas of school culture (collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy) and the reading achievement of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000905, ucf:46732
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Mohapatra, Jhunu, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to examine the perceptions of Orange County high school teachers and administrators regarding selected school characteristics and their relationship to teacher retention. The study was based on another investigation conducted by the Charlotte Advocates of Education (2004) inquiring into the working conditions in schools and their impact on teacher retention. A total of 292 teachers with less than 4 years of experience and 14 administrators with more than 1...
Show moreABSTRACT This study was conducted to examine the perceptions of Orange County high school teachers and administrators regarding selected school characteristics and their relationship to teacher retention. The study was based on another investigation conducted by the Charlotte Advocates of Education (2004) inquiring into the working conditions in schools and their impact on teacher retention. A total of 292 teachers with less than 4 years of experience and 14 administrators with more than 1 year of experience responded to 25 survey items related to the 6 factors comprising positive school characteristics. Factors such as School Facility, Resources, and Professional Development contributed positively to the school characteristics, and Collegial Environment, New Teacher Support, and Teacher Empowerment factors were present to a lesser degree. Administrators perceived, to a greater extent than did teachers, the presence of the six factors. For the most part, the perceptions of teachers regarding the six factors did not differ significantly based on sex, age, education, and ethnicity. Some differences between ethnic groups concerning Professional Development and New Teacher Support factors and some differences between age groups for Collegial Environment and Professional Development factors were determined. The presence of Professional Development and New Teacher Support was a good indicator of teachers' intention to stay in the teaching profession. One fourth of respondents (54, 25%) indicated interest in long-term teaching careers, and almost half of those surveyed wished to conclude their teaching careers within 5 (54, 25%) or 10 (43, 20%) years.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000742, ucf:46571
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Kirkland, Lynn, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110 (U.S. Congress), was passed by Congress in response to perceived failure of the public school system to effectively educate students, particularly disadvantaged students in the United States. The relationship of NCLB school choice to student achievement has not been clearly established. This causal-comparative study examined the following: (a) FCAT mathematics and reading achievement gains of targeted fourth through eighth grade...
Show moreThe No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110 (U.S. Congress), was passed by Congress in response to perceived failure of the public school system to effectively educate students, particularly disadvantaged students in the United States. The relationship of NCLB school choice to student achievement has not been clearly established. This causal-comparative study examined the following: (a) FCAT mathematics and reading achievement gains of targeted fourth through eighth grade NCLB choice students and a comparison group of eligible non-choosers with matching demographic characteristics; (b) the pre-test academic ability levels of NCLB choice students in fourth grade through eighth grade as compared with the achievement levels of eligible non-choosers, and; (c) differences in the ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics of choice students versus eligible non-choosers in kindergarten through eighth grade, and the impact of those differences on the demographic composition of individual schools. Differences in the achievement gains and in the pre-test achievement levels of NCLB choice students and the comparison groups were not statistically significant. NCLB choice students tended to have different ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics from their non-choosing peers. The effect of NCLB choice on Title I students and schools was discussed, and NCLB choice implementation issues were identified.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002915, ucf:48014
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
May, Donald, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The goal of this research was to investigate teachers' perceptions of professional discretion and satisfaction related to internal and external factors of curriculum control. Results of the study were intended to provide data to policy makers and school district administrators that could be used in the development and implementation of the curriculum reform process. Middle and high school teachers in a large central Florida school district completed the survey. The survey's six...
Show moreThe goal of this research was to investigate teachers' perceptions of professional discretion and satisfaction related to internal and external factors of curriculum control. Results of the study were intended to provide data to policy makers and school district administrators that could be used in the development and implementation of the curriculum reform process. Middle and high school teachers in a large central Florida school district completed the survey. The survey's six constructs were 1. Influence of Teacher Beliefs 2. Perceptions of Success and Satisfaction 3. Influence of Tests and Curriculum Guides 4. Teacher Control of Pedagogy 5. Leadership 6. Maintaining High Standards The research questions focused on determining the difference in perspectives due to years of teaching experience, level of teaching (middle or high school), and curriculum control category (high, medium, or low). The results revealed there was not significant disagreement among teacher perceptions based on years of teaching experience. However, results indicated significant differences in perceptions based on level of teaching and curriculum control category in regard to the six survey constructs. The construct of leadership revealed significant differences between both levels of teaching and curriculum control categories. Overall, the results indicated a significant relationship among curriculum control policies and effects on teachers' perceptions of professional discretion and satisfaction. The literature on curriculum reform efforts since the 1980s, specifically in the areas of curriculum standards, textbook adoption policies, testing policies and leadership practices, framed the study. The literature review focused on existing research issues within the six constructs and the research questions. The information gained from this study may be used to inform policies, improve teachers' working conditions, and promote teacher and leadership effectiveness. Recommendations for practice were addressed in terms of what policy makers, school district administrators, and individual classroom teachers can and should do to implement and support meaningful curriculum reform. The researcher emphasized that recognizing the professional expertise and knowing the perspective of teachers are key to the development and implementation of an effective curriculum reform process.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003210, ucf:48572
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Analysis of Teacher Action Research Focused on Differentiated Instruction for Student Subgroups in One Florida School District in 2009-2010.
