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An Examination of Job Analysis: Developing Interdisciplinary Strategies in Human Resource Management Facilitative of Mitigating Propensities of Teacher Attrition
Middle Grades Science in Florida: A Comparison of Student Achievement in Comprehensive and Subject-specific Science Courses 2013-2017
An Examination of the Algebra 1 Achievement of Black and Hispanic Student Participants in a Large Urban School District's Mathematics Intervention Program
The impact of ongoing science professional development on standardized assessments of student achievement
A Study of the Relationship Between Second-Order Change Leadership Behaviors of High School Administrators and Student Achievement from 2016-2017
Ubiquitous Computing in Public Education: The Effects of One-to-One Computer Initiatives on Student Achievement on Florida Standardized Assessments
A Comparative Study of Student Performance, Attendance, and Discipline in a Community School in a Large Urban School District in the Southern United States