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What is socialism?: Answering questions most frequently asked
Workers of the world, unite!: Declaration on the dissolution of the Communist International, adopted May 27, 1943.
Stalinist international anarchism: A condemnation of Stalinist international brigandage and forcible annexation of territory in the light of Marxian fundamentals.
War and unemployment: Capitalism the cause, socialism the solution
Socialist freedom or capitalist serfdom?: Peace and plenty or war and want? : manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party of America, September 1945
Dave Beck, labor merchant: The case history of a labor leader
The Americanism of socialism
Fascism is still a menace
Socialism answers anti-semitism
Economic basis of education
Socialist industrial unionism
Fifteen questions asked by the Providence, R.I., Visitor: Representing the Roman Catholic political machine
War, why?
Daniel De Leon: social architect
Socialism and human nature
The ballot and the class struggle
Inflation of prices or deflation of labor?
Communist Jesuitism