- Creator
Madden, Michelle, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Witta, Eleanor, Little, Mary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study examined the action research reports written by teachers in one Florida school district after they had received professional development on differentiated instruction and the action research process in the 2009-2010 school year. The 69 reports that were completed by the teachers were assessed using the Action Research Rubric that was developed for this study. This rubric evaluated whether the reports contained the elements of action research along with the characteristics that the...
Show moreThis study examined the action research reports written by teachers in one Florida school district after they had received professional development on differentiated instruction and the action research process in the 2009-2010 school year. The 69 reports that were completed by the teachers were assessed using the Action Research Rubric that was developed for this study. This rubric evaluated whether the reports contained the elements of action research along with the characteristics that the district emphasized as part of the professional development such as differentiation, student subgroups, and collaboration.The Action Research Rubric contained seven subscales: Purpose of the Study, Plan, Professional Collaboration and Resources, Data and Evidence, Results, Instructional Decisions and Professional Reflection, and Sharing Results. Descriptive statistics were found for the aggregate group of reports as well as subgroups depending upon the school level (elementary, middle, or high school), the types of teachers within the elementary category, or the FCAT subject area of focus for the report. Overall, the action research reports met the district's standard as measured by the Action Research Rubric. As an aggregate group, the reports also met the standard on the Purpose of the Study, Professional Collaboration and Resource, and Data and Evidence Subscales. They did not perform as well on the Plan and Sharing Results Subscales.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0004131, ucf:49095
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Investigation of Gender, Prior Access to Athletics, and Interest Levels in Intercollegiate Sports of First-Time-in-College Freshmen.
- Creator
White, Michelle, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Doherty, Walter, Kaplan, Jeffrey, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The focus of this research was to investigate the effects of gender and level of prior access to athletic programs sponsored by school, community, church, student or civic groups, and informal programs on level of first-time-in-college (FTIC) freshmen's interest in participating in intercollegiate athletics. To this end, 1,196 respondents (682 females and 514 males) who were admitted to the University of Central Florida and attended freshman orientation sessions in May and June of 2007 at the...
Show moreThe focus of this research was to investigate the effects of gender and level of prior access to athletic programs sponsored by school, community, church, student or civic groups, and informal programs on level of first-time-in-college (FTIC) freshmen's interest in participating in intercollegiate athletics. To this end, 1,196 respondents (682 females and 514 males) who were admitted to the University of Central Florida and attended freshman orientation sessions in May and June of 2007 at the UCF-Orlando campus completed the face-to-face survey. Participants ranged in age from 18 years of age to 25 years of age, representing varied racial/ethnic backgrounds, with a majority being registered as full-time students at time of the survey. The FTIC freshmen anonymously and voluntarily completed a modified version of The Student Interests in Athletics, Sports, and Fitness Survey (National Collegiate Athletic Association, 1995). Quantitative data gathered through analysis of closed-response questions provided information on their demographics, general interest in athletics, prior access to school and non-school sponsored sports, and interest in participating in college athletics. Survey responses suggested that a gender difference exists in FTIC freshmen when taking into account prior access to school and non-school sponsored athletics in predicting level of interest in participating in intercollegiate sports. FTIC freshmen males reported having more access to athletics than did FTIC freshmen females prior to attending freshmen orientation sessions in May and June of 2007. In addition, more FTIC freshmen males than females reported being interested in participating in intercollegiate athletics. Lower interest and participation rates by females in intercollegiate sports may, therefore, be an artifact of less access to opportunities to participate in sports during high school.Although almost four decades have passed with the expectation of gender equity within school settings in effect, most educational institutions are not in compliance with Title IX legislation. Females have not been afforded the same opportunities to participate in sports as males, and this appears to have influenced their interest in participating in sports. The findings of this study demonstrate the need for increased enforcement of Title IX legislation at all levels of education for true gender equity and athletic interest to be realized.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004458, ucf:49351
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Strengths of Secondary School Principals in One Large Florida School District, and Achievement of Adequate Yearly Progress in 2010-2011.
- Creator
Paduano, Kelly, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Lee, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Increased accountability has led to increased pressure on administrators to meet AYP. By identifying strengths that are present in successful administrators, superintendents will be better equipped to make well-informed selections and administrators can target specific areas for professional growth.This study used a self-assessment created from the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment to analyze the strengths of principals and the commonalities in those strengths based on (a) percentage of...
Show moreIncreased accountability has led to increased pressure on administrators to meet AYP. By identifying strengths that are present in successful administrators, superintendents will be better equipped to make well-informed selections and administrators can target specific areas for professional growth.This study used a self-assessment created from the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment to analyze the strengths of principals and the commonalities in those strengths based on (a) percentage of adequate yearly progress (AYP) achieved, (b) grade levels served (middle school or high school) and (c) community served (urban or suburban). It is important to note that community served is not meant to indicate the socio-economic status of a school, but instead whether schools reside within census defined urban areas.It was found that there was a statistically significant difference in the ranking of principal strength of input based on the adequate yearly progress achievement of the school. There was also a statistically significant difference between the principals' ranking of both the strengths of communication and harmony based on grade level served and strengths of achiever and responsibility based on community served. While other strengths did not show statistically significant differences among various groups, their overall rankings are provided and discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004335, ucf:49457
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Comparison of the School District Curriculum Alignment with Algebra Content Standards.
- Creator
Lipscomb, Karen, Murray, Barbara, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Lee, Pawlas, George, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to analyze school district curriculum alignment with state and national standards to find content omissions that may contribute to low Algebra End-of-Course exam scores in ninth grade. The study primarily looked for algebra course content omissions in the algebra, functions, and statistics' domains of the algebra curriculum. These three categories were chosen because low achievement for ninth grades students was recorded in each category for a Medium Sized Rural...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to analyze school district curriculum alignment with state and national standards to find content omissions that may contribute to low Algebra End-of-Course exam scores in ninth grade. The study primarily looked for algebra course content omissions in the algebra, functions, and statistics' domains of the algebra curriculum. These three categories were chosen because low achievement for ninth grades students was recorded in each category for a Medium Sized Rural School District. The study also examined the pre-algebra curriculum for a Medium Sized Rural School District to see if alignment was present with the algebra curriculum. Embedded skills needed for algebra success were also recorded to develop an in-depth look at the curriculum alignment. The embedded skills are skills that should be mastered before students are placed in the pre-algebra course.The algebra state standards were compared with the Medium Sized Rural School District local algebra standards. From the local standards, 95 coded algebra skills were established as pertinent for mastery of algebra content. The 95 coded algebra skills were used in the constant comparison document analysis to find content omissions in the algebra curriculum, the pre-algebra curriculum, and the algebra textbook. The 95 algebra coded skills were also examined individually to record embedded skills needed for mastery of each skill. An additional study was performed on the amount of time given to the mastery of the 95 algebra coded skills or performance tasks.The following results were found in this research for curriculum alignment. In a Medium Size Rural School District, the algebra curriculum and algebra textbook were analyzed for the presence of 95 essential performance tasks in search for missing content. The algebra curriculum and algebra textbook were both found to be aligned with the algebra state standards. These findings allow educators to look at other factors that may contribute to low performance on the Algebra End-of-Course exam. Content omissions were found in the pre-algebra curriculum that showed a lack of alignment with the algebra course. Also, 77 embedded skills were recorded as prerequisites to algebra mastery. Last, the amount of material to be mastered in a ninth grade algebra course may be too numerous for ninth grade algebra students to master the material.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006348, ucf:51574
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Central Florida Educational Leaders' Professional Opinions of the Race to the Top Grant Components Concerning Teacher Evaluation and Compensation Prior to Implementation.
- Creator
Windish, Daniel, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Doherty, Walter, Vitale, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This mixed-methods study was conducted to explore the professional opinions of educational leaders regarding selected components in the Race to the Top (RTTT) grant concerning teacher evaluation and compensation and the potential impact on student achievement. A target university was selected that had students who were professionals in the field of education in either instructional or administrative jobs and were pursuing their doctorates in both Education and Educational Leadership. A...
Show moreThis mixed-methods study was conducted to explore the professional opinions of educational leaders regarding selected components in the Race to the Top (RTTT) grant concerning teacher evaluation and compensation and the potential impact on student achievement. A target university was selected that had students who were professionals in the field of education in either instructional or administrative jobs and were pursuing their doctorates in both Education and Educational Leadership. A researcher created survey and follow-up interview were utilized to gather both quantitative and qualitative data for analysis. Quantitative findings revealed that statistically significant differences in the opinions of educational leaders about the potential impact of the RTTT grant teacher evaluation and compensation components on student achievement existed between two types of professional classification (instructional or administrative). No statistically significant relationship was found between self-reported knowledge of the RTTT and opinions of the fairness of the RTTT teacher evaluation and compensation components. Also, no statistically significant difference was found in the professional opinions about the potential impact of the RTTT grant teacher evaluation and compensation components on student achievement when self-reported school poverty percentage was considered.From qualitative findings, themes emerged surrounding the uncertainty and lack of understanding about the RTTT grant's implementation. Though this study provided baseline data on the opinions of educational leaders on the RTTT teacher evaluation and compensation components, there is still much to be learned about the RTTT grant.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004633, ucf:49929
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A comparison of eighth-grade mathematics scores by state and by the four census-defined regions of national assessment of educational progress (NAEP).
- Creator
Robinson, Laurel, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Little, Mary, Clark, Margaret, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to investigate the information regarding the comparative relationship between the proficient mathematics scores of eighth-grade students on the 2009 state mathematics assessments and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment by state, census (-)defined regions and AYP subgroups. Analysis was completed and six research questions were used to guide the study. A multiple regression was used to assess the relationship between...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to investigate the information regarding the comparative relationship between the proficient mathematics scores of eighth-grade students on the 2009 state mathematics assessments and the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment by state, census (-)defined regions and AYP subgroups. Analysis was completed and six research questions were used to guide the study. A multiple regression was used to assess the relationship between the percentage of eighth-grade students who were proficient in mathematics as assessed by the 2009 NAEP and those who were proficient in mathematics as assessed by their 2009 state assessment. A significant quadratic (non-linear) relationship between the state and NAEP levels of proficiency was determined. Several two-factor split plot (one within-subjects factor and one between-subjects factor) analysis of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to determine if region moderated the difference between the percentage proficient on the state and NAEP assessments for eighth grade students overall and in the following AYP subgroups : (a) low socioeconomic students, (b) white students, (c) black students and (d) Hispanic students. The within-subjects factor was type of test (NAEP or state), and the between-subjects factor was region (Midwest, Northeast, West, and South). Overall, the percentage proficient on state mathematical assessments was always higher than the percentage proficient on the NAEP mathematics assessments. The degree of discrepancy is discussed, as well as possible reasons for this divergence of scores.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005241, ucf:50599
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Second-Order Change Leadership Behaviors of Principals of Urban Elementary Schools and Student Achievement In 2010.
- Creator
Kearney, Janet, Taylor, Rosemarye, Bai, Haiyan, Kaplan, Jeffrey, Pawlas, George, Roberts, Sherron, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The focus on specific principal leadership behaviors that positively impact student achievement has become more and more pronounced since the inception of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Recently, researchers have begun to focus on a more dramatic type of change as a method for improving student achievement in schools. Marzano, Waters, and McNulty (2005) conducted a meta-analysis of more than 5,000 studies and identified seven leadership behaviors that related to improved student...
Show moreThe focus on specific principal leadership behaviors that positively impact student achievement has become more and more pronounced since the inception of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Recently, researchers have begun to focus on a more dramatic type of change as a method for improving student achievement in schools. Marzano, Waters, and McNulty (2005) conducted a meta-analysis of more than 5,000 studies and identified seven leadership behaviors that related to improved student achievement and were viewed as second-order in nature. In many cases, second-order change was needed (a) to accomplish the student achievement improvements necessary to attain Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and (b) to ensure that all students would read on grade level by 2014. For this study, 66 principals from schools with fewer than 60% of students who qualified for free and reduced-price lunches from five urban Florida school districts completed an online survey, Principal Actions Survey (PAS), created to determine which of the seven leadership behaviors successful principals utilized in their schools. Principals were specifically asked to comment on those actions that they felt impacted student achievement and achievement of AYP. Principals consistently responded that they used the seven leadership behaviors, but the results from this study indicated very few statistically significant relationships or predictive relationships. The 66 principal responses were also compared to responses on the PAS of principals from urban Florida elementary schools with more than 60% of students who qualified for free and reduced-price lunches (La Cava, 2009). These comparisons indicated that principals of schools with a higher level of poverty reported utilization of the seven leadership behaviors on a more frequent basis or with a higher success rate than principals at schools with lower poverty levels.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004560, ucf:49255
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Applied Organizational Analysis of School Factors Affecting Technology Integration within the Context of Literacy Instruction.
- Creator
Rawlinson, D'Ann, Boote, David, Zygouris-Coe, Vassiliki, Little, Mary, Pawlas, George, Behrens, Cherie, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this Dissertation in Practice was to analyze the organizational factors affecting technology integration within the context of literacy instruction at a single school site that was preparing to implement a 1:1 mobile device initiative in all K-5 classrooms the following academic year. This was achieved through conducting an organizational analysis using a multi-frame model developed by Bolman and Deal (2008). This study used a convergent parallel mixed methods research design...
Show moreThe purpose of this Dissertation in Practice was to analyze the organizational factors affecting technology integration within the context of literacy instruction at a single school site that was preparing to implement a 1:1 mobile device initiative in all K-5 classrooms the following academic year. This was achieved through conducting an organizational analysis using a multi-frame model developed by Bolman and Deal (2008). This study used a convergent parallel mixed methods research design consisting of teacher and administrator interviews, a quantitative and qualitative survey, and classroom observational data. One main evaluation question was designed to frame this organizational analysis: What organizational factors support and impede technology integration within the context of literacy instruction? To answer the main evaluation question, the evaluator collected data to answer six evaluation sub-questions. The evaluation sub-questions were developed to ensure that data was being collected among Bolman and Deal's (2008) four frames. In the context of integrating technology into literacy instruction, the data collected in this study suggest that the organizational strategies and issues within the human resource frame are impacting, and are impacted by, the organization's political, structural, and symbolic practices. The teachers' lack of opportunities to develop the requisite knowledge, experience, and skills needed to integrate technology into literacy instruction seem to have impacted the teachers' level of technology integration as well as their levels of concern. Data from this organizational analysis indicated that the lack of time was a major obstacle in learning how to integrate mobile devices into literacy instruction. The school's current team-based organizational model, while supporting other aspects of their education practices, may create structural and political barriers to effectively implement the 1:1 mobile device initiative. Observations and interviews suggested that the school values technology to support basic literacy skills, but not the transformative role of technology on literacy in today's society. Using all four frames of the Bolman and Deal's (2008) model allows an organization to look beyond one frame, such as developing human resources through professional development, when working towards implementing a school-wide initiative effectively. Although tailored professional development is necessary for teachers to learn how to integrate technology into literacy instruction, the professional development will not be effective without greater stability in the instructional staff, and focused political and structural solutions that will support the instructional staff's professional learning and implementation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005989, ucf:50768
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Exploration of Communication Perceptions Between Elementary School Staff and the Parents of the Children They Serve.
- Creator
Gardner, Cynthia, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Hastings, Sally, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this quantitative research study was to explore the perceived school communication between elementary school staff and the parents of the children they serve. Staff members and parents, from a central Florida public school district, in both Title I and Non-Title I schools completed an online survey regarding (1) timely school communication, (2) school's website being informative and easy to use, and (3) staff members knowing what is going on in schools. Researchers have long...
Show moreThe purpose of this quantitative research study was to explore the perceived school communication between elementary school staff and the parents of the children they serve. Staff members and parents, from a central Florida public school district, in both Title I and Non-Title I schools completed an online survey regarding (1) timely school communication, (2) school's website being informative and easy to use, and (3) staff members knowing what is going on in schools. Researchers have long explored the importance of family involvement in children's academic success, communication between home and school is an important link in the process. The exploration of possible relationships were addressed using the chi-square test of association. It was anticipated that there would be a difference between the responses of staff and parents of children from Title I and those from Non-Title I schools.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005335, ucf:50516
- Format
- Document (PDF)